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Aircraft and transport. IATA announces Wings of Change Europe 2024 theme

For a competitive and sustainable European aviation. The works on 20-21 November in Rome

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has announced that the theme of the 2024 Wings of Change Europe (WOCE) conference will focus on promoting a competitive and sustainable European aviation. The event will be held on 20-21 November in Rome, hosted by ITA Airways.

"Europe's prosperity is inextricably linked to its competitiveness. European policymakers are finally waking up to the erosion of competitiveness after years of over-regulation. With the next European Commission aiming to kick-start a European renaissance, Wings of Change Europe will focus on policy options to strengthen the competitiveness of European aviation. The importance of a strong aviation sector was highlighted in the recent Draghi report which noted how aviation 'enables other branches of the economy to thrive'. It is this vision that needs to be developed strategically with regulators and industry working hand in hand", said Willie Walsh, the association's director general.

Just a few days ago, on September 24, during a panel discussion at IATA's World Sustainability Symposium in Miami, Walsh had harshly criticized the EU's approach to sustainability, accusing it of harming the competitiveness of IATA member airlines. "The EU is not the model to follow", he said. "We should look at what they are doing and not make the same mistakes".

The conference will bring together "industry and policy makers for two days of enlightened debate, focused on driving real change for a more competitive and sustainable aviation system", said Antonino Turicchi, president of ITA Airways, who will give a welcome speech to open the event.

Key policy makers and industry figures attending the event included...

In terms of government and regulatory expertise:

- Filip Cornelis, Director for Aviation, European Commission

- Hugo Espirito Santo, Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Portugal

- Oliver Luksic, Parliamentary State Secretary for Digital and Transport, Germany

- Diantha Raadgers, Senior Policy Advisor, Aviation, for the Ministry of Infrastructure, The Netherlands.

For the aircraft and transport sector, authoritative representatives include:

- Luis Gallego, CEO IAG

- Carsten Spohr, CEO of Lufthansa

- Andrea Benassi, CEO, ITA Airways

- Arndt Schoenemann, president and CEO, DFS

- Ourania Georgoutsakou, CEO of Airlines for Europe.

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AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency