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Alitalia: another 18.4 million euros to ex-workers

Italian Budget Commission will meet again today to complete examination of the decree

The amendment to the Cohesion law decree has been approved which provides for the allocation of a further 18.4 million euros for the redundancy fund of the former national airline Alitalia. The provisional green light arrived yesterday during a meeting at the Budget Commission of the Senate of the Republic. The Commission will meet again today at 3:00 pm to complete the examination of the decree.

The amendment finances the redundancy fund not only of the workers of the former national carrier, but also of the old employees of Alitalia-Cityliner, the former subsidiary regional airline. At the moment, over 2,700 people receive the subsidy, which expires on 30 October 2024. This further allocation will allow the CIG to be extended, while waiting for the workers to be reabsorbed into other company entities.

There is also 24.2 million euros available for the solidarity fund for the air transport sector. An amendment to the cohesion law decree increased the allocation by 5.8 million euros. This is money that will be used to ensure that the overall treatment paid to workers "is equal to 60% of the gross reference salary" received when they worked.

On the same topic, see also the article published by AVIONEWS.

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AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency