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Press release

3,391 news found

Press releasePlanes. CJ EU: the unruly behaviour of an air passenger may constitute an "extraordinary circumstance"

Capable of exempting the carrier from its obligation to pay compensation for the cancellation or long delay of the flight

Nevertheless, the airline must, in respect of the reasonable measures that it must adopt in order to release itself from its obligation to pay compensation, ensure the re-routing of passengers as soon as possible, by means of other direct or indirect flights which may be operated by other carriers more

Press releaseCJ EU. Ryanair-Antitrust: airlines must indicate the VAT on domestic flights and fees charged for paying by credit card

And also check-in fees payable where no method of checking-in free of charge is offered as an alternative; the reply by the low-cost

The Court of Justice of the European Union publishes today the following judgment:"In 2011, Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato – Antitrust (Competition and Market Authority, Italy)(‘the AGCM... more