5,887 news found

People"Sars Emergency": Taiwan almost isolated, the most important carriers don't fly
Taipei, Taiwan - 10 days of quarantine for whom comes from the danger zones
Cathay Pacific, Dragonair and Eva Airways are only few of the Asian airlines that have reduced drastically their operativity because of the Sars phenomenon (Serious Acute Respiratory Syndrome), also because... more

PeopleIt will be once again Northrop Grumman to support Faa in the next seven years
Reston, Usa - A cooperation of USD 50m a year
The reliability of the systems developed by Northrop Grumman in the field of the civil aviation in tuned as the Faa's necessities(Federal Aviation Administration), has been the fundamental key that has... more

PeopleUE: temporary measures to aid the field of air transport
Brussels, Belgium - The changes will deal with the rules to assign the slots
The European Community is trying to put in action some measures "ad hoc" for the field of the air transport, hit heavily by the war in Iraq previously and by the phenomenon of Sars later. Indeed, as... more

People"Sars Emergency": there is not risk of contagion on board of the aircraft
Bangkok, Thailandia - It emerged in yesterday summit between Iata and the Who
After yesterday summit in Bangkok about Sars emergency with leaders of Who, the world-wide organization for the health, Iata, International Air Transport Association have assured there is not risk of contagion... more

PeopleIdentified just before the take off a drunk pilot of American Eagles
Michigan, Usa - Another pilot put in his place
He had to come down from the airplane little before the departure, when he was already inside his cockpit, the pilot of American Eagles whose level of alcohol in the blood turned out to be four times more... more

PeopleAirspace over Lemano Lake will be closed for the G8 of Evian
Bern, Switzerland - Summit will be on June from 1 to 3
Yesterday Swiss federal Council decided to close Lemano Lake's air traffic on May 29 to June 5, in order to guarantee the security of G8 Summit in Evian, in the French border of the lake, next June 1 to... more

PeopleRussia opens its airspace for the route that connects Europe and Asia
Moscow, Russia - To benefit of this situation the Swedish hub of Kallax
It was yesterday the Swedish Government to announce the opening from part of Russia of its airspace for the passage of cargo planes of Lufthansa, Air France and Korean Air. A decision of incredible... more

PeopleA first agreement to help Us airlines has been reached
Washington, Usa - It's waiting for a Bush' confirmation
Some steps ahead have been made in the attempt to lavish to the moribund American airlines a substantial economic aid that, although the losses are still high, will turn out to be a vital puff of oxygen.... more

PeopleNtsb opens an inquiry on a charter company that lost 2 planes in one day
Ohio, Usa - No a specific accusation, but since 2003 there were 3 other incidents with the same plane
Ntsb (National Transportation Safety Board) has decided to open an inquiry on Wednesday after that the day before two Falcon-20 airplanes, owned by the same airline, crashed killing 3 persons on board... more

People"Sars Emergency": sick embarked for 7 flights
Hong Kong, China - All the airplanes were of Lufthansa
A man suffering by Sars (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) embarked for seven times on board of international flights. News has been communicated by official sanitary of Hong Kong. "Last Tuesday - sanitary... more

PeopleFaa announces 10,000 cockpits are now safer
Washington, Usa - An expense of USD 250m, but not everybody is satisfied
Very pleased Faa Administrator (Federal Aviation Administration), Marion Blankey, who yesterday has verified the deadline set up from the American authority, has been respected and on Wednesday there were... more

PeopleIt ended the era of supersonic flight (2): Concorde's technical sheet
Rome, Italy - Flying beyond 2000 km/h on board one of the most tecnological aircraft
The first Concorde, constructed in Folton, raised in flight on December 17, 1971, and it was withdrawned for being exposed in the Imperial War Museum of Duxford in August 1977, while in the 1973 they began... more

PeopleIt ended the era of supersonic flight: Concorde retires
London, UK - A downturn revenue and a lack of reliability the main causes
Little melancholy has spread among the operators but also among the fans to the news that Air France and British Airways will abandon the Concorde as airplane for the civil flights, after 27 years of honored... more

PeopleRussia and Afghanistan in talks about a cooperation in the air transportation
Moscow, Russia - Soony a resumption of the fights between the 2 countries
The Minister of the Afghani Civil Aviation Mirwais Sadeq has had, last week, important talks with his Russian peer, the Minister of Transport Sergei Frank, on the possibility of a cooperation in the field... more

PeopleIsraeli civil aircraft will fly with an anti-missile defense system
Tel Aviv, Israel - System has been developed by military industry
It will be installed soon, on the Israeli air companies' aircraft El To and Arkia, an antimissile defense system for civil aviation. It has been developed by Israeli military industry. News appeared on... more

PeopleBush administration judges as too high the aid plans for the airliners
Washington, Usa - According to the White House the situation is under control
By now it's completely cleared the position of Bush administration, that does not think as legitimate an appropriation of USD 3,2bn to the American airline because, according to official declarations,... more

PeopleAir traffic controllers strike in France, chaos for all the carriers
Paris, France - Maybe 20% of the service will be assured
The strike of the greater part of the French air traffic controllers will today affect strongly the European air companies. The Transalpine workers, indeed, go on strike in order to protest against the... more

PeopleKamikaze-airplane alarm in Frankfurt, but was an authorized flight
Frankfurt, Germany - The small plane had to make photo and video of the city
Yesterday in the afternoon, a small tourism plane has provoked an alarm, in Frankfurt. Aircraft has crossed the German city's skies, not far from skyscrapers, alarming people inside the buildings and... more

People"Sars emergency": plane kept in quarantine at Us airport
California, Usa - There're some suspicious cases aboard of a Tokyo flight
It' very high the emergency for the atypical pneumonia, or Sars (Serious Respiratory Strict Syndrome), that is putting under pressure the abilities of reaction of the sanitary organisms of all the countries,... more

PeopleAea releases the figures of carriers that lose more baggages
Brussels, Belgium - But 85 percent of suitcases arrive to destination in 48 hours
The majority of the passengers are careful about choosing the most reliable airlines, and the selection is done according to many criteria: the services offered, the punctuality of the flights, the good... more

PeopleUsa: all aircraft to be equipped with reinforced cockpit doors for April 9
Washington, Usa - Almost ready the planes of Us carriers, doubts about the foreign ones
They're three the most important changes tied to the anti-terroristic security measures that the American civil aviation has decided to take after the September 11 attacks: armed pilots, the so-called... more

PeopleFaa: less noise when flying over Grand Canyon
Washington, Usa - A Faa delivers a specific directive, but maybe to be applied at national level
It was attended for a long time and finally it has arrived the proposal from part of Faa (Federal Aviation Administration) of a rule to discipline to the acoustic pollution care the tourist flights. In... more

PeopleFinancial aids could come from the war funds to save the Us aviation field
Washington, Usa - But the problem is not fixed with temporary measures
A financial recovery plan for the field of the American civil aviation could be included in the USD 74,7m package Bush president has asked the Conference yesterday in order to support war expenses. But... more

PeopleIata says the airlines liberalization is needed
Montreal, Canada - Iata identified three obstacles to the change the industry needs
The war in Iraq comes at a time when the airlines, having accumulated USD 30bn of losses since September 11, are still struggling with the effects of the worst crisis in the history of the industry. The... more

PeopleNew Icao conference about the safety of flights
Montreal, Canada - They also debate about liberalization of international air transport
The President of the Icao, Assad Kotaite, has called a new conference to provide un update on the contingency plan to ensure the safety of civilian flights during the period of military activity in the... more

PeopleUE will intervene to support the air field if crisis spreads (2): ok for public aids but without distorcions
Brussels, Belgium - But Us carrier could benefit of public support
It will be only a matter of contingent measures and for a limited period of time, they let to know from the European Commission that today has discussed on the provisions that will be adopted in order... more

PeopleCaac will allow Taiwan airlines to use its air routes for emergency reason
Benjing, China - The provision is for civil flights only
The General Administration of Civil Aviation of China, Caac, has emitted an official notice in which the airlines of Taiwan are invited to use the Chinese air routes for emergency needs. An a must-deed,... more

PeopleUE will intervene to support the air field if crisis spreads
Brussels, Belgium - Insurance premiums will be increased too
The European Commission will know to take part in appropriate way as after the September 11 attacks in order to support the aerial field in the case the war in Iraq will have negative effects. It has... more

PeopleWar risk insurance cover is available for the aviation industry
Washington, Usa - Insurers think aircraft losses stem from isolated events
While airlines are putting into place contingency plans, war risk cover is still available for the aviation industry at certain specified and varying limits in premium, according to a senior source. "Insurers... more

PeopleCarriers flying via Hong Kong to apply a fuel surcharge
Hong Kong, China - A temporary measure to last three months
Because of the elevation of the price of the oil some airlines that operate from the international airport of Hong Kong will apply proportioned to the increase on the ticket price. The approval has been... more

PeopleIcao completed an analysis about aviation safety
Montreal, Canada - In 2002 there were 14 aircraft accidents
The Icao (International Civil Aviation Organization) has completed its analysis of the preliminary information available on aviation safety and aviation security for 2002. Regarding safety in 2002, there... more

PeopleIata previews a decrease of world air traffic in case of war
Rome, Italy - The decrease would be comprised between 5% and 20%
Iata (International Air Transport Association) says that the world air traffic, in case of Iraqi war, will entail a decrease from 5% to 20%. This arc percentage has been assumed on the base of the previous... more

PeopleFaa announces some restrictions for commercial and private flights
Washington, Usa - New York and the capital are to be considered as possible targets
In an official notice circulated yesterday by Faa (Federal Aviation Administration) they have been evidenced as sensitive some zones on the American territory, which will be subordinated to flight restrictions.... more

PeopleUK Government gives GBP 65m to Nats
London, Great Britain - It will renew the UK air traffic control
The UK government is to pump GBP 65m into the cash-strapped National Air Traffic Services (Nats). "It will enable us to get on with a very demanding investment programme which will, in effect, renew the... more

PeopleIcao conference on challenges and opportunities of liberalization of air transport
Montreal, Canada - It will be at the end of March in Montreal
The International Civil Aviation Organization (Icao) will host a worldwide air transport conference on "Challenges and opportunities of liberalization", from 24 to 29 March 2003, at its Montreal headquarters. The... more

PeopleUs Government ready to support civil aviation
Washington, Usa - Catastrophic consequences if the war last for more than 90 days
It does not seem that the crisis of the civil aviation, since the September 11 attacks, can find in these months the sprint in order to invert the destiny: the war in Iraq will be lethal for the fates... more

PeopleThe airlines begin to put into effect emergency plans
Rome, Italy - Civil aviation is prepares for the war
The main international airlines, that are operating in the Middle Eastern and in the countries of the Persian Gulf, are preparing in these hours the emergency plans for the international crisis. While... more

PeopleFaa issues a set of procedures the carriers should follow if flying in war-zones
Washington, Usa - But the carriers are lowering their operativity in the Gulf
Faa (Federal Aviation Administration) has issued a statement with a set of suggestions the air companies are likely to follow if they wish to fly over the Gulf zone. A. Hostilities with Iraq appear to... more

PeopleEngland: carriers to pay a double green tax
London, UK - But the consumers will pay an higher ticket
Perhaps to fly "low-cost" in Great Britain will not be possible anymore, or to say better it will not be like it has been until now, if the law proposed by the English transport secretary Alistair Darling... more

PeopleUs school of flight closes its training program for foreign citizens
Washington, Usa - A plunge of the registrations after September 11
The Western Michigan University's College of Aviation, one of the most important schools of flight in the USA, has decided to suspend the training program addressed to the foreigners, which begun with... more

PeopleAgreement between Russia and South Korea in the civil aviation field
Seoul, South Korea - The commercial trading will be smoother
With the agreement signed on Wednesday in Seoul between the Korean Vice Foreign Minister, Kim Jae-sup, and the Russian First Deputy Minister for Transportation, Alexander Neradko, Russia and South Korea... more

PeopleSigned an agreement between Saab Aviocomp-Sas and Gee Bee Air
Linkoping, Sweden - They will supply components for 3 Fokker 50
Saab Aviocomp AB (Sweden) and Sas Component (Denmark) has won together another deal further consolidating its solid position as the major supplier of component services for Fokker 50 operators. They signed... more

PeopleCapps-Two System will be introduced in the american airports within a few days
Washington, Usa - It will enable to issue air tickets with annexed penal record
A new computerized system to issue air ticket with annexed penal record is on the way in the american airports. In order to avoid other terrorist attacks such as Sept. 11, the US Transport department,... more

PeopleA cooperation plan between UE and Pakistani civil aviation
Islamabad, Pakistan - The Asian country will have the chance to conform with European standards
The European Commission has announced that a plan of cooperation with the Pakistani civil aviation will begin soon for a better implementation of those acquaintances that will allow the Asian country... more

PeopleNew Vip planes for New Zealand PM
Auckland, New Zealand - Two B-757s have been purchased by a Dutch airline
The reliability of the Vip flights, operated in New Zeland with 1964 B-727 airplanes, had become so low that the same Prime Minister, Helen Clark, had decided to fly with commercial flights. Finally... more

PeopleCharter flights for clandestin repatriations come back in France
Paris, France -They had been suspended in 1997 and then resumed
30 Ivorians and 24 Senegaleses have been yesterday embarked at Charles de Gaulle airport on board of the air company Euralair Horizon’s airplane, charted by French Government with the collaboration of t... more

PeopleToday Icao will vote its new General Secretary
Montreal, Canada - There are two candidates, an Italian and an Algerian
The council of Icao (International Civil Aviation Organization), UN civil aviation organization, will vote today, March 3rd, its new General Secretary. There are two candidates: the Italian Alfredo Roma,... more

PeopleSigned an agreement between Piaggio Aero Industries and Pan Europeenne Air Service
Finale Ligure, Italy - The Italian company received a job order for two P-180 Avanti
The Piaggio Aero Industries has made an agreement with the Pan Europeenne Air Service, regional French chartering airline, for the sale of two Piaggio P-180 Avanti. This airplane, in fact, for its operating... more

PeopleBoeing ready to construct its pilot training center
Seattle, Usa - Around 7000 pilots will be trained annually
The new Boeing training pilots center will cost at least USD 60m and it will be constructed in Atlanta, addressed essentially to two airlines, the AirTran Airways and the Midwest Express (which is changing... more

PeopleAfghanistan signs an important agreement with the Azerbaijan civil aviation
Kabul, Afghanistan - Another step towards the normality
The real freedom of a people passes more and more through the possibility to move and to establish relationships with other people, especially in a country that remained for decades under the heel of the... more