Civil aviation
11,306 news found

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. Aci Europe: airports support EU coordinated response on Ebola
Brussels, Belgium - Such coordination should involve clear and unequivocal communication of risk assessment as regards the possible spread of the virus in Europe
In the midst of the ongoing Ebola outbreak in West Africa, rising public concerns about its potential spread and an evolving array of national responses in Europe, the European airport trade association... more

Civil aviationNatural disasters on Japan and India: hundreds of airplanes grounded
Tokyo, Japan - Typhoon Vongfong and cyclone Hudhud ravaged the two Asian countries
After Panphone (for more details see AVIONEWS), another typhoon has stricken Japan. Its name is Vongfong and, after crossing the country from South to North, it is leaving the country to release its last... more

Civil aviationLufthansa Cargo to operate all flights despite strike of tomorrow and Thursday
Frankfurt, Germany - Positive news for customers of the airline
Good news for customers of Lufthansa Cargo: the airline plans to operate all of its flights despite the walkout announced by the pilots’ union, Vereinigung Cockpit. The strike was set to ground all cargo f... more

Civil aviationAirplanes and airlines. 24 hour strike on Wednesday, October 8 in easyJet
Rome, Italy - The protest will affect flights to and from Italy
EasyJet Italian cabin crew will walk out all day on Wednesday, October 8. Travellers will suffer great inconveniences as many employees are likely to participate in the protest. The strike will last 24... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. ACI Europe: airports welcomed 7% more passenger traffic during August
Brussels, Belgium - Freight traffic +3.3% while aircraft movements grew by +3.4%
European airport trade body, ACI EUROPE today released its traffic report for the month of August. The report is the only air transport report which includes the full range of civil aviation passenger... more

Civil aviationBoeing: 24 million dollars compensation to Air India for Dreamliner airplanes
New Delhi, India - But the airline asked for 48
Boeing offered a compensation of 24 billion dollars to Air India for the repeated technical snags of -787 Dreamliner airplanes. The carrier has reported 318 delays till June, due to problems with the aircraft. But... more

Civil aviationTyphoon "Phanfone": Japanese carriers ground hundreds of airplanes
Tokyo, Japan - 600 flights cancelled at Tokyo airport
A violent typhoon hit Japan with winds gusting to more than 180 km/h and heavy rains. It headed towards Tokyo yesterday. A US Air Force military died in the sea near Okinawa, while two of his comrades... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. IATA: demand for air travel picks-up in August
Geneva, Switzerland - WHO evaluates the risk of Ebola transmission occurring on an aircraft as "Very low"
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced global passenger traffic results for August showing a slight pick-up in demand over the previous month. Total revenue passenger kilometers (RPKs)... more

Civil aviationAirplanes and airlines. Air France: union calls of the strike but does not sign the agreement
Paris, France - After one night of negotiations, pilots rejected the airlines’ new plan
On Sunday, September 28, the Snpl (National union of airline pilots) withdrew the longest strike in the airline’s history. Most of Air France flights have been grounded since September 15. As reported b... more

Civil aviationAirplanes and airlines. Lufthansa pilots on strike against new retirement scheme
Frankfurt, Germany - Today's protest will also affect early tomorrow's flights
Long-haul Lufthansa aircrafts from and to Frankfurt grounded today from 8:00am to 11:00 pm. As reported by AVIONEWS, the German pilots union Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) is carrying out the protest announced... more

Civil aviationFAA statement update on Chicago Air Traffic control facility
Washington, USA - The Authority has set a target to return Chicago Center to full service by October 13
Air traffic controllers who normally work at the Federal Aviation Administration's Chicago En Route Center in Aurora, IL are now working at other surrounding FAA air traffic facilities to help safely maximize... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. AEA calls for a new dialogue during meeting with members of EP
Brussels, Belgium - The Association has a new website, after launching a twitter news channel and a new logo and branding last year
For the fourth consecutive year, the Association of European Airlines (AEA) held a networking event in the European Parliament on September 24th. The event was hosted by Members of the European Parliament... more

Civil aviationAirplanes and strikes. Italian Minister Lupi defers September 27 strike
Rome, Italy - The walk out was expected from 10:00 am to 6:00pm
The air transport strike of Saturday, September 27 has been deferred by Italian minister Maurizio Lupi through the decree n. 180T. Walk outs had been proclaimed on July 10 by the union Fata-Cisal for... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. ATAG-ICAO: commitment on climate action
New York, Usa - The agreement was co-signed by ACI, CANSO, IATA and other associations
The aviation sector joined other business and government groups at the United Nations Climate Summit yesterday announced a commitment on climate action between the International Civil Aviation Organization... more

Civil aviationCollaborative aviation climate action takes flight (2). Iata: statement by its DG and CEO, Tony Tyler
Geneva, Switzerland - ATAG and ICAO issued yesterday a joint press release
The Air Transport Action Group (ATAG), of which IATA is a member, yesterday issued a joint press release with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The aviation sector is joining with ICAO... more

Civil aviationDassault Falcon 7X airplane ready to take off from the highest airport in the world
Paris, France - French business jet has recently completed tests to fly from “Daocheng Yading” in China
At the beginning of September, Dassault Falcon 7X airplane completed the two week flight tests to be granted approval to operate from the highest commercial airport in the world, China’s “Daocheng Yad... more

Civil aviationUSA: new rules to prevent Ebola exposure on airplanes
Georgia, Usa - Guidelines have been published last Friday by the federal agency for disease prevention
The Center for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) -the national public health institute of the USA- published on Friday new strict guidelines for airline crews to stop Ebola from spreading outside Africa. CDC... more

Civil aviationAirplanes and job. Etihad Airways to host major global cabin crew recruitment drive
Abu Dhabi, UAE - The international days will take place in 12 different cities in five Countries
Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is hosting a major recruitment drive globally, seeking individuals with outstanding hospitality experience to join the airline’s W... more

Civil aviationFAA proposes civil penalties against three companies for allegedly violating hazardous materials regulations
Washington, Usa - From USD 57,400 to USD 63,000
The US Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is proposing civil penalties ranging from $57,400 to $63,000 against three companies for allegedly violating Hazardous Materials R... more

Civil aviationBoeing projects Asia Pacific region to lead global need for 440,000 new aircraft pilots, technicians
Singapore, Singapore - Required over next 20 years. Region makes up 39 percent of overall global demand
Boeing projects the Asia Pacific region’s demand for new commercial airline pilots and maintenance technicians over the next 20 years will be 39 percent of the global need for new airline personnel. The 2... more

Civil aviationCourt of Justice of the EU about legitimacy or less surcharge checked-in baggage transport on airplanes (see "Specials" by AVIONEWS)
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - A sentence that arising from Spain creates an important precedent on debatable matter
The press release that follows the sentence by the Court of Justice of the European Union, in the C-487/12 Vueling Airlines SA / Instituto Galego de Consumo de la Xunta de Galicia case, declared on Septembre... more

Civil aviationCJ of the EU and Vueling Airlines case: Spanish law requiring airlines to carry checked-in baggage without a surcharge, infringes EU law
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - The price in respect of carriage of checked-in baggage is not an unavoidable and foreseeable item in the fare for air travel, but may be an optional price supplement
Spanish legislation prohibits air carriers from making checking in passengers’ baggage subject to an optional price supplement. In August 2010, the airline Vueling Airlines (‘Vueling’) added € 40 to t... more

Civil aviationFAA tests fuels in research and new avio lead-free fuels for general aviation airplanes
Washington, Usa - The first testing phase at its technical center
The US Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced it has selected four unleaded fuels for the first phase of testing at the FAA’s "William J. Hughes" Technical Center. The... more

Civil aviationEU approves new sanctions against Russia: Moscow threatens the aircraft industry
Moscow, Russia - The government says it could close down its airspace, and turn to China for the design of new airplanes
Russia may shut down its airspace to western airlines if there are new sanctions in the energy or finance sectors, stated Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in an interview with the “Vedomosti” new... more

Civil aviationCivil aircraft. Italian ENAV: flight controllers strike tomorrow
Rome, Italy - from 12:30 to 16:30
ENAV (National Society flight assistance) announces that the trade unions and autonomous Licta and Anpcat, announce a strike for the day, September 6th from 12:30 to 16:30. Enav apologizes for the... more

Civil aviationCourt of Justice of the EU: the actual arrival time of a flight corresponds to the time at which at least one of the doors of the aircraft is opened
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - It is only at that time that the length of the delay for the purposes of any compensation may be determined
The delay to a Germanwings flight rom Salzburg to Cologne/Bonn has provid ed the Court of Justice with an opportunity to specify the point in time which corresponds to the actual arrival time of an aircraft.... more

Civil aviationCivil aviation. How is calculated the actually flight time of an airplane, for the purposes of refund for delay?
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - A sentence by the Court of Justice of the EU specifies the point
The case that has brought to the sentence that creates a precedent is that sees as protagonist a Germanwings airplane in flight from Salzsburg to Cologne/Bonn, took off with a three hour and 10 minute... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. IATA: July passenger travel shows strong growth
Geneva, Switzerland - Capacity expanded exactly in tandem with demand, resulting in a global load factor of 82.3%
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced global passenger traffic results for July showing demand growth of 5.3% (measured in revenue passenger kilometers or RPKs) over the previous... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. AEA. European airlines registered a 3.3% growth in passenger numbers in 1H2014
Brussels, Belgium - Compared to the same period of last year, an additional 5.6 million passengers were welcomed
During the first six months of the year, the members of the Association of European Airlines (AEA) registered a 3.3% growth in the number of passengers transported. Compared to the first half of 2013,... more

Civil aviationAircraft and safety. EASA announces its reorganisation structure
Cologne, Germany - To prepare the Agency for the challenges of the coming years
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) revealed on 1 September 2014 a new organisation which aims at preparing the Agency for the challenges of the coming years. The new organisation will enable... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. Swiss agency ATRA releases the 2014 airline holistic safety rating
Geneva, Switzerland - Four major accidents occurred in only 5 months last year, black for air disasters
The independent Swiss rating agency "Air Transport Rating Agency" (ATRA) is releasing the 2014 holistic safety rating for commercial airlines. 2014 is a black year for air disasters. Four major accidents... more

Civil aviationIata: Brussels Airport to become the first European hub for pharmaceutical freight using global certification program
Geneva, Switzerland - The global pharmaceutical industry will spend $8.36 billion on cold chain logistics in 2014 and is expected to expand to more than $10 billion by 2018
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) welcomed the decision of Brussels Airport to become the first European hub for pharmaceutical freight using IATA’s global certification program for s... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. Ebola Virus disease (EVD): advices for departing travellers
Rome, Italy - Airborne transmission has not been documented
Ebola Virus disease (EVD) Health Advice for DEPARTING Travellers, according to the Italian Health Ministry. Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is rare. Cases of EVD have recently been confirmed in West... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. IATA: strategic opportunities for Vietnam aviation
Hanoi, Vietnam - Three strategic areas to focus on: infrastructure, passenger experience and cargo, besides Ebola
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called on the Vietnamese government to work with the air transport sector to strengthen the country’s economy through global air connectivity. IATA i... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. Ebola Virus disease (2): advices for incoming travellers
Rome, Italy - Outbreaks of it and imported cases of the disease have been occurring in West Africa
Ebola Virus disease (EVD) Health Advice for INCOMING Travellers, according to the Italian Health Ministry. Outbreaks of Ebola and imported cases of the disease have been occurring in West Africa... more

Civil aviationIATA welcomes US DOT final approval of Resolution 787
Geneva, Switzerland - The Resolution is the foundation document for the New Distribution Capability (NDC)
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) welcomed the decision by the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) to grant final approval to Resolution 787(i) . The Resolution is the foundation... more

Civil aviationMeeting between Italian Government and Etihad about Alitalia: positive result of the negotiation with mutual satisfaction
Rome, Italy - Graziano Delrio, Maurizio Lupi, MEF's top management and James Hogan were present
The meeting between the Italian Government and Etihad on Alitalia took place this morning at the premiership. The Government was represented by its undersecretary Graziano Delrio, by the Transports... more

Civil aviationAirplanes. Aci Europe: airports welcomed 5.5% more passengers during 1H14
Brussels, Belgium - Freight traffic reported robust growth of +4.6%
European airport trade body, ACI EUROPE yesterday released its traffic report for the first half of 2014. The report is the only air transport report which includes the full range of civil aviation passenger... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. IATA: passenger traffic growth stays strong in June
Geneva, Switzerland - Slight slowing from May
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced global passenger traffic results for June showing a modest deceleration in demand growth compared to the prior month. Total revenue passenger... more

Civil aviationItalian Farnesina: "Humanitarian aid flown in for the people of Gaza"
Rome, Italy - The departure tomorrow morning from Brindisi. Lapo Pistelli on board and 30 tonnes of supplies
A flight carrying humanitarian aid donated by the Italian Cooperation for the people of Gaza will leave the United Nations base in Brindisi tomorrow for Tel Aviv airport The plane, which will also be... more

Civil aviationCouncil of EU: Adoption of agreed restrictive measures in view of Russia's role in Eastern Ukraine
Brussels, Belgium - The actions will apply to new contracts
The Council adopted last Thursday EU restrictive measures in view of Russia's actions destabilising the situation in eastern Ukraine. This decision gives legal value to an agreement reached at the Committee... more

Civil aviationAircraft and ATM. EU supports key TEN-T infrastructure projects with over EUR 320 million
Brussels, Belgium - EC selected a total of 106 plans
In the last Calls of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) Programme the European Commission selected a total of 106 projects that will benefit from over €320 million in EU support for improving t... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. IATA: joint efforts to improve flight safety over conflict zones
Montreal, Canada - Flying today remains safe and secure way to travel
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) joined with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Airports Council International (ACI) and the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization... more

Civil aviationUSA. BTS releases 1st-quarter 2014 air fare data: Cincinnati, Ohio had the highest average, while Sanford, Florida had the lowest
Washington, Usa - According to the figures reported today
The average domestic air fare decreased to $381 in the first quarter of 2014, down 1.0 percent from the average fare of $384 in the first quarter of 2013, adjusted for inflation, the US Department of Transportation’s B... more

Civil aviationIATA: Venezuela still blocking USD 4.1 billion owed to airlines
Miami, USA - International Capacity Falls 36% under Growing Financial Burden
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called on the Venezuelan government to honor the commitment it made in March to permit airlines to repatriate in full and at fair exchange rates airline... more

Civil aviationICAO: its meeting will discuss tomorrow downing of Malaysia Airlines airplane
Montreal, Canada - A high level meeting that will have as themes the risks to civil aviation arising from conflict zones
A meeting will take place tomorrow, 29 July at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in Montreal, to discuss issues surrounding the downing of MH17 flight (Malaysia Airlines aircraft). Olumuyiwa... more

Civil aviationMalaysian Airlines' flight MH17 (3). AEA: debate on airspace security guidance for airlines urgently needed
Brussels, Belgium - The Association strongly condemns its downing
The Association of European Airlines (AEA) calls for an urgent international debate about airspace security guidance for airlines. The downing of Malaysian Airlines’ flight MH17, which AEA strongly condemns, a... more

Civil aviationMalaysian airplane (4). IATA: statement on MH17 flight
Geneva, Switzerland - The declarations from its director general and CEO, Tony Tyler
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released the following statement from its Director General and CEO, Tony Tyler: "The tragedy of MH17 is an outrage. Over the weekend it was confirmed... more

Civil aviationEU Presidency: Italian priorities presented to foreign diplomatic corps at MFA
Rome, Italy - There are three pillars
The priorities of the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union were presented to the foreign diplomatic corps at the MFA in three meetings with various regional groups. The presidency’s u... more

Civil aviationFAA receives unleaded fuels proposals
Washington, Usa - There are approximately 167,000 general aviation aircraft in the US that rely on 100 low lead aviation gasoline for safe operation
The US Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced yesterday it has received ten replacement fuel proposals from producers Afton Chemical Company, Avgas LLC, Shell, S... more