5,396 news found

ReportBattle of Chora (Afghanistan), acquitted the Dutch Generals charged with the murder of 65 civilians
Kabul, Afghanistan - "They have operated in observance of the enlistment rules and Convention of Geneva"
Chora. Uruzgan central province. Afghanistan. On June 15-19th, 2007. Victims: two Dutch soldiers, 16 Afghan soldiers, about 70 Talibans and 65 civilians. Three days of carpet bombing by F-16 fighters,... more

ReportUstica, inquest begins again in the 28th anniversary of the disaster
Rome, Italy - Following to Francesco Cossiga's sentences
Today is the 28th anniversary of Ustica disaster, the air crash which caused the death of 81 people on-board of a DC-9 Itavia airplane, flying from Bologna to Palermo, bursted on flight and disappeared... more

ReportRyanair, Air France, Lufthansa, easyJet "Will survive"
London, United Kingdom - "Davy Stockbrokers" revealed it in a report
Ryanair, Air France-KLM, Lufthansa and easyJet are the European airlines most likely to survive as surging fuel costs and slowing economies send more of them bankrupt, Irish broker "Davy Stockbrokers"... more

ReportEU Court partially erases EC decision against government loans to Olympiaki
Brussels, Belgium - Greek airline recourse has been granted
EU Court has partially erased decisions of European Commission about government loans to the Greek airline Olympiaki Aeroporia Ypiresies, requested in 2002. In 2002, indeed, Greek government had required... more

ReportChina Southern: EUR 923,000 donations for the Sichuan population
Chengdu, China - Transported eight specimen of Panda in the Beijing's zoo
The Sichuan situation is still serious. Recently, this South-Eastern Region of China has been hit by a tremendous earthquake, provoking thousand and thousand of victims and million of evacuated families. China... more

ReportUFOs sighting continues in GB: 13 filmed with a cellular phone
London, Great Britain - Not concordant the testimony of the numerous witnesses
It seems not to be ended the series of sights of not identified aircraft on Great Britain skies of : after the sight, by the crew of a Scottish police operated helicopter of a UFO near Cardiff airport... more

ReportAirOne pilots' strike on next July, 7th
Rome, Italy - Called by Fit-Cisl
Unions Fit-Cisl have called a strike of AirOne's pilots on next July, 7th, against the airline's denial to resume a negotiation on the labour contracts. The strike will last 4 hours, from 10:00am to... more

ReportItalian ENAC calls Alitalia leadership
Rome, Italy - The meeting is planned for next Wednesday
ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Company) has called a summit with Alitalia's president, Aristide Police, and company's leadership. The meeting has been called by ENAC's president, Vito Riggio, for next... more

ReportThe Italian Financial police seizes an executive airplane
Bergamo , Italy - Following the assessment of Vat tax evasion for 850,000 Euros
At term of a series of complex surveying, the Fiscal Police Group of Italian Financial police (Guardia di finanza, GdF) on disposition of the substitute attorney of Bergamo, Manuela Cantù, seized an airplane... more

ReportAlitalia, Senate approves loan-bridge
Rome, Italy - 300m Euro are coming into airline's cashes
Senato has officially approved Prodi's government decree on 300m Euro loan-bridge destined to Alitalia. Votes in favour were 154, opposing votes were 119, while 7 senators have abstained. The new... more

ReportAntonio Tajani new EU Commissioner of Transport
Strasbourg, France - He will replace Jacques Barrot
Antonio Tajani, EC vice-President (see for details AVIONEWS), has been appointed new EU Commissioner of Transport, with 507 ayes. Among the members of European Parliament, 64 abstained and 53 opposing... more

ReportChinese civil aviation to enforce controls in view of "Beijing 2008" Olympic games
Beijing, China - As from 1st July to September 30th
Chinese civil aviation enforces controls on every airport of the country in view of "Beijing 2008" Olympic games planned from 8th to 24th August, to face terrorist attacks' risk. It has announced that... more

ReportMogadishu, mortar shootings in the airport
Mogadishu, Somalia - President Yusuf was the objective
Islamic rebels have attacked the International Mogadishu airport with mortar shooting, today. The objective was Abdullahi Yusuf, President of the Republic, leaving for Addis Abeba (Ethiopia), who's... more

ReportAn "Air Force One" also for Sarkozy?
Paris, France - The French President would prefer an Airbus A-330/200 operated by Air Caraibes
The French President Nicolas Sarkozy, like George W. Bush, wants a personal "Air Force One", or better "Armée de l'Air Un", the daily newspaper "Liberation" reported. According to this newspaper,... more

ReportChina, missing helicopter has been found in Sichuan
Beijing, China - 19 people were on board
The helicopter missing from last May, 31th, while flying to Sichuan in a rescue mission for the earthquake survivors (see for details AVIONEWS), has been found today. The Mi-171 helicopter's wreckage... more

ReportCameras and microphones on board to fight terrorism
London, United Kingdom - The new project against terrorism examined by EC
A new project for the air safety is being examined by the European commission in these days. According to the programme, called "Spies in the sky", cameras and microphones will be fitted on board of the... more

Report"Euro 2008": helicopter violates air-space during Austria-Croatia match
Vienna, Austria - Intercepted and escorted to the ground
A civil helicopter has been intercepted and escorted to the ground by the Austrian aviation, yesterday, while Austria and Croatia national teams were playing at Vienna's "Happel" stadium their first "Euro... more

ReportSecret agreement Washington-Baghdad on American permanence in Iraq
London, United Kingdom - "The Indipendent" tabloid said
USA is forcing Iraqi government to sign a secret agreement with Washington about the unlimited permanence of American troops within next month, as English newspaper "The Indipendent" revealed it. They... more

ReportIndia: union agitation closes air spaces and isolates Calcutta, Kerala and the West of Bengal
Calcutta, India - Against the high oil price
From Europe, the protests burst into flames also in India, where in this moment a strike against the high oil price is in progress: totally isolated Calcutta, Kerala and the West of Bengal. Blocked the... more

ReportBoeing sentenced for environment pollution
Denver, USA - It will pay 926 million dollars
Boeing company, USA's aircraft manufacturer based in Chicago, has been sentenced to pay 926 million dollars to the Federal Court for environment pollution crime. The sentence comes after a 15 year long... more

ReportBurma, US ships forced to go back
Rangoon, Burma - Myanmar military power denies them to land
Four American ships full of humanitarian aids and foodstuffs for the citizens damaged by Nargis cyclone, didn't received any permission to land in Burma by the military junta of Myanmar, worry about the... more

ReportHoly Father will leave from Fiumicino for the 23rd World Youth Day
Rome, Italy - Benedetto XVI will fly to Sydney on July, 12th
Benedetto XVI will leave on Saturday, July 12th from Rome-Fiumicino to reach Sydney, Australia, where he will celebrate the 23rd World Youth Day (WYD) as from 15th to 20th July. The Papal airplane will... more

ReportNaples, "Armoured" skies for the first Italian council of Ministers
Naples, Italy - More than 100 policemen is protecting the city centre
The first council of Ministers of the 4th Berlusconi government is taking place in Naples, today, where the new leadership is talking about security, garbage and Ici fee. Not a detail about Alitalia... more

ReportBrazil, air-crash in San Paolo has been disproved
San Paolo, Brazil - As reported by local airline and airport authorities
A "Big proportions" fire, as reported by some witness, has blazed yesterday in San Paolo, Brazil, in a residential neighborhood nearby Congonhas airport. According to the sources, the fire could have... more

ReportDiplomatic conference on cluster bomb, today
Dublin, Ireland - Aiming to the banishment of these kind of devices
It's started in Dublin the diplomatic conference which will end the works of negotiation about the International treat for the banishment of the cluster bombs. Definition of a reclamation's programme... more

ReportSri Lanka: Tigri Tamil react to an air raid with an attack
Colombo, Sri Lanka - Eight policemen killed
Tigri Tamil, the Singhalese separatist group, has reacted, in a bloody and quick manner, to the air raid of the regular aviation, that yesterday has launched an attack in the jungle in which two governmental... more

ReportUS attack in Pakistani tribal district. Three Alpine injured yesterday in Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan - One of them is seriously injured to the legs
American UAV airplane (Unmanned aerial vehicle), crossed two days ago the Pakistani border, coming from Afghan territory, and bombed 2 buildings in Damadola, tribal village next to Bajahur, with two Hellfire... more

ReportAfghanistan: foot amputated for alpine wounded this morning
Kabul, Afghanistan - But the Italian military man is not in peril of his life
The Corporal Andrea Tomasello has been transported by an Italian Navy's AB-212 helicopter at the French military field hospital in Kabul, where the amputation of a foot has been necessary because of severe... more

ReportA JetBlue passenger remained closed in airplane toilet for three hours
New York, USA - He requested airline for a USD two million compensation
A JetBlue airline passenger has been remained closed in an airplane toilet for three hours, nearly all the flight between California and New York, and have denounced the airline with the request for a... more

ReportChina: Earth still quakes; arduous land rescues
Beijing, China - Because of the heavy rain
The driving rain has prevented the helicopters to reach damaged areas in China south-west, yesterday. Because of the same reason, case to make rescue teams parachute has been rejected, while they have... more

ReportPope in Genoa: sky over the city is armoured
Genoa, Italy - Solid interject by the Police and Civil defense
Thousand and two hundred of people including policemen, financiers, foresters will join the Pope' visit in Genoa on next Saturday and Sunday. In addition to them, 900 Civil defense's volunteers will... more

ReportThe situation in Myanmar according to the OCHA Report No 8
New York, USA - The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Cyclone Nargis struck Myanmar on 2 and 3 May 2008, making landfall in the Ayeyarwady Division and directly hitting the country’s largest city, Yangon. 40 townships in Yangon Division and 7 townships i... more

ReportChina earthquake (2): closed the Chengdu airport
Beijing, China - A press release of the Chinese Government speaks of thousand victims
A press release of the Chinese Government speaks of thousand victims following the dreadful earthquake occurred this morning in South-West China, that has hit 16 districts of the Country. "A disaster",... more

ReportChina earthquake: prime Minister, Wen Jiabao, flies over the damaged zones
Beijing, China - Estimated victims could be 3000-5000 only in Sichuan county, but they're provisional numbers
Chinese Prime Minister, Wen Jiabao, has got into the airplane which is leading him to the places where the strong earthquake has destroyed the South-West part of the country. He said the civil defense's... more

ReportRome-Beirut, flights cancelled
Rome, Italy - Minister Frattini announces national airlift to repatriate Italians
Situation in Beirut is worsening after the fights between Shiite Hezbollah and anti-Syrian troopes which are destroying the city in last hours. At the moment, every flights scheduled from Rome-Fiumicino... more

ReportMissing airplane in Venezuela: copilot corpse image 5
Rome, Italy - The corpse found on night of January, 12th along Falcon State coast
Limbs don't show extra-rotation, typical fractures' sign, hands and feet are placed on the same angle in spite of nails are both on the hands and the feet. 5) The end more

ReportMissing airplane in Venezuela: copilot corpse image 4
Rome, Italy - The corpse found on night of January, 12th along Falcon State coast
The scalp is completely detached from the cranium, which seems to be smooth without any trauma's signs. 4) To be continued more

ReportMissing airplane in Venezuela: copilot corpse image 3
Rome, Italy - The corpse found on night of January, 12th along Falcon State coast
The watch doesn't show coatings or corrosion even after many days in salty water. And it's stopped 2 hours before the air crash. 3) To be continued more

ReportMissing airplane in Venezuela: copilot corpse image 2
Rome, Italy - Corpse found on night of January, 12th along Falcon State coast
Ocean currents stripped away his shoes, belt and clothes, but not his briefs and watch. In an area infested by sharks which could had torn the body, it shows aggressions due to marine microfauna. 2)... more

ReportMissing airplane in Venezuela: copilot's corpse image 1
Rome, Italy - Corpse found on night of January, 12th along Falcon State coast
The skull where the lack of 5 incisors is underlined, with sockets still deep and no signs of bony absorption. more

ReportBurma, 15 Italian tourists back to Fiumicino
Rome, Italy - They were on the North of the Country during "Nargis" passing
Italian 15 tourists landed this morning at Rome-Fiumicino, after a Thai Airways flight from Bangkok, were really worn-out because of their dramatic experience in Burma, devastated by cyclone "Nargis" passing... more

Report147th Italian Army anniversary: an exhibition in Rome (2)
Rome, Italy - Several speeches, valour medal deliveries and an helicopter operations exhibition
During the ceremony there were the speeches of the Chiefs of the general staff, General Fabrizio Castagnetti, of the Chief of the Army staff, General Vincenzo Camporini and of the Defense Minister Arturo... more

Report147th Italian Army anniversary: an exhibition in Rome
Rome, Italy - 120 flags presented on the field at the presence of Italian Republic President
Today in Rome has been held the exhibition for the 147th anniversary of Italian Army, also in the event of the 90th anniversary of the victory in the 1st World War. At the presence on Italian Republic... more

ReportMini-balloonist priest missing: relatives rent an airplane to find him
St. Catarina, Brazil - Researches unavailing after 4 days
Four days after the take-off latched on a thousand mini-balloons full of helium, no one still knows where Antonio Adelir de Carli could be; it has left on last Sunday trying to achieve the record of flight... more

ReportPriest tries to achieve a flight-record and disappear in Brazil
St. Catarina, Brazil - Not much hopes to find him alive
As the hours and the days go by, the hope to find alive the priest Adelir Antonio de Carli decrease. Last Sunday, he has flown hangin' on thousands of mini-balloons pumped up with helium, trying to achieve... more

ReportCaracas Airport (2): no explosive on the Air Europa's airplane
Caracas, Venezuela - It was a false alarm
The Venezuelan police forces have not found any tracks of explosive on Air Europe Airbus A-330 airplane, blocked in the airport of Caracas after the alert launched following a couple of phone calls that... more

ReportPasturages on fire around Buenos Aires: air traffic in trouble
Buenos Aires , Argentina - Stakes lighted on by breeders to protest against government
Breeders of the county around Buenos Aires and Cordoba has lighted on stakes and put fire to the pasturages to protest against the government, creating a deep smoke's cloud which has denied the regular... more

ReportCongo: 40 dead and over 100 injured the numbers of the DC-9's accident belonging to Hewa Bora Airways
Goma, Congo - The Congolese airline is inserted in the "Black List" of European Committee
The numbers of victims is risen by 40 dead (between passengers and people at ground), and over 100 injured. Yesterday a Hewa Bora Airways DC-9 airplane with onboard about 85 passengers crashed on a Birere's... more

ReportThe Pontiff on the airplane flying to the USA
Rome, Italy - Benedetto XVI has left around 12:00pm
Pope Benedetto XVI has left today at 12:00pm on board of a B-777 Alitalia airplane, direct to Washington. A pontifical delegacy and a few journalists are won board too, and the Pope will land at the... more

ReportLaser attack on helicopter: exemplary punishment in Australia
Sydney, Australia - An Italian-Australian young has been found guilty
"What occurred here was a disaster in the making. The court had to send a message to others that the potential to create such a serious risk to public safety will not be tolerated". These are the words... more