5,887 news found

PeopleArmenian Airlines becomes an Iata member
Yerevan, Armenia - It's in line with the standards of the association
An other member joins to the large family of the carriers that make part of the Iata (International Air Transport Association), the association composed from the airlines of all the world that satisfy... more

PeoplePresident Bush: americans face a "real threat"
Washington, Usa - he says "I'm confident we will thwart the attempts"
President Bush said Wednesday that Americans face a "real threat" of more terrorist attacks this summer, but he expressed confidence that new security measures would thwart any new airplane hijackers.He... more

PeopleEuropean Aviation Summit in November
Berlin, Germany - The actual situation and the expectations
From Wednesday 12th to Friday 14th November 2003 Berlin will host the 6th annual European Aviation Summit. The conference will be on last developments in the European aviation industry and expectations... more

PeopleDelivery of a new A-340/600 to Iberia
Madrid, Spain - It will join the current fleet of A-340/300s
Between now and 2006 Iberia will enlarge its fleet with eight new A-340/600. The first one has just been received. The ultra-long range, high capacity aircraft will be used on the Spanish carrier’s major h... more

PeopleUsa: lawmakers are pushing legislation paying for installation of two voice and data recorders
Washington, Usa – It could touch new commercial aircraft ordered after January 1, 2005
US lawmakers are pushing legislation to require the federal government to pay for installing two combination cockpit voice and flight digital data recorder systems on new commercial aircraft ordered after... more

PeopleSeptember 11th: pieces of information underestimated by Us intelligence Agencies
New York, Usa – Congressional report released yesterday
"No one will ever know what might have happened had more connections been draw between these disparate pieces of information…The important point is that the intelligence community, for a variety of reason, d... more

PeopleMore protection against the collapse of travel firms
London, UK - Civil aviation authority ask for a major consultation
The Civil Aviation Authority (Caa) wants passengers more protected when travel firms collapse. Its Air Transport Operators Licence (Atol) scheme exists to protect the public from losing money or being... more

PeopleApcd: the air transport situation
Rome, Italy - Alitalia welcomes 38 delegates
Rome hosted the 54th edition of Air Pollution Control District (Apcd). The heart of the debate was the current situation of air transport, which is characterized by a general crisis - representatives of... more

People2002 was one of the safest year for the Us commercial aviation
Washington, Usa - The new technologies have helped in this way
According to the report unveiled yesterday from the Ntsb (National Transport Safety Board) 2002 can be remembered as one of the safest year for Us commercial flights. In fact, of 34 commercial airline... more

People60 incidents since 1998 because of malfunction of on-flight entertainment units
New York, Usa - Too many incidents are tied to a wrong wiring
According to what reported yesterday from the American daily paper "USA Today", Faa (Federal Aviation Administration) would be acting strongly in order to force the airlines to repair or to modify the... more

PeopleUsa: no rights to join labour unions for the airport security staff
Washington, Usa - Bush administration shares the same point of view
According to a sentence of an American federal court the airport security staff cannot join labor organizations, adopting therefore the disposition of the head of the Transport Security Agency, James Loy.... more

PeopleToday to vote a new European controversial rule for the air companies
Brussels, Belgium - Forced to refund the passenger in case of delays, over-booking and cancellation
A new law would have to be voted this afternoon from the European Parliament, that guarantees considerable compensations to those passengers who endure delays or cancellations from part of the airlines;... more

PeopleDvt victims bring again in Court the air companies
London, Uk - If they should win in appeal the carrier would pay
It begun the long legal battle that sees the greatest airlines in the world to defend themselves from the accusations of those passengers hit from the so called "economy class syndrome", or Dvt (Deep Vein... more

PeopleNo strike will compromise the tourist season in Greece
Athens, Greece - A Court has taken the decision today
They have been judged as "illegal and unauthorized" the strikes of the airport ground staff the Trade Unions had called for the days of July 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, because they would have paralyzed the air traffic,... more

PeopleIata communicates a recover in the field, but it's still too far from 2002 levels
Geneva, Switzerland - Tourist traffic is still penalized, the recover comes from the business one
Although it's not a great recover, the world-wide market of the civil aviation is on its way up again, getting back important passengers rates, that in the month of April have recorded a a drop of 44%... more

PeopleSomali government asks Kenya to reopen airspace
Mogadishu, Somalia - But Nairobi would just try to prevent a terroristic threat
The worry of the international community care the situation in the Horn of Africa is culminated on last Friday with the closing of the Kenya's airspace for any flight from and to Somalia. An obliged... more

PeopleStronger penalties for drunken pilots in the Usa
Washington, Usa - An increase in their number between 2001 and 2002
The Faa (Federal Aviation Administration) has approved a directive with which they are tightened up the measures against the pilots found drunken or under the drug influence during their activity. A... more

PeopleChina provides with own aviation police
Beijing, China - The airport security its main duty
A requirement underlined from many, a demand that was more and more pressing and that now could not remain unheard anymore; for this reason China has decided to equip itself of a police force that will... more

PeopleAn application form to be filled on board for everyone directed to Australia
Sydney, Australia - A new measures to check Sars emergency
All the foreign travellers coming in Australia will have to fill up, since the next Monday a questionnaire on board, according to the disposition of the Australian air transport authorities that they want... more

PeopleThe national air traffic strike hits France
Paris, France - A large number of carriers cancelled their flights
It is the third "black Tuesday" in France in a month because of the strike against the government for a plan to change the pension system. Nearly all the categories have joined to strike, comprised the... more

PeopleRussia drops the ban on flights to China and other former infected countries
Moscow, Russia - But the preventive measures will be severe
Russian Deputy Transport Ministry, Alexander Neradko, has yesterday communicated to all the airlines that the prohibition to operate in China and the other regions hit from the epidemic of Sars has been... more

PeopleStun guns could be used on American planes
Washington, Usa - Now it's important an agreement between Tsa and the carriers
The proposal of a stun gun has been announced yesterday from the spokesman of Tsa (Transport Security Administration) Robert Johnson, who has declared to judge "The arm as practicable, but it is important... more

PeopleUS authorities prohibit the overflight of the DisneyWorld park to a gay catholic plane
Orlando, Usa - It is an anti-terrorism measure
An US federal judge has not granted the exception to a catholic homosexual group in order to overfly DisneyWorld park in Orlando, Florida, on board of a tourism airplane. The aircraft would have to... more

PeopleAir transport: yesterday strike in France provoked the cancellation of 80% of the flights
Paris, France - Roissy-Charles de Gaulle cancelled 75% of the flights
French airport sources have communicated 80% of the flights in arrival and departure from the French airports have been cancelled yesterday, for strike of some mayoralties to the General Directorate of... more

PeopleAir transport: strike without boundaries
Rome, Italy - Nuisances for passengers in transit in French and Italian hubs
Alitalia's ground staff and flight attendants' strike, against the workplaces' cuts of the air company, that has cancelled today 225 flights, it is not the only strike in European air traffic. In fact,... more

PeopleAir companies ask for a deregulation to the Governments
Washington, Usa - More capitals to invest are needed
With a proposal practically supported unanimously from the most important airlines making part of Iata (International Air Transport Association), it has been asked they'll be removed those restrictions,... more

PeopleUN withdraw restriction flight for Baghdad
New York, Usa - Now to see which carriers would operate
The Commission of the United Nations that controls the restrictions applied to Iraq, and that are still in vigor, has withdrawned this morning that ones tied to the flights for Baghdad, applied in 1990.... more

PeopleEU's doubts about aids of Greece to Olympic Airways and Aegean Cronus
Brussels, Belgium - Aids could be compensations for the crisis
The compensations to Greek air companies Olympic Airways and Aegean Cronus for the flights cancelled and for the losses on routes open at the air traffic "They do not seem compatible with the State aids... more

PeopleFrench air traffic controllers tomorrow will strike
Paris, France - 80% of the flights from and for France are in risk
The French air transport will live tomorrow one of its "more warm" days, for a strike called by air transport controllers of Cgt, the main union of category, for a protest against the reform of pensions... more

PeopleItalian-Thai group to build runways
Bangkok, Thailandia - Also two Japanese companies in the order
It’s a consortium of two Japanese companies and the industrial group Italian-Thai Development (ITD) to have adjudicated the order for the construction of the runways at the international airport of Suvarnabhumi.... more

PeopleBefore of the retire Concorde becomes the alcove for two lovers
London, United Kingdom - Two young Spanish had sex beside BA 's Chief
"But let to enjoy themselves!", it has been the expression of Sir, Rod Eddington, Chief of British Airways, about two passengers whom had sex on board of the airplane on which he was embarked, one of... more

PeopleUs free way for the transport of animals on board of aircraft
Boston, Usa - A pony travelled on board of Boston-Chicago flight
Thanks to a pony, embarked on board of the Boston-Chicago flight and used by a blind passenger, who preferred it to a dog, Us Department of Transports introduced a new regulation. The Department established... more

PeopleOms suggests to not go to Taiwan
Taipei, Taiwan - All the island is kept in quarantine
After the allert launched in the past weeks from the WHO (World Health Organization) to not reach the capital of Taiwan, the situation in the Asian Country has quickly get worse, forcing today the WHO... more

PeopleDvt could manifest also during short flights
London, UK - The conclusion after a research of an English institute
According to a study of Aviation Health Institute the "syndrome of economic class" could be manifested also during short flights, as evidenced from the search in issue that takes in consideration 544 British... more

People"Sars Emergency ": according to WHO no risk of contagion by airplane
Geneva, Switzerland - "The phenomenon of Sars' transmission by flight is part of the history"
"We think that the phenomenon of Sars' transmission by aircraft is part of the history", declared Mike Ryan, WHO's coordinator for the fight against Sars, during the World Health Assembly, in Geneva. "Naturally... more

PeopleFive presumed skyjackers were sentenced to life imprisonment in Cuba
Havana, Cuba - News communicated by regimen's newspaper
Cuban daily newspaper Granma, official press organ of the Communist Party, revealed that five persons accused to have try to seize an airplane were sentenced to life imprisonment, by a Cuban Court. According... more

PeopleFT: the Us carriers received remarkable government grant
London, UK - The Congress approved a measure to refund the costs
According to what writes the Financial Times today the American government would have rescued the carriers in difficulty after the September 11, when the terroristic attacks on American targets had literally... more

PeopleTerrorism alert: English Government stops all flights for Kenya
London, UK - On its knees the economy of the African Country
The attacks happened in Riyadh at the beginning of this week could be only the tip of an iceberg, and to testify it the terrorism alarm is released in London, from which they do not leave anymore, since... more

PeopleUS legislators propose to resume the connections with Cuba
Washington, Usa - It would be a way to export the democracy
A group of American legislators has proposed a new approach in order to face the Cuban crisis, having sharpened after the embitterment of the regimen of Fidel Castro. According to them the true arm to... more

PeopleFaa raises the weigh limits both for passengers and for baggages
Washington, Usa - The average man is more and more cumbersome
The tragic incident happened on January 8 at the airport of Charlotte-Douglas (North Carolina), when an airplane crashed because of the excessive weight killing the 21 persons on board, has shaken both... more

People"Sars Emergency ": Russian airlines stop selling tickets for flights to China, Hong Kong and Taiwan
Moscow, Russia - Decision comunicated by Russian aviation authority
The confirmation of the first Sars case in Moscow has convinced Russian Government to take precautionary measures. Russian aviation authority Friday ordered all Russian airlines to stop selling tickets... more

PeopleThe law changes in the Usa: dogs, cats and monkeys can be boarded
Washington, Usa - But they cannot be a nuisance for the activity of the plane
According to the American authorities of the air transport all the animals are not equal, therefore those that are considered of some usefullness for the passengers, can be brought on board. This is... more

PeopleAir France employees go on strike on Tuesday 13
Paris, France - More than half of continental flights cancelled
According to the first forecasts at least 65% of the flights operated by French carrier Air France will be grounded tomorrow because of the general strike against the pension reform. Although the air... more

PeopleFirst commercial flight lands at Iraqi capital
Amman, Jordan - It has been set by a South-African businessman
Although very few they started the commercial air connections on Baghdad, and the first one is dated just yesterday, when an flight charter organized by a South African businessman took off from Amman... more

People"Sars Emergency": WHO advices against travels in Tianjin, in inner Mongolia and in Taiwan
Geneva, Switzerland - It remains the invite to not go to Beijing, in the Shanxi, to Hong Kong and in the Chinese province of Guangdong
Taiwan and two provinces of the Northern China (Tianjin and inner Mongolia), are the new localities where the World Health Organization has adviced against travels, for Sars (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).... more

PeopleRussia to stop all flights to and from China
Moscow, Russia - The fear came with the first Sars victim
After the first person died for Sars this night, also the Government of Moscow means to take drastic precautionary measures before it's too late, in order to be able to reject a possible disease spreading.... more

PeoplePassengers involved in an incident sue their tour operator
Cardiff, UK - The holidaymakers would have suffered psychological injuries
According to an English judge, who yesterday addressed to a group of passengers seeking for a compensation after the airplane on which they travelled was been involved in an incident, has declared these... more

PeopleFirst flight Kabul-Moscow to come back to normality
Moscow, Russia - The connections were suspended in 1996
As more times repeated also by AVIONEWS in the past editions, the resumption of the air connections is presupposition of fundamental importance for whichever country that exited from a war or from a regimen... more

People"Sars Emergency": North Korea has suspended all the routes with China
Pyongyang, North Korea - Provision will have the duration of a month
North-Korean regimen's press agency has communicated today that North Korea has decided the suspension of all the flights in arrival and departure for the Republic of China, in order to try to check the... more

PeopleIn the Usa the one-way flight bookings soar
Washington, Usa - But the demand is increasing more than the supply
The turbulent situation in the field of the air transport in America is carrying to a fast change of those that had been, by now, the normal application of the rates. Indeed, according to a study of... more