5,887 news found

PeopleRussian planes for Iran
Moscow, Russia - Iran will spend U.S.D. 500m
Tupolev and Rosaviakosmos will negotiate with Iranian officials in order to sell them 4 to 6 Tu-204-100 planes. Lev Lanovsky, chief designer of the model Tu-204 - which can transport 196 passengers - declared... more

PeopleThe first flights between U.S.A. and Vietnam since the Vietnam war
Hanoi, Vietnam - The 2 sides are to sign an agreement
U.S.A. and Vietnam have decided to introduce the first direct commercial flights between the two countries since the end of the Vietnam war. These days the officials from the Vietnam's Civil Aviation Administration... more

PeopleBusy summer: 2.331m flights
Brussels, Belgium – Partial recovery of air transport
As to what reported by Eurocontrol – the European organization for air transport security – between July and September 2003, there was an increase of 2.6% of departing flights compared to the previous yea... more

PeopleNo-frills carriers not so cheap after all
London, Great Britain - A report of the Air Transport Users Council
A report by the Air Transport Users Council (AUC) shows that low-fare airline booking often proves to be no economy at all, since budget carriers advertise cheap offers by hiding other costs. After numerous... more

PeopleDCA involved in investigations
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - They suspect a possible sabotage
DCA (Department of Civil Aviation) joined the Selangor police and the Malaysian airline company in their investigations of the possible sabotage of the Malaysia Airlines Airbus A-330 aircraft. Yesterday... more

PeopleInternet: surf in the sky
Milan, Italy – Thanks to Boeing and Lufthansa is now possible to use Internet while flying
"The future of air transport: new technologies and e-enablement for safety, comfort and connectivity" is the title chosen by Boeing and Lufthansa to introduce their new project to the conference organized... more

PeopleNZ Civil Aviation Authority weigh the passengers
Wellington, New Zealand - Survey to establish the standard passenger weight
This month, the NZ Civil Aviation Authority will ask airline passengers to step on the special scales before boarding as part of a survey to find the average adult weight. The survey will run from October... more

PeopleThe first flight for Boeing 717 from Milwaukee to Kansas City
Milwaukee, Usa -The flight was carried out on October 1
The first passenger flight with an 717 passenger jet from John Wayne Airport to Kansas City, Mo. was carried out Wednesday, October 1. This aircraft was bought by Midwest Airlines from Boeing Co. not before... more

PeopleUS carriers protest against visas
New York, Usa - Additional costs of more than USD 130m a year
American airlines object against government's rigorous examination of foreign visitors passing through American airports, since the process is expected to cost more than USD 130m a year. The Wall Street... more

People"Open skies" : negotiation starts between USA and European Union
Washington, Usa - Yesterday, the two delegations meeting initiated negotiation
The European delegation headed by Transports sector's person in charge of the European Committee (negotiating in the name of the Fifteen for the first time), met yesterday the American delegation headed... more

PeopleNo commercial flight to Baghdad yet
Washington, USA -Skies are far too dangerous
Recent missile attacks against coalition warplanes in Iraq have prevented the reintroduction of commercial flights to Baghdad and other cities. The United Nations, which had been using civilian aircraft,... more

PeopleTax break ends, air fares rise
Washington, Usa - Increasing fuel prices contribute too
Airline fares are to increase because the government break from the USD2.50-per-leg tax on airline flights ends today and major oil-producing countries reduced production levels. Starting today, Delta... more

PeopleMajor aircraft improvements within the next 35 years
Washington, USA - Solutions mentioned in a National Research Council
In order to cope with the increasing demand for air transportation, the report, sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) and Federal Aviation Administration (Faa), advises... more

PeopleIata calculates an air traffic increase of 6-7% in 2004-2005
Geneva, Switzerland - Eastern countries will grow faster
According to some forecast models developed in a study carried by Iata (International Air Transport Association) the world-wide air traffic will grow of 6-7% in the next biennium; an auspice supported... more

PeopleMonti wishes a notification to UE about a possible agreement Air France-Klm-Alitalia
Brussells, Belgium - About Air France-Klm it's needed to wait for the end of the talks
The European Commissioner for the competition Mario Monti intervened care the probable alliance (yet to be defined) that is involving Alitalia, Air France and Klm. "If there was an agreement between... more

PeopleFaa judges as improper the application of international security norms from Polish authority
Warsaw, Poland - The country is on a black list
According what the Federal Aviation Administration (Faa) reports Poland would make part of a list of Nations that fails to observe the international security procedures; these are Greece, Bangladesh, Bulgaria,... more

People5000 flights have been cancelled because of fear to fly
Bedfordshire, UK - It's the psychological fear the real terroristic victory
According to what communicates today the British society Oag, independent provider of travel information, yesterday approximately 5000 flights have been cancelled; it is perhaps superfluous to remember... more

PeopleIata: July 2003 figures underline a recover of the passenger traffic
Geneva, Switzerland - The year ending is expected to be positive
Iata (International Air Transport Association) has communicated the international passenger traffic in July has grown of 3.6% regarding the same month of the previous year, according to the available data.... more

PeopleTogether to the Usa, after 2 years, to not forget
New York, Usa - The international community rallies round Us people
All the world today gathers round the USA as a Nation cowardly hit and the citizens of New York, whose lives are upset from the pain of an attack so tremendous as unexpected; after 2 years since that September... more

PeopleUS authority denies flight permission for 5 foreign pilots
Washington, Usa - It's in use a new rule on the security
The American authority that disciplines the concession of the licences for civil pilots has refused the flight permission on the American territory to 5 foreign pilots because it would represent a threat... more

PeopleSars fear in Singapore, strict ground controls at the airports
Singapore - It's fundamental to wait for the developments in the next days
It seems to be returned the fear in the city state of Singapore, that once again will have to face the anguish of a Sars epidemic, because the tests on the man who is in quarantine since yesterday turned... more

PeopleEC refuses the Us request to supply details on communitarian passengers
Brussels, Belgium - It's a violation of the privacy rules
The European Commission has rejected the demand of the United States to supply detailed personal informations of the passengers as part of the new anti-terroristic measures; indeed the American pretension... more

PeopleUsa fears Al Qaeda attack as 2 years ago
Washington, Usa - The September 11 anniversary
The images dated on September 11, 2001, are more than ever alive in the mind of the Americans, who will live with anguish the second anniversary of the attack to the Usa delivered by Al Qaeda; indeed the... more

PeopleBassora opens to civil air traffic
Baghdad, Iraq - Tomorrow first Qatar flight
Bassora International Airport, South of Iraq, will be re-opened officially tomorrow for the civil air traffic and the first plane landing there will be a Qatar Airways aircraft arriving from Doha. The... more

PeopleEnglish carrier allowed to fly in Kenya again
London, UK - The flights were suspended more than 2 months ago
After more than 2 months the English Department for Transport has announced the ban for the UK airlines to fly in Kenya has been removed, because the terroristic risk for the flights is now gone. Indeed... more

PeopleDanish diplomats will travel on cheap flights
Copenhagen, Denmark - The Foreign Office hopes to reduce expenses
A regulation of Danish Ministry provides that diplomats and executives of Foreign Office will travel no more in business class during their flying over Europe; they will fly in economic class or with low-cost... more

PeopleUnited States want to violate passengers' privacy
Brussels, Belgium - To grant security, but EU disagrees
Within the fight to terrorism declared after the September 11 attacks, United States want the airlines landing in the Usa to give the access to passengers' data filled in booking electronic systems. Rejo... more

PeopleFaa investigates the air space's violation during the Atlantic City Air Show
Atlantic City, Usa - Letter of warning or revocation of a pilot's license for the offenders
The Atlantic City Air Show held on last Wednesday ended with polemics because of several violations of the airspace during the manifestation. For this reason the Faa (Federal Aviation Administration)... more

PeopleKabul-Dushanbe is operated again
Kabul, Afghanistan - An important moment to boost the commerce
The attempt of the Afghan administration to normalize the air transport service continues, believed to be one of the fundamental pillars of every modern Country; therefore yesterday it has been inaugurated... more

PeopleUS pilots want arms in cockpit
Washington, Usa - Tsa is creating a training program
Pilots are stepping up their campaign to pressure the Bush administration into arming and training more of them. Captain Phillip Beall, member of the Airline Pilots' Security Alliance, a grass-roots organization... more

PeopleCommercial flights for Basra postponed
Basra, Iraq - Lack of facilities but also the fear of terroristic attacks
The first flights that would have connected the Iraqi city of Basra with localities in Europe and in Middle East would have to start this week, but the Anglo-American authorities that manage the Country... more

PeopleFAA required test of the fire extinguishers on McDonnell Douglas planes
Washington, USA - Effective by September 24
On August 21 FAA gave the following instructions. This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to various transport category airplanes manufactured by McDonnell Douglas. This AD... more

PeopleRepetitive inspections required by Federal Aviation Administration on Boeing planes
Washington, Usa - Effective by September 24
On August 20 FAA gave the following instructions. This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain Boeing Model 747-100, 747SP, and 747SR series airplanes, that requires... more

PeopleToronto has been chosen as one of only three North American cities to receive a special farewell visit from Concorde
Toronto, Canada - British Airways said Concorde would make a scheduled supersonic flight from London to Toronto on October 1
Toronto has been chosen as one of only three North American cities to receive a special farewell visit from Concorde.British Airways is retiring its supersonic Concorde fleet this year because the planes... more

PeopleThe Russian regional jet project is in the final stages of development
Moscow, Russia - Deliveries of the new domestic airplanes are expected to begin in the first quarter of 2007
The Russian regional jet project, which calls for the construction of new domestic airplanes, is in the final stages of development, said a spokesperson for Sukhoi Civilian Airplanes company today. According... more

PeopleCharity flight arrives in Liberia with delay
Monrovia, Liberia - The Aid program goes on
Oxfam International Organization hoped a cargo plane which took off from London Manston airport in Kent would arrive in Monrovia early yesterday morning, but the charity workers in Liberia had to face... more

PeopleSaudi Arabia has no "specific information" on a plot to attack commercial aircraft at Riyadh's
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - According the declaration of the interior minister
Saudi Arabia has no "specific information" on a plot to attack commercial aircraft at Riyadh's main airport, a threat that led to British Airways suspending all flights to the kingdom, the interior minister... more

PeopleThe Boeing wants spread the risk and development costs of new 7E7 among partners and suppliers
Seattle, Usa - Brazilian airplane maker Embraer is already relying on 16 risk-sharing partners for its new 70- and 90-seat regional jet program
Not willing to "bet the company" on the development of its next all-new jetliner as it has done with past planes such as the 747. The Boeing is looking at a bold and different approach with the 7E7 that... more

PeopleAir traffic recovers
Rome, Italy - It is still in crisis, but future expectations are better
AEA, the Association of European Airlines, registered between the second half of June and August a modest improvement in the air traffic. The annual accounts are still negative, since in the first seven... more

PeopleNew Faa licenses
Washington, Usa - The Faa will begin replacing the current paper certificates with plastic credit-card-sized certificates
Late last week the Federal Aviation Administration (Faa) announced that the will begin issuing new airman certificates. The Faa will begin replacing the current paper certificates with plastic credit-card-sized... more

PeopleAir China promotes new connections to Italy
Rome, Italy - The fear of the Sars diminishes
The fear of the Sars is not finished, and the flights from Fiumicino and Malpensa directed to China carry only Chineses and managers, but few tourists. Vittoria Mancini, national secretary of the Italy-China... more

PeopleFbi is warning security personnel about dozens of everyday
Washington, Usa - Belt buckles, hairbrushes and combs, working cigarette lighters, crucifixes, lipstick cases.......
From belt buckles to keys to a deck of cards, the items that can conceal knives or other weapons terrorists could use to hijack an airliner. Many items cost less than USD20 and can be difficult to... more

PeopleUS air transport is in crisis
Chicago, Usa - Worse months must be expected?
The situation of US air traffic is not very good at the moment: traffic on several major US airlines was down in July from a year earlier. The fact that this bad result regards the travel season is a potential... more

PeopleUsa: drunk pilots will not prosecuted
Washington, Usa - Blood-alcohol results were below the federal criminal standard of 0.10 percent
The Florida state cannot prosecute two America West pilots who were fired for taking the controls of their jetliner after a night of heavy drinking. Judge Patricia Seitz, a federal Judge, said not only... more

PeopleToilets on planes are unpracticable for disabled persons
London, UK - DPTAC asks for a meeting
The Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee (DPTAC) is going to discuss how to make aircraft private areas easier to use for everyone, with a particular attention to the problem of disabled toilets:... more

PeopleAir Canada signed a deal to maintain an overhaul JetBlues' A-320s
New York, Usa - It worth up to USD 139m
Air Canada has signed a deal worth up to USD 139m to mantain and overhaul all Airbus A-320 aircraft operated by Us low fares carried JetBlue. The new six years contract is considered significant for insolvent... more

PeopleEurope-Afghanistan connections operative again
Berlin, Germany - LTU flight with weekly cadence
Yesterday in the late night the first Airbus of the German carrier LTU left with Kabul as its destination: it was the first civil flight connecting Europe to Afghanistan after 23 years of no-airtraffic. The... more

PeopleItems modified to carry weapons found in Al Qaeda hideouts
Washington, Usa - A security directive issued last week ordered closer scrutiny of small electronics devices
The Department of Homeland Security issued an advisory yesterday directing federal airport screeners and local authorities to pay particular attention to small electronic devices such as remote key locks,... more

PeopleBush could issues new directives applies to transit passengers in Us airports
Washington, Usa - After a warning issued by Department of Homeland Security
Not long after the Us government advised airlines that Islamic extremists may be plotting suicide airliner hijackings, airlines across the globe were directed to conduct tighter passenger inspections.... more

PeoplePassengers will pay for aircraft pollution?
London, UK - The proposal of British PMs
On July 30 there was a British cross-party Committee of PMs who proposed that every airline passenger should pay an "emission charge" to compensate for the pollution caused by their journey. The MPs said... more