5,396 news found

ReportIraq: UK to withdrawal its troops within July 2009
London, United Kingdom - The announcement by a joint press-conference during a visit in Baghdad of the British PM
During a visit to Baghdad, British PM Gordon Brown announced that the remaining 4,100 troops stationed in Basra will head home by summer. In his fourth trip in Baghdad as British prime minister, Gordon... more

ReportGeneral strike paralyzes Greece
Athens, Greece - The fights between the police and the demonstrators do not stop
After the killing of young Alexis Grigoriopoulos, happened last Saturday from a policeman, then arrested, the riots and the fights between the police and the demonstrators in the whole Greece do not stop.... more

ReportTwo coalition soldiers killed in Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistab - Both Danish
They were both Danish the two soldiers killed yesterday few kilometres in the South of Gereshk, in Helmand, in the South of the Country. They belonged to a patrol attacked with a launch of grenades, and... more

ReportApproved agreement Iraq-USA which regulates the presence of foreign forces in the Country
Baghdad, Iraq - The USA out of Iraq within 2011
"The presidential board ratified unanimously and with no modifications, the agreement for the pull-out of the foreign troops in Iraq": said Nasir al-Ani, chief of the Iraqi presidential cabinet. The... more

ReportIsrael plans to attack Iran's nuclear facilities
Tehran, Iran - Without backing from the US
Israel is drawing up plans to attack Iran's nuclear facilities and is prepared to launch a strike without backing from the US, reported "Jerusalem Post". Officials in the Israeli Defence Ministry told... more

ReportThailand: Suvarnabhumi Airport back in operation
Bangkok, Thailand - Took off yesterday a Blue Panorama Airlines flight
After a week at a standstill, Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi airport is back in operation with the first incoming flight landing. As regards the repatriate's operations of the Italian tourists. Blue Panorama... more

ReportVenezuela Transaven Air Crash, families of lost Italian people in TV
Rome, Italy - Announced a possible creation of the technical table
Families of the eight Iost Italian people onboard Transaven airplane, Flight YV2081, disappeared on January 4th 2008 on the route between Caracas and Los Roques, participated in a famous Italian television... more

ReportThailand: the first airplane flies from Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand - Repatriated other 300 Italian tourists with a Thai Airways flight
By respecting times announced yesterday, PAD (Party's Alliance for Democracy) evacuated this morning the two airports of Bangkok occupied since a week due to the anti-government protests, and so allowing... more

ReportThailand (2): started the air-lift for the 1,100 Italian tourists
Rome, Italy - Frattini: "It will be completed in 4-5 days"
Italy started the air lift to carry back home 1,100 Italian tourists blocked in Thailand since a week. Totally 350,00 passengers, Thailand people included, are expecting to go away the Asian Country. Data... more

ReportThailand: agreement between authority and anti-government protesters
Rome, Italy - Following the announcement of the Premier Party's dissolution
Found agreement for the resumption of the air traffic in Bangkok airports, blocked since a week due to the anti-government protests, between the Thai Authorities and the protesters, after the announcement... more

ReportThailand (2): maybe tomorrow the flight to evacuate the Italian tourists
Bangkok, Thailand - The statements of the Crisis Unit Chief
An airplane could arrive in one of the Bangkok airports to repatriate the first group of the Italian tourists, Fabrizio Romano Crisis Unit Chief said. Mr Romano is optimistic about times for the evacuation... more

ReportThailand: Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry announces a flight to repatriate the Italian tourists
Bangkok, Thailand - Reported by Italian Ambassador in Bangkok, Ignazio Di Pace
Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry would be organizing a flight to repatriate a part of the Italian tourists blocked in Bangkok after the fighting of the last week (see AVIONEWS). This news was reported... more

ReportPirates assault cargo ship in Aden Gulf
Aden, Yemen - A helicopter saves three crewmembers in the sea to escape to the capture
After the seizure of "Sirius Star", a Saudi oil tanker, with 300,000 tons of oil and 25 crew members on board last November 15 by the Somali piracy, an other attack occurred today in Aden Gulf. The... more

ReportIndia (2): attempts claimed by Deccan Mujahedeen
Mumbai, India - Killed nine Islamic terrorists
Islamic terrorists have attacked targets in the Indian city of Mumbai killing over a hundred people, wounding nearly three hundred, and taking numerous hostages. The terrorists took hostages at two Mumbai... more

ReportIndia: about 150 people have been saved
Mumbai, India - 130 victims
Last blitz this morning in Oberoi Hotel to free all the hostages after the terrorist attacks that provoked 130 victims. About 150 people have been freed. Italian Foreign Minister, Franco Frattini, expressed... more

ReportIndia (3): helicopters overfly the Trident Oberoi, 25 hostages released
Mumbai, India - About 200 dead and 900 wounded
The terrorists would be arrived by sea and of Pakistan nationality and from two days are spreading blood and terror in Mumbai. Around 200 dead and over 900 wounded. After more than 17 hours of siege,... more

ReportIndia (2): seven Italians inside the Trident Oberoi
Rome, Italy - Frattini: "The hotel is not completely freed, but we are in telephone contact"
Seven Italian people are still inside the Trident Oberoi, the Hotel in Mumbai in which are in progress fighting between the Police and terrorists, Italian Foreign Minister, Franco Frattini, said today... more

ReportIndia: a special flight to repatriate the European tourists
Mumbai, India - It is talked tourist out of going after the yesterday attempts
Following the yesterday attempts in Mumbai, European Foreign Ministries invite to be prudent. "All travels in this area are not recommended, and tourists must put in contact with Embassies and Consulates... more

ReportBangkok Airport (2): removed 50 Italian people
Bangkok, Thailand - Italian Foreign Ministry is in contact with the Embassy in Bangkok
Removed by the Thai Authority about 50 Italian people blocked in the International Bangkok Airport. The Italian Foreign Ministry disclosed the Embassy in the capital city is in contact with the Italian... more

ReportSea piracy: Germany sent 1,700 soldiers in the Horn of Africa
Berlin, Germany - Tomorrow Rear-Admiral Philip Jones will present to EU the details of Eunavfor Atalanta Plan
According to the German daily "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", Germany may sent about 1,400 soldiers in Africa, as part of the European mission called "Eunavfor Atalanta". The newspaper said 500 naval... more

ReportCAI: Formigoni pro-Lufthansa
Milan, Italy - The President of Lombardy Region wishes a "Strong alliance" with German airline
Roberto Formigoni, President of Lombardy Region, in the margin of the opening ceremony of "Sicurtex Expo 2008" ongoing from today to November 28 in Milan, and regarding to the foreign partner on which... more

ReportAustralia: New Wales of the South invaded by enormous swarm of grasshoppers
Sydney, Australia - Nine airplanes ready to intervene
The authorities of New Wales of the South, in Australia, have already prepared nine airplanes ready to intervene against an enormous swarm of grasshoppers, if this had to be near to the crops of wheat,... more

ReportLos Roques: research operations of the disappeared airplane restarts
Caracas, Venezuela - In Venezuela to follow the developments of the case
After some months of suspension, Venezuelan authorities investigation restarts in order to shed light on the accident, if it was an accident, occurred in Venezuela on January 4th 2008, when eight Italian... more

ReportNasiriyah: Italy remembers the victims
Rome, Italy - Tomorrow commemoration ceremonies
Italy will remember the 19 people died on November 12th 2003 in Nasiriyah (Iraq) when a truck blew up in front of Italian military base. Tomorrow, in the day of the fifth anniversary, many ceremonies have... more

ReportFiumicino: "Dissident" unions blocks the departure of 10 billion Euros
Rome, Italy - The airplane will leave as a State's flight
Critical day for Rome's airports, with Ciampino closed to the traffic from this morning to tomorrow morning, due to an emergency landing of a Ryanair Boeing 737/700, and cancellations and delays in the... more

ReportRussia: over 20 dead in Russian nuclear submarine accident
Vladivostock, Russia - The worst event since 2000
Twenty people died on board a Russian nuclear submarine in the Pacific Ocean and 21 others were taken to the hospital, the Navy said on Sunday. The accident occurred late on Saturday during the sea... more

ReportStill legal troubles for Olmert
Tel Aviv, Israel - Inquiry on multiple compensations for air tickets
New legal troubles for the outgoing Israeli premier Ehud Olmert, following the two inquiries opened for supposed corruption: this morning some officials of the unity against fraud have interrogated him... more

ReportCrash in Mexico: State funeral for Minister of the Interior
Mexico City, Mexico - The attack theory too hastily rejected?
The father, Spanish, and sister of Juan Camilo Mourino, the Mexican Foreign Minister, have already landed in Mexico City by an airplane coming from Madrid. He died together with eight people (plus four... more

ReportPakistan: air strike against Taliban rebels
Islamabad, Pakistan - The Army continues in its offensive launched in August
15 Taliban militants have been killed in an air raid in Waziristan, North-West Pakistan, government officials say. Security forces targeted a compound in Airab, a village in the troubled Bajaur region... more

ReportSomalia: kidnapped four aid-workers of ACF and two airplane pilots
Mogadishu, Somalia - Their nationality is still unknown
According to some humanitarian organizations, today at 12:00 four aid-workers of the French NGO "Action contre la faim" and two airplane pilots were kidnapped at Dhusa Mareb, 350 km North of Mogadishu.... more

ReportUS elections (3): Barack Obama is the new president
Washington, USA - "Yes, we can"
With 52% of votes, Barack Obama is the new US president. During his speech, the newly-elected president said: "We are moving towards a better Country, now the change has arrived in America". He is the... more

ReportSteve Fossett: ADN test confirms
Washington, USA - "They are Fossett's bones"
ADN tests confirmed that they are Fossett's bones the ones found 800 metres from the place where earlier this month his airplane wreckage was found (see AVIONEWS 1, 2). Steve Fossett left on September... more

ReportLos Roques air accident: advance information on the TV programme
Rome, Italy - During the TV programme "Chi l'ha visto"
Los Roques air accident is the main theme of the TV programme "Chi l'ha visto" on Rai Tre. During the accident, occurred in Venezuela on January 4th 2008, eight Italian passengers on board of Transaven... more

ReportAfghanistan: 40 tons of hashish seized in a military action
Kabul, Afghanistan - Combat helicopters deployed
A joint military operation by Afghan Army and US-led coalition forces was carried out with the help of US combat helicopters leading to the discovery and seizure of 40 tons of hashish in Spin Boldak district... more

ReportWeather alert in France. Is bad weather the cause of a tourism airplane disappearance?
Paris, France - Four helicopters of Gendarmerie and ground teams are searching for it in Rhodan region
Bad weather is hitting centre, east and south of France with heavy rains and red alert declared by Meto-France. Against this backdrop, a small tourism airplane disappeared. It took off yesterday from Romans... more

ReportAustralia: drunken passengers force Jetstar flight back
Darwin, Australia - The flight was delayed about three hours
A Jetstar flight from Darwin to Singapore was forced to turn around half an hour after take off when a fight broke out between five drunken passengers. According to Jetstar spokesman, Simon Westaway,... more

ReportSteve Fossett: yesterday human bones were found. Animal remains the ones found earlier this month
Washington, USA - Next week the ADN test results
Yesterday, 800 metres from the place where earlier this month Steve Fosset's airplane wreckage was found (see AVIONEWS), bones which are believed to be human were found. Now there is only to wait for ADN... more

ReportGeneral Dynamics NASSCo delivers "USNS Amelia Earhart"
San Diego, USA - The only ship to be named for noted a women aviator
General Dynamics NASSCO, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics, yesterday delivered "USNS Amelia Earhart" (T-AKE 6) to the U.S. Navy. The ship is named in honor of the record-setting aviator. "The... more

ReportTuninter process begins
Palermo, Italy - Nine people accused
Today in Palermo Tuninter process will begin in order to shed light on ATR-72 air crash, from Bari to Djerba. Nine people are accused, among them pilot, co-pilot, the director of the carrier and some technicians.... more

ReportEarthquake in Pakistan: Army's helicopters explore the Ziarat mountains
Islamabad, Pakistan - In search for survivors and wounded
The aftershocks continue (almost of magnitude 6,2 Richter) and calculated the victims (215 at the moment) now is time to think to survivors of the strong earthquake perceived yesterday at dawn in Ziriat... more

ReportLybia: US air strike in 1986 was disclosed by Italy two days before
Rome, Italy - The official confirmation today in a conference at the Foreign Ministry
In 1986 Italy informed Lybia about an air strike that US would have carried out in Tripoli and Bengasi two days before the attack occurred. Ronald Reagan had ordered this action to punish Lybia for the... more

ReportViolent earthquake hit South-Western Pakistan
Islamabad, Pakistan - 160 victims, but the number could rise
A violent magnitude 6.4 earthquake in South-Western Pakistan, in Ziarat valley, Balochistan, killed at least 160 people and at least 200 injured before dawn today. The death toll could rise as emergency... more

ReportRome: heavy rains on the capital
Rome, Italy - Many hardships in air traffic
Many damages and hardships have been caused by the heavy rains hitting Rome, last night. Due to landslides, houses and streets flooded, firefighters had to intervene. Many hardships were reported in... more

ReportAfghanistan. Black Hawk forced to an emergency landing: 12 Talebans died
Kabul, Afghanistan - Ten soldiers on board reply to hostile fire
US-led coalition in Afghanistan announced that an attack was perpetrated by Talebans against a Black Hawk helicopter, hit in the tail and so forced to an emergency landing in Wardak province, near Kabul.... more

ReportLos Roques accident: does hijacking hypothesis re-emerge?
Rome, Italy - The case was analyzed yesterday during Italian TV programme "Alle falde del Kilimangiaro"
Yesterday during the Italian TV programme "Alle falde del Kilimangiaro" Los Roques case was debated. The airplane, disappeared on January 4th in Venezuela, carried on board two pilots and 12 passengers,... more

ReportRainstorm in Sardinia (2): found a missed person
Cagliari, Italy - Robero Lai is alive
Roberto Lai, a farmer aged 51 and missed yesterday, has been found in good health conditions. The man had been seen for the last time on the roof of Club house in Poggio dei Pini. At the moment there are... more

ReportRainstorm in Sardinia
Cagliari, Italy - Bertolaso flies over the area on board of an helicopter
Yesterday a heavy rainstorm hit Sardinia. Three people died and three are missed, hundreds of people have been evacuated, houses and streets collapsed for a total of 15 million Euros of damages. Even though... more

ReportPakistan: hit a religious school by US missiles
Islamabad, Pakistan - Launched by UAVs
Waziristan (the Pakistani border region near Afghanistan, Talebans and Al Qaeda' safe heavens) has been hit by two UAVs (Unmanned aerial vehicle). A religious school (Madrassa), located in Dandi Darpakhel... more

ReportBagràm: P-3 Orion of US Navy skidded off
Bagràm, Afghanistan - The aircraft almost destroyed. An injured, other passengers safe
The US Army Command located in Afghanistan, has issued a note, in which it informs that a maritime patroller PC-3 Orion of US Navy has skidded off at Bagràm's airport, in Afghanistan, where the main US... more

ReportDeutsche Post World Net launches "Gogreen"
Rome, Italy - Here the obligations incurred about ecology
"To reduce CO2 emissions of 10% within 2012 and 30% within 2020": this is the obligation that Deutsche Post World Net Group (DPWN), also DHL belongs to it, formally assumed. Among the most innovative plan's... more