5,885 news found

PeopleAlitalia affair (2): Mengozzi has decided to leave its mandate
Rome, Italy - He should resign tomorrow
Alitalia CEO, Francesco Mengozzi, has decided to resign. He is going to leave this role as he disagrees the change for the reconstruction plan provided by this carrier: a plan which, in his opinion, is... more

PeopleJet fuel cost rise in Asia
Singapore - Demand raise push up prices
This year is awaited a raise of the jet fuel demand. In Singapore market, the cost of a jet fuel barrel is about USD 38,00 these days. Liu Jih-Shang, general manager in the fuel administration department... more

PeopleFaa certification for Liberty XL2
Washington, USA - First all-new two-place aircraft fully certified in the United States since 30 years
Federal Aviation Administration has granted FAR Part 23 type certification for the two-place, single-engine Liberty XL2. This is the first all-new two-place aircraft fully certified in the United States... more

PeopleThe Lazio regional administrative court reaffirms Enac's competence
Naples, Italy - Through an order regarding Naples airport
The Lazio region Tar (regional administrative court) has recently pronounced for Enac (Italian civil aviation authority), confirming its competence on the subject of airport management. The sentence follows... more

PeopleAnsv (2): 2001 Milan-Linate airport’s incident causes
Rome, Italy - Ansv final report entered into details with attached the collision video simulation
AVIONEWS posted yesterday the first part of this news. Ansv final report, including 182 pages, has been released in both Italian and English version and includes a CD with the incident’s computer g... more

PeopleBoeing 777-200LR designing is well ahead
Everett, USA - Half airplane designing stage has already been achieved
The accomplishment of the first Boeing 777-200LR long range airliner is scheduled for October. In the meantime, the designing activity is quickly carrying on as a half has been so far completed. This aircraft... more

PeopleEmergency landing on the Forlì-Palermo flight
Palermo, Italy - For a Boeing 737 at the "Falcone-Borsellino" airport
Yesterday evening at about 9 pm a Boeing 737 operated by Wind Jet flying from Forlì to Palermo, was forced into an emergency landing at the Palermo airport because a red indicator light went on, meaning... more

PeopleAnsv: released today the final report for the Milan- Linate accident of October 8th 2001
Rome, Italy - Italian Air Safety Board (ANSV) press conference in Rome
During the press conference Italian Air Safety Board (ANSV) presented the final report about the Milan- Linate accident of October 8th 2001, in which 182 pages and hundreds of enclosures explain causes... more

PeopleIcao wants to limit or reduce aircraft' noises and engine emissions
Montreal, Canada - Organization recommendations to reduce the enviromental impact of aircraft noise and engine exhaust emissions
The Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (Caep) of the International Civil Aviation Organization (Icao) has made recommendations to reduce the environmental impact of aircraft noise and engine... more

PeopleUK-Argentina talks about flights to the Falklands
London, UK - Freedom to fly to the islands
The UK Foreign Office Minister, Bill Rammell, expressed his hopes to reach an agreement between the United Kingdom and Argentina regarding the freedom to operate flights to and from the Falkland islands,... more

PeopleBy the end of March armour-plated flight decks on all the airplanes flying in Italy
Rome, Italy - Only few foreign airlines wait to be ready
By the end of March all the airplanes flying in Italy will have armour-plated flight decks. All companies have to attend this regulation and only four or five foreign air companies will have an additional... more

PeopleAmerican domestic flights respect timetables
New York, USA - More domestic flights are on time
Air Travel Consumer Report bu the U.S. Department of Transportation reported tha about 82% of U.S. domestic flights arrived on time last year, a good goal if compared with the 72.6% value of the 2000.... more

PeopleStrike in Paris: severe hardships at Orly
Paris, France - Volareweb announces schedule of guaranteed flights
The strike called by Parisian flight controllers for 17th, 18th and 19th February has been causing severe hardships, especially at the Paris-Orly airport, where all long-range flights are guaranteed, while... more

PeopleStrike and a sit-in for Alitalia's employees
Rome, Italy - They are folding their arms from 10 am to 6 pm, a sit-in in front of the Treasury
Alitalia's employees are protesting today against the air company reorganization plan with a strike from 10 am to 6pm and a sit-in in front of the Treasury building in via XX Settembre in Rome. The protest,... more

PeopleActivists protest about Nato radar
Budapest, Hungary - Greenpeace and other conservation groups against a radar provided by Alenia
In these days on mount Mecsek on a protected nature reserve in the southern Hungary, Greenpeace and other conservation groups are protesting against a NATO radar. The radar station will be provide by Alenia,... more

PeopleBritish pilots exasperated by security measures
London, UK - They are meeting today in the USA
A delegation of British civil pilots is meeting today in the USA to discuss the hardships caused by the tightening of anti-terrorism safety measures. Pilots are exasperated by the obligations imposed by... more

PeopleBomb on the flight Ancona-Roma: notice of judicial investigation for the two artificers and a physician
Ancona, Italy - The mystery starts to clear up
The investigation into the case of the bomb found onboard an Atr operated by Alitalia leaving from Ancona to Rome, has come to an end. Three people are being investigated: two artificers, Giuseppe Cocci... more

PeopleFAA Commercial Space Office is developing Crew Safety Guidelines for RLVs
Usa - Public safety requires regulations
The FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation (AST) is developing crew safety guidelines for Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLVs). Existing regulations meets only minimal requirements such as crew r... more

PeopleEurocontrol wins ATC Maastricht 2004 Award with its tactical control system
Maastricht, Netherlands - Enhanced Tactical Flow Management System (ETFMS) allowed Eurocontrol to win an important prize.
Eurocontrol, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, won the 2004 ATC Maastricht Jane’s Award for its Enhanced Tactical Flow Management System (ETFMS). The ETFMS introduced on February 2... more

PeopleEmbraer 190: beyond the regional jet
Sao Paulo, Brazil - The production of this new airplane to start even in the next weeks
The production of the new Embraer civil airliner, the 190 which belongs to the Embraer 170's family, is going to start during the next weeks. This new Brazilian 100 seats plane has been designed and produced... more

PeopleBAA: increase of passenger traffic in January
London, UK - Traffic raises by 4.8% with peaks for low-cost companies' hubs
The BAA group, which manages some of the major British airports, recorded an increase in passenger traffic by 4.8% in January, reaching 9.3 million units, with peaks of 10% for long-distance flights. The... more

PeopleEverything is in order for Gee Bee Air
Palermo, Italy - ENAC inspectors have not found irregularities for the Greek airline' s activities in Sicily
The Greek carrier Gee Bee Air is still being examinated by ENAC inspectors after its competitive tender victory for social routes among Palermo's, Catania's, Lampedusa's and Pantelleria's airports. Last... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at the release of the "Airport Certification" for Fiumicino and Malpensa's management companies: Presidents of ENAC, AdR, SEA and Assaeroporti have attended
Rome, Italy - The release of conformity certification for the new ICAO safety standard has happened at ENAC's central office
The release ceremony of "Airport Certification" has happened at ENAC's central office for Roma- Fiumicino "Leonardo da Vinci" e Milano-Malpensa's airport management companies. AdR and SEA can respectively... more

PeopleThere is still disagreement between UE and United States regarding privacy guardianship for European passengers
Rome, Italy - Privacy warrantors expect for greater willingness by USA on basic rights
The group of European Privacy Warrantors is not satisfied of American policy concerning the personal data management of European passengers. The main problem would deal with the shortage of security regarding... more

PeopleMalaysia Airlines's aircrew effectiveness is increasing
Washington, USA - The EFB system has been adopted: it will provide important information for pilots in a smart way
Malaysia Airlines has signed an agreement with Boeing to provide some of its 777-200 with the EFB system (Electronic Flight Bag), a system able to preserve a noteworthy amount of data dealing with aeronautical... more

PeopleDisable person sues Ryanair
London, UK - Compelled to pay for a wheelchair use
Ryanair air company has been summoned by a disable person obliged to pay in order to avail of a wheelchair at Stansted London airport. The London Court magistrate has considered the airline answerable... more

PeopleIATA disagrees with EU decision for passengers' compensations
Rome, Italy - They impair both passengers and the industry
The International Air Transport Association totally disagrees with the new laws fixed by EU to protect passengers, offering compensations concerning denied boarding, delays and cancellations (see AVIONEWS).... more

PeopleChina speeds up the aviation liberalisation process
Beijing, China - In order to avoid the monopoly of the main Chinese carriers
Chinese governmental sources informed that the authority for civil aviation is considering to allow also local carriers to make international flights. In this way the aviation liberalisation process is... more

PeopleSpain begins sky marshalls' training
Madrid, Spain - It's a been diffused by the Spanish newspaper 'El Mundo'
Following the US government decision to ask foreign airlines the presence of armed officers on their flights going directly to USA, Spain started the training of the so-called "sky marshalls". The news... more

PeopleContracts: "Air transport services. Transport tickets. Montpellier (France)"
Rome, Italy - The notice publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union
Official Journal of the European Union S9 of 14 January 2004. F-Montpellier: tickets Contract notice - Services I. 1) Official name and address of the contracting authority: Rectorat de l'académie... more

PeopleEU: black list for airlines
Brussels, Belgium - It will only concern single aircraft
An European Commission spokesman has referred today that the sort of black list that the European Union is currently drawing up to prevent another tragedy like Saturday’s one in the Red Sea (see AVIONEWS)will o... more

PeopleEnac expresses its condolences for the families of the air crash victims
Rome, Italy - The Helvetic authorities have been contacted
Vito Riggio, Chairman of Enac, the Italian civil aviation body, while expressing his condolences to the families of the people dead on Saturday's air crash, informed that his institution has already contacted... more

PeopleAfter a two-year-break India-Pakistan flights start again
Islamabad, Pakistan - It happened yesterday
Pakistan International Airlines flight number PK-270 carried yesterday 42 passengers from Lahore to New Delhi, and 114 on the way back. This is the first commercial flight after the break started after... more

PeopleIata in 2004 aims to turn recovery trend into sustained growth
Geneva, Switzerland - After the war in Iraq and the Sars in 2003
"In 2003, the combination of war in Iraq, ongoing security concerns and SARS has tested the mettle of the air transport industry in an unprecedented manner", said IATA Director General & CEO Giovanni Bisignani.... more

PeopleBrindisi: second humanitarian flight for Iran
Brindisi, Italy - It carries 35 tons of biscuits and 7 tons of first-aid kits
After the one which took off in the night between December 28 and 29, the second humanitarian flight has left today from Brindisi in aid of Iranian peoples affected by the earthquake; the flight has been... more

PeopleArmed sky marshall on English flights: pilots and British Airways are doubtful
London, Uk - They don't like the idea of having armed people on board
The decision of the London government of using armed sky marshall on the English flights considered at risk (see AVIONEWS) has been received with doubts and critics by pilots and British Airways. The former,... more

PeopleThe English government will use armed sky marshall on the airline flights
London, Uk - As a measure against the terrorism
The English government, as a result of the continuous terrorism alarms of the last days, has decided to use on some airline flights considered at risk armed sky marshall dressed as normal passengers, with... more

PeopleIcao: air traffic figures for 2003
Montreal, Canada - Another weak year for the field
Preliminary traffic figures for 2003 released a few days ago by the International Civil Aviation Organization (Icao), show little change over 2002 for total and international scheduled traffic of the world's... more

PeopleUsa: biometric checks in the airports next January
Washington, Usa - With the Us-Visit program
Its name is Us-Visit (United States Visitor and Immigrant Indicator Status Technology) and it is the system that on January 5 is going to introduce in 115 Usa airports the biometric controls on the visa... more

PeopleUe ratifies the overbooking compensations
Brussels, Belgium – They will be activated in 2005
Last week Ue has officially ratified the agreement about the compensations for the overbooking cases. Since 2005 passengers who will not be able to get on board because the airline accepted too many reservations... more

PeopleUsa and Ue reached an agreement about the air passengers personal data
Brussels, Belgium - Reducing their number and the period of conservation in the archives
The European Union and the United States have finally confirmed the achievement of an agreement regarding the transmission of the personal data of the air passengers who enter the American territory, within... more

PeopleAustralia: a new Uav mini-chopper
Sydney, Australia - It's name is Mantis and was designed and manufactured by the Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation
It took nearly three years of job, but finally the Csiro (Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation) was successful in creating a new mini-helicopter Vtol Uav (vertical take-off unmanned... more

PeopleLos Angeles Times: armored doors can cause incidents on board
Washington, Usa - But Faa insist on their usefullness
They were installed on board of the Usa airplanes in order to avoid another September 11 but, like all the security systems, also the armored doors can create problems. It is what has been written by the... more

PeopleSouth Pole: the Australian pilot comes back home
Wellington, New Zeland - Jon Johanson flew back in New Zeland piloting his own aircraft
The vicissitude of Jon Johanson, the Australian pilot who in the last week carried out a record flight on the South Pole and then got stranded in the McMurdo military base due to a lack of fuel, has been... more

PeoplePassengers' data: Usa and Ue nearer to a possible agreement?
Brussels, Belgium - For the moment there are no official confirmations
According to what has been published by various Usa e-papers it seems that it has been reached a probably "tentative agreement" between Usa and the European Union as far as the hot issue of the transmission... more

PeoplePoland: the arrival of the low-cost flights
Warsaw, Poland - Air Poland launches its economic flights
With the inauguration of the first Warsaw-Danzica flight the low-cost airline, Air Poland, has opened also in this country the possibility of using economic flights. It is therefore the end of the monopoly... more

PeopleAccording to Loyola De Palacio the "one sky" agreement strengthens security
Brussels, Belgium - "Besides one market we will have one sky too"
Ue Commissioner to the Transports, Loyola De Palacio, is satisfied with the agreement reached between the Commission and the UE Council regarding the "one sky" issue. According to the De Palacio, in fact,... more

PeopleUe: green light for the unified sky within December of the next year
Brussels, Belgium - There will be one aerial sky regulated by common norms
After two years of discussions between the European institutions, the Conciliation Committee has established that within December 31 of the next year, the "One European Sky" will have to be instituted:... more

PeopleAzzurra Air-Seven Group/ Air Littoral: a new partner?
Paris, France - It should be a Swedish businnes man
There is a new development about the case of the acquisition of the Air Littoral by Seven Group. After the expiration of the last term of payment of the sum established by the Montpellier court in order... more

PeopleIata registers an air traffic increase in October
Rome, Italy - It should be 2.5% higher
In October there was an increase by 2.5% of air traffic in the whole airline industry compared to October 2002. Iata -International Air Transport Association - released the information and stated: " For... more