5,887 news found

PeopleVietnam: central highlands isolated due to Montagnard repression
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - Vietnam Airlines is not boarding any foreigners onto their flights toward the area
From last Saturday the Vietnamese authorities are engaged in the central highlands in a repression operation against the Montagnard, whose pacific religious gathering was interrupted, with hundreds of... more

PeoplePassengers stranded at Rome-Fiumicino by plane that does not wait
Rome, Italy - The aircraft was supposed to take off from Rome-Ciampino, but departure was changed to Rome-Fiumicino
33 passengers were stranded yesterday morning at the Rome-Fiumicino airport by their airplane, a Fokker 100 of the low-cost airline Helvetic Airways, which should have taken them from Rome-Ciampino to... more

PeopleTurbulence on the Iberia Madrid-Lima flight: 44 people injured
Lima, Peru - The airplane got caught in a tropical storm in the Amazzonia's skies
44 people, of which three crew members, onboard yesterday's Iberia Madrid-Lima flight, suffered head wounds, bruises and facial cuts after the airplane they were flying on encountered turbulence caused... more

PeopleBoeing-StarHub agreement for internet services on airliners
Singapore - The purpose is to develop a faster and more effective connection
Boeing's sector with a particular competence for network internet services, Connexion by Boeing, and StarHub of Singapore have signed an agreement in order to develop together new solutions which can involve... more

PeopleCroatian woman receives two-year sentence for making false bomb threat
Dusseldorf, Germany - The airport and airlines have claimed EUR 1.5m for damage
Her parents had not allowed her to leave to Spain with her boyfriend, for this reason she had called the Dusseldorf airport and made a bomb threat. This was the explanation given by Marina B. a 28-year-old... more

PeopleMoscow: air taxis to overcome the problem of traffic
Moscow, Russia - The project has been announced by the Russian city's deputy Mayor
During Moscow Invest 2004, Moscow's deputy Mayor, Iosif Ordzhonikidze, has announced the city's government's original proposal to solve the problem of traffic in the streets of the capital: air taxis.... more

PeopleIata on Toronto Pearson airport forecast
Montreal, Canada - After its new terminal opening
Toronto Pearson International Airport's new terminal will open to a chorus of concern over its huge costs and rosy traffic projections airlines say. "Clearly the future of Pearson as Canada's largest... more

PeopleSubsidies for the Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner?
Washington, USA - It would be exposed by Airbus but the US company counters
Airbus would state Boeing has gained and is still receiving production subsidies for its 7E7 Dreamliner airliner. Such airplane in fact would be in large part funded thanks to Japan's support, so that... more

PeopleOn April 21-23 in Phoenix the 13th International Aviation Symposium
Phoenix, USA - With the participation of the representatives of major American and European airlines and of the aviation industry
The 13th International Aviation Symposium, with the title "From Evolution to Revolution: Is There an End in Sight?" will be held in Phoenix, Arizona, on 21-23 April, presented by the American city and... more

PeopleAirbus A-380's assembly has started
Paris, France - Airframe's components to be carried on the ground by enormous articulated vehicles
Assembly of the new Airbus A-380 large long range airliner has started at Toulouse facility. Its central section left from Bordeaux aboard of an enormous articulated vehicle adopted right for the transport... more

PeopleWarning light does not go off: passengers wait for hours at the Bologna airport
Bologna, Italy - Also on Friday a Meridiana flight had landed in delay due to a light gone on
A long wait at the Bologna airport for the 140 passengers due to leave yesterday at 7.55 pm to Palermo onboard a Meridiana flight. After boarding the aircraft, they were informed that a warning light had... more

PeopleBoeing chooses FR-HiTemp for 7E7's fuel management system
Everett, USA - The Dreamliner programme concludes a 60% share of its development
Boeing has selected its new partner in order to produce all components related to fuel management system aboard of the new 7E7 Dreamliner airliner. It is the British company FR-HiTemp, which has got already... more

People5 April strike postponed again
Rome, Italy - The decision has been taken during an Alitalia-unions meeting
The general air transport strike scheduled for 5 April has been suspended again. From a meeting held today by Alitalia and unions it has emerged that the protest has been postponed. more

PeopleAir traffic is recovering: 4.4% increase observed
Rome, Italy - Aea publishes the data for the first quarter of 2004
Aea (Association of European Airlines), has published the data relative to air traffic in the first quarter of the year (1 January-21 March). Results are reassuring, with an overall increase of 4.4%. The... more

PeopleIata: industry to post USD 3.2bn profit
Santiago, Chile - Traffic rises, cost reduction remains essential
"The successive crises that have traumatized air transport since September 2001 cost the industry three years of growth and profitability. Positive traffic trends over the last six months bring us back... more

PeopleItalian air transport strike confirmed for 5 April
Rome, Italy - In spite of the rumours about a probable postponement, the protest will take place
In spite of rumours of a probable postponement (see AVIONEWS), the Italian air transport strike planned for 5 April has been confirmed by unions. All employees of the sector will come out in protest for... more

PeopleEurocontrol predicts 3.4% growth in air traffic
Brussels, Belgium - Between 2004 and 2010
The number of flights in Europe is expected to grow by around 3.4% per year between 2004 and 2010, with low-cost carriers taking around 24% of the market by 2010, according to a forecast released last... more

PeopleEuropean carriers obliged to transmit passengers data to the EU
Brussels, Belgium - The European Union aims to reinforce anti-immigration checks this way
The Council of the European Union has announced that from now on European airlines will be obliged to transmit the data of passengers arriving in the EU to customs authorities, with a fine of up to EUR... more

PeopleItalian Air transport strike on 5 April: probable postponement
Rome, Italy - Final decision will be reached this afternoon
The air transport strike planned for 5 April will probably be postponed. The industrial action was announced to protest against Alitalia's industrial plan and the air transport situation in general. In... more

PeopleAircraft returns to Olbia for engine breakdown (2): it was a case of "bird strike"
Olbia, Italy - Meridiana's superintendent for flight safety: "Impacts with birds are not serious ones"
The engine breakdown of the Meridiana MD-80 forced to return to Olbia's airport this morning during take-off was caused by an impact with one or more seagulls. Captain Massimiliano Mascioni, Meridiana's... more

PeopleSaab and Sas renew their agreements concerning training activity
Stockholm, Sweden - They have been extended for ten years further
Cooperation between Sas carrier and Saab is strengthening by the nth extension of the agreements for pilot training related to aircraft which have been produced by such important Swedish aerospace group.... more

PeopleThe first Bombardier CRJ-700 has been delivered to US Airways
Toronto, Canada - Further 24 to follow
US Airways has taken delivery of its first among 25 Bombardier CRJ-700 70 seats regional airplanes in its 701 version. This carrier has got already in service aircraft belonging to the CRJ-200 series but... more

People24-hour delay for Milan Malpensa-Sharm el Sheikh flight
Milan, Italy - The departure was postponed six times
An exhausting wait for the 170 passengers leaving last Sunday from Milan-Malpensa to Sharm el Sheikh on the flight GJ-1968 of the carrier Eurofly. The takeoff of the Airbus 320 was scheduled at 9.30pm... more

PeopleAircraft returns to Olbia for engine breakdown
Olbia, Italy - The engine turned out ot be seriously damaged
An MD-80 leaving from Olbia to Milan-Linate was taking off when the pilot declared the state of emergency for an engine breakdown and returned to the Sardinian airport. Following checks, the engine turned... more

PeopleUSA: psychic "sees" bomb onboard, flight cancelled
Washington, USA - Authorities say: "We cannot ignore anything"
Mass hysteria rages in the US. An American Airlines airplane scheduled to depart yesterday from Fort Myers, Florida, to Dallas, Texas was cancelled because a psychic called the police saying that he had... more

PeopleSerbia and Montenegro became Eurocontrol members
Brussels, Belgium - Last Friday the important step
Serbia and Montenegro last Friday took an important step towards becoming a Member of Eurocontrol. At the Organisation's headquarters, the country's Ambassador to Belgium, Mrs Milica Pejanovic Djurisic,... more

PeopleHamilton Sundstrand increases its own participation for the 7E7
Everett, USA - It will provide the entire power management system for such new airliner
Boeing had chosen in February to cooperate with Hamilton Sundstrand company in order to carry on the 7E7 Dreamliner programme concerning relevant components such as those related to environmental management... more

PeopleAlitalia Express: airplane returned to airport after take-off
Milan, Italy - Because of an anomalous temperature increase in a motor
The pilot of an Alitalia Express MD-80 departed yesterday from Milan-Malpensa to Berlin decided to return to the take-off airport after the temperature of a motor had and anomalous increase. After the... more

PeopleOrder short air delays to reduce the risk of longer ones
Herndon (Virginia), USA - New idea of the Federal Aviation Administration
The Federal Aviation Administration declared to have intention to adopt a new action-line to face the risk of congestion of the skies which is the main cause of various delays mainly in the summer time.... more

PeopleMilan-Malpensa: Air France airplane lands for suspect baggage onboard
Milan, Italy - It was a false alarm
An Air France aircraft departed from Pisa to Geneva landed this morning at Milan-Malpensa for a suspect piece of baggage onboard. After landing, the plane was evacuated and checks were carried out, but... more

PeopleFilippo Lombardi new chairman of Aspasi
Lugano, Switzerland – "More attention to the airport of Lugano-Agno"
Yesterday evening took place the crowded shareholders' meeting of Aspasi, Italian Switzerland air passengers Association that has more than 500 active members, to the presence of various hosts among which... more

PeopleIata welcomes Canadian security charge reduction
Montreal, Canada - Further cost reduction efforts essential
Iata welcomes the Canadian federal government's decision to reduce the Air Travellers Security Charge in its budget statement on 23 March. "Iata has long called on Governments to take responsibility for... more

PeopleFinancial Times: British Airways against possible public aids to Alitalia
Rome, Italy – "Anti-aid campaign" of the chief executive of the British air company
The Financial Times recently published a letter of the Chief Executive of British Airways, Rod Eddington, directed to the British Minister of the Transports, in which he expresses great worry for the Alitalia... more

PeopleAir transport: in decrease the incidents in 2003
Ottawa, Canada – It’s the lower number since 1945
The International Civil Aviation Organization (Icao), organism of the United Nations that defines the norms in matter of air safety, with its headquarters in Montreal, Canada, has found that in 2003 the... more

PeopleTassone: "To Alitalia the UE compensations for 11th September"
Rome, Italy - Distinction between national and regional airports
Within a convention of the magazine Air Press about airports and low-cost air companies (see AVIONEWS), the Vice Minister to Infrastructures and Transports, Mario Tassone, confirmed the legitimacy of the... more

PeopleThe US Treasury investigates on loans to airlines
Washington, USA - Out of USD 10bn, only 1.5 have been paid out
The US Treasury has started an inquiry on the Air Transportation Stabilization Board, a commission created after 11 September 2001 to support American carriers economically. The commission seems to have... more

PeopleSafety: flight decks armoured on the Italian skies
Rome, Italy - Within March 31
Gen. Leonardo Tricarico, military advisor of the Premier, during a convention organized by Ceas (Center of high studies for the fight against terrorism )(see AVIONEWS), confirmed that within March 31,... more

PeopleNew Japanese partners for the A-380 programme
Toulouse, France - The number of the involved Japanese companies rises to 18
The number of Japanese companies participating to the production of the new A-380 airliner rises to 18. Matsushita, Koito, Jamco and Sumitomo have recently joined. Components which are mainly going to... more

PeopleUsa: pilots armored
Washington, Usa - The measure regards also pilots of the foreign carriers
They will have rigorously armored the doors of access to the cockpit of the airliners that will interest the connections from and for the United States. The Tsa (Transportation Security Administration,... more

PeopleAir transport: strikes of 21 and 22 March postponed
Rome, Italy - It's a Lunardi decision
The two-day protest previewed for next Sunday and Monday, 21 and 22 March, has been postponed to an another date from the Minister of Infrastructures and the Transports, Pietro Lunardi, because it's contemporary... more

PeopleReactions of the UP to the elevation of the pensionable age of the airline pilots
Rome, Italy - It's too early to estimate it
The Italian Airline and Civil Pilots Associations (UP) carried out some declarations about the non-approval of the Enac Board of Directors of the norm on the employment limit of the navigating staff, limit... more

PeopleCut and thrust between Enac and Anpac about the problem of the limit of employment of the navigating staff
Rome, Italy - Called for next Thursday, March 25 all the representative union organizations of the pilots
Continues the cut and thrust between Enac and Anpac relative to the non-approval of the Enac Board of Directors of the norm on the employment limit of the navigating staff, limit that has been raised over... more

PeopleEmergency landing risk at Bergamo Airport
Bergamo, Italy - It was due to a problem affecting its gear then solved before landing
Warning at "Orio al Serio" Airport (Bergamo) this morning. An Airbus A-300 while arriving from UK would have recognized problems for its gear during flight, so forcing air station staff to lock up the... more

PeopleFit-Cisl appears worried about the management of the north-east air space in the country
Venice, Italy - Its control could be granted to Vienna
Francesco Persi, chief of Fit-Cisl for Enav, has recently proven clearly worried concerning next Infrastructure Minister Lunardi's mission to Brussels. This Minister would in fact indicate Italy's opinion... more

PeopleIata discloses statistics on air traffic in January
Rome, Italy - Both passenger and freight traffic increased
Iata has disclosed the statistics on air traffic for January 2004. International traffic increased by 5.9% for passengers and by 7.2% for freight compared to the same month of 2003. In the Middle East... more

PeopleAir transport KO during the 4 months following 11th September
Brussels, Belgium - According to a Eurostat research
During the period September-December following Al Qaeda's terroristic attacks on 11th September 2001 there were huge losses for airlines in the EU in terms of passengers and, as a consequence, in terms... more

PeopleAirplane to Lampedusa: it did not leave today
Lampedusa, Italy - The subsidies due in case of insufficient passengers were not paid
The 11.45 am Palermo-Lampedusa flight did not leave today. On the route - left uncovered following the suspension of the Greek airline Bee Gee Air, winner in the tender for the allotment of the social... more

PeopleEmergency landing in Rimini because of smoke in cabin
Rimini, Italy - It occurred because of a seepage of anti-ice liquid
A Boeing 737 of the carrier Blue Panorama departed from Bologna last Saturday toward Lanzarote and Tenerife, made an emergency landing at Rimini airport at 9.15am because of smoke in the cabin. On board... more

PeoplePassengers' weight should be checked more carefully
New York, USA - It results from the investigation on a air disaster in North Carolina
Ntsb (National Transportation Safety Board) reaffirms the need for checks not only on the weight of luggage, but also on that of passengers who board aircraft. It emerges after the end of the investigation... more

PeopleEurocontrol: 100 aircraft equipped for Link 2000+
Brussels, Belgium - In January, three new airlines, Air Europa, FedEx Europe and Hapag Lloyd joined the programme
100 aircraft owned by 6 airlines have now signed up to become pioneers for Link 2000+, Eurocontrol's controller-pilot data link (CPDLC) implementation programme. In January, three new airlines, Air Europa,... more