13,082 news found

IndustryBoeing: six B-777 airplanes ordered by China Airlines
Taipei, Taiwan - The order includes purchase rights for four additional aircraft
Boeing and China Airlines have announced an order for six 777/300ERs (Extended Range) airplanes. The order, which is valued at approximately $2 billion at list prices, includes purchase rights for four... more

IndustrySaab-Piaggio Aero Industries: agreement for integration of surveillance systems for aircraft
Linkoping, Sweden - Deliveries are scheduled for the period 2012 to 2015
The defence and security company Saab has signed a framework agreement with Italian Piaggio Aero Industries. Within the framework agreement Saab receives an order for the integration of surveillance systems... more

IndustryLockheed Martin delivers 30 F-35 airplanes in 2012
Fort Worth, Usa - 11 CTOLs, 18 STOVL variants, and one Carrier Variant (CV)
Lockheed Martin delivered 30 F-35 airplanes in 2012. The 30 aircraft comprised 11 CTOLs, 18 Short Takeoff/Vertical Landing (STOVL) variants, and one Carrier Variant (CV). Two of the STOVLS were the... more

IndustryBoeing test breakthrough means more reliable connectivity on airplanes
Seattle, Usa - Its engineers created a new process for measuring radio signal quality
Boeing has developed an advanced method to test wireless signals in airplane cabins, making it possible for passengers to enjoy more reliable connectivity when using networked personal electronic devices... more

IndustryAirbus: AirAsia becomes first operator of Sharklet equipped A-320 airplane (VIDEO)
Toulouse, France - These newly designed wing-tip devices reduce fuel burn and emissions
Airbus has delivered the first A-320 airplane equipped with Sharklets on December 21 to AirAsia, which becomes the first operator of the new fuel-saving large wing tip devices. Sharklets are an option... more

IndustryEurofighter: Oman is the seventh customer to operate the aircraft
Hallbergmoos, Germany - More than 340 aircraft have been delivered to six nations
The Eurofighter community welcomes Oman as a new member to join the international defence programme. Oman will become the seventh customer to operate the world’s most advanced new generation swing-role/multi-role c... more

IndustrySSJ-100 airplane: agreement with Sky Aviation for after-sales support of models in fleet
Venice, Italy - Worth up to USD 57 million for a term of 10 years
SuperJet International –a joint-venture between Alenia Aermacchi (a Finmeccanica Company) and Sukhoi Holding– announced on December 21 the execution of a “SuperCare” Agreement with the launch customer for Sou... more

IndustryBAE Systems announces order for 12 Eurofighter aircraft from Oman
London, United Kingdom - The agreement, which includes 8 Hawk trainer jets, has a value of 3.1 billion Euro
Confirming the rumours which leaked in the past days, BAE Systems announced on Friday 21 December 2012 it reached an agreement with Oman for the supply of twelve Eurofighter Typhoon fighters and of eight... more

IndustryAirbus: first of four A-330/200F aircraft delivered to Tampa Cargo
Toulouse, France - The aircraft is powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 772B engines
Tampa Cargo, AviancaTaca Holding’s cargo airline based in Colombia, has taken delivery of the first of four new A-330 Freighter (A-330/200F) aircraft at Airbus facilities in Toulouse, France. The aircraft i... more

Industry"Fly Your Ideas" by Airbus: more than 6,000 students of over 100 nationalities registered to the edition 2013 of the initiative
Toulouse, France - Airbus assessors are currently reviewing entries to select the most innovative ideas
More than 6,000 students of over 100 nationalities registered for "Fly Your Ideas 2013", the global university contest organized by the aircraft manufacturer Airbus. Teams of students are challenged to... more

IndustryBoeing: four B-767F airplanes to FedEx Express
Seattle, Usa - The order is part of FedEx's initiative to modernize its fleet
Boeing and FedEx Express, a wholly owned subsidiary of FedEx Corp., announced on December 19 an order for four 767 Freighters. The order is part of FedEx's initiative to modernize its fleet. The addition... more

IndustryBoeing: first P-8I Maritime Patrol Aircraft delivered
Seattle, Usa - India will receive this airplane and two more of its eight contracted models in 2013
Boeing on Dec. 19 made an on-site delivery of the first P-8I aircraft to the Indian Navy in Seattle, in accordance with the contract. India will receive this aircraft and two more of its eight contracted... more

IndustryBombardier inks two purchase agreements for 22 CSeries aircraft (VIDEO)
Montreal, Canada - The two customers are airBaltic and an undisclosed airline based in the Americas
On Thursday 20 December 2012 Bombardier Aerospace announced it signed two contracts for the purchase of 22 CSeries aircraft by airBaltic and an undisclosed customer based in the Americas: the overall value... more

IndustrySAAB: option in the contract signed in 2011
Linkoping, Sweden - The total order value for this option comes to about 152 MSEK
Sweden’s Defence Procurement Agency (FMV) has taken up an option in the earlier contract ‘Systems Support for Air Traffic and Airbase Systems 2011-2012’ which Saab signed on 5 September 2011. The total... more

IndustryBAE Systems: delays in talks with Saudi Arabia over Eurofighter aircraft could hit profits
London, United Kingdom - "Issues remain to be resolved before contract pricing can be agreed"
On Thursday 20 December 2012 BAE Systems communicated with a statement to the London Stock Exchange that some delays in the talks with Saudi Arabia regarding some aspects over pricing of the Eurofighter... more

IndustryF-35 airplane: AETC declares Eglin ready for training
Eglin, Usa - Training is slated to begin Jan. 7
Following an independent evaluation of Eglin's capability to conduct F-35A Lightning II aircraft pilot training, Air Education and Training Command announced on December 17 the 33rd Fighter Wing can do... more

IndustryFincantieri: launch of the "Luigi Dattilo" patrol with landing pad for AB-212 or AW-139 helicopters
Trieste, Italy - The first of two multi-purpose vessels for the Italian Coast Guard will be delivered next spring
The first of two multi-purpose vessels commissioned from Fincantieri by the General Command of the Port Authority Corp for the Italian Coast Guard was launched on December 19 at Castellammare di Stabia... more

IndustrySeven additional ATR-72/600 airplanes for Avation Plc
Toulouse, France - Valued at over USD 160 million
The world’s regional turboprop aircraft manufacturer ATR and Singapore-based lessor Avation PLC announced on December 18 the signature of a new contract for the purchase of 7 additional -72/600s, valued a... more

IndustryPegasus: up to 100 A-320neo Family aircraft
Toulouse, France - It becomes a new Airbus customer and the first Turkish airline to order the model
Pegasus Airlines, the second largest airline in Turkey, has signed for up to 100 A-320neo Family aircraft (58 A-320neo and 17 A-321neo models), of which 75 are firm orders. Pegasus becomes a new Airbus... more

IndustryAleniaAermacchi: fuselage of the first C-27J airplane for the RAAF arrived in Turin
Turin, Italy - The Australian order for 10 aircraft was placed last May
The fuselage of the first C-27J airplane for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) has arrived at the Alenia Aermacchi Turin plant for final assembly. Manufactured at Alenia Aermacchi’s Capodichino N... more

IndustryAircraft and engines. General Electric prevailed over France's Safran to acquire Avio, sources said
Turin, Italy - The Turin's company was evaluated roughly 4 billion dollars, the announcement could arrive in a few days
According to reliable sources, US' giant General Electric (GE) prevailed, with a 3-billion-Euro offer on France's Safran to acquire Avio from BCV Investment, whose majority stake is owned by UK's private... more

IndustryAirbus: maxi order of airplanes from Pegasus?
Toulouse, France - The Turkish company would be ready to acquire up to 75 aircraft, mixing A-320neos and A-321neos
Pegasus Airlines is reportedly close to make a large order of aircraft with Airbus, according to sources familiar with the talks: the Turkish low-cost carrier is said to be ready to take 75 planes on firm... more

IndustryRolls-Royce: contract with Japanese Skymark Airlines for Trent 900 engines on six A-380 aircraft
London, UK - The carrier is a new customer for the industry
Rolls-Royce, the global power systems company, has signed a $1bn contract, at list prices, from Japan’s Skymark Airlines for Trent 900 engines to power six A-380 aircraft. The Trent 900 order, which f... more

IndustryBoeing delivered a B-777/200LR airplane to the Republic of Iraq
Seattle, Usa - The country also has 30 Next-Generation 737s on order
Boeing delivered on Saturday December 15 a 777-200LR aircraft to the Republic of Iraq, marking the beginning of Boeing’s renewed partnership with the country. The airplane touched down at Baghdad I... more

IndustryMaiden flight of A-350 aircraft in mid-2013 "Not easy, but reachable", Airbus CEO declares
Toulouse, France - "We will deliver 580 airplanes in 2012", Bregier claims
Airbus Chief Executive Officer Fabrice Bregier released an interview to the French newspaper "Les Echos", in which he provided details about the development timetable of the new A-350XWB aircraft, the... more

IndustryATR: training center inaugurated in Singapore
Singapore, Singapore - Both for commercial aircraft pilots and maintenance crew
ATR officially inaugurated on December 14 a new Training Center in Singapore both for commercial aircraft pilots and maintenance crew. It is located in the Seletar Aerospace Park, a major hub for the Singapore... more

IndustryAirbus is considering the possibility to increase the capacity of its A-321 airplane
Toulouse, France - Utilizing slimmer seats, the aircraft could carry up to 236 passengers
According to some Airbus internal sources contacted by "Aviation Week", the Toulouse-based company is considering the hypothesis to modify the cabin interior of its A-321 aircraft, in order to increase... more

IndustryAirbus: A-321 airplane to Air Astana
Toulouse, France - The first out of a total of six ordered in May 2008
Air Astana, Kazakhstan’s flag carrier, has taken delivery of its first A-321 out of a total of six A-320 Family aircraft ordered from Airbus in May 2008. The delivery was celebrated in Astana, the capital o... more

IndustryATR: 15 -72/600 airplanes for Avianca and Taca
Toulouse, France - Plus options for additional aircraft
European turboprop aircraft manufacturer ATR and Latin American aviation group AviancaTaca Holding announced on December 13 the signature of a major contract for the purchase of 15 ATR-72/600s, plus options... more

IndustryCameron: "AirAsia aircraft order demonstrates the strength of the UK aerospace sector"
Broughton, United Kingdom - The British Prime Minister visits Airbus' plant in Broughton together with the CEO of the Malaysian carrier
On Thursday 13 December 2012 British Prime Minister David Cameron visited the Airbus Broughton plant to welcome the announcement of a deal for new aircraft orders that will protect 1500 UK-based jobs at... more

IndustryAirbus: new order for 100 more A-320 airplanes to AirAsia
Toulouse, France - The order was announced during a visit by British Prime Minister David Cameron
AirAsia, the largest low-cost airline in Asia, has placed a new order with Airbus for 100 more A-320 Family aircraft. The contract covers an additional 64 A-320neo and 36 A-320ceo aircraft for operation... more

IndustryAircraft and industry. Boeing and BMW Group share knowledge to carbon fiber recycling
Seattle, Usa - Signed a collaboration agreement
Boeing and the BMW Group signed a collaboration agreement to participate in joint research on carbon fiber recycling and share knowledge about its materials and manufacturing. They are both pioneering... more

IndustryMitsubishi Aircraft Corporation receives an order for 100 MRJ-90 from SkyWest (VIDEO)
Nagoya, Japan - A 4.2-billion-dollar operation at list prices
On Thursday 13 December 2012 the Japanese company Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation and the US airline SkyWest, Inc announced that they have executed a definitive agreement for the purchase of 100 MRJ-90... more

IndustryAirbus: first directly purchased A-320 airplane delivered to Starflyer
Toulouse, France - It is powered by CFM56-5B4/P
Starflyer, Japan’s fast-growing, value-based airline, has taken delivery of its first ever directly purchased aircraft, an Airbus A-320, during a delivery ceremony in Toulouse, France. The aircraft i... more

IndustryNorthrop Grumman-Finmeccanica joint-venture withdraws from the race for the new USAF helicopters
Washington, USA - Another three companies leave the competition: Sikorsky is the only one left
The joint-venture formed by Northrop Grumman and AgustaWestland, which is a subsidiary of Finmeccanica Group (AVIONEWS) withdrew from the 6.84 billion dollars competition to provide 112 new combat-and-rescue... more

IndustryBoeing: 15 B-777/300ER airplanes for Turkish Airlines
Istanbul, Turkey - Worth $4.7 billion at list prices
Boeing and Turkish Airlines have finalized a firm order for 15 B-777/300ER (Extended Range) airplanes worth $4.7 billion at list prices. The agreement, first announced in October as a commitment, also... more

Industry4th C-17 Globemaster III aircraft to Qatar Emiri Air Force (QEAF)
Long Beach, Usa - Boeing has delivered 249 planes worldwide
Boeing delivered on December 10 the Qatar Emiri Air Force's fourth C-17 Globemaster III aircraft in Long Beach. The delivery reflects Qatar's agreement with the US government to acquire two additional... more

IndustryRolls-Royce-Usaf: completed flight test for improvements for the T56 engine for C-130 aircraft
Washington, Usa - And preliminary results
Rolls-Royce, the global power systems company, and the United States Air Force have completed flight testing for the latest enhancement for the T56 engine, and preliminary results have exceeded expectations... more

IndustryA-400M airplane completed the 300 hours of F&R
Madrid, Spain - A key requirement prior to full certification
Airbus Military has successfully completed the 300 hours of Function & Reliability (F&R) flight-testing of the A-400M new generation aircraft which is a key requirement prior to full certification. Data... more

IndustryMilitary aircraft. Selex Sistemi Integrati-Snecma agreement for the mission planning systems (IAF MSS)
Rome, Italy - Worth 3,4 million Euros
SELEX Sistemi Integrati, a Finmeccanica company, signed a contract worth 3,4 million Euros, with the agency NETMA (NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency) to supply a two year support for the... more

IndustryBoeing receives order for 12 Boeing 737 MAX from Icelandair
Reykjavik , Iceland - 1.2-billion-dollar agreement at list prices
On Thursday 6 December 2012 Boeing and Icelandair announced a commitment for twelve 737 MAX aircraft, valued at more than 1.2 billion dollars at list prices. The commitment by the Icelandic carrier includes... more

IndustryBombardier: 1.85-billion-dollar aircraft order by Delta Air Lines
Montreal, Canada - The US company has purchased 40 CRJ-900 Nextgen, with an option for a further 30
On Thursday 6 December 2012 Bombardier Aerospace announced that Delta Air Lines has placed a firm order for 40 CRJ-900 NextGen regional jets and has taken options on an additional 30 aircraft of the same... more

IndustryB-737 airplane breaks single-year record for orders and deliveries
Seattle, Usa - The 377th model with Sky Interior for United Airlines
Boeing reached a record for year-to-date 737 deliveries with December 3's delivery of the 377th Next-Generation 737 aircraft. The delivery of the airplane, a 737/900ER (Extended Range) with Boeing... more

IndustrySukhoi Superjet 100 airplane: pre-delivery inspection for the first aircraft of Sky Aviation
Moscow, Russia - The Indonesian airline made an order for twelve planes to be delivered in 2012-2015
Indonesian airline Sky Aviation is carrying out pre-delivery inspection of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft in Ulianovsk (Russia). Sky Aviation being the first SSJ-100 customer in Southeast Asia market... more

IndustryACF-ASF: second A-380 airplane of Thai transported medical supplies to Bangkok
Toulouse, France - The airline has ordered six models
The Airbus Corporate Foundation (ACF) and Aviation Sans Frontières (ASF) have transported medical equipment and supplies to Thailand from Toulouse, France, aboard the delivery flight of Thai Airways International... more

IndustryAirbus: first A-350XWB "MSN1" airplane for the flight tests
Toulouse, France - Its maiden flight will be in mid-2013
Airbus has successfully completed the main structural assembly and system connection of A-350 XWB ‘MSN1’ – the first flight-test aircraft. The aircraft is depicted here on its wheels for the very first... more

IndustryLM: 5,000 flight hours for the F-35 aircraft program (VIDEO)
Fort Worth, Usa - The three variants participated in achievement of this goal
The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II program surpassed 5,000 flight hours last month. This milestone was reached by the combined F-35 System Development and Demonstration (SDD) aircraft flying at Edwards... more

IndustryThe fifth A-330 MRTT airplane delivered to Royal Australian Air Force
Seville, Spain - Designated the KC-30A by the RAAF
Airbus Military has formally delivered the fifth and final new generation A-330 MRTT multi-role tanker transport ordered by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). The handover of the aircraft marks a major... more

IndustrySSJ-100 airplane: Full Flight Simulator arrives in Venice-Tessera
Venice, Italy - 30 days for the installation and then the EASA certification at the beginning of 2013: then the "Type Rating" courses by pilots
A new Full Flight Simulator (FFS) for training on the SSJ-100 aircraft arrived for installation at the SuperJet International (SJI) Training Center in Venice (Italy), close to the International "Marco... more

IndustryAirplanes and fuel-saving. EASA certification Sharklet for the Airbus A-320
Toulouse, France - Very soon the green light by the US FAA
Airbus has achieved on schedule certification for its new fuel-saving Sharklets for the A-320 aircraft with CFM engines. This certification received from the European airworthiness authorities (EASA) will... more