5,887 news found

PeoplePA dell'FAA sui motori della General Electric (2004-15-03R1)
Washington, Usa - Modelli Turbofan CF34-3A1 e - 3B1
La Federal Aviation Administration ha emesso una prescrizione di aeronavigabilità numero 2004-15-03R1 riguardante motori della General Electric Company, modelli Turbofan CF34-3A1 e -3B1. Per la completa... more

PeopleFAA AD on Cessna Aircraft Company (Cessna) Models 208 and 208B airplanes
USA - To repetitively inspect the flap bellcranks for cracks and eventually replace these bellcranks
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-CE-23-AD; Amendment 39-13772; AD 2004-17-01] RIN 2120-AA64 Preamble... more

PeopleFAA AD on Rolls-Royce plc RB211 Trent 800 Series Turbofan Engines
USA - To prevent possible multiple uncontained LP compressor fan blade failure, due to cracking in the blade root caused by increased stresses in the shear key slots
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2003-NE-38-AD; Amendment 39-13736; AD 2004-15-02] RIN 2120-AA64 Preamble... more

PeopleFAA AD on Boeing Model 747 series airplanes (2)
USA - To prevent fracture of the outer cylinder of the wing landing gear, which could result in collapse of the wing landing gear
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2000-NM-419-AD; Amendment 39-13761; AD 2004-16-05] RIN 2120-AA64 Preamble... more

PeopleFAA AD on MD Helicopters, Inc. Model MD900 helicopters
USA - To provide a temporary backup support system in the event of a piston rod failure and to prevent subsequent loss of control of the helicopter
AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2004-SW-10-AD; Amendment 39-13764; AD 2004-16-08] RIN 2120-AA64 Preamble... more

PeopleFAA AD on Gulfstream Aerospace LP Model Galaxy and Model Gulfstream 200 airplanes
USA - To prevent possible separation of the flap actuator fairings from the lower skin of the wings from causing possible damage to adjacent structural elements
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-325-AD; Amendment 39-13759; AD 2004-16-03] RIN 2120-AA64 Preamble... more

PeopleFAA AD on BAE Systems Limited Model Avro 146-RJ series airplanes
USA - To prevent a premature flare from occurring on approach due to erroneous data being provided to the DFGC and to prevent uncertainty about autopilot engagement status which could cause the pilot to apply unneeded force to the control column
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2003-NM-92-AD; Amendment 39-13762; AD 2004-16-06] RIN 2120-AA64... more

PeopleFAA AD on Short Brothers Model SD3 Series Airplanes
Washington, USA - To detect and correct corrosion and deterioration of the aft pintle pin bushings of the MLG
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2003-NM-178-AD; Amendment 39-13760; AD 2004-16-04] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness... more

PeopleFAA AD on Short Brothers Model SD3 series airplanes (2)
USA - To prevent an engine shut-down in icing conditions, which could result in loss of control of the airplane and consequent injury to flightcrew and passengers
Airworthiness directive DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-209-AD; Amendment 39-13758; AD 2004-16-02] RIN 2120-AA64 Preamble... more

PeopleFAA AD on Boeing Model 767-200 and -300 Series Airplanes
USA - To prevent the door-opening actuators for the off- wing slide compartment from not firing, which could cause the door to open improperly and prevent the deployment of the off-wing escape slide, leading to the loss of an evacuation route
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-151-AD; Amendment 39-13766; AD 2004-16-10] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness... more

PeopleFAA AD on Boeing 747 Series Airplanes (2004-16-09)
USA - To detect and correct the propagation of fatigue cracks in the vicinity of oil cans on the web of the aft pressure bulkhead, which could result in rapid decompression and overpressurization of the tail section
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2003-NM-107-AD; Amendment 39-13765; AD ] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness Directives; Boeing Model... more

PeopleThales to provide the ISFD display for the 7E7 Dreamliner
Washington, USA - An agreement has recently been signed with Boeing for such avionics device
Thales has recently signed a new collaboration contract with Boeing for the provision of avionics components, with reference to the new 7E7 Dreamliner medium range airliner. In particular, the agreement... more

PeopleFAA AD on Bombardier Model DHC-8-400, 401, and -402 airplanes
Canada - To determine the serial number of the spoiler lift dump valves installed on the inboard and outboard spoilers, and replacement of certain spoiler lift dump valves to be deferred
(WAPA)- Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-132-AD; Amendment 39-13769; AD 2004-16-13] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness... more

PeopleFAA AD on Boeing Model 757 and 767 series airplanes (2004-16-11)
USA - To prevent a cracked hanger arm of the hydraulic pump of the RAT that can fracture under load and lead to failure of the RAT to provide hydraulic power to the primary flight control system during an emergency when both engines have failed
(WAPA) Airworthiness Directive DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2003-NM-83-AD; Amendment 39-13767; AD 2004-16-11] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness... more

PeopleIndian HAL's contribution for the production of Airbus' aircraft
Toulouse, France - Some 1000 doors to be manufactured by such Indian aerospace company, regarding the European group's airplanes
A contract between Airbus and HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited) was signed in Toulouse last week for the manufacturing, awarded to the Indian aerospace company, of some 1000 doors related to the A-319,... more

PeopleEU: stop to the overbooking
Berne, Switzerland - The European Union would have decided to force the carriers to a payback and the Swiss Government could join
Overbooking: a usual procedure among the carriers, and aimed to favour the selling of a number of tickets which its larger than the real availability of seats. Despite such procedure is not considered... more

PeopleOil price (3): fuel cost could go on rising
London, UK - Several international analysts and British Airways would appear sure about such risk
According to some analysts of air transport sector and on the basis of estimations carried out by British Airways, the worldwide oil market is unlikely to perform a turnaround during the next weeks, so... more

PeopleItalian Vice-Minister of Transport, Tassone: "The new ruling on the air transport to warrant higher safety"
Rome, Italy - He points out some details regarding Ministry, Enac and Enav's competences
Italian Vice-Minister for Infrastructures and Transport, Mario Tassone, has indicated some significant aspects of the future reform of the air transport sector in Italy (see for details AVIONEWS). Tassone... more

PeopleOil price: Iata warns about the situation
Rome, Italy - And Italian Government thinks about the opportunity for an intervention in order to contain the negative effects for the transport sector
Oil market's situation appears particularly delicate in this period, as oil price goes on rising and, as a consequence, also aviation fuels' cost increases, with serious effects for the air transport sector.... more

PeopleAir transport's reform in Italy to start again on next September 3
Rome, Italy - It would have been announced by Italian Minister for Infrastructures and Transport Lunardi
Italian Minister for Transport and Infrastructures, Pietro Lunardi, would have recently made know that on next September 3 Government should show, within a formal meeting, a draft in order to concretely... more

PeopleIata: Toronto Airport inefficiency hits passengers with 25% hike in airport improvement fee
Geneva, Switzerland - The Iata calls for review of national airports policy
"Once again we see clearly that the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA), Toronto's airport monopoly, is out-of-step with the industry. Rather than follow commercial common-sense and get costs under... more

PeopleFlies on the flight inbound from Maldives
Milan, Italy - Eurofly: meal on board dressed up with insects
Two Turinese passengers, an husband and his pregnant wife, the last July 26 were travelling on Eurofly charter to come back home after a Maldives stay, while they having the flight meal came up against... more

PeopleMalfunction to a computer blocks 250 thousand flights in Usa
New York, Usa - Today the return to normality
The technicians would have established that a breakdown to a computer due to a human error at the beginning of the block of 250 thousand flights in United States happened yesterday. The error would not... more

PeopleInvestment devoted to air transport in Italy
Rome, Italy - The Financial and Economic Schedule Report forecasts to grant some EUR 850m within three years for airport infrastructures and safety
The Government's Financial and Economic Schedule Report forecasts an important intervention in favour of air transport in Italy. In fact, funds for some EUR 850m have been scheduled as they will be delivered... more

PeopleTwo new Boeing 747-400 for Air China Cargo
Seattle, USA - The first one will be delivered in November 2005, the second one in March 2006
The Air China Cargo Co., the largest mainland China's cargo airline, yesterday confirmed an order for two Boeing 747-400 Freighters. The two deliveries are scheduled for November 2005 and March 2006. They... more

PeopleItalian Campania Region funds Air Nostrum Lineas Aereas' Naples-Madrid flight
Naples, Italy - Traffic frequency to progressively rise with decreasing ticket prices by winter period
The Spanish regional air service called Air Nostrum Lineas Aereas, which operates on the behalf of Iberia, opens tomorrow the new Naples-Madrid flight, an important one most of all because its foundation... more

PeopleEthiopian Airlines and Boeing celebrate together the delivery of a new 737-700 airplane
Seattle, USA - The two companies solidify their business relationship with the new aircraft
Last week the celebrations were held for the delivery of the new 737-700 airplane. The cerimony to which shared the Ethiopian Airlines and Boeing, it highlighted the businesse relationship between the... more

PeopleSwitzerland: State to participate more for the management of air traffic
Berne, Switzerland - Swiss International Air Lines will not be granted with further public financial aids in the future
Switzerland intends to achieve a turning-point regarding the situation of national air traffic and, with reference to such matter, Government has recently put into evidence two different issues concerning... more

PeopleIata: passenger growth substantially exceeds expectations
Geneva, Switzerland - Capacity control revives outlook for industry profits
"International passenger traffic growth in the first half of 2004 substantially exceeded our expectations. If current growth trends prevail, and barring any unforeseen event, we could end the year with... more

PeopleArizona and New York are more nearer
Houston, USA - It’s ready the launch of airline service which will connect directly southern Arizona to New York
Continental Airlines and the Tucson, Arizona Airport Authority, today announced the airline will launch daily non-stop service between Tucson International Airport and the Newark Liberty International... more

PeopleAn Airbus A-350?
Paris, France - According to European press it would deal with a new version of the A-330 aimed to challenge the Boeing 7E7 but Airbus gives the lie
Recently, European press would have indicated a special version of the Airbus A-330/200 as a possible competitor of the new Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner medium range airliner under development. According to some... more

PeopleEU appears willing for a new agreement against subsidies in favour of aviation industry
Brussels, Belgium - Nevertheless, the European Union invites Washington to recognize the unacceptable support in favour of Boeing
The European Union does not avoid to clearly answer the Unites States’ invitation occurred last week with reference to a new possible agreement, which can put to an end to supposed state subsidies in f... more

PeopleInternet service to be available on Airbus' aircraft soon
Paris, France - Sita and Tenzing to design the related system
Airbus is scheduling to produce a flight internet connection system which can be used both by crews and passengers. The selected partners in order to accomplish such task are Sita, a leading company in... more

PeopleUSA: an agreement in order to cancel subsidies in favour of Airbus
Washington, USA - The United States are firmly asking for it and it could occur next September
The United States would be particularly firm regarding their exigency for carrying on a fight against what they consider as a real subsidies policy by the EU in favour of the European leading company for... more

People"Open Skies" between the United States and China
Washington, USA - The increase of air traffic has been started between the two countries and it will produce some 249 weekly flights in six years
The new programme aimed to significantly increase passengers and cargo air traffic between the United States and China will be called "Open Skies". As far as it is concerned with this matter, the two countries... more

PeopleThe success of Dassault Falcon’s executive jets
Farnborough, UK – The French group goes on being the a worldwide leader in this sector
According to the latest forecasting by Dassault Falcon’s representatives, the company will achieve the delivery of some 60 executive aircraft to its customers by the end of the year. The most important p... more

PeopleFew concern for the 7E7 in the USA
Farnborough, UK – Boeing would have underlined how the American carriers do not appear particularly interested in purchasing such airplane
Boeing has recently unveiled, with reference to the development of the new 7E7 Dreamliner medium range airliner, that the most relevant interest regarding the new civil transport aircraft comes from abroad... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Farnborough International 2004: Etihad completes its fleet with Airbus
Farnborough, United Kingdom - Another carrier has so been added to the ones which selected the A-380
Etihad Airways arrives at Farnborough International 2004 aware of the need for strengheting its own fleet, and it has opted for a significant series of orders which involve some three different types of... more

PeopleBoeing: in the future there not will be place for the super-jumbo, the tomorrow belongs to the airplanes of the intermediate dimensions
Rome, Italy - Only the 3% of the aircraft of the future will be B-747 and A-380
Boeing insists in its forecasts of long period. The bet is open between the two giants of the aviation, Boeing thinks that the future will be classified to the aircraft assigned to routes point to point... more

PeopleOpen skies: the European Commission has started the violation procedures in the comparison of 12 European countries
Rome, Italy - Illegal the bilateral agreements among Usa and the countries members of the Union
The Justice Court had already declared illegal the bilateral agreements, but not having completed any step in the hoped direction, the European Commission has been forced to start the infraction procedures.... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Farnborough International 2004. Airbus A-380: the best solution in order to face enlargement costs for the air stations
Farnborough, UK - European groups' representatives would be convinced of it when forecasting the international air traffic's rise
Airbus is carrying on its promotional activity for the new A-380 long range airliner, be a new initiative which is in particular devoted to airports. According to European group's representatives, during... more

PeopleIata: airlines welcome UK Hight Court decision
Geneva, Switzerland - The declarations of Giovanni Bisignani, Director General and Ceo of the International Air Transport Association
"The international airline community welcomed last Wednesday UK High Court decision to refer questions on the validity of European Community regulations on compensation for denied boarding, cancellation... more

PeopleQualcomm tests the use of mobile on the aircraft
Dallas, Usa - Making the first phone calls authorized
Till now the use of the mobiles on the airliners was prohibited for emergency reasons, in how much these could interfere with the delicate electronic equipments on board. And it is still, but Qualcomm,... more

PeopleFarnborough International 2004: a new official livery for Boeing's airplanes
Farnborough, UK - The entire fleet receives the typical colours used for the 7E7 Dreamliner
On the occasion of the opening of the great Farnborough International Air Show 2004 in Great Britain (July 19-25), Boeing shows the new look selected for the entire airliners' fleet. Inspiration stemmed... more

PeopleUnited States' traffic at risk in summer for possible excessive delays
Washington, Usa - The main reason could be the lack in managing current passengers traffic rise
American analysts competent for the air transport sector expect a significant increase of summer traffic, even forecasting probable hardships. In fact, number of passengers should remarkably rise, so risking... more

PeopleHoneywell to provide flight electronic control system for the Dreamliner
Washington, USA - The related contract has been recently signed with Boeing
Honeywell's contribution for the production of the new Boeing's medium-range airliner appears a significant one, when considering the avionics components provided for the 7E7 Dreamliner. Honeywell will... more

PeopleA failure affects Eurofly's flight: Italian natives stopped at San Petersburg Airport
San Petersburg, Russia - An intervention by Italian diplomatic representative would appear necessary to solve the situation
Several Italian natives would have been stopped yesterday at San Petersburg Airport (Russia), after a failure affecting the Eurofly's airplane which should have carried them back towards Italy by this... more

PeopleCompensation obligation for flight delay or cancellation: Iata challenges EU's regulation
Brussels, Belgium - The carriers moan about conditions regarding responsibilities which cannot be put down to them
Iata (International Air Transport Association) appears quite sure about the fact that European Court of Justice can encourage a significant change of EU's ruling, with reference to passengers' compensantion... more

PeopleAre there new customers for the Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner?
Washington, USA - They could be officially unveiled on the occasion of Farnborough International 2004
While waiting for the great Farnborough International 2004 Air Show (July 19-25), rumors related to the possible official release of new customers for the 7E7 Dreamliner appear to become more and more... more

PeopleAir traffic is rising in Spain
Madrid, Spain - Higher figures, when compared with the last year, would indicate a general improvement of this sector in the country
Spain is improving its performances regarding air traffic. May already proved a good period with positive signals, but June confirmed that right during the first part of summer season the Spanish airports... more