5,887 news found

PeopleEADS faces the rising oil cost problem
Paris, France - According to the European consortium, fleets renewed with last generation airplanes can take advantages from lower consumption
The current situation of the international air transport sector related to the rising aeronautics fuels cost was recently considered also by EADS' CEO, Philippe Camus. According to Camus, the European... more

PeopleBrussels to Washington: "Let's analyse the matter of subsidies for the 7E7 in Geneva at the end of October"
Brussels, Belgium - Meanwhile, the USA criticize the Airbus' initiative aimed to gain public funds for the A-350 programme
After the announcement by Airbus about the intention for resorting to public funding in order to produce one third of the programme related to the new A-350 airliner (see for details AVIONEWS), the United... more

PeopleAll Nippon Airways, the Rolls Royce Trent 1000 to power the Dreamliners (2): Airbus' comment
London, UK - According to European group, this would be a signal of the realization in Japan that the USA are going to lose on the subsidies matter
British press analyses the situation related to the trade war between Boeing and Airbus following the appeals to the WTO (World Trade Organization), to which respectively the USA and EU resorted against... more

PeopleAll Nippon Airways: the Rolls Royce Trent 1000 to power the Dreamliners
Tokyo, Japan - A contract worth EUR 1bn was signed to provide engines for some 50 new airliners
Japanese airline, All Nippon Airways, one of the first customers of the new Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner medium-range airliner, has decided to rely upon the Rolls Royce Trent 1000 engines rather than opting for... more

PeopleAirbus A-350: public funding worth EUR 1bn?
Toulouse, France - They could be requested on the basis of the chances scheduled by the 1992 agreements and unilaterally abrogated by the USA
Airbus’ forecasting for the next two years appear particularly positive for the orders which the European aerospace group could achieve by 2006. According to the board of the company owned by EADS and B... more

PeopleAll the routes to only one airline in Sardinia?
Cagliari, Italy - As the Portugal model which links the Azores Islands
After the proposal from a regional councilman to restore the Sardinia inner flights, the Region launches a new plan: to offer all the routes to only one airline. It is a Portuguese model which seems to... more

PeopleThe Airbus' industrial presence in China
Toulouse, France - More than a 25% of the European group's planes in service at a worldwide level would be fitted with components manufactured in China
Airbus analyses the situation regarding its presence in China. From an industrial point of view the european aerospace group progressively strengthened in recent years the collaboration activities with... more

PeopleTaiwan: direct flights towards China?
Taipei, Taiwan - Formosa's Government would have suggested an agreement to Beijing for setting direct routes between the two countries
Taiwan would be trying to lower tension for the diplomatic relations with China, and it would have decided to promote the restore of the flight activities between the continental country and the island,... more

PeopleThe ICAO 35th Assembly ended
Montreal, Canada - Safety, security and environment in the centre of attention but many countries do not honour the rules regarding such matters
The ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) 35th Assembly ended on last October 8, after starting in Montreal, Canada (see for details AVIONEWS). At the end of this event, the major issues on... more

PeopleSkyguide: planned redundancies to face reorganization
Zurich, Switzerland - Which will diminish the take off, landing and overflying fees
The Board of Directors of Skyguide - the Switzerland air traffic control society - would have established a cost reduction plan which should have to diminish the take off, landing and overflying fees.... more

PeopleChirac visiting China: no positive signs for the A-380 have appeared yet
Beijing, China - However, Airbus group would seem to forecast orders by a new customer from the Asian country by the end of this year
French President, Jacques Chirac, while visiting China yesterday, would have promoted a series of relevant French industrial products aiming to increase the export of aerospace sector's solutions. Besides... more

PeopleThe USA-EU struggle for the aerospace industry subsidies: first effects on the competition between the A-350 and the 7E7
Toulouse, France - Decisions by the WTO could affect the funding destined to the two aircraft
The development of the new Airbus A-350 transport airplane (see for details AVIONEWS), would appear to be already subjected to the first effects of the recent appeal to the WTO (World Trade Organization)... more

People7E7 Dreamliner: Alenia will have to choose between Puglia and Campania to manufacture its components
Naples, Italy - Campania's unions would be promoting their territory while Puglia Region's President asks for waiting for company's decision
Alenia Aeronautica will have to decide soon where to manufacture the structural components destined to the new Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner medium-range airliner, as it seems that there are two Italia regions... more

PeopleThe immortal 747 challenges the A-380
Washington, USA - A new version called Advanced tu enjoy the technology employed for the 777s and the 7E7s
A 747 in order to seize the market segment of the Airbus A-380: it would appear as foregone, as Boeing would not intend to produce a new long-range airplane to compete with the European group's flying... more

PeopleBoeing 7E7 "Dreamliner": Mitsubishi to cooperate for the production of the Rolls Royce's engines
Tokyo, Japan - The participation share by the Japanese company would consist of a 7%
Rolls Royce is constantly searching for new partners in order to carry on the designing of the new engine destined to the 7E7 "Dreamliner", the leading edge programme of Boeing concerning the civil aviation... more

PeopleEU Commission: more rigidity on the State aids for the air transport sector
Brussels, Belgium - It would have ben underlined by the new European Commissioner for Transport, French-native Jacques Barrot
Absolute rigidity regarding State aids in favour of the air transport sector: this is the policy that the new European Commissioner for Transport, French-native Jacques Barrot, would intend to implement... more

PeopleA-380: there are 21 Japanese companies cooperating for the Airbus’ programme
Tokyo, Japan – Meanwhile, the representatives of the European aerospace group would have revealed that a new customer from China could be indicated by this year
There would be some 21 Japanese companies, competent and operating for the aerospace sector, cooperating for the production of the new Airbus’ long-range airliner, the A-380, a 555 seats giant of the s... more

PeopleICAO's 35th Conference begins
Montreal, Canada - Safety/security, pollution and increase of the transport capabilities in the centre of attention
The ICAO’s (International Civil Aviation Organization) 35th Conference officially began today, after the first talks occurred during the last days such as for example the one performed by IATA (International A... more

PeopleA-350: Airbus confirms the name of the new rival of the Dreamliner
Toulouse, France - A medium-range 270 seats transport airplane, with technologies deriving from the A-380 and new engines
A-350: no more doubts would exist now about the name of the new medium-range transport airplane under development by Airbus. It would have recently been announced by Airbus’ CEO Noel Forgeard himself, b... more

PeopleIATA: five major sectors to involve in order to improve the air transport market
Montreal, Canada - Director General and CEO Bisignani would have underlined them during the ICAO's 35th Assembly
Giovanni Bisignani, IATA’s (International Air Transport Association) Director General and CEO, has recently analysed the situation of the air transport market and what he considers as the necessary interventions a... more

PeopleBoeing selects Parker Hannifin for its 7E7 Dreamliner
Washington, USA - The hydraulic subsystem provided by the new partner would be able to ensure higher pressure with a limited structural weight
The 7E7 Dreamliner, the new Boeing's medium-range airliner, will be endowed of hydraulic subsystems provided by Parker Hannifin. Such enterprise would have been chosen on the basis of criteria which are... more

PeopleIata: increase of the traffic for first eight months of this year
Geneva, Switzerland - USD 3-4bn industry loss for 2004
IATA announced increases of 18.7% for international passenger traffic and 14.2% for international cargo traffic for the first eight months of 2004 over 2003. "The increase in traffic is well beyond our... more

PeopleSwiss and German greens against the air transport
Kostanz, Germany - Nocturnal pauses for the airports and taxes over kerosene: ecologists met today in Kostanz talk about it
Today the "Greens without frontiers" talks have kept in Kostanz, where representatives of German and Swiss ecologists has discussed about the air traffic, and they would have demanded a nine hours nocturnal... more

PeopleBoeing: two hundred 7E7 Dreamliners have been ordered
Washington, USA - The names of the purchaser airlines to be unveiled by the end of this year
According to Boeing's representatives, the rivalry with Airbus is significantly destinated to increase when considering the economic trend of the worldwide air transport sector. Boeing would in fact think... more

PeopleA decree on civil aviation in Italy: division of competences and safety
Rome, Italy - As the major aspects of the future country's air transport sector, according to Italian Vice-Minister for Transport
Italian Vice-Minister for Infrastructures and Transport, Mario Tassone, would have recently underlined the importance of the decree concerning civil aviation, aimed to ensure significant improvements for... more

PeopleA-380: Boeing will develop a competitor plane if the Airbus' product proves a winning one
Washington, USA - It would have been unveiled by President of such US aerospace company
During a recent interview, Boeing's President and CEO Harry Stonecipher would have firmly criticized the competitors and, at the same time, unveiled an important aspect. According to Stonecipher, Airbus... more

PeopleTU-334: challenge with the short-range commercial airplanes started
Moscow, Russia - The noise-level certificate has been awarded and the production activity constantly goes on
Tupolev is ready to challenge the winning products of the competitors which have so far conquered the international market, concerning the short-range commercial airplanes sector. The Tu-334 would have... more

PeopleEuropean Single Sky: a dedicated conference in Sicily
Selinunte, Italy - Opened today, it will end tomorrow by an analysis on the passage from the current different air spaces to a single one
A conference on the "European Single Sky" has been opened today at Selinunte, in Trapani province. The event, whose conclusion has been scheduled for tomorrow, involve some 25 countries. Some 130 delegates... more

PeopleBombardier: no problems for deliveries despite the US Airways' crisis
Toronto, Canada - The delivery of 12 CRJ aircraft by January 2005 should warrant the Canadian group to conclude the fiscal year without damages
The crisis affecting some carriers produced particularly negative effects for the airplanes orders previously performed, but this problem does not seem to worry Bombardier. The Canadian aerospace group... more

PeopleFAA welcomes the UFAC's development with favour
Berne, Switzerland - The Swiss civil aviation agency's activity aimed to strengthen the sector's efficiency and safety has been positively considered
UFAC (Swiss Federal Civil Aviation Office) is performing an important functional and operative development, aimed to separate between the activities dedicated to flight safety and the ones regarding a... more

PeopleEU and Chile sign an air transport agreement
Santiago of Chile, Chile - The South American country can choose to operate the routes used by the old continent by CLAC carriers
Yesterday it has been signed the "Horizontal Agreement for the air transport services" between Chile and European Union. The accord would establish that the South American country can choose whichever... more

PeopleEU and Chile sign an air transport agreement
Santiago of Chile, Chile - The South American country can choose to operate the routes used by the old continent by CLAC carriers
Yesterday it has been signed the "Horizontal Agreement for the air transport services" between Chile and European Union. The accord would establish that the South American country can choose whichever... more

PeopleEU and Chile sign an air transport agreement
Santiago of Chile, Chile - The South American country can choose to operate the routes used by the old continent by CLAC carriers
Yesterday it has been signed the "Horizontal Agreement for the air transport services" between Chile and European Union. The accord would establish that the South American country can choose whichever... more

PeopleTerritorial continuity and service competitiveness: Enac underlines the role of the low-cost carriers
Palermo, Italy - Air One would provide excessively expensive services compared with competitors, according to President Riggio
On the occasion of Enac's (Italian National Civil Aviation Agency) Board of Directors occurred in Palermo yesterday, a chance was seized in order to attend to the matter related to the territorial continuity... more

PeopleCoflight EFDP: the Italian-French-Swiss prelude to the European Single Sky
Geneva, Switzerland - It will warrant a better air traffic management among the three countries increasing the general safety degree
The sign of the agreement related to the development of the new flight data processing system named Coflight EFDP occurred in Geneva yesterday. The protagonists of such deal were ENAV (Italian National... more

PeopleDirect flights between Italy and China are necessary
Rome, Italy - The Astoi President asserts it : "It will serve to raise the tourist field "
The Astoi President, the Italian tour operator Association, complains the lack of a direct aer connection between Italy and China: the Rising Sun market would be in fact a source of great potentiality,... more

PeopleEU: "Many achievements in the air transport despite early scepticism"
Brussels, Belgium - European Commission's outgoing President Romano Prodi proves convinced of it
European Commission’s outgoing President, Romano Prodi, recently analysed the general situation of what produced during his leading role within EU Government. On such occasion, Prodi has underlined the r... more

PeopleIata strengthens support to Africa
Geneva, Switzerland - It today announced the appointment of Vinod Chidambaram as Regional Vice President for Africa
IATA today announced the appointment of Vinod Chidambaram as Regional Vice President for Africa, heading up the Associations strengthened presence in the region. This is a significant strengthening of... more

PeopleTaiwan and South Korea will have direct flights
Taipei, Taiwan - The air links between the 2 countries were interrupted in 1992 when the Taipei government recognized China
Today the Minister of the Foreign of Taiwan says that soon they will resumed the air links between Taiwan and South Korea, connections suspended when South Korea in 1992, choosing to recognize China, so... more

PeopleA-350: Airbus' answer to the Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner
Toulouse, France - It would deal with the new medium-range commercial airplane under development and it could derive from the A-330/200
An Airbus A-350 in order to seize the medium-range commercial airplanes’ segment against the Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner. This would be the latest newness designed in the research centres of the European aerospace g... more

PeopleAir Transport: a new series of strikes is arriving
Rome, Italy - ENAV-Fiumicino, Alitalia pilots and employees' demonstrations start
After the summer stop a "very hot" September is expected to occur regarding the trade unions' protests. Now, the ones concerning the air transport sector are: - a strike by ENAV (Italian National Flight... more

PeopleIata: strong traffic growth but profits undercut by sky high fuel prices
Geneva, Switzerland - According to Giovanni Bisignani, Director General and CEO of the International Air Transport Association "It's our biggest nightmare"
"International passenger and cargo traffic growth continued to exceed expectations through July, however the extraordinarily high level of oil prices points to yet another year of significant airline losses",... more

PeopleBoeing-iPass: an agreement on internet connection during flight
Washington, USA - The programme is in particular devoted to long-range flights
Boeing and iPass have recently signed a collaboration agreement for the provision of internet connection services aboard the airliners, with reference to long-range flights. Presently, Lufthansa already... more

PeopleNAL Saras: the Indian challenge to Embraer regional airplanes
New Dheli, India - The new national-made transport aircraft has been shown
Indian intends to re-produce in the international market the success achieved during the last decades by Brazilian Embraer in the segment of regional transport airplanes, and for such aim has launched... more

PeopleThe Airbus A-300 cargos deployed for the Olympic Games
Athens, Greece - They performed transport operations for British and German equitation champions's equipment and horses
The Athens Olympic Games, where many athletes from several equitation sport spacialities are participating, are being involved by a massive deployment of Airbus A-300 transport airplanes, in particular... more

PeoplePassengers ask for more room aboard: the A-380's answer
Sydney, Australia - Larger and more comfortable seats and isles for getting a bit of relaxation would represent the major challenge for the new airliners
It appears more and more relevant in Australia the request for big transport airplanes which are able to provide more room for passengers but also in a completely new manner, with real areas where one... more

PeopleThe Concorde? Noisy even before shattering the sound barrier
London, UK - A report carried out in 1976 and released only recently would have pointed out constant violations of the allowed noise limits
The tolerability level regarding the acoustic pollution caused by the Concorde supersonic airliner, would have constantly been violated by the airplane since it entered the service. This fact would have... more

PeopleFAA AD on Eurocopter France helicopters Model AS-365N2, AS-365N3, EC-155B, EC-155B1, SA-365N and N1, and SA-366G1
USA - To detect a crack in a MGB base plate and prevent failure of one of the MGB attachment points to the frame, which could result in severe vibration and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA-2004-18850; Directorate Identifier 2004-SW-19-AD; Amendment 39-13771;... more

PeopleFAA AD on Boeing Model 767-200, -300, and -300F Series
USA - To prevent fatigue cracking in primary strut structure, which could result in separation of the strut and engine from the airplane
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-186-AD; Amendment 39-13768; AD 2004-16-12] RIN 2120-AA64 Preamble... more

PeopleFAA AD on Boeing model 727 Series Airplanes
USA - To prevent structural failure of the main deck cargo door hinge or failure of the cargo door system, and to prevent failure of the main deck cargo barrier during an emergency landing, which could injure occupants
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 97-NM-235-AD; Amendment 39-12861; AD 2002-16-22] RIN 2120-AA64 Preamble... more