1,934 news found

MiscellaneousD'Arrigo's Condors released
Rome, Italy - The dream of the recordman, tragically died, realized
Inca and Maya, the two condors that Angelo D’Arrigo reared to try to impede their extinction in the Andes, have been released in the South-American mountains. After the tragic death of the recordman (... more

MiscellaneousPentagon could have sold weapons to the terrorists?
Washington, USA - It was denounced by the US Congress
US Congress denounced the sale of military material, by the Pentagon, to buyers that after could have given that to terroristic organizations. According to the Government accountability office, GAO, of... more

MiscellaneousThe last presumed partner in crime of September 11 attempts has been released
Washington, USA - The man was completely innocent
USA released the last of the 1,200 muslim arrested after September 11 attacks because suspected to be partner in crime of the terrorists. He is an Algerian citizen, Beamar Benatta, military pilot, immigrated... more

MiscellaneousUsa: quarantine for 143 passengers in a plane coming from Mexico
Las Vegas, Usa - The decision following the illnesses suffered by some of them
The aircraft United 1491 coming from Cancun (Mexico) after having stopped at Denver (Colorado), has made start the alarm at the Las Vegas airport where has landed, because of the illnesses that some of... more

MiscellaneousFalse bomb-alert yesterday at Venice airport
Venice, Italy - The suspect pack were inside a dust bin
Yesterday morning at "Marco Polo" airport of Venice, a suspect pack inside a dust bin made start the bomb-alert. A policeman of Treviso headquarter, during a normal control round, noticed a strange pack... more

MiscellaneousIllegal immigrants sight by a military helicopter in Lampedusa last Saturday
Lampedusa, Italy - On board of the boat 197 immigrants
The last illegal immigrants disembarking happened at Lampedusa last Saturday. The immigrants on board of a boat have been sight by an Italian Navy helicopter, while were at about 35 miles far from Lampedusa.... more

MiscellaneousUsa: blackout at New York and St.Louis
New York, Usa - Since a week most of people without electric energy
Since a week the American metropolis of New York is interested by a blackout that reminds the large one of three years ago. The exceptional heat wave that is involving the United States has provoked big... more

MiscellaneousPlane evacuated at Cagliari airport due to smoke in the cabin
Cagliari, Italy - Flight Cagliari-Palermo cancelled
19 were the people on board of the ATR-42 by Avanti Air, German air company that operates links from Sardinia on the part of Meridiana, that yesterday morning has made evacuate from the aircraft because... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (4): hurt a Captain of Italian Army
Beirut, Lebanon - A bersagliere with a strong passion for the flight
A dispatch of Defense General Staff has made known that yesterday at 1:00pm, the Captain of Light Aviation Italian Army Roberto Punzo, in peace mission with Forces UN, while answered c.o. city of Raf,... more

MiscellaneousFarnesina's humanitarian flight to Ciad
Rome, Italy - Aids for EUR 101,600
A humanitarian flight containing helps for the civil population has landed yesterday in Ciad. The aids’ sending has been promoted by the Italian Cooperation for the Development of Farnesina in the filed o... more

MiscellaneousMissing Albanian helicopter: suspended the researches in the surface
Bari, Italy - Now begin the sea floor patrols to find the wreck
After four days of unsuccessful researches, the only result has been yesterday morning the finding by a guard ships of Albanian Navy of a serum bottle, a carry-serum and a man jacket, that will be put... more

MiscellaneousHelicopter recovers the body of the Belgian mountain climber missing on Trentino mountains
Trento, Italy - The recover operation has been acted by an aircraft of 118
It’s been found in the bottom of a Monte Rocchetta canal, above Riva del Garda the body of the Belgian climber that was missing since last Tuesday. Henk Goovaert, 55 years-old had gone along the so-called "... more

MiscellaneousTwo Albanian people arrested at Rimini airport
Rimini, Italy - They were trying to board in a flight to London
It’s not the first time that during the boarding controls in the easyJet’s flights to London some extra-UE people. Since the link has been inaugurated in fact it’s been 15 the arrests and seized 20 fo... more

MiscellaneousSpain welcomes the 51 clandestines who have been blocked in the Mediterranean Sea
La Valletta, Malta - After the refusal by Maltese Government
The 51 African immigrants who were rescued last Saturday by the Spanish fishing boat, "Francisco Catalina", 14 miles South of Malta and blocked on the boat since then will be carried to Madrid. La Valletta... more

MiscellaneousRome-Fiumicino airport: 20 kg of drugs in postal packs
Rome, Italy - That is the result of the Financial Police operations in the first semester 2006
Since January 2006 the Financial Police of Rome, supported by dog units and in cooperation with customs anti-fraud service, made 760 blitzes at Fiumicino airport, where drugs loads passed hidden inside... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (4): Marines come back to rescue American citizens
Beirut, Lebanon - In the meantime Aeroflot took 1356 Russians home
With the prosecution of Israeli attacks and the increasing violence in Middle-East crisis, American Marines have appeared once again, after 23 years, in Lebanese territory. With the aid of Lebanese regular... more

MiscellaneousHeavy battles between Israel and Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon
Beirut, Lebanon - Tel Aviv doesn't want the sending of UN soldiers
Heavy battles took place, in the first hours of this morning, at the Israeli-Lebanese borderline between Tel Aviv troops and Hezbollah militants. These last should have attacked and damaged two Israeli... more

MiscellaneousMercosur summit in progress in Cordoba
Cordoba, Argentina - A commercial agreement among 4 South-American countries and Cuba will be signed
It will be probably historical the summit of Mercosur, the association which clubs some South-American countries, that started yesterday in Cordoba, Argentina. For the first time Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (2) : France send an airplane with humanitarian aids for people
Paris, France - On board also 50 Red Cross volunteers
The French Government has decided to operate a firs send of humanitarian helps to Lebanon. In the zone devastated by the conflict the first evident consequence of the bombings is in fact what has been... more

MiscellaneousIndonesia: new alert tsunami
Jakarta, Indonesia - Rises assessment of the victims
New alert tsunami on the Indonesian coasts of Western Java and South Sumatra. From last Monday, Indonesian island with major demographic intensity of the whole area is subjected to continuous tremors of... more

MiscellaneousBenedict XVI: the G8 showed to way for the Middle East
Aosta, Italy - The Pope approved the sending of blue helmets in Lebanon
Today Pope Benedict XVI, after a visit to the Gran San Bernardo pass, released some declarations about the situation in Middle East. "I think -said the Pope- that the G8’s final statement (in which it i... more

MiscellaneousItalian Chamber of Deputies' green light to the Union's motion about Afghanistan
Rome, Italy - The center-right coalition's proposal rejected
Italian Chamber of Deputies approved few minutes ago the motion of the center-left coalition majority about Afghanistan, rejecting at the same time the opposition’s one. A first good signal, after the p... more

MiscellaneousRussia constraints about the sending of blue helmet in Lebanon
Moscow, Russia - In Russian Minister of Defense Ivanov's opinion there are not the appropriate conditions
It seems that there is a new stop in the efforts of the international diplomacy to find to stop Israeli attack against Lebanon. During the last G8 summit, which took place in Saint Petersbourg last week-end,... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli Air Force's new massacre in Lebanon
Beirut, Lebanon - There are 50 victims after last night raids
It is very heavy the balance of the victims caused by last night Israel Air Force’s bombings on Lebanon (see for details AVIONEWS). About 50 people have been killed by Tel Aviv’s bombs. Among the more hit... more

MiscellaneousMaltese citizen transports explosive material for fireworks in a flight Bulgaria-Malta
Palermo, Italy – He justified himself saying that he didn’t know was forbidden to carry explosives on board
Has been arrested by airport police of La Valletta airport (Malta) the Maltese citizen that carried with him explosive fit for the confection of fireworks. The material that is strictly forbidden to transport... more

MiscellaneousPinochet ordered to drop the bodies of 5 opponents in the Pacific Ocean
Santiago, Chile - It was reported to newspaper "La Nacion" by an official of the Chilean Army
Chilean newspaper "La Nacion" made known yesterday that an official of the Chilean Army, and helicopters’ pilot, reported to have dropped, in 1987, in Pacific Ocean, from his helicopter, the bodies of 5... more

MiscellaneousTenth anniversary of Flight 800 TWA’s crash
New York, USA – Yesterday ceremony in Smith Point
Yesterday, has been celebrated the brass service in remembrance of 230 victims of Flight 800 TWA’s crash, departed from JFK Airport in the direction of Paris, that in the July 17, 1996 exploded after v... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (4): three Jordanians were killed by an Israeli raid
Beirut, Lebanon – In the meantime the rocket launch by Hezbollah goes on
In the seventh day of the war against Hezbollah, the rockets keep on being launched by Lebanese Shiite militants against Northern Israel, where dozen thousand people are in refuges. In the night and this... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (3): the other Middle-Eastern Countries' reaction
Beirut, Lebanon - Egypt, Jordania, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran
The Egyptian Government decided to send Police, ambulance and medical staff to support Palestinians who have been blocked at Rafah pass without being allowed to enter Gaza and it approved an agreement... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon: an Israeli missile was struck
Beirut, Lebanon - It was not a F-16 the object which was seen on Lebanese TV
It was not a F-16 fighter but an Israeli Zilzal missile the object which was struck yesterday and fell in Beirut suburbs, as Lebanese TV, "Al Arabiya", showed (see AVIONEWS for details). Military sources... more

MiscellaneousIndonesia: amounts to 239 the number of the victims
Pangandaran, Indonesia - Continue the researches of victims and missings
At least 239 people have dead pursuant to tsunami that yesterday it has downed on fishermen’s villages and touristic structures on Java’s island, and other 130 are missing. Though the efforts to create a s... more

MiscellaneousMoments of tension at Turino-Caselle Airport for a false bomb alarm
Turin, Italy – No consequences on air traffic
Everything began with an anonymous telephone call that before 6am of yesterday arrived at Fire Fighters from a man announcing that he had positioned a bomb in the Turin airport to protest against the "Liberalization... more

MiscellaneousTourism plane plunged yesterday at Elba (2): the 14 year-old boy injured in the crash is in brain coma
Livorno, Italy - The brother died with the father in the accident
According to what some sources referred the victims of the plane incident that yesterday involved a Piper in Elba island are to became five (see for details AVIONEWS). It would be in fact in state of brain... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (2): has an Israeli fighter been struck?
Beirut, Lebanon - "Al Arabiya" TV reports that
"Al Arabiya" TV reports that an Israeli F-16 was struck by a Palestinian missile near Beirut, but the news have not been confirmed by Tel Aviv yet. In the morning hezbollah militants launched Qassam rockets... more

MiscellaneousFifth anniversary of September 11: it will be the widows to lead the ceremony
New York, Usa - They'll read the names of their dears victims of terrorist attempt
Next September 11 it will be celebrated the fifth anniversary of World Trade Center, Pentagon and of United Airlines’ plane fallen in Pennsylvania terrorist attempts. At 8:46 (local time) the ceremony w... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (6): Tel Aviv advised Beirut's citizens about the next bombing
Beirut, Lebanon - The Vatican condamned Israeli aggression
Israeli military aircraft flew over Beirut launching leaflets that advised about the next bombing against "Salim Salam" tunnel, which link Lebanese capital to the international airport bombed hardly in... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (5): Italian Foreign Office is preparing the repatriation of Italian people in Lebanon
Rome, Italy - The evacuation plan is still under study
Italian Foreign Office should be preparing the return of Italians, about 1,300 people, who for several reasons are in Lebanon. The decision of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs is a further confirm of the... more

MiscellaneousItalian Transport stikes in July have been suspended
Rome, Italy - Including the Alitalia strike on July 20
Fabrizio Solari, Italian Transport Unions National Secretary, announced that, after the meeting between Union representatives and the Government, the strikes expected in transport sector next days have... more

MiscellaneousTaxi protests re-start (3): the Government summons unions
Rome, Italy - Access to Milan-Linate has been released
Negotiations between Italian Government and taxi drivers is going to re-start: unions have been summoned today at 5 pm at the Economic Development Ministry seat. In the meantime, the situation seems to... more

MiscellaneousTaxi protests re-start (2). Letta: unacceptable situation
Rome, Italy - The Italian Prime Minister Undersecretary announces possible call-up
Taxi drivers protest in Milan too, where the service is suspended at Linate airport and a procession is about to march in the city. In Turin-Caselle airport the stop is not total and emergency travels... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (4): Beirut's Army attacked for the first time by Israel
beirut, Lebanon - USA blocked a UN's resolution against Tel Aviv
It is by now very delicate the situation in Middle East. Yesterday for the first time Israeli Air Force attacked Lebanese Army. Fighters with the david Star in fact bombed yesterday Rayak airport, currently... more

MiscellaneousElections in Congo: Italian Government makes available an airplane for the volunteers
Milan, Italy - It will begin at the end of July the elections surveillance mission
The next July 30 in Congo will be held the first democratic election after 40 years. In the African Country that comes out from a very long war to control the golden fields still the complete quiet isn’t r... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (2): discomforts for hundred passengers coming from or headed to Beirut
Beirut, Lebanon - 200 Lebaneses blocked in Cyprus, tourists in Lebanon on the run to Damascus
Since blasts on Beirut and its airport began, several airlines have started to cancel or redirect flights headed to Lebanon. Two planes by Lebanese flag airline, Middle East Airlines (MEA) headed to the... more

MiscellaneousTaxi protests re-start in Italian airports
Rome, Italy - Discomfort in Rome-Fiumicino, Naples-Capodichino and Genoa
The break of negotiations between Italian taxi drivers and the Government on licenses led to agitations once again. This morning the white cars start to strike in Italian main cities. In front of arrivals... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon: it is a serious crisis
Beirut, Lebanon - New air raids on the Lebanese Capital in the night
Israeli fighters bombed Beirut before dawn in three times, aiming at Southern suburbs, stronghold of Hezbollah, and causing 4 dead and 50 injured people, according to al Jazeera. The bridge on Aawali river... more

MiscellaneousThe new Aviano hospital
Aviano, Italy - At the USAFE base in North-Eastern Italy
The new hospital at the American base in Aviano (Pordenone, North-Eastern Italy) performed its first surgery this week, even if patients started to be treated earlier this month. The structure, which is... more

Miscellaneous2400 hectares of territory burnt in California
Los Angeles, California - A thousand people evacuated
A large fire is flaring since last Sunday in a mountainous region 200 kilometers far from Los Angeles, near to the Joshua Tree national park. A thousand people have been evacuated from the surrounding... more

MiscellaneousAids by flight to Sudan from Italy
Rome, Italy - The "Farnesina" has sent 25 tons of first necessity goods
The civil war that is folding Darfur (Sudan) as usual makes its worst effects on civil population. On the field of a set of initiatives to relief Sudanese people’s sufferings, yesterday night a humanitarian f... more

MiscellaneousAgreement between USA and Libya to abolish the restriction in the air transport field
Tripoli, Lybia - Cancelled also the limitation for the sale of planes
Turning point for the relationship between Libya and USA. Yesterday evening, at Tripoli, the US Added State Secretary for Democracy and World Affair, Paula Dobriansky, and Libyan Prime Minister Baghdadi... more

MiscellaneousInvestigations in USA about the riskiness of lithium battery on planes
Washington, USA - The enquiry is led by National Transportation Safety Board
The National Transportation Safety Board started a delved enquiry on the causes of a fire burned up on a UPS’ cargo aircraft obliged then to an emergency landing in Philadelphia airport (see for details A... more