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5,324 news found

AccidentsAirplanes and disasters. Presented today the first results on the penal inquiry about shot down flight MH17 of Malaysia - Specials by AVIONEWS

Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Incontrovertible according the JIT it was a Buk missile launched by a stationing arrived by the Russian territory in Ukraine and returned in Russia after the fact

The Joint Investigation Team (JIT), the group by Dutch leading established by counselors of Holland, Australia, Belgium, Ukraine and Malaysia, that works to the B-777 airplane case exploded on the Eastern... more

AccidentsCommercial aircraft EgyptAir disappeared (2). On the expert Troadec behalf probable hypothesis are: bomb explosion, suicide bomber or missile

Paris, France - Cairo authorities are working close to Paris'. The Egyptian foreign affairs minister comments: "We cant' exclude anything"

The Egyptian foreign ministry said the government is working closely with the French authorities to carry out a more thorough investigation after the disappearance of the aircraft EgyptAir MS804. The prime... more