5,887 news found

PeopleTerritorial continuity stopped (3): "Sardinia is within rights to have equal opportunities"
Rome, Italy - Administrative Tribunal measure based on false premise
Alitalia is ready to grant its service with territorial continuity fares from January 1st, and Sardinia Region President, Renato Soru, claims that Lazio Region Administrative Tribunal is based on the false... more

PeopleUS Government planned to hire more than 12,000 air controllers
New York, Usa - In order to prod a wave of upcoming retirements
US Government seems to have planned more than 12,000 air controllers over 10 years in order to prod aging controller work force's retirement. The union representing the employees' category said the American... more

PeopleJapan Airlines selected the 7E7 Dreamliner
Tokyo, Japan - Some 30 airplanes have been ordered in addition to 20 options but the choice of the engine must still be performed
The 7E7 Dreamliner has a new customer: it deals with Japan Airlines (JAL) which would have ordered some 30 airplanes and proven willing to appraise the hypothesis of having an option on further 20. The... more

PeopleChina to export its Xinzhou MA-60 aircraft
Beijing, China - Feeder passenger planes
Twenty Xinzhou MA-60, airplanes planned and manufactured in China, will be sold through the world by next year: they are passenger planes for national back lines. The airplane purchase deal would have... more

PeopleBoeing: "The A-350? Airbus recognizes our forecast was the right one"
Washington, USA - This would be the US firms' comment on the competitor's choice to produce an aircraft aimed to compete with the 7E7
"The Airbus A-350? It shows that our forecast regarding the international air transport evolution is the right one". This would be the Boeing's opinion regarding the new Airbus' airliner under development.... more

PeopleAn-148: Antonov showed its regional jet
Kiev, Ukraine - The starting production schedules 15 airframes per year beginning in 2005
The Antonov An-148, the new regional jet produced by the well known Ukrainian aerospace company, performed recently its maiden flight, so representing the first new product in the sector in a former Soviet... more

PeopleItalian Anti-trust started investigating on aeronautics fuels supply
Rome, Italy - Several oil companies would be subjected to appraisal in order to make sure no deals violating competition rules exist
Italian Anti-trust decided to start investigating on several oil companies operating also in the air transport sector by providing aeronautics fuels to the carriers in Italy. The reason would have been... more

PeopleVolvo Aero to cooperate for the production of the GEnx engine
Stockholm, Sweden - Such turbofan is destined to power both the 7E7 Dreamliner and the A-350
General Electric selected Volvo Aero as a partner for the production of the new GEnx engine, destined to power two rivals in the medium-long haul air transport sector: the Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner and the... more

PeopleEU Commission ready to investigate on insurance activities for air transport
Brussels, Belgium - Doubts would still exist regarding the reasons of the rising insurance tariffs following the events occurred on September 11 2001
European Commission could start an exhaustive investigation concerning tariffs with reference to the insurance activities, also related to the ones involving the air transport. Actually, such investigation... more

PeopleItaly, Austria, Finland, Germany and Luxembourg in the sights of EU due to air noise pollution
Brussels, Belgium - It is necessary a common line about the withdrawal of noisy planes
Five state members -Italy, Austria, Finland, Germany and Luxembourg, have been called before the Court of Justice by the European Commission because they have not re-ordered in their national legislation... more

People7E7 Dreamliner: a new ice protection system
Washington, USA - To be provided by GKN and Ultra Electronics Holdings and Boeing would consider such solution as a particularly cost/effective one
Boeing announced recently that British company Ultra Electronics Holdings and GKN Aerospace will attend to the wing ice protection system for the new 7E7 Dreamliner medium-range airliner. The partners... more

PeopleItalians abroad on holiday at Christmas? Thanks most of all to low-cost carriers
Rome, Italy - According to Assoturismo, just such airlines prove able to support, among the other factors, Christmas period tourism
Assoturismo analysed the situation related to the Italians' choices for travelling on the occasion of Christmas period. Fear for the current economic situation and the lack of trust with reference to the... more

PeopleSubsidies to the aerospace industry: the first effects of the A-350 programme
Brussels, Belgium - The possibility that EADS asks for public support in order to produce the new airplane has already worried the USA
The debate on subsidies for the aerospace industry involving Airbus and Boeing does not seem destined to be solved so easily. The worsening of the EU-USA relations about such a delicate matter would be... more

PeopleIATA: high-fuel USD 15bn more for airlines
Rome, Italy - Air traffic growed by 14 per cent
The high fuel costs caused to world airlines a USD 35bn in losses between 2001 and 2004: the high oil price will cost USD 15bn more than last year. The International Air Transport Association's (IATA)... more

PeopleRRJ: a Russian-French programme
Moscow, Russia - The new Sukhoi regional jet to be produced by a major contribution provided by French aerospace industry
Russia and French seized recently a chance to analyse carefully the development of the new regional transport airplane designed by Sukhoi, in order to play a major role in the international market in such... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at "Università&Volo" presentation (2): ATPL and PPL licences
Rome, Italy - There will be focus on English aeronautical language
The University of Flight foresees the possibility to obtain PPL licence (Private Pilot Licence) and ATPL licence (Airline Transport Pilot Licence). "Università&Volo" offers the following courses which... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at "Università&Volo" presentation: to create an University of Flight
Rome, Italy - Courses and masters for pilots, ground staff and technicians
The consortium "Università&Volo", University of Flight, promotes and organizes with the support of University of L'Aquila (Abruzzo Region, Italy) courses and masters for pilots, ground staff and technicians... more

PeopleAir traffic growth equal to 150 per cent by 2025
London, United Kingdom - But European air stations to not be able to support flight increase
Eurocontrol, the European air safety organization, has put forward a study called "Challenges to Growth" yesterday: from the research emerges that due to air traffic will increase by 150 per cent by the... more

PeopleAirbus: the future is "Wide-bodied"
Paris, France - According to the European aerosapce group, the average number of seats aboard the airplanes is expected to rise from 181 to 215 by 2023
Airbus released recently the forecasting data related to the 2005-2023 period concerning the air transport and commercial airplanes market. From such report one can realize about the meaning of the European... more

PeopleA-380's production cost has rosen
Toulouse, France - According to French press, it would be an effect of the weight problems which the technicians would be currently solving
The Airbus A-380 is presently subjected to a series of interventions aimed to solve a weight problem which French press had indicated some days ago (see for details AVIONEWS). It would seem that such a... more

PeopleGoodrich to attend to the 7E7 Dreamliner's cargo handling system
Washington, USA - The company was selected to provide innovative solutions in order to lower both operating and maintenance costs
Goodrich will attend to the production of the cargo handling system and all the related components for the new Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner medium-range airliner. It is what has recently been unveiled just by... more

PeopleThe Airbus A-350 unveiled
Toulouse, France - The new commercial plane quite looks like the A-330 from which it stems though it will be produced with all-new devices
Airbus released the first official images (as computer-generated frames) of the new A-350 medium-long haul airliner belonging to the 250-300 seats commercial airplanes segment (see for details AVIONEWS).... more

PeopleAirbus A-350 (3): the missing link in the Airbus products range
Amsterdam, Holland - According to its producer, it will fully meet the exigencies related to the progressive fragmentation of the 250-300 seats long-haul class
Airbus-EADS made clear the meaning of the new A-350 programme (see for details AVIONEWS). It would seem in fact that the aerospace group considers the new airplane as the missing link compared with the... more

PeopleAirbus A-350 (2): "The new plane to seize part of the orders previously destined to the Boeing 7E7"
Amsterdam, Holland - Airbus board would prove convinced of it as it hopes to gain orders for at least 50 airplanes by June 2005
The new Airbus A-350 airliner (see for details AVIONEWS) will have to prove capable to seize at least a 50% share of the entire international market concerning the 250-300 seats commercial aircraft class.... more

PeopleItalian decree for supporting air transport employment has become an act
Rome, Italy - Integrations schedule a direct commitment by Italian Ministry of Welfare and a special fund through two separated contributions
Italian Government decree n. 249/2004 concerning urgent measures related to social and employment policies, was recently approved by Italian Parliament by a series of integrations for the air transport... more

PeopleAirbus A-350: two versions in order to seize the long-haul market as well
Amsterdam, Holland - The 245 seats variant to have a 15.900 km range and new General Electric engines
After the approval of the Airbus A-350 programme by EADS and BAe on last Friday (see for details AVIONEWS), additional details on the new airliner were unveiled. Actually, the A-350 will have not only... more

PeopleUSA resume commercial flights to Vietnam
Washington, USA - United Airlines Boeing 747-400 is expected at Tan Son Nhat International Airport
For the first time since the war ended, 30 years ago, a US plane takes off towards Ho Chi Minh, in Vietnam. An United Airlines jumbo, UA-869 flight, leaving from San Francisco with 347 passengers on board,... more

PeopleA-350: EADS and BAe ensured a green light for the new Airbus' programme
Amsterdam, Holland - The "sister" of the A-330 to enter service in 2010 and to be fitted with a maximum of 285 seats
EADS and BAe ensured their green light for the new Airbus' programme named A-350 and intended to the production of a medium-range airliner able to compete with the Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner properly. The two... more

PeopleBridgestone to provide tyres for the 7E7 Dreamliner's gear
Washington, USA - Nevertheless, Boeing announced it intends to select a second producer in order to ensure customers with a larger choice opportunity
Bridgestone will provide the tyres for the gear of the new Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner medium-range airliner. Thanks to the long-time cooperation between the two companies (practically, the entire range of products... more

PeopleMaiden flight for the Airbus A-318 with the new Pratt & Whitney engines
Hamburg, Germany - The choice depended on the advantages in terms of lower acquisition and maintenance costs
Airbus announced that the first of the A-318s powered by two Pratt & Whitney PW6124A turbofans accomplished its maiden flight. The short-haul transport airplane took off from the runway at the Hamburg's... more

PeopleChina wants the A-380 before the beginning of the Olympic Games 2008
Beijing, China - However, EADS group would have asked the Asian country for formally ordering it as soon as possible
The EADS aerospace group unveiled recently that China would intend to purchase some Airbus A-380s, without indicating to which carrier the new transport long-haul 555 seats airplanes could be devoted.... more

PeopleBoeing 7E7 Dreamliner: collaborations for the 90% of the overall programme
Washington, USA - It was revealed by the US aerospace company that signed in the meantime new agreements with Goodrich, Honeywell and Matsushita
Boeing signed three new cooperation contracts for the 7E7 Dreamliner programme related to its new medium-range airliner. These agreements involve Goodrich, Honeywell and Matsushita and regard three different... more

PeopleAirbus-Alenia: the cooperation with the A-380
Rome, Italy - And the Italian aerospace company owned by Finmeccanica could also collaborate for the production of the new A-350
Alenia’s role is increasing for the Airbus A-380 programme. On the basis of a recent agreement between the two aerospace companies, the firm owned by Finmeccanica will attend to the manufacturing of a... more

PeopleIata: traffic rises as yields continue to fall
Geneva, Switzerland - Freedom to respond to change is critical
IATA reported a 10.8% year-on-year increase in scheduled international traffic for October that took year-to-date traffic growth to 16.9% compared to first 10 months of 2003. International cargo traffic... more

PeopleThe German Government denies to have favoured the introduction of a tax for a jet fuel
Berlin, Germany - The accuse comes from the rail operator Deutsche Bahn
The rail operator Deutsche Bahn claimed in an interview that German Government favoured the introduction of a tax for a jet fuel in favour of low-cost carriers underlining that it is necessary a common... more

PeopleWeight problems for the A-380
Paris, France - It would have been unveiled by French satiric press and the first flight of the new Airbus' airplane could be postponed till March 2005
French satiric press would have maintained that the A-380, the new long-haul 555 seats airliner under production at the Airbus' Toulouse facility, is unlikely to perform its maiden flight in January next... more

PeopleCaa (Civil Aviation Authority) proposes to decrease airline's cap charge
London, United Kingdom - The recent measure seems to be due to the fact that low-cost carrier are increasing in the UK airline sector
Caa (Civil Aviation Authority) proposed recently to decrease airline's maximum cost on Nats (National Air Traffic Services) which they currently have to pay in order to be allowed to use the UK airspace.... more

PeopleA-350 (2): "It is just the result of fear for the future success of the Dreamliner"
Paris, France - The Boeing's representatives would be convinced of it and they would not consider the new Airbus' plane as a really innovative product
A clear decision on the Airbus A-350 programme could be considered on next December 10 (see for details AVIONEWS). The group EADS would have also unveiled further features of the new transport airplane,... more

PeopleUIL Trasporti: a convention on "Air Transport, the need of a turning-point" to be held in Rome tomorrow
Rome, Italy - Aimed to analyse the means to reinforce the role of Italian air transport in the international setting
A convention entitled "Air Transport, the need of a turning-point" is going to be held at Hotel Boscolo Exedra in Repubblica Square in Rome tomorow, December 1st. The event will be focused on the matters... more

PeopleSukhoi gambles on the RRJ
Moscow, Russia - The Russian aerospace group aims to achieve with the new regional jet an international success comparable with the one gaines in the military sector
Sukhoi intends to achieve in the international market of commercial transport a success comparable with the one already gained in the military sector by the Flanker fighters family (Su-27/37). The alternative... more

PeopleThe A-380's technology for the new Airbus A-350
Paris, France - If approved in December, the programme for the new medium-range airliner could cost more than it was at first forecasted
Despite the final decision on the Airbus A-350 programme was postponed yesterday, during the EADS Board of Directors, till half December (see for details AVIONEWS), further details would have anyway been... more

PeopleBoeing selects Delmia and Intercim for the 7E7 Dreamliner
Washington, USA - They will design together with Dassault softwares for the new plane's development, assembly and maintenance
The Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner programme related to the new medium-range airliner of the US aerospace company gains two new partners. It deals with Delmia and Intercim, two firms competent for the designing... more

People7E7 Dreamliner: works at the Italian Grottaglie air station to be completed by 2005
Grottaglie, Italy - Alenia Aeronautica reminded recently that it is necessary to set the airport properly before such date
Italian Puglia Region provided some EUR 130m for the works regarding the Grottaglie air station (Taranto), aimed to make the operation performed by cargo airplanes possible as they will have to carry towards... more

PeopleSpanair signs an agreement with its pilots
Barcelona, Spain - The carrier risked otherwise strikes
Spanair, a unit of the Scandinavian carrier Sas, announced there is no more the risk of strikes to be acted by its pilots as it signed an agreement with the category. The strikes were expected on day of... more

PeopleA-350 (3): the decision on the programme has been postponed till half December
Paris, France - And DaimlerChrysler rejected the hypothesis for one CEO only leading EADS as put forward by French President Chirac
EADS Board of Directors, which gathered in Paris today to analyse the matter regarding the new Airbus A-350 (see for details AVIONEWS), decided to postpone the final decision on the programme for the new... more

PeopleBecause of bad weather they were cancelled many flights in Usa
Washington, Usa - The most difficult situation verified in Nevada and Colorado
Bad weather conditions caused, in last week-end in Usa, serious difficulties at air traffic. In particular a snowstorm occurred in Nevada grounded thousands of person because of the cancellation of 70... more

PeopleCargo in Usa need more controls
New York, Usa - It is what emerged from a report of the general inspector of the US Ministry for Transport
According to a report, started in 1996, after an accident to a plane of the Valuejet which fall because of an explosion, the controls from FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) are not enough. The mentioned... more

PeopleA-350 (2): Boeing's answer
Washington, USA - According to the US group, the 7E7 would be a really innovative solution because the Airbus' proposal derives from an old plane
While EADS board meet in order to decide on the A-350 programme (see for details AVIONEWS), Boeing answers announcing that the total orders for the 7E7 Dreamliner expected to occur by the end of the current... more

PeopleA-350: EADS Board of Directors meeting today on the programme
Paris, France - As a derivative of the A-330, it will have a larger range and it will be updated regarding structure and powerplant
EADS Board of Directors is meeting today in Paris in order to decide regarding the possible development of the new A-350 airliner (see for details AVIONEWS). The European aerospace group’s representatives a... more

PeopleAir traffic in India registered a considerable growth
Bombay, India - According to some dates furnished by Airports international council it is one of the fastest growth in the world
Air traffic in India related to domestic flight rose 26.5 per cent in the first six months of the current year, thanks to low fares as well as a revival in tourist traffic. According to recent results... more