5,887 news found

PeopleEnac: Alitalia, Air One and Meridiana convoked yesterday on the territorial continuity with Sardinia
Rome, Italy - The meeting near the Enac's headquarter
"The meeting about the situation on the territorial continuity, after the Tar Lazio Regional Administrative Tribunal ordinance of last January 13, 2005, held yesterday afternoon near the Enac's headquarter.... more

PeopleA-380 (2): "An example to follow in order to favour European progress"
Toulouse, France - French President Chirac considers such aeronautics programme a major one as it proves a warranty for the EU members
French President Jacques Chirac welcomed the Airbus A-380 yesterday on the occasion of the official exhibition for the institutions of the first airframe completed at the Toulouse facility. According to... more

PeopleTerritorial continuity: Right-Center repudiated allegations against Government
Rome, Italy - "Regional council must assume its own liability"
"Territorial continuity is a big target which all political forces, national, regional and local institutions and also the involved companies have to pursue, searching by all means for reaching an understanding":... more

PeopleA-380 (7): advantages for the Russia aerospace industry
Moscow, Russia - Cooperation with Airbus is increasing also for this programme, especially in the aeronautics material sector
The development of the A-380 could prove particularly helpful also for the Russian aerospace industry. Talks between Airbus and the major companies in this sector in Russia are rising, most of all while... more

PeopleA-380 (6): EADS fell in the Stock Exchange despite the aircraft exhibition
Paris, France - Some 200 orders are necessary to cover all the production costs and they currently consist of 149
Some 200 orders are necessary in order to ensure the covering of all the production costs for the Airbus A-380. The present requests by some 14 customers (both carriers and companies interested in the... more

PeopleTerritorial continuity (3): ENAC and carriers meeting to occur today
Rome, Italy - Sardinia's routes move about EUR 250m a year
President of ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority), Vito Riggio, will receive management of Alitalia, Air One, Meridiana at 6:00pm today to introduce again a territorial continuity system without contribution... more

PeopleA-380 (5): specifications
Toulouse, France - An aircraft designed not only focusing on the airframe but also taking into account the necessary evolution of the airports to which it is devoted
The Airbus A-380 is a long haul 555 seats double deck airliner powered by four turbofans. Customers can choose between two different power-plants: the Rolls Royce Trent 900 with 67.890 lb thrust or the... more

PeopleA-380 (4): history of a programme intended to face the international air transport challenge
Toulouse, France - The choice of a big plane endowed with a significant load factor to avoid the flying and airport congestion
The development of the A-380 started during the 90s when the European aerospace company Airbus decided that the growth of the group was favouring and asking for the production of a big long haul transport... more

PeopleA-380 (3): Emirates is one of the main customers of the aircraft's new generation
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - The carrier ordered to the Toulouse's consortium 45 planes A-380
Emirates, international airline based at Dubai, is one of the main customers of the aircraft's new generation A-380. The Airbus' superjumbo attracted the carrier's attention since 2000 when the plane was... more

PeopleTerritorial continuity (2): Partito Sardo d'Azione asked for unifying running system of Sardinia Airport operators
Cagliari, Italy - It needs new carriers and lower rates
Partito Sardo d'Azione's bill aims to support the accomplishment of airport system of Sardinia with State and EU recognition. Airports of Fertilia, Elmas, Olbia, Fenosu and Tortolì operate in disjointed... more

PeopleTerritorial continuity: the proposal of Partito Sardo d'Azione
Cagliari, Italy - Transports to fall within Region's competence
The Partito Sardo d'Azione asks for release of Sandro Boccia, Chairman of the Transports Committee, because he failed to manage territorial continuity item: according to the national Secretary of PSD'AZ,... more

PeopleChina and Taiwan formalized the agreement concerning direct connections between the mainland and the island
Beijing, China - Since 1949 the two parts were forced to operate flights via Hong Kong or via Macau because of an historic ban
China and Taiwan formalized the strongly expected deal (see AVIONEWS) concerning direct connections between the two parts, forced since many time, because of an historic ban back to 1949 (see AVIONEWS),... more

PeopleLaunch of the first flight Parma-Brussels to occur today
Parma, Italy - Three weekly flights at "Giuseppe Verdi" Airport
Today at Brussels-Zaventem Airport will be presented the first direct air link between Parma - where the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is based - and Brussels. Club Air airline will serve the connection... more

PeopleA-380 (2): the "flying hotel" of Virgin Atlantic
Toulouse, France - Richard Branson intends to provide several entertainment and relaxation areas for passengers on board
An A-380 more similar to a hotel than to a big airliner. This is the way Richard Branson, leader of Virgin Atlantic, considers the new Airbus' airplane seen as something absolutely revolutionary for the... more

PeopleA-380: the official exhibition to institutions to occur today
Toulouse, France - The airplane should be even shown with a new colouring
The official showing of the first Airbus A-380 completed by the Toulouse facility assembly line is scheduled for today. It seems that the European producer is going to adopt a new colouring on such occasion.... more

PeopleANSV: Italian Senate's vote on the proposal for the Presidency
Rome, Italy - The appointment proposal related to Bruno Franchi was approved with 12 ayes and one no only
Italian Senate Infrastructures Committee was involved by the showing of the names for the ANSV's (Italian Agency for Flight Safety) Presidency and committee. Prof. Bruno Franchi was suggested together... more

PeopleItalian aviation code: the decree draft shown in the Government's meeting
Rome, Italy - Separation of competences, a new airport operating and the implementation of EU and international rules
The draft related to the Italian Government’s decree to be designed within the reform which are going to be enforced to the aviation code and which was shown during a Government’s meeting by Italian Min... more

PeopleA-380: "A European breakthrough for the future of the international air transport"
Toulouse, France - European Commissioner for Transport Jacques Barrot proves sure of it
European Commissione for Transport Jacques Barrot seized a chance recently to comm ent on the official exhibition of the new Airbus A-380 airliner in Toulouse, an event scheduled for tomorrow when the... more

PeopleIt was signed the deal between Usa and India
New York, Usa - According to this last the two countries made stronger their economic ties
United States of America and India signed the expected "Open Skies" deal (see AVIONEWS), according to which, among the other, the two countries made stronger their economic relationship. The announcement... more

PeopleItaly. Territorial continuity: ENAC's meeting with airlines to occur tomorrow
Rome, Italy - The hypothesis of calling a new tender could be taken into consideration
Tomorrow, ENAC, Italian Civil Aviation Authority called a meeting with Air One, Meridiana and Alitalia, the three Italian carriers involved in the territorial continuity routes between Sardinia Island... more

PeopleA-380: Heathrow gets ready to host the flying giant
London, UK - According to representatives from the British air station, the number of passengers will increase without making the flights rise
The official showing of the new Airbus A-380 long-haul 555 seats airliner is scheduled for tomorrow. This event, set at the Toulouse Airport where the huge productive structure of the group owned by EADS... more

PeopleItalian Government's meeting in aviation code
Rome, Italy - Changes to be performed must adapt its provisions to the new rules related to the Italian air transport reform
Italian Government gathered in Palazzo Chigi (its headquarter) today at 12:00 pm in order to analyse a series of issues and approve several measures among which the one regarding the changes to be performed... more

PeopleThe Trent 900 engine to be exhibited in Toulouse together with the A-380
Toulouse, France - On the occasion of the official showing to institutions of the first completed airframe of the new Airbus' airliner
Airbus is going to show the first completed airframe of the new A-380 long-range airliner in Toulouse (France) on next January 18 in front of the institutional representatives from France, Germany and... more

PeopleTerritorial continuity (2): Meridiana ready to extend soft fares on other routes
Cagliari, Italy - Assoclearence was given the demand for new slots
Meridiana responded positively to the decision of Administrative Tribunal of Lazio Region to extend territorial continuity regime and it promise to enlarge soft fares also to other connections: Cagliari-Rome-Milan,... more

PeopleTerritorial continuity: "Clemente Panero" Airport to request decree funds
Rome, Italy - Demand will have an answer next January 19
Yesterday, Lazio Region Administrative Tribunal upheld Alitalia appeal, confirming the Ministry decree which introduced the territorial continuity on routes between Sardinia island and 18 airports in Italy... more

PeoplePresumably new "Open Skies" deal between Usa and India
New York, Usa - Talks about the matter started yesterday and should take place in two days time
Usa and India started yesterday negotiating about a new "Open Skies" deal between the two countries: Transport Department announced. The current agreement between the two parts is almost 50 years old with... more

PeopleA strong Europe thanks to unity ensured by domestic transportation
Brussels, Belgium - Paolo Costa, President of EU Parliament Transport Committee, proves convinced of it
Paolo Costa, Venice Mayor and President of EU Parliament Transport Committee, commented recently about the approval there of the European Constitution text, with reference in particular to a series of... more

PeopleANPAC union asks for a new ruling on Flight Time Limitation
Rome, Italy - AVIONEWS interviewed the union regarding the meeting held today and concerning the flight hours scheduled by Alitalia
A meeting among ANPAC, FILT-CGIL Piloti, FIT-CISL Piloti and UIL Piloti Italian trade unions occurred at Rome-Fiumicino Airport today in order to analyse the situation regarding the contract condition... more

People7E7: the first fuselage section has been finished
Washington, USA - The producer indicated the advantages of the production of such component in just one piece in terms of lower cost and weight compared with average
The manufacturing of the first fuselage composite-made structural section of the new Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner has recently been completed. It deals with a main airframe section, designed and constructed in... more

PeopleGrottaglie and Monteiasi: a common effort for an "ecocompatible" Dreamliner
Grottaglie, Italy - A deal on environmental matters between the two Italian towns whose lands will be involved by the Alenia's productive activities for the new 7E7
Within the effort for the production by Alenia Aeronautica of some structural components of the new Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner airliner at the new Grottaglie (Taranto) facility, the town itself mainly involved... more

PeopleItaly: territorial continuity. TAR to gather tomorrow
Cagliari, Italy - But it can be postponed
Alitalia, after meeting occurred on Monday with Italian Transport Minister, ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Board) and other two competent airlines, Air One and Meridiana, would have confirmed that they are... more

PeopleChina-Taiwan direct connections
Beijing, China - The project has been in the pipeline for a long time but bad relations between two governments hampered it
A delegation of Taipei opposition party Kuomintang met China’s Taiwan Affairs Office Director, Chen Yunlin, last days: they talked about direct non-stop flights (see for details AVIONEWS). The idea has b... more

PeopleUPS orders ten Airbus A-380 superjumbo freighter jets
New York, Usa - The company has an option in the deal which would permit it to buy further ten aircraft of the same type
UPS (United Parcel Service) announced it ordered 10 Airbus A-380 super-jumbo freighter jets to enlarge its capacity so as to increase its international service. The famous package delivery company said... more

PeopleAVIONEWS interviewed Sardinia Region Transport Councillor, Sandro Broccia, on the Alghero Flight School
Rome, Italy - "Region can aim to encourage the single units of the flight school favouring a transfer to other firms"
AVIONEWS interviewed Sardinia Region Transport Councillor, Sandro Broccia, on the Alghero Flight School, with reference to the delicate situation of the structure which is risking to be closed by Alitalia.... more

PeopleAlghero flight school: AVIONEWS interviewed UGL-Trasporto Aereo union Regional Secretary Umberto Della Chiesa
Rome, Italy - "Sardinia Region is not honouring the deals in favour of employment with reference to the flight school"
Representatives from Italian trade union UGL Trasporti met Sardinia Region Transport Councillor Sandro Broccia on last January 3 in order to analyse the situation about the Alghero flight school, as it... more

PeopleItaly: dates from Istat show a 33,7 per cent increase in air ticket
Rome, Italy - In the month of December compared to the same period a year ago
The price of the air tickets in Italy registered a 33,7 per cent increase in December 2004 in comparison with the same period last year. According to some preliminary Istat's dates (National Institute... more

PeopleChina and Taiwan presumably close to a deal
Beijing, China - Concerning direct flights between the island and the mainland
China and Taiwan are presumably close to a deal concerning direct flights between the island and the mainland during the Chinese Lunar New Year. Taiwan has abolished direct transport interconnections since... more

PeopleIn Usa only 34 person over three years died because of air incidents
Washington, Usa - Ellen Engleman Conners (President woman of the National Transportation Safety Board) announced
According to some dates announced yesterday in Washington by Ellen Engleman Conners (President woman of the National Transportation Safety Board) only 34 person died in Usa over three years because of... more

PeopleChina: "The first Chinese large airliner to be produced in 2018"
Beijing, China - The Asian country intends so lower its Boeing and Airbus' products dependence
Great newness in the Chinese aeronautics industry sector. The country would intend to design and produce a new medium-sized airliner, or even a larger one, able to meet the future exigencies of air transport... more

PeopleInternet is fundamental to the firms which operate in the travel sector
Rome, Italy - According to some dates furnished by Nielsen/NetRatings
According to some dates furnished by Nielsen/NetRatings, it can be inferred that Internet furnishes a fundamental service to the firms which operate in the travel sector: thanks to the web in fact these... more

PeopleAirbus A-380: official exhibition for the first airframe to occur on January 18
Toulouse, France - Chirac, Blair, Schröder and Zapatero to attend on such occasion
The first complete airframe of the A-380, the new Airbus' long-haul airliner able to carry up to some 555 passengers, will be officially shown to the major institutional representatives from the members... more

PeopleENAC: the number of passengers has doubled in Italy in ten years
Rome, Italy - An effect related to the denationalization process which has not been completed however with a real companies' consolidation
Number of passengers doubled (almost a +94%) and growth of the low-cost carriers in the Italian air transport during the last ten years: it is what ENAC (Italian National Civil Aviation Agency) found following... more

PeopleIndian Government announces: even private national carrier could effectuate international routes
Bombay, India - Until last year only two Indian state airlines were allowed to fly overseas
Indian Government announced that it would allow even private domestic carriers to fly to international routes: Praful Patel, Civil Aviation Minister, said. Until last year only two Indian state carriers... more

PeopleMandate for certification of pilots at Lugano-Agno Airport
Berna, Switzerland - Following the new approaching procedures
Under new approaching procedures, the care on the correct training of pilots landing at Lugano-Agno Airport, will attend to air station operator from January 1st, 2005. Civil Aviation Federal Office (UFAC)... more

PeopleChina: "We will not purchase new airplanes in 2005"
Beijing, China - The negative effects would be already clear for Boeing but analysts would think that even Airbus is likely to suffer for some consequence
Chinese Government unveiled recently that no additional commercial airplanes will be purchased in 2005. According to the competent authorities in Beijing, the national air traffic exigencies can be met... more

PeopleTerritorial continuity (2): Meridiana and Air One to grant soft fares connections in indipendent way
Rome, Italy - The assertions of Sardinia Region President
Meridiana and Air One signed a deal to grant from January 1st, 2005, the territorial continuity with the traditional routes and they reported thier intention to extend it to other routes scheduled under... more

PeopleTerritorial continuity: soft fares to go on
Rome, Italy - Meanwhile also Air One participates in the tender
Meeting with Sardinia Region President, Renato Soru, councillor Sandro Broccia, airlines management, representatives of Transport Ministry and ENAC -Italian Civil Aviation Authority- gave the green light... more

PeopleTerritorial continuity: meeting with ENAC, Transport Minister and airlines to occur today
Rome, Italy - On the low fares for flights from and to Sardinia
ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) will meet in the afternoon the Transport Minister, Pietro Lunardi and management of airlines which are interesting in acquire the route for territorial continuity... more

PeopleTerritorial continuity stopped (2): nobody was acquainted with Alitalia appeal
Rome, Italy - At meanwhile Meridiana did not received official communication about respite
Italian Transport Ministry and ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) were not unaware of Alitalia appeal: the airline had in fact taken part to meeting for new routes arrangement last days. "Why did... more

PeopleItaly: territorial continuity stopped by administrative tribunal of Lazio Region
Rome, Italy - Alitalia appeal to suspend Transport Ministry decree has been upheld
Alitalia had lodged an appeal to Lazio Region Administrative Tribunal asking for territorial continuity decree suspension: so the Administrative Tribunal granted a respite up to January 20, 2005, in order... more