5,887 news found

PeopleTransat Group ends in red first quarter of the financial year 2004-2005
Ottawa, Canada - The Canadian firm owns charter airline Air Transat and several travel agencies
Canadian travel group Transat announced it ended in red the first quarter of the financial year 2004-2005 because of pricing pressures, thinner margins and some accounting changes. Transat, which owns... more

PeopleGreece denies authorisation for the overflight of its territory by the Macedonian premier's plane
Skopje, Macedonia - There is a dispute between Greece and Macedonia about the recognition of the constitutional name of the former Republic of Jugoslavia
Macedonian authorities have sent in a protest to the Greek diplomatic delegation in Skopje after Athens denied authorisation for the overflight of its territory by the Macedonian premier’s plane in the p... more

PeopleEurocontrol: introduction of automatic controller-pilot data link communications breaks new ground
Maastricht, Netherlands - This development comes just 20 months after the CPDLC introduction
Automatic data link communications between the cockpit and the ground have recently been implemented at EUROCONTROL’s Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre. This ground-breaking development comes just 2... more

PeopleIs oil soaring? Here is an increasing plane cost
New York, USA - Making fares rise to lower operational costs
Analyst from Prudential Securities, Bob Mc Adoo, stated that the current oil and fuel prices will force airlines to increase ticket prices, in different case the ones in the worst condition will have to... more

PeopleChinese aviation industry seeks for pilots and captains
Beijing, China - The Country, being short of the employees, is looking abroad
Chinese market is growing really fast and the aviation industry is one of the central parts of this market. However China seems to be short of both pilots and captains and because of this reason is seeking... more

PeopleEU seeks for a common aviation market with Russia and China
Brussels, Belgium - European Commission requests a mandate from the 25 nation bloc to start negotiations
European Union is seeking for a common aviation market with Russia and China and because of this reason requested a mandate from the 25 countries being members of the bloc in order to start negotiations.... more

PeopleVought selects IAI for the 787 Dreamliner
Tel Aviv, Israel - Israeli industry to attend to the manufacturing of some structural components of the new Boeing's airliner
Israeli Aircraft Industries (IAI) has been selected by US Vought as a partner for the manufacturing of some structural components destined to the new Boeing’s medium-long haul airliner, the 787 Dreamliner. I... more

PeopleIata: understanding each other challenging times require industry cooperation
Geneva, Switzerland - The declarations of Bisignani in his keynote speech of the first Aviation Day at Berlin's ITB
"More people than ever are flying, 1.8 billion in 2004, and the challenges to the industry have never been so great. Airlines must meet customer expectations for cheaper travel while retaining the value... more

PeopleAir Transport : Moscow votes in favour of the enhancement of security measures
Moscow, Russia - A hundred and thirty-three senators voted for this decision, with two opposing it and three abstaining from voting
A Federal Council board approved today a proposal of law to enhance air transport security in Russia. A hundred and thirty-three senators voted in favour of this decision, with two opposing it and three... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Airport safety and security conference (16): the experience of Adr
Rome, Italy - Doctor Giacomo Carleschi, responsible of the Airport Security training
Adr (Airports of Rome) has always had into its structure an organization focused on security which goals are the ones study and to elaborate norms procedures and technologies for prevention and security... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Airport safety and security conference (15): Turin and the Winter Olympic Games 2006
Rome, Italy - Security during the special events
How Turin Airport is going to face the relevant passengers arrival on the occasion of the Winter Olympic Games next year? SAGAT Spa Director General, Marco Morriale, showed the development and investments... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Airport safety and security conference (14): human factor relevance
Rome, Italy - The Venice Airport's experience
Pasqualino Ricco, as a Col. of Carabinieri Reserve, is Director General of SAVE Security at lagoonal Venice Airport "Marco Polo". His speech underlined the importance of managing and effectively train... more

PeopleDifficulties in the air traffic today in France because of strike
Paris, France - Problems also in urban and railway traffic
Union disorders today in France, that regard all day the members to all trade union organizations, except of that of first-line managers, dependents of the public and private employment, that strike in... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Airport safety and security conference (13): the biometric techniques
Rome, Italy - Giuseppe Carluccio from Green Bit SpA
Dr. Giuseppe Carluccio, Business Development Manager from Green Bit SpA, described the advantages and opportunities offered by the implementation of biometric technologies in the airport areas. The purposes... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Airport safety and security conference (12): terrorism
Rome, Italy - Described by M&P Risk Agency SpA CEO Dr. Tullio Mastrangelo
M&P Risk Agency Spa CEO, Dr. Tullio Mastrangelo, explained during his speech how one can defend and adapt its airport organization structure against terrorism, an exigency which became a relevant one after... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Airport safety and security conference (11): sanctions in case of the related rules violation
Rome, Italy - License revocation and licensee's lapse
Lawyer Maurizio Corain, as a member of Hammonds Rossotto legal firm, explained that the airport operators can be subjected to license revocation in case of "violation" of the ruling related to security... more

PeopleAMS: five radar sets for the Ukrainian air traffic control
Kiev, Ukraine - A contract being worth about EUR 20m has been signed
Ukrainian authorities competent for air navigation decided to select Alenia Marconi Systems as the new supplier of radar systems for the national air traffic management. Actually, it deals with a contract... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Airport safety and security conference (10): the role played by the operators
Rome, Italy - They must set and manage the airport firm
Operators must set and manage the airport firm warranting the best deployment of available resources for the production of activities and services honouring security, efficiency, effectiveness and economic... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Airport safety and security conference (9): the airport Director
Rome, Italy - Roles and responsibilities
National territory is divided into 26 airport districts assigned to an airport Director, who is expected to allow the transfer to the operator or security companies related to surveillance services for... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Airport safety and security conference (8): newness set by Regulation 1138/2004
Rome, Italy - The new measures to be adopted by July 1° 2009
European Union’s ruling following the Twin Towers tragedy was determined by the need to ensure air transport operators safety in the overall community. EU Regulation n° 1138/2004 stems from the previous n°... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Airport safety and security conference (7): rules related to access to the air stations
Rome, Italy - Recognition appraisals and prospective criminal procedure
Following the enactment of Regulation n. 2320, airports have been splitted into two zones: the "flight side" and the "city side". Such zones must be separated by barriers where constant checks must be... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Airport safety and security conference (6): the European definition of the word security
Rome, Italy - The norm Cee 2320 of the 2002
International Civil Aviation Organization (Icao) in April 2002, promulgated the seventh edition of the attached document XVII to the Convention of Chicago 1944, which establishes the standard and practices... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Airport safety and security conference (5): Lawyer Maurizio Corain's speech
Rome, Italy - The EU's ruling setting and the Italian role
Lawyer Maurizio Corain, as a member of Hammonds Rossotto legal firm, is in particular competent for contracts and disputes related to the air and maritime transport sectors. Lawyer thinks that the airport... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Airport safety and security conference (4): the importance of the chamber Gesa
Rome, Italy - Just a really crisis team into the airport
Security services for the unusual events (for example in case of hijacking flights) are managed by chamber Gesa which is just a really crisis team into the airport: that is why it is necessary that all... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Airport safety and security conference
Rome, Italy - The last European regulations and technological newness
This morning the conference dedicated to the sceneries, challenges and opportunities regarding Airport safety and security for the field operators has been opened near the Congress Room of Alitalia Direction... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Airport safety and security conference (2): the role of authorities
Rome, Italy - The speech of Doctor Felice Ferlizzi of the Italian State Police
The Chief of the fifth zone (Lazio, Sardinia, Umbria) of the Italian Border Police, showed the role of authorities in the order of airport security. He said that it is not possible to talk about safety... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at Airport safety and security conference (3): the "Leonardo da Vinci" project
Rome, Italy - The activities of the State Police
The norm which concerns security was born with the attached document number XVII of Icao (International Civil Aviation Organization) in the 1940s, by developping and arriving to 2002 with the national... more

PeopleThe Rolls Royce Trent 1000 for the All Nippon Airways' Boeing 787s
Tokyo, Japan - The carrier would have selected such powerplant by considering its economic and environmental performance
All Nippon Airways, the second Japanese carrier, selected the Rolls Royce Trent 1000 as the powerplant destined to its Boeing 787 Dreamliner medium/long-range airliners. The airline and the well known... more

PeopleVulcanic eruption in Usa: Faa orders aircraft not to fly in the area
New York, Usa - As the awakening of Mount St. Helens Volcano is a danger for air traffic because of the enormous cloth of smoke that it caused
The awakening of Mount St. Helens Volcano in the state of Washington, in Usa, provoked immediately the order from Faa (Federal Aviation Administration) to the aircraft not to fly in the area as the eruption... more

PeopleNew collaborations with Canada in aeronautical field
Ottawa, Canada - A two-day visit of Italian Undersecretary indicated new fields of cooperation
Italy and Canada are studying new shapes of collaboration in aviation, space and defense sector: during the meeting among the Italian Undersecretary for Productive Activities Ministry, On. Mario Valducci,... more

PeopleA-380: break-even only by 270 orders
Toulouse, France - Additional orders could prove necessary for the new airplane due to the largest development cost found by its producer
The A-380 programme break-even can be achieved after selling some 270 airplanes. A significant change for Airbus that late last year indicated the achievement of such a goal by delivering 250 aircraft.... more

PeopleIata: 2004 the safest ever for air transport
Geneva, Switzerland - The declaration of Giovanni Bisignani, Director General and CEO of Association
"2004 was the safest year ever for air transport", said Giovanni Bisignani, Director General and CEO of the International Air Transport Association (Iata). "Despite the US$35 billion in accumulated losses... more

PeopleAVIONEWS interviewed Eric Jullien, Airbus' Regional Sale Director, on the A-380 and A-350 programmes
Rome, Italy - "The A-350 meets exigencies related to long haul transport services so that no radical change in Airbus' strategy regarding the 787 happened"
AVIONEWS interviewed Eric Jullien, Airbus’ Regional Sale Director, on the A-380 and A-350 programmes during the conference named "Safety and security in air transport, the role of politics into the low-cost c... more

PeopleEU hopes for a common aviation market with Usa
Brussels, Belgium - The proposal concerns the purchase of US carriers from European part and viceversa
European Union is seeking for a common aviation market with Usa which would enable Europe to own US airlines and viceversa. "The fact that you have to be European to own a European company and you have... more

PeopleTerritorial continuity: a EU's formal investigation started
Brussels, Belgium - European Commission intends to verify that the public service obligations indicated by Italian State honour EU's ruling
Italian territorial continuity is being analysed by European Union. European Commission would have recently proven quite doubtful about the public service obligations concerning the 18 routes scheduled... more

PeopleEurope considers unworkable Us norms for air traffic
Brussels, Belgium - Related to the ban for passenger to carry lighters while flying
European airports judged unworkable Us norms related to air transport and lead to the ban for passengers to carry lighters while flying, which effect after being postponed already one time (see AVIONEWS)... more

PeopleSwitzerland: Skyguide bound for the European Single Sky
Berne, Switzerland - The company which manages Swiss air traffic needs higher competitiveness, according to Swiss Federal Council
Skyguide, the company competent in Switzerland for both civil and military air traffic control, will have to become part and parcel (in operational terms) of the so called European Single Sky concerning... more

PeopleFAA AD for BAe 146 airplanes
Washington, USA - Evaluations on the fuselage main and rear sections conditions
Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA-2004-18678; Directorate Identifier 2001-NM-312-AD; Amendment 39-13991; AD 2005-05-03] RIN... more

PeopleFAA AD for Boeing 757 airplanes
Washington, Usa - Analyses on the electric systems and the ones related to anti-collision devices
Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA-2004-19202; Directorate Identifier 2004-NM-95-AD; Amendment 39-13989; AD 2005-05-01] RIN... more

PeopleFAA AD for ATR-42 airplanes
Washington, Usa - Appraisals on the aircraft's gear
Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA-2004-19562; Directorate Identifier 2004-NM-73-AD; Amendment 39-13992; AD 2005-05-04] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness... more

PeopleFAA AD for MD-90 airplanes
Washington, Usa - Analyses on the electric systems condition
Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA-2004-19768; Directorate Identifier 2004-NM-184-AD; Amendment 39-13990; AD 2005-05-02] RIN... more

PeopleBomb alarm on board of a plane Cebu Pacific Airlines
Manila, Philippines - it revealed to be unfounded, the plane was allowed then to operate its original route
A plane of Cebu Pacific Airlines, a Philippines’ airline, which was flying to Manila after taking off from Davao (island of Mindanao) was re-directed to Cebu city because of a bomb alarm. The threaten c... more

PeopleBritish Airways plane flew with three engines to avoid compensation
Washington, USA - The first effects of the new rights of passengers
A British Airways B-747, after to have broken one of its four engines shortly after taking off from Los Angeles Airport, continued on its 11-hour flight to London-Heathrow in order to avoid to pay reimburse... more

PeopleFAA AD on Dassault Falcon 200EX and 900 EX airplanes
Washington, USA - Analyses on the avionics systems running
Department f Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA-2005-20425; Directorate Identifier 2005-NM-014-AD; Amendment 39-13987; AD 2005-04-15] RIN... more

PeopleFAA AD for Airbus A-300 airplanes
Washington, USA - Analyses on various systems and actuators
Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA-2004-19451; Directorate Identifier 2002-NM-138-AD; Amendment 39-13983; AD 2005-04-11] RIN... more

PeopleFAA AD for Pilatus PC-12 airplanes
Washington, USA - Appraisals on its safety systems
Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA-05-20399; Directorate Identifier 2005-CE-02-AD; Amendment 39-13988; AD 2005-04-16] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness... more

PeopleAir Transport: Bisignani meets Barrot
Brussels, Belgium - In order to discuss about the measures adopted by the capital of Europe in air transport's sector
Giovanni Bisignani, the executive of Iata (International air transport association), met yesterday in Brussels the European commissioner for air transport Jacques Barrot, in order to discuss about the... more

PeopleFAA AD on the Boeing 757-200 and the 757-200PF airplanes
Washington, USA - Analyses of their structural components
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA-2005-20424; Directorate Identifier 2004-NM-268-AD; Amendment 39-13986; AD 2005-04-14] RIN... more

PeopleAir Transport: growth is better than expected
Rome, Italy - In all regions all over the world not included the areas hit by tsunami on December, 26
Traffic passenger in January 2005 rose 7,9 per cent compared to the same period of last year: the news came from Giovanni Bisignani, general director and Chief executive of Iata (International Air Transport... more

PeopleItaly: chaos in air transport due to strikes and disputes (2). New stops to occur in April and May
Rome, Italy - The agitation called from SULT should finish in March 16
Workers from Enav (Italian Agency for Flight Assistance) and the radar centre of Brindisi (Puglia Region) will be on strike on Monday, March 14, from 12:00am to 4:00pm, while the last 24 hours protest... more