5,396 news found

ReportChinese AVIC purchases US private aircraft maker
Minneapolis, Usa - The transaction would allow to bid on American defense contracts
A unit of China Aviation Industry Corp., a state-run company behind China's stealth fighter, agreed to buy Minnesota-based private-aircraft maker Cirrus Industries Inc.—a small deal that highlights the e... more

ReportLibya, further air raids against rebels
Brega, Libya - This time to be bombed it was Brega, Cyrenaica, already attacked yesterday by Gaddafi's soldiers
Muammar Gaddafi this morning would have launched the umpteenth air raid against pro-democracy rebels. Fighter planes piloted by pro-regime soldiers would have bombed the city of Brega, in Cyrenaica (eastern... more

ReportScheduled for today in Rome the funeral of Italian Captain Massimo Ranzani
Rome, Italy - The member of Italian alpine troops dead in Afghanistan last Monday
It was opened to public at 9:00 this morning the burial chamber of Massimo Ranzani, the member of Italian alpine troops dead at the beginning of this week in Afghanistan. It had been possible to pay homage... more

ReportLibya: rebels call for UN strategic air strikes
Tripoli, Libya - Against foreign mercenaries hired by Gaddafi
As reported by the international press, the National Libyan Council of rebels in Benghazi, formed by leading professionals, has clearly called for UN to intervene against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi... more

ReportUS Senate passed resolution urging "No fly zone" over Libya. The leader again on TV
Washington, USA - But Russia and France are opposed: the flight ban will be taken into consideration only in case of UN mandate
Yesterday, the US Senate unanimously passed a resolution to ask the world to take into consideration the possibility of a "No-fly zone" imposition over Libya. The document supports the pro-democracy demonstrators,... more

ReportOn March 3rd, 2011: 34th anniversary of the plane crash on Monte Serra, Italy
Pisa, Italy - In which 44 people died. Tomorrow a memorial will be inaugurated
Tomorrow, on March 3rd, 2011, it will be the 34th anniversary of the severe plane crash on Monte Serra, Italy, in which 44 people were killed. A C-130 Hercules of AMI, Italian Air Force, took-off from... more

ReportJealousy causes a fight on a Caracas-Rome aircraft
Rome, Italy - A man sees his girlfriend kissing his friend, attacks him and tries to open the plane's door
Occurrence for AZ 687 flight, connecting Caracas to Rome. A Russian man, K.V., 42, fell asleep, drunk, during the route, but at an altitude of 10,000 meters, when the aircraft was above the Indian Ocean,... more

ReportUSA: it's a federal crime to aim lasers at airplanes or helicopters
Washington, Usa - The House of Representatives voted the bill yesterday
People who knowingly aim laser pointers at an aircraft would be committing a federal crime subject to up to five years in prison under legislation the House has passed. The House of Representatives... more

ReportLieutenant Massimo Ranzani promoted captain. He was the Italian soldier killed yesterday in Afghanistan
Rome, Italy - The commemoration of the man has begun yesterday
A press release of Italian Army announces that Lieutenant Massimo Ranzani, born in Ferrara (Italy) on March 24, 1974 and deceased yesterday in Adraskan (Afghanistan) after an attack against a patrol of... more

ReportAfghanistan: 5 NATO soldiers have died today
Kabul, Afghanistan - One of them was a member of Italian army
At least one Italian soldier was killed and four others injured this morning in west Afghanistan when the Lince armoured military vehicle they were travelling in hit a roadside bomb. The latest attack... more

ReportThe military airport of al-Banin is in the hands of the rebels
Benghazi , Libya - The staff of the airport joined the insurgents
The Libyan rebels took possession of the military airport of al-Banin, near Benghazi. The news was reported this morning on the website of "Al-Jazeera" which described al-Banin as the second military airport... more

ReportPassenger complains because the pilot of the aircraft is a female
Delhi, India - The man has been escorted off the plane
A Mumbai-bound IndiGo airlines flight was delayed nearly 2 hours at the Delhi airport after a passenger caused a ruckus over the fact that the plane's pilot was a woman. A fellow passenger told that... more

ReportTerremoto in Nuova Zelanda: estesa la zona di interdizione al volo aereo
Christchurch , Nuova Zelanda - Per permettere ai soccorritori di utilizzare gli strumenti di ascolto
L'area interdetta al volo aereo sopra la città neozelandese di Christchurch -epicentro di un terremoto alcuni giorni fa- è stata allargata. Un portavoce dell'autorità per l'aviazione civile ha comunicato ch... more

Report"Gadhafi ordered the Lockerbie bombing that killed 270 persons on a Pan Am airplane"
Tripoli, Libya - Libya's ex ex-justice minister Mustafa Abdel-Jalil said
Libya's ex-justice minister claims Moammar Gadhafi personally ordered the Lockerbie bombing that killed 270 people in 1988. Mustafa Abdel-Jalil said that "I have proof that Gadhafi gave the order about... more

ReportTunisian carrier Nouvelair to return airplanes from Libya
Tunis, Tunisia - They would be used to transfer foreign mercenaries from African countries
Nouvelair Limited Company has announced that it will return six of its Airbus A-320 commercial passenger jet airliners from crisis-hit Libya, after receiving news that Libya does not meet its contract... more

ReportRepressions in Libya: 1000 dead according to witnesses
Tripoli, Libya - Gaddafi threats to use force and affirms he's ready to die a martyr
According to Foad Aodi, president of COMAI, Arab World Communities in Italy, dead in the bombings that Muammar Gaddafi would have ordered against anti-government protesters in the Libyan capital would... more

ReportRe-opened Libyan airspace: Tripoli's airport returned to normality
Tripoli, Libya - It was unveiled by Mohamed abd as-Seid, the highest authority of Libyan Air Force
"Tripoli International Airport is working normally and planes are taking off and landing normally", states today the Libyan press quoting the words of the highest authority of the Air Force of the Country,... more

ReportBeirut denies permission for private Libyan airplane to land in Lebanon
Beirut, Leabanon - It was carrying 10 passengers
The Lebanese aviation authorities refused to give permission for a private Libyan jet carrying 10 passengers to land at Beirut's international airport. According to airport officials the plane was due... more

ReportItalian Defence Minister: first C-130 plane sent to Libya to make Italians return
Tripoli, Libya - La Russa: "It won't land in Benghazi, where the airport has been bombed", but in another still unspecified airport
As announced yesterday by Italian Defence Minister, Ignazio La Russa, this morning should be departed to Libya an airplane that is going to repatriate about one hundred Italians from the Country, where... more

ReportEarthquake in New Zealand: at least 65 victims (VIDEO)
Christchurch, New Zealand - Many people still trapped under the rubble
An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 affected this morning the New Zealand causing at least 65 dead and dozens injured and missing. According to Prime Minister John Key "We are experiencing the darkest days... more

ReportLibya, new aircraft raids on protesters
Tripoli, Libya - Berlusconi: "Unacceptable" the use of violence on the civilian population
There's a real civil war in Libya. According to witnesses quoted by "Press TV", following the attacks of last night, this morning at dawn the Libyan government would have unleashed once again air strikes... more

ReportLibya denies landing to Turkish Airlines evacuation flight
Benghazi, Libya - The reasons of the decision remain unknown
A Turkish Airlines flight sent to evacuate Turks caught up in unrest in Libya returned to Istanbul after being denied permission to land. Civil aviation authorities at Benghazi airport refused to let the... more

ReportFinmeccanica repatriates about 10 employees from Libya
Tripoli, Libya - Due to anti-government riots in the Country
According to a company spokesperson, Finmeccanica in these hours would be making repatriate from Libya less than ten workers employed by AgustaWestland. They would be only part of the fifty employees... more

ReportMedvedev in Rome (2). Russia and Italy will complete agreement on air transit of Afghanistan-bound weapons and troops
Rome, Italy - But also bilateral dossiers and issues of international relevance at the core of the meeting between the two minister, on which the two head of governments will report to the press
In the context of the visit of Russian President Dmitri Medvedev (see AVIONEWS), also the Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov is arrived in Rome. The minister and his Italian counterpart Franco Frattini... more

ReportMayday from Italy to EU: the European agency Frontex sends back-up forces to Lampedusa
Lampedusa, Italy - The phenomenon has a Community relevance
Following to the formal request for assistance by the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Franco Frattini, Frontex, the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders... more

ReportNo news about the Italian petrol tanker attacked by pirates
Rome, Italy - Italian Minister La Russa would have required military to observe rules of secrecy
It's from three days, probably at the request of Italian Defence Minister Ignazio La Russa, that Italian Coast Guard and Navy have not been providing updates on the conditions of the Italian "Savina Caylyn"... more

ReportDue to a misunderstanding begins emergency for SLA A-340 airplane
Male, Maldive - A colloquial phrase mistaken for a bomb-threat
Perhaps the poor knowledge of the language, rather than an exaggerated state of alert, was at the base of the misunderstanding that yesterday caused the emergency status for an A-340 aircraft of Sri Lankan... more

ReportThe international drug trade under pressure: another maxi seizure of ovules with hashish and money
Rome, Italy - Rome-Malaga: the four couriers arrested before departure from the airport
Italian Security forces had scored another victory against the international drug smuggling. Heading for Spain with destination Malaga, the couriers: three Ukrainians resident in Spain, aged 42, 44... more

ReportEgyptian President Mubarak resigns
Cairo, Egypt - It was announced by vice-president Omar Suleiman in a TV message
Thousands of demonstrators in Cairo and other Arab Countries have welcomed the news of the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak, unveiled through a televised message by the vice-president Omar Suleiman. The... more

ReportAn airplane carries Mubarak and his family to Sharm el-Sheikh's residence
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt - It wouldn't be an escape, but...
A plane, which took-off from the military airport of Cairo carrying the contrasted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his family, landed just after 15:00 local time today in Sharm el-Sheikh, where is... more

ReportPirates attack to two tankers: potential implications for oil supplies
Rome, Italy - After the "Savina", also captured a Greek ship
Still no news from the "Savina Caylyn", the Italian tanker seized by pirates on February 8, about 670 miles east of the island of Socotra, in the Indian Ocean. The ship, owned by shipowners Brothers D'Amato,... more

Report"Madera" cocaine operation in the airport
Rome, Italy - Seized about 90 kilograms of drug
The "Madera" operation ended yesterday, conducted by the Financial Police of Fiumicino and coordinated by the public prosecutor of the Anti-Mafia Department Carlo Lasperanza. The investigation began in... more

ReportRadar revamped in Santo Domingo airport
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - And also at the terminal of Puerto Plata
Civil Aviation Institute (IDAC) director Jose Tomas Perez announced the modernization of its primary and secondary radar system of the Las Americas International Airport, and the primary air surveillance... more

ReportMedvedev dismissed anti-terrorism and transport officials at Moscow-Domodedovo Airport
Moscow, Russia - Caucasus Independent Islamists threaten further attacks
Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, said security checks at Moscow-Domodedovo International Airport on January 24 were "In a state of anarchy" and the people who were supposed to prevent external attacks... more

ReportPlanes and tanks in Gaza
Gaza, Palestine - Attacks from the sky and from ground
This morning some Israeli air force planes flew over the entire Palestinian territory, releasing some missiles in southern Gaza. Military have repeatedly invaded the Gaza Strip even with ground troops.... more

ReportPirates attack Italian petrol tanker in the Indian Ocean
Rome, Italy - Navy's frigate "Zeffiro" is joining it
It has recently been released the news of the attack to an Italian tanker, "Savina Caylin", by pirates in the Indian Ocean, off the Somali coasts. The five attackers would have launched against the... more

ReportHang-glider accident in Italy, a man lost his life under the eyes of his son
Massa Carrara, Italy - The victim was a police officer
Yesterday afternoon took place the hang-glider accident which claimed the live of Marco Vanni, 50, which has fallen to Fossone (Massa Carrara). The flight of the man, to which was broken a wing hitting... more

ReportCyclone "Yasi"-Emergency: Australian aircraft flew to North Queensland
Brisbane , Australia - Its zone is enlarging
"Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) aircraft including a mixture of C-17 Globemaster's ( heavy transport aircraft) and C-130 Hercules are on standby to fly north to cyclone-affected areas", said an ADF... more

ReportTen arrests for terrorist attack in Moscow-Domodedovo airport
Moscow, Russia - In which on January 24th 36 people were killed
According to the international press, Aleksander Bortnikov, head of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), on Thursday would have stated that about ten people able to provide information about details... more

ReportThe death toll of the terrorist attack on Moscow's Domodedovo Airport has risen to 36
Moscow, Russia - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev fired federal transportation security chief, Andrei Alekseyev.
The number of the victims of the terrorist attack on Moscow’s Domodedovo Airport has risen to 36, since one of the two people who were in a critical condition died, the spokesman for Russia’s Health Min... more

ReportFinancial police of Rome seized 35 kg of cocaine hidden in an airplane
Rome, Italy - By two men dressed as technician at Fiumicino airport
The provincial military command of financial police (GdF, Guardia di Finanza) of Rome seized 35 kg of cocaine at the airport of Fiumicino. Engaged in the routine check operations, the financiers noticed... more

ReportEgypt's crisis: C-130 airplane of AMI lands in Pratica di Mare
Rome, Italy - With 80 Italian passengers coming back from Cairo
Landed this morning at the airport of Pratica di Mare, 30 km south of Rome, the C-130 airplane of AMI, Italian Air Force, sent to Egypt to bring back home about eighty Italians, most of them tourists,... more

ReportAir transport in Italy: decrees on territorial continuity are "Illegitimate"
Rome, Italy - Mauro Pili, PDL, said it. Matteoli: "If the Government wants to investigate the issue, there's no impediment to it"
During a press conference held yesterday, January 31, 2011, in Cagliari, Mauro Pili of the PDL party said that "The decrees on territorial continuity are illegal because they are discriminatory, illogical,... more

ReportInternational flights to Bali deleted or redirected due to the ashes from Mount Bromo
Jakarta , Indonesia - Operational domestic flights, Jakarta Airport doesn’t close
Last Friday the airport was under monitoring but still open, also even if international flights to and from Bali had been cancelled or diverted the previous day, due to the ashes from Mount Bromo, the... more

ReportMany foreign governments are sending airplanes to Cairo to evacuate its citizens
Cairo, Egyipt - Following the riots in Egypt
Many foreign countries are trying to evacuate its citizens from Egypt, after the 7th day of riots against Hosni Mubarak: they are about to send (or have just sent) airplanes to take them out of the country... more

ReportAbout 70 Italian passengers remain 4 days at Cairo airport. And finally leave
Cairo, Egypt - Egypt Air had cancelled its flights due to the riots in the country
The "Odyssey" of 70 Italian passengers stopped for days at Cairo airport following the anti-Mubarak riots end positively: thanks to the intervention of foreign affairs minister, they have all been transferred... more

ReportSouth-west of Japan, air traffic disruptions due to eruptive activity of "Kirishima" volcano (VIDEO)
Miyazaky, Japan - ANA and JAL airlines cancel flights from and to Miyazaki
Restarted on January 26, 2011, at 7:30 am (local time) the eruptive activity of Shinmoedake, one of the mouths of the "Kirishima", a 1421 meter volcano in the island of Kyushu in the south-west of the... more

ReportMassacre in Moscow: start security plan. China on alert taking preventive measures ahead of Chinese New Year.
Moscow , Russia - Increases law enforcement in Russia. Sweep check also in the airport of Beijing where are expected 280.000 people per day.
Further updates on the massacre at the airport in Moscow-Domodedovo (see more on AVIONEWS 1 and 2), where more than 30 person are died and other 130 were injured, tell us that there are three wanted for... more

ReportItalian democratic party: "We do not accept the crisis of the new Alitalia"
Rome, Italy - This political area (left) is afraid for the unemployment rate in the area of Rome
Italian democratic party (labor or left) is worried about the reorganization structure of Alitalia. "The management of the airline -they assume- had to work for a real modernization of the carrier,... more

ReportITF about Moscow bombing
London, UK - Its statement by general secretary David Cockroft
Commenting on yesterday’s bomb attack, ITF (International Transport Workers' Federation) general secretary David Cockroft said: “It is with deep pain, sorrow and indignation that we have heard the... more