5,887 news found

PeopleItalian airports workers' strike scheduled on July 26 has been postponed
Rome, Italy - Italian Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport summoned the unions today
The eight hours strike called by Italian airports’ workers and scheduled on tomorrow, July 26, from 10:00 am to 06:00 pm has been postponed sine die. The Italian trade unions decided to delay the demonstration a... more

PeopleTerritorial continuity: AVIONEWS interviewed Umberto Della Chiesa from UGL union
Rome, Italy - "There is need of clearness and transparency for workers and there is also need of a authority monitoring airport operators' activities"
Umberto Della Chiesa, as Italian UGL union Sardinia Regional Secretary for air transport, put into evidence for AVIONEWS some aspects related to territorial continuity following the denunciation of the... more

PeopleEquatorial Guinea suspended flights performed by Antonovs and Yaks
Malabo, Equatorial Guinea - Till indefinite time, following the accident occurred on last July 17
Following the accident occurred on last July 17 and involving an Antonov An-32 of Equatair carrier, which killed about 60 persons among passengers and crew (see for details AVIONEWS), Equatorial Guinea... more

PeopleTerritorial continuity: are funds risking to be destined to another use?
Cagliari, Italy - Denunciation would have been put forward by UGL union which intends to understand if funds actually exist or not
A hypothesis for transferring some funds to Rome and Turin would have been put forward during the latest ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) Board of Directors and, according to what stated by UGL... more

PeopleGermany: the A-320 "hires" 1000 new employees
Hamburg, Germany - The commercial success of the Airbus' aircraft and the world market growth lead the firm to increase employment
Airbus is forecasting to deliver at least 360 commercial airplanes by the end of this year. So, the positive growth signs for the air transport sector and the rise of demand by operators lead the EADS-owned... more

PeopleBoeing 737-900ER: the latest Next Generation plane can fly farther
Washington, USA - Official launch for the latest version of the well known aircraft already purchased by Lion Air
Boeing launched a new version of the 737 Next Generation provided with a larger range: it deals with the 737-900ER (Extended Range), also known as the 737-900X and already selected by Indonesian Lion Air... more

PeopleBAe Hawk Mk128: new avionics for the future British advanced trainer
London, UK - Open architecture systems for a quick and flexible adaptation for both air-to-surface and air-to-air missions
The future of the Royal Air Force’s advanced training will be still based on the British Aerospace Hawk. The latest version, the Mk-128, should start flying in the near-term with a rich avionics equipment d... more

PeopleBoeing: fine for exporting military avionics-provided civil planes to China
Washington, USA - The risk would be the one of paying USD 47m due to the well known embargo but other firms would be trying to avoid the problem
US authorities would have found the presence of avionic components with possible military deployment aboard commercial airplanes offered by Boeing to Chinese market. So, by virtue of the embargo against... more

PeopleThales' flight simulator for the 787 Dreamliner
Paris, France - Boeing's order followed the one of Airbus for the A-380 consolidating the French firm's success in the simulation sector
Thales added another important aircraft to the list of the aerial vehicles for which it developed simulation systems. After the production of simulators for military aircraft such as the Typhoon, the F-16... more

PeopleEurocontrol reports strong traffic growth at Upper Area Control Centre in Maastricht
Maastricht, Holland - During the first half of the year
During the first half of the year, the Upper Area Control Centre (UAC) in Maastricht handled a traffic increase of 7.9%, EUROCONTROL announced today. This represents a traffic volume of some 670,000 flights... more

PeopleIcao: machine readable passport to be issued worldwide by 2010
Montreal, Canada - At the end of September ICAO will hold an international symposium
Effective yesterday, the machine readable passport (MRP) in the format specified by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is the worldwide standard. The Organization’s 188 Contracting S... more

PeopleCalendar of the next air transport strikes in Italy
Rome, Italy - A complicated return from the holidays is looming
Alitalia’s flight attendants will go on strike on Monday July 18 for 24 hours, while dependents from Brindisi’s control centre of ENAV (Ente nazionale per l’assistenza al volo) will walks out on Tuesd... more

PeopleChart of Passenger Rights: EU infringement proceeding against Italy on its implementation
Brussels, Belgium - Also other state members have been involved as penalties to be enforced against carriers in case of hardships for customers would lack
European Commission severely criticized some state members with reference to some shortages in the full implementation of the so called Chart of Passenger Rights. According to EU Government, Italy, Sweden,... more

PeopleEnav workers called off strike scheduled for July 7
Rome, Italy - 4 hours-strike called by airport personnel has been confirmed
Discomforts expected to occur in air transport sector on Thursday July 7 due to strike called by flight attendants, have been averted after a meeting between unions and Italian Former Minister of Transport,... more

PeopleChina seeking for pilots
Beijing, China - Airlines to risk to stop airplanes
China’s air transport is growing at record level, it increased by 38% in 2004, achieving 120 million passengers flown. 11,000 pilots are short for flying more than 800 aircraft operated by major national c... more

PeopleEurocontrol: SN Brussels Airlines first to trial Data-Link taxi clearance
Brussels, Belgium - A consortium will conduct D-Taxi at the Brussels Airport in 2006
A consortium of SN Brussels Airlines, Belgocontrol, SITA, the Dutch Nationaal Lucht-en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium, coordinated by Blusky Services, will conduct Data-Link Taxi Clearance (D-TAXI) trials at... more

PeopleEU and China grow aviation cooperation
Beijing, China - One million Chinese tourists go to Europe every year
During the summit held in Beijing last week, the European Union and the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC) achieved an agreement signing a common protocol aimed to expand air transport... more

PeopleThe first time for the Tupolev TU-204/300
Moscow, Russia - A plane with low consumption able to fly long hauls without refuelling
The new Tupolev TU-204/300 by Russian Vladivostok Avia airline has carry out its first commercial flight from Vladivostok to Moscow yesterday. It is the first Russian aircraft equipped with two engines... more

PeopleEurocontrol: Europe and Usa to hold joint seminar on ATM R&D
Brussels, Belgium - The sixth edition in Baltimore from today to next Thursday
In order to support development of a harmonised global air traffic management system, the United States’ Federal Aviation Administration and EUROCONTROL are jointly organising the Sixth USA/Europe Seminar o... more

PeopleBoeing ready to tear supremacy away from Airbus by 2008
Washington, USA - According to some analysts, the US group has good chances to be consolidated up to 2015
Despite its difficulties, Boeing is soldiering on against its rival Airbus and analysts are putting forward confident forecasts for the next ten years for the US leading commercial aviation company. According... more

PeopleSukhoi RRJ: Snecma and NPO Saturn to develop its turbofan
Paris, France - The powerplant of the new Russian regional jet to be designed also thanks to the related French industry's contribution
French Government will ensure to Snecma (a company competent for the production of aerospace powerplants and part od Safran group) a EUR 140m contribution for the development of the SaM146 engine, designed... more

PeopleEU-China Aviation Summit from June 30 to July 1st in Beijing
Beijing, China - Organized jointly by the Directorate-General for Energy and Transport of the European Commission & the CAAC
"On 30 June - 1 July 2005, the Directorate-General for Energy and Transport of the European Commission & the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC) will jointly organise the ’EU-China A... more

PeopleA-380: the light-stepped giant
Toulouse, France - State-of-the-art solutions and devices concerning noise reduction by a particular care for the engine nacelles
One of the most interesting features for those who were able to watch the first flights of the A-380 555 seats long haul airliner, is certainly the one related to the low noise caused by the four-engined... more

PeopleCivil Aviation: more than 35.000 airplanes in service all over the world by the next 20 years
Washington, USA - Boeing pointed out it in a study by which the US company confirmed the leading role played by point-to-point
Boeing confirmed its view about the extraordinary global air transport by the next 20 years, when there will be more than 35.000 commercial airplanes in the world. The total value accounted would be worth... more

PeopleChirac reintroduces a solidarity tax on air tickets
Paris, France - But US carriers show their disappointment
French President, Jacques Chirac, restarted pressuring richest nations for putting on a tax on air tickets in order to finance the fight against AIDS and poverty in African countries. France and Germany... more

PeopleAirbus: prices upward for its airplanes
Toulouse, France - Increases included between two and ten million Dollars each aircraft depending on the type
Airbus-made commercial aircraft’s price proves more expensive. The EADS/BAe-owned European aerospace company decided to modify the cost of each airplane for some among the types produced, both concerning a... more

PeopleStar Alliance named as world's best airline alliance
Stockholm, Sweden - Established in 1997 and with its 16 member carriers
In a recent passenger survey conducted by Skytrax, the specialist air transport research organization, Star Alliance, has been named the world’s best airline alliance. This honour for Star Alliance comes a... more

PeopleIraq is about for restoring international connections
Baghdad, Iraq - But which airline will operate the services?
Iraq’s Transport Minister, Salam al-Malaki, has announced that some commercial flights towards foreign airports may restart within the end of this month. The Minister gave no detail on airlines expected t... more

PeopleIndia is more and more interesting in air sector
New Delhi, India - Demand of flight attendants increased
The recent gradual opening of India’s skies to additional airlines and the boom for air transport in the country have given rise to a demand for flight attendants. Training schools are coming out throughout t... more

PeopleBoeing 787 Dreamliner: Michelin suggested special tires for the new airliner
Washington, USA - Every airplane will be endowed with both traditional tires and even the new Near Zero Growth, with higher robustness and so safer
Michelin will ensure to Boeing the provision of tires for the new 787 Dreamliner medium-long range airliner. Such a supply regards ten wheels each aircraft (two for the forward gear and eight for the main... more

People"Airlines want the A-350 and we are going to produce it"
Amsterdam, Holland - EADS to formally start the programme by the end of next September following careful market surveys
European aerospace holding EADS and British Aerospace group intend to perform the formal launch of the Airbus A-350 programme by the end of next September. The official notification by the company owning... more

PeopleCompensation request shadow covers the A-380
Toulouse, France - Some carriers would have already proven upset about deliveries delays announced by Airbus
Delays for the deliveries of the new Airbus A-380 555-800 seats long range airliner affecting several customers could lead to a request for compensation (see for details AVIONEWS). At least four carriers... more

PeopleNo-fly list applied to planes passing through US air space?
Washington, USA - Canada said no because it would cause troubles for several domestic services
United States intend to execute the proposal aimed to demand details of passengers flying on planes crossing stars and strips sky; this operation was considered valid only for aircraft departing and landing... more

PeopleThe European Union proposes the emissions trading scheme
Brussels, Belgium - Approval from many European airports and major airlines
The programme, presented by the the EU Environmental Commissioner, Stavros Dimas, aims at managing emissions. This is a plan, introduced in January during a news conference, that will result more efficient... more

PeopleInconvenience during KLM flight to Amsterdam
Fiumicino, Italy - After take-off a flap bust demands to turn about
The KL-1602 flight of Klm Airline to Amsterdam left on Monday June 1st from Fiumicino airport at about 1:00 p.m., after 48 minutes had to make an u-turn back to the Roman air station after the notification... more

PeopleKnock-on strikes stop the international airport of El Alto
La Paz, Bolivia - Impossible to get to the air station
Yesterday many flights from the international airport of El Alto, (La Paz), were cancelled due to absence of passengers and fuel shortages. This was the unaivodable consequence of a series of strikes on... more

PeopleJune 8 strike by ENAV personnel is "Irregular"
Rome, Italy - Abstention of pilots and flight controllers scheduled on June 6 and 8, have been postponed
Italian Guarantee Committee for Strikes has considered irregular the protest scheduled next June 8 by flight controllers of ENAV (Italian Authority for Flight Assistance): strike would violate the minimum... more

PeopleRebounding jet fuel demand in USA
Washington, USA - The massive recovery of the air traffic brings an excessive petroleum demand
Jet fuel consumption in the USA has risen extensively in the last months, the data confirm an increase of 4,1% (1,64 million barrels per day) in comparison with 2004 and in spite of a petroleum product... more

PeopleUK and NZ against air travel restrictions
London, Great Britain - First agreement to increase air traffic
On Friday, Great Britain and New Zealand started the process that leads to open up new routes between the two countries. The intention is to increase the number of direct flights allowed to the airlines... more

PeopleAir Canada Jazz launches the new CRJ-705 regional jet
Quebec, Canada - The Canadian airline expands its fleet with the new Bombardier aircraft
On Saturday 28 May the new regional jet CRJ-705 was delivered to Air Canada Jazz that started expanding its fleet with the new Bombardier aircraft since 2004. By the middle of 2006, Jazz Canada will operate... more

PeopleAlaska airlines and pilots toward an agreement
Anchorage, Alaska - New contract for the category
The union representing the civil aviation pilots in Alaska is about to obtain a new 5-year contract. The agreement will provide for a reduction of the wages for captains and first officers by 20% against... more

PeopleChinese Civil Aviation to open to private investors
Beijing, China - Civil Aviation of China Administration unveiled the rumors
"Various important sectors of China’s civil aviation will be open to the foreign capital in gradual manner", the director of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC), Yang Yuanyuan, said according to "Securities T... more

PeopleIata: January-April passenger traffic up 8.7%
Tokyo, Japan - Cost reduction to dominate World Air Transport Summit
"Passenger traffic growth of 8.7% shows that demand for travel is strong. Slower cargo growth of 4.7% reflects a general slowdown in global economic activity. The real story, however, is the bottom line.... more

PeopleLunardi gives instructions to May 28 strikes
Rome, Italy - Italian minister ordered to reduce the striking time and postpone some actions
Italian Infrastructures and Transport Minister, Pietro Lunardi, has ordered to postpone until 12:00am -instead of from 10:00am to 2:00pm- the strike scheduled on May 28, called by CUB Transports for SEA... more

PeopleHow much does the A-380 "weigh" on the Middle Eastern air transport?
Dubai, UAE - Protagonists from the sector in the related area analyse the impact of the Airbus' flying giant
Arab carriers Emirates, Etihad and Qatar Airways selected the Airbus A-380 as the main long haul airliner for their future long range routes. When considering the small size of EAU and Qatar’s territories, a... more

PeopleCDM examined decree for implementing EU instruction concerning civil aviation personnel
Rome, Italy - It is related to working hours organization
Italian Council of Minister, under a proposal of Italian Minister of Welfare, has examined some schemes of government decree issued under parliamentary delegation for implementing the European Union instructions,... more

PeopleMay 27-28: International Aviation Conference in Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Uzbekistan - The 2005 edition is dedicated to monitoring of aircraft
The Tashkent International Aviation Conference dedicated to "Monitoring of aircraft - 2005", will be held next Friday and Saturday May 27-28. It has been dedicated to tenth anniversary of Tashkent State... more

PeopleAfrican airlines have to work jointly for a safer air transport
Johannesburg, South Africa - Unreliable carriers and faulty infrastructures make urgent a reform
The air trasnport system in African continent needs to be reformed with the collaboration of all countries, according to responsibles of civil aviation. The main plagues affecting the sector include limited... more

PeopleEuropean Commission controls application of the Charter of passenger rights
Brussels, Belgium - It has summoned national bodies delegated to follow the rule's compliance
The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Transport and Energy summoned yesterday bodies from each member states (Ireland and Luxembourg excluded because have not designated such bodies), delegated t... more

PeopleBoeing 787: Electronic Flight Bag produced by Astronautics for the Dreamliner
Washington, USA - All the essential information for the crew compressed in a digital format
Aerospace company Astronautics will provide the Electronic Flight Bag for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the new medium-long range airliner which represents the cutting edge of Boeing technology in the civil... more