Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseAirplanes. State aid: EC adopts a package of decisions regarding public support to airports and airlines
Brussels, Belgium - The European Commission has adopted seven decisions
The European Commission has adopted seven decisions following in-depth investigations concerning public support granted to airports and airlines in Belgium, Germany, Italy and Sweden. In particular, the... more

Press releaseAmnesty International: the death toll in the Mediterranean rises while Europe looks the other way...
Rome, Italy - A year on from the Lampedusa shipwrecks
A year on from the Lampedusa shipwrecks, which claimed more than 500 lives, a new report by Amnesty International highlights how the shameful inaction of European Union (EU) countries has contributed to... more

Press releaseConclusions about Ebola by the informal Council of the EU Health Ministers
Milan, Italy - Summary in eleven points
The Italian Health Minister, Beatrice Lorenzin, presented the conclusions about "Ebola contagion and EU", during a final press conference by the informal Council of the Health Ministers of EU. The... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. EC and volcanoes: better forecasting boosted by EU funding (VIDEO)
Brussels, Belgium - Volcanic eruptions are notoriously difficult to predict
Volcanic eruptions are notoriously difficult to predict. With increased seismic activity at Iceland's Bárðarbunga volcano, and lava flowing at nearby Holuhraun, experts are carefully monitoring and analysing l... more

Press releaseBoeing CST-100 selected as next American spacecraft
Houston, Usa - NASA awards $4.2 billion to Boeing to proceed to next phase in Commercial Crew Program
Boeing will receive an award of $4.2 billion from NASA to build and fly the United States’ next passenger spacecraft. Boeing’s Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100 is being developed as part of NASA’s Comme... more

Press releaseAmnesty International: Mediterranean migrant boat shipwrecks highlight need for EU action
Rome, Italy - An its report on the perilous sea crossings between Libya and Italy is set to be released later this month
European leaders must do more to provide safe and legal ways for refugees and migrants to access international protection in the European Union, Amnesty International said yesterday after a boat bound... more

Press releaseAirplanes. EC about transports: EUR 11.9 billion to improve European connections
Brussels, Belgium - The Commission has invited Member States to propose projects to use the funding
Today the European Commission has invited Member States to propose projects to use €11.9 billion of EU funding to improve European transport connections. This is the largest ever single amount of EU f... more

Press releaseAlitalia: agreement reached with UIL, ANPAC, ANPAV and AVIA
Rome, Italy - Del Torchio: "Unanimous awareness for the Alitalia's future"
Alitalia informs to have reached, last night, the agreement on the national contract about air transport sector and on the measures of control of the labour cost, also with the UIL Trasporti union and... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Italian ANPAC, ANPAV and Avia on Alitalia: agreement underwrote
Rome, Italy - In conjunction with Uiltrasporti
The Italian professional associations ANPAC (pilots), AVIA and ANPAV (flight assistants), in conjunction with Uiltrasporti, underwrote in the late evening of yesterday the agreements in Alitalia. They... more

Press releaseAmnesty International asks USA to stop arms transfers to Israel
Rome, Italy - Growing evidence of war crimes in Gaza
The US government must immediately end its ongoing deliveries of large quantities of arms to Israel, which are providing the tools to commit further serious violations of international law in Gaza, said... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica: Investigations into the Company relating to the AW101 helicopters contract with the Indian Ministry of Defence discontinued
Rome, Italy - Finmeccanica non-involvement acknowledged
Finmeccanica announces that the Italian Prosecutor has discontinued investigations relating to the contract for 12 AW101 VVIP helicopters signed with the Indian Ministry of Defence in 2010. The Prosecutor... more

Press releaseAlitalia on referendum: the airline read the results
Rome, Italy - With the communication by the unions
"Alitalia has read, with communication by unions, the results on the referendum on the company agreements of last July 16-17, promoted by Uiltrasporti, that indicate 3555 votants on a company population... more

Press releaseItalian FILT, FIT and UGL unions about Alitalia (2): referendum confirms validity of the company agreements
Rome, Italy - The results of the votes
"3022 votes, equal to 86.4%, in favour to the agreements out of 3555 voters, dissenting 475 equal to 13.6%, blank/invalid/abstained 58 even". This is the result reported by Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Ugl... more

Press releaseAirplanes and State aid: EC refers Italy to Court for failure to recover incompatible aid from Italian ground handling operator SEA Handling
Brussels, Belgium - For around €360 million granted between 2002 and 2010
The European Commission has referred Italy to the EU Court of Justice (EUCJ) for failing to comply with a Commission decision of 2012 ordering the recovery of incompatible state aid. In the decision, the... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: Notam issued with ban of overflying area for the "Costa Concordia" ship transfer
Rome, Italy - It will be in force only on the Italian air space
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) unveils that a Notam (Notice to Airmen) will be issued, in the occasion of the travel of the 'Costa Concordia's ship from the Isola del Giglio to Genoa, with the... more

Press releaseUkraine: Italian Minister Mogherini speaks with Klimkin. Italy Offers to send expert to assist investigation about the airplane shot down (3)
Rome, Italy - She had a telephone call also with the general secretary of OSCE, Zannier
Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini spoke by telephone last Saturday with her Ukrainian counterpart Pavlo Klimkin, who updated her on efforts to access the area in which the Malaysian... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: filing of the infraction procedure of EC to Italy for take-off and landing rights
Rome, Italy - The new levels result diversified only based on the airplane tonnage and not on the flight origin/destination
"ENAC, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority, unveils to have received the formalization by European Commission of the filing, decided last July 10, of the infraction procedure to Italy regarding the application... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Italian ANPAC, ANPAV and Avia on Alitalia: note about the latest details on the situation
Rome, Italy - "... necessary a pause to examine the analysis of the documents"
ANPAC, AVIA and ANPAV diffused yesterday a joint note that reported: "We considered necessary a pause to examine the analysis of the documents, after a deepened analysis of the texts already signed by... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Labour agreement: Alitalia-Etihad negotiation strands on this point according to Anpac, Avia and Anpav
Rome, Italy - "The economic privations requested to support the Alitalia-Etihad operation weigh on pilots and flight assistants for over 80%"
"The Alitalia negotiation interrupted yesterday in the night about the labour agreement theme. Alitalia is an airline that serves in a system of complex and specific rules for the aeronautical industry,... more

Press releaseItalian Filt Cgil on Alitalia. Cortorillo: "We are favour to Etihad but not all the weight on work"
Rome, Italy - The declarations by its national secretary
"We must decide in which Country we want to stay and if apply the Italian or Arabian right and law". The national secretary of Filt Cgil, Nino Cortorillo said in his intervention at "Radio anch'io" about... more

Press releaseItalian Anpac, Avia and Anpav: joint declaration on Alitalia
Rome, Italy - "A serious accessible deficit in the negotiation dynamics"
We receive and publish that communicated yesterday by the Italian unions of Anpac, Avia and Anpav: "A difficult accessible deficit has been pointed out yesterday evening in the negotiation dynamics ongoing... more

Press releaseAircraft. Etihad Airways. Hogan: flights to Rome, the next step in a relationship with Italy and with Alitalia
Rome, Italy - "Airlines are scale businesses" and we hope that the negotiation "Will conclude with taking a minority shareholding in Alitalia"
Etihad Airways’ launch of daily Abu Dhabi–Rome flights is "The next step in a burgeoning relationship with Italy", said the airline’s President and Chief Executive Officer, James Hogan, at a press confe... more

Press releaseATR: 144 firm orders, new sales record for the first half of the year
Farnborough, United Kingdom - The aircraft manufacturer has also taken options for 112 additional aircraft
At the Farnborough Airshow, the aircraft manufacturer Atr, the joint venture between Airbus and Alenia Aermacchi (Finmeccanica Group), this morning announced that it has taken firm orders for 144 aircraft... more

Press releaseNord Aviation Capital adds 75 ATR-42/600 aircraft to its portfolio
Farnborough, United Kingdom - The new order signed today at the Farnborough International Airshow
The leasing company Nordic Aviation Capital (Nac) has signed a total order for 75 ATR-42/600 aircraft, in a deal valued at over US$1.55 billion. Deliveries will commence in 2015 through to 2020. With... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: its director general Quaranta appointed president of JAA-TO
Rome, Italy - He will take charge of it from September 2014
"ENAC, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority, informs that its director general Alessio Quaranta has been appointed in the last days as President of JAA-TO (Joint Aviation Authorities Training Organization,... more

Press releaseAlitalia: declaration by its CEO Del Torchio about the agreement signed with the unions
Rome, Italy - "It is another crucial step of this road map"
"The agreement signed with the Italian unions is another decisive step of this road map that I wish will bring us to the closure of the strategic alliance with Etihad Airways. I want to thank the CISL,... more

Press releaseAircraft. "Single European Sky": EC urges to make a decisive move towards common airspace management
Brussels, Belgium - The Commissions has formally requested yesterday to eighteen Member States
The Commission has formally requested yesterday Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain... more

Press releaseLufthansa Group unveils raft of quality and innovation actions
Milan, Italy - Intensified partnership with Air China completes set of joint-ventures in biggest non-home markets
Deutsche Lufthansa AG has set itself the objective of regaining its role as the benchmark of the aviation sector and, with it, the first choice for customers, employees, investors and partners. The... more

Press releaseAirplanes and State aid: Commission opens in-depth investigation into Milan airport ground-handling services
Brussels, Belgium - It gives interested third parties the opportunity to comment
The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation to examine whether a €25 million capital injection by SEA SpA, the publicly owned manager of the Italian airport Milan, in favour of its new g... more

Press releaseAircraft. EU-industry partnerships seek innovation boost with first EUR 1 bn for projects ("Clean Sky 2" and "Sesar 2020"
Brussels, Belgium - At a launch event in Brussels today, the private partners were represented by Massimo Garbini, CEO of Italian ENAV
Research partnerships between the EU, the private sector and Member States today presented their first calls for projects and partners under "Horizon 2020", the EU's € 80 billion research and innovation p... more

Press releaseAmnesty International: EU migration policies put lives and rights at risk
Rome, Italy - The organization said it in a new report published today
In their determination to seal off their borders, the European Union and its member States are putting the lives and rights of refugees and migrants at risk, Amnesty International said in a new report... more

Press releaseAlitalia and Jet Airways reinforce code-share agreement on air links between Italy and India
Rome, Italy - The flights are on sale from July 1 for travel starting next Saturday
Jet Airways, India’s premier international airline, and Alitalia, Italy’s leading carrier, announce the expansion of their code-share partnership offering guests enhanced network connectivity between Ind... more

Press releaseItalian ANPAC, ANPAV and AVIA on Alitalia: general strike of the air transport for next July 20
Rome, Italy - The Ministry overlooks pilots and flight assistants
"The Italian Transport Ministry reiterates the unclear choice to not convoke the union associations of pilots and flight assistants on Alitalia-Etihad issue. A clearly undemocratic act that neglects the... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: new appointments at ICAO extend the Italian presence in the organization and in the international civil aviation context
Rome, Italy - Satisfaction has been expressed on behalf of the Authority by its director general, Alessio Quaranta
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) unveils that the Italian presence in the context of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), UN Board that gathers the authority for civil aviation of... more

Press releaseItalian Anpac, Avia and Anpav on Alitalia's situation: "The debate continues but great dubts and worry on staff surplus"
Rome, Italy - The joint press-release issued by the pilots and the flight assistants associations
"The debate continued yesterday between the representations of crew, pilots and flight assistants and Alitalia. During the meeting quality and quantities of excesses have been examined in depth declared... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica: the BoD approves the guidelines to implement the Group's new Organizational and Operating Model
Rome, Italy - It encompasses in the new perimeter operating companies, 100% owned by it, of the Aerospace and Defence core business
The Board of Directors of Finmeccanica, convened yesterday under the chairmanship of Gianni De Gennaro, approved the guidelines to implement the new Group Organizational and Operating Model. The Model,... more

Press releaseItalian Filt, Fit and UglT unions about Alitalia: "Be available to a debate, not to a hodiernal convocation, considered abnormal"
Rome, Italy - The national administrative offices write together it in a note
"We receive this morning at 10:30 an anomalous convocation, not coherent with the path and the relational ways shared in the meeting of last June 12 with the CEO and reaffirmed in the gathering of last... more

Press releaseAlitalia BoD of last Friday. The proposal for a partnership with Etihad approved
Rome, Italy - The Board delegated the mandate to negotiate the contract to the President and CEO
The Board of Directors of Alitalia -Compagnia Aerea Italian SpA, chaired by Roberto Colaninno, met last Friday in Rome to approve the proposal presented by Etihad Airways for a partnership between Alitalia... more

Press releaseMauro Rossi (Italian FILT) about Alitalia: "Complex transaction but no ultimatum on layoffs"
Rome, Italy - The union director declared it
"The negotiation started yesterday is really complex". Mauro Rossi of the Italian FILT sustained it about the beginning of the debate with Alitalia on Etihad plan, underling that "Our operate in the transaction,... more

Press releaseItalian FILT. Rossi on Alitalia: "From today about the negotiation to protect job and airline's future"
Rome, Italy - The declarations by the union director
"Starting from today, we enter with Alitalia about the plan, so we ask about it far-back". Mauro Rossi of the FILT Union said it in view of the meeting of today with the airline's top management underling... more

Press releaseAlitalia increases international and domestic flights
Rome, Italy - The airline continues the expansion of its network
Alitalia continues the expansion of its network introducing for Summer 2014 new international routes (Rome-Marrakech and Trieste-Nice) and domestic routes (flights under Territorial Continuity regime between... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Italian ENAV sustains Brazilian airports
Rome, Italy - Massimo Garbini: "We proudly continue to export the national know-how"
ENAV, the Italian Air Navigation Service Provider and SINEAA, the association of Brazilian airports, have signed a three year memorandum of understanding aimed, on the whole, at guaranteeing evolution... more

Press releaseAirplanes and strikes. Italian ENAV: regular flights today
Rome, Italy - The four hour protest, announced by LICTA, postponed
ENAV (Italian flight assistance company) informs that the air traffic control will be ensured today, following to the postponement of the strike decided yesterday in the late evening by Infrastructure... more

Press releaseItalian FIM CISL on Thales Alenia Space: "The company's stance on is unacceptable, a major attention on all Country is necessary"
Rome, Italy - The declaration by the national FIM CISL coordinator of Finmeccanica Group, Carlo Anelli
We receive and publish: "The top management of Thales Alenia Space Italia during the meeting yesterday with the national administrative offices of FIM, FIOM, UILM and the national coordination of the Group,... more

Press releaseRossi (FILT) to Del Torchio (Alitalia): "Procedure and matter are wrong about layoffs"
Rome, Italy - The declarations by national secretary who answers to CEO
We receive and publish: "The procedure and matter are wrong". Mauro Rossi, secretary of the FILT CGIL union answers to Alitalia CEO, Gabriele Del Torchio about the numbers of redundancies of the national... more

Press releaseAlitalia: the board of directors calls the assembly of shareholders in late June and July
Rome, Italy - For the approval of the balance sheet ending on December 31, 2013
The meeting of Alitalia's board of directors, which met today under the guidance of Chairman Roberto Colaninno, called the ordinary assembly of shareholders on June 29 in first instance and on July 25... more

Press releaseAmnesty International asks to JHA to turn the tide on the EU's approach to migration
Rome, Italy - “Italy’s efforts through the 'Mare Nostrum' operation should be applauded". “But they cannot be left to carry out this life-saving work alone"
As European Union (EU) Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) ministers gather in Luxembourg on 5 and 6 June, Amnesty International is urgently calling on them to put the rights of migrants, refugees and asylum... more

Press releaseAircraft and airlines. SkyTeam records growth in member collaboration
Doha, Qatar - The alliance enhances customer experience through improved connectivity and airport services
SkyTeam, the global airline alliance, projects an increase of 18% in membership cooperation for the year 2014. The increase is the result of more codeshares and bilateral agreements amongst its member... more

Press releaseAlitalia-Etihad Airways: welcome to the tourism program "Made of Italians"
Rome, Italy - Unveiled yesterday in 14 Italian embassies and consulates around the world
Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, and Alitalia, Partner of SkyTeam, have joined forces to support the "Made of Italians" 2015 tourism program with attractive airfares. Unveiled... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Alitalia: strike by SEA and SEA Handling staff for tomorrow
Rome, Italy - The changes not involve the intercontinental flights
Alitalia and AirOne, in view of the protests by workers of SEA and SEA Handling (Milan-Linate and Malpensa airports), planned for the entire day of tomorrow, Friday May 30 and due to the impossibility... more