1,934 news found

MiscellaneousA PC with personal data of 38 thousand US veterans has been lost
Washington, USA - Data could be used for-profit
Unisys, American computer giant that manages Veteran Affairs Department (VA) database, lost the PC where names, addresses and insurance numbers of 38 thousand US Armed Forces veterans are registered. It... more

MiscellaneousAviano USAF base: anti-nuclearist demonstrators have been rejected
Aviano, Italy - Today the anniversary of atomic bomb explosion in Nagasaki
The 16 inspector-citizens that yesterday morning went to USAF base in Aviano (Pordenone), asking to get in and inspect the kind of armaments inside of it, did not receive the permission to enter the structure... more

MiscellaneousBoulogne: emergency landing of an Air France flight
Boulogne, Italy - Because of landing gear problems
The pilot of an Air France Venice-Paris flight, because of presumed hydraulic problems in a landing gear, decided to turn back to Venice’s "Marco Polo" air station this morning shortly after lift-off, w... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (4): while diplomatic negotiations are working, the conflicts goes on
Beirut, Lebanon - Three Israeli soldiers have been killed today
Air raids and ground offensives shaked Southern Lebanon again today, waiting for new diplomatic negotiations aiming to stop a four-week-long conflict. Three David-starred soldiers were killed, leading... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (2): Bush does not exclude talks with Iran and Syria
Washington, USA - But he recalls that past attempts always failed
During a press conference in his Texan ranch in Crawford, where he is having his Summer holidays, US President George W. Bush has not excluded the hypothesis of talks with Iran and Syria as a way to terminate... more

Miscellaneous120 kg of drugs have been seized at Rome-Ciampino airport
Rome, Italy - Four English coming from London carried khat in their suitcases
Four people have been arrested at Rome-Ciampino airport with the charge of international drugs traffic. During their searches, Financial Police have discovered in their suitcases more than 120 kg of khat,... more

MiscellaneousThe settlement of Uribe, President of Colombia, yesterday
Bogotà, Colombia - The Capital was completely militarized by security forces
In a maximum security atmosphere, the second presidential mandate of Alvaro Uribe started yesterday with his oath to the Colombian Congress and several Latin-American political leaders. Uribe was re-voted... more

MiscellaneousAviano USAF base: citizens presidium today
Aviano, Italy - They want to verify the presence of nuclear warheads
Anti-nuclear polemics at USAF base in Aviano (Pordenone, Northern Italy) go on. A 16-citizen delegation has gathered this morning in front of military base’s gates asking US and Italian authorities to g... more

MiscellaneousBanat Air accident: the process on compensations for 49 victims risks cancellation
Verona, Italy - The seat transfer would make the process re-start
The civil cause of 49 victims families in the air accident involving a Banat Air AN-24 on December 13, 1995, risks to be cancelled and re-start after 11 years. This is because of the decision by the judge... more

MiscellaneousVeneto Region will make the Spad XIII fly
Venice, Italy - The European Community project
Local authorities of Veneto, Austria and European Commission will make the Spad-XIII of Francesco Baracca re-fly, the same airplane that fell during the "Great War" causing death to the Italian pilot.... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (2): UN understanding failed to terminate conflict
Beirut, Lebanon - Still civil victims in Lebanon; yesterday 15 dead in Israel
Israeli bombs killed about 15 civilians in Lebanon today and stroke an important communication way to the South in Litani river, between Sidone and Tiro, cutting the main street where aids for civil people... more

MiscellaneousSouth-Africa: 12 people blocked off by snow on the borderline with the Lesotho
Johannesburg, Republic of South-Africa - Since eight years did not snow over the Capital
On the score of a strong snow storm on the mountains on the borderline between South-Africa and Lesotho, last Friday, the South-African Foreign Minister has made known that any helicopters of the governmental... more

MiscellaneousFire in Portugal: Government in shelter
Lisbon, Portugal - Gravest damages in the whole territory
Last Friday, six fires have burnt up in the Center and North of the State: in Macao, Guarda, Porto, Santarem, Viana do Castelo and Viseu, and have intervened beyond 400 firefighters with 110 vehicles and... more

MiscellaneousChina: typhoon "Prapiroon" provokes the evacuation of 500.000 people
Hong Kong, China - Assessment of five dead
From the night of August 2, the typhoon "Prapiroon", that proceeds at 33m/s recorded as force 12 in the Beaufort scale, is striking down in the South-East area of the China. Shaping in South Sea of China,... more

MiscellaneousUS Air Force: environmental clean-up of the Kelly Air Force Base
San Antonio, USA – Community exposed at the infection
Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, in these days, is processing to an environmental clean-up process of the shallow groundwaters, that has been contaminated with trichloroethylene (TCE). It is... more

MiscellaneousBoat with clandestines at Lampedusa sight by a GdF helicopter
Lampedusa, Italy - It's 241 the immigrants disembarked on the island
After the arrive last night of 38 immigrants clandestines, among which two women, on Lampedusa island, a new boat "Of hope" has been sight this morning by an helicopter of Financial Guard 17 miles far... more

MiscellaneousRecovered by Russian helicopters three climbers died on Caucasus
Moscow, Russia - The other two are seriously injured after a fall
Today the helicopters of the rescue team of the Ministry for Emergency of Russia have found the corpses of three Ukrain mountain climbers that were missing in the West side of Elbrus mountain. The mount... more

MiscellaneousAfghanistan: third British soldier dead
Kabul, Afghanistan - The ISAF has officially taken over the command of the military operations in the six districts in the South
The military command of ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) yesterday has retailed that has been found the body of the third British soldier of the International Security Force that in the last... more

MiscellaneousStrong rains trigger air delays in the Beijing Airport
Beijing, China - Airport isolated for the flood of the Capital's main streets
In this month of July, the Chinese Capital has seen 26 days of rain, and according to Municipal Weather Department, is the most rainy of last five years. The copious rain fallen over Beijing yesterday... more

MiscellaneousIt is void the cease-fire in Sri Lanka
Colombo, Sri Lanka - Air raids against the rebels of the LTTE
It is again war in Sri Lanka between governmental Army and the rebel of the LTTE - Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam that have stated "Void and without effect at the moment" the deal of the cease-fire in... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (2). Siniora: Cana's slaughter is a crime against humanity
Beirut, Lebanon - Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati prompts weapons
Lebanese Premier, Fouad Siniora, rejected Israel apologies after Cana’s bombing that killed 52 civil people, among which many children. Siniora confuted Israeli accusations that said there were Hezbollah b... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon. Peretz: it takes ten more days of bombing
Tel Aviv, Israel - Olmert announces earth offensive expansion
After the announcement of Israeli Premier, Ehud OLmert, to expand earth offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanese territory, Arabian staellite TV, "Al Jazeera" reported that a barrage of militants’ missiles f... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (3): aids for Lebanon rebuilding
Beirut, Lebanon - Half world promises allocations
The international community has pledged itself to economically help Lebanon in the rebuilding effort for its infrastructures and industrial plants which have been destroyed by Israeli bombing, that caused... more

MiscellaneousCleaned out from the prostitutes the road that connects Moscow to the airport
Moscow, Russia - Turned away the girls that worked along the "Leningradskoe shosse", the road has a more decorous look
It wasn’t a good show to offer to the tourists just landed at Sheremietevo airport, the one represented by the road connecting the air terminal to Kremlin. The so-called "Leningradskoe shosse" was until f... more

MiscellaneousOld partners abandoned in one of the New York airports without assistance
New York, USA - For one day and one night they slept on a bench
It looks impossible that in 2006 in a big and modern airport like the ones of New York two old person can be forgotten, but this is exactly what happened to a couple of old partners from Conversano (Puglia)... more

MiscellaneousTwo B-747 empty tons of kerosene above the skies of Switzerland and south Germany
Zurich, Switzerland - It's two aircraft, one of Lufthansa and one of Singapore Airlines
A curious report case has happened last week-end on the skies above Switzerland and southern Germany: two B-747, one of Lufthansa and one of Singapore Airlines, for technical reasons had to empty part... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (2): new Israeli air attacks despite the announced truce
Tel Aviv, Israel - Taibe village was bombed
Despite Israel had promised a 48-hour truce in bombing, the David-starred air forces attacked the area near Lebanese village of Taibe in support of earth operations. Israeli Defense Minister, Amir Peretz,... more

MiscellaneousBad weather: a plane "Lifted" by wind at Genoa airport
Genoa, Italy - No consequences for passengers. Serious damages to a Carabinieri helicopter
The Ligurian up-country and the city of Genoa have been hit Friday afternoon by a violent storm that caused many discomforts to inhabitants and several damages to structures. The major problems have been... more

MiscellaneousThere was also an US Air Force captain among the evacuated people in Lebanon
Washington, Usa - The doctor Jennifer Tay was on vacation with her family
Among the many tragedies the the bombed Lebanon put under our eyes night and day in these days there have been also the foreign people escaping from where they was staying for vacation or work, and forced... more

MiscellaneousSomalia: an airplane full of weapons for Islamic Courts?
Mogadiscio, Somalia - It arrived at the Capital's airport from Eritrea
A Kazakhstan cargo airplane landed at Mogadiscio main airport, Somalia, last Friday and it was soon surrounded by Islamic militias trucks, which then carried the freight to warehouses belonging to Courts.... more

MiscellaneousChavez buys armaments in Russia for USD 3bn
Moscow, Russia - Agreement for 30 Sukhoi 30 fighters and 50 MI helicopters
The Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, on diplomatic tour in Moscow, reached an agreement with Vladimir Putin to buy thirty Sukhoi 30 and fifty MI combat helicopters from Russia. The contract value is... more

MiscellaneousBuenos Aires: airport damaged by an hailstorm
Buenos Aires, Argentina - A storm of an intensity that hasn't been registered for years
An exceptional bad-weather wave has happened Wednesday evening in Argentina, provoking damages to civil buildings and to one of the two international airports of Buenos Aires. The Argentinean air terminal... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (4): anti-missile missiles in Tel Aviv
Beirut, Lebanon - Blair is meeting Bush today
A Jordan citizen was killed today and other four people were injured in an Israeli raid against the Lebanese city of Nabatiyeh, which took place at 8:30 am (local time). In the meantime, the Israeli Army... more

MiscellaneousFound in Baltic Sea the wreck of "Graf Zeppelin", Hitler's aircraft carrier
Berlin, Germany - For 60 years the passionates have tried to identify the sinking place
The "Graf Zeppelin" was the only aircraft carrier of the German Nazi Army during the second world war, and for 60 years has represented a challenge for the historians of the second global conflict, in... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (3): 11 victims today
Beirut, Lebanon - Italian Foreign Minister will be in Jerusalem Sunday
Eleven people died today during Israeli air raids against villages on the hills of Tiro, 88 km South of Beirut. The new bombing comes after a decision by Israeli Premier, Ehud Olmert, to intensify raids... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon: today takes off the first flight of the UN airlift with humanitarian helps for population
Brindisi, Italy - It will depart from Brindisi base, the second one is scheduled for tomorrow. Aids for EUR 610.000
It will take off at 12:00am from the Humanitarian First Intervention base of Brindisi the first of the two flights with humanitarian helps destined to Lebanese population from the World Alimentary program... more

MiscellaneousItalian Senate approves the refunding of military missions abroad
Rome, Italy - Yesterday green light on Afghanistan, today on total decree
The Italian Senate has voted in favor of the entire decree on the refunding of military missions abroad this morning, without the Right coalition votes, after the first vote on Afghanistan were contested... more

MiscellaneousUsa: emergency landing for a Northwest Airlines plane
Washington, Usa - After the take-off smoke penetrated in the cabin, no consequences for passengers
Yesterday night, at 9:20pm (local time), an airplane of the American air company Northwest Airlines was forced to make an emergency landing at "MBS International" airport of Freeland, central Michigan.... more

MiscellaneousUsa: a pilot found drunk before the flight sacked
Washington, Usa - Since 2002 there have been several cases of this kind
The name of the flyer hasn’t been revealed. What is sure is that since yesterday the unlucky pilot has got no more job. The reason: a little "Seatback" that seems having hit lots of line-flight pilots d... more

MiscellaneousCapo Gallo air disaster: important revelations of an Alitalia's pilot
Palermo, Italy - An istance has been presented to Palermo's Power of Attorney by the lawyers of the victim's families
The report about the judicial investigation about the air incident of the Tuninter’s ATR-72, splashed down about one year ago in the sea offing Palermo, while it was flying from Bari to Djerba, gets r... more

MiscellaneousSpain-UK agreement on Gibraltar
Madrid, Spain - Joint use of Roca airport
Spain, United Kingdom and Gibraltar Governments reached an agreement concerning airport, pensions, telephones and borders, which will be ratified during a meeting on September 18. The operations package... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (3): the Israel bombings on south Lebanon go on
Beirut, Lebanon - After the killing of 9 Israeli militaries from Hezbollah heavy offensive of the Jewish State, maybe hit trucks with humanitarian helps
It’s been the killing of 9 militaries of Israeli Army yesterday at Bint Jebil on south Lebanon the reason that unleashed the zionist State’s raging reaction. Uninterrupted bombings from Israeli aviation hav... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (2). Rome: no cease-fire
Rome, Italy - At summit on Lebanon
The international conference on Lebanon in Rome ended with the settlement of US and Israeli point of view: no unconditioned and immediate cease-fire, but efforts to negotiate a truce which could last.... more

MiscellaneousUS tourist disappear from a cruise ship: a Coast Guard airplane patrols the sea
Naples, Italy - The young girl was on vacation in Italy, she's missing since yesterday morning
An American tourist, 23-years-old, Elizabeth Kay Galiano, is missing in peace of sea between Rome and Naples along the Tyrrhenian coasts since yesterday morning. The young girl on vacation on the cruise... more

MiscellaneousChavez against United States
Caracas, Venezuela - It was announced the purchase of new weapons by Russia
New attack of Venezuelan President Chavez against United States, accused by the South-American Head of the State to follow an hostile policy arrived to the sabotage of Caracas Armed Forces. Washington... more

MiscellaneousWeapons trade to Somalia
Mogadiscio, Somalia - Special cargo flights transport weapon in the country
It is more and more difficult the situation in Somalia, perturbed by years of civil war and now under the control of the so-called Islamic Court, integralist muslim militant who want the introduction of... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (7): the wife of Italian military wounded during the flight has arrived in Israel
Tel Aviv, Israel - She has departed yesterday morning from Fiumicino airport
She was departed by an Alitalia scheduled flight directed to Tel Aviv at 10:00am of yesterday Alessandra Canettieri, Roberto Punzo’s wife, the Italian 42-year-old helicopterist captain in service with "... more

MiscellaneousJordan is directly involved in CIA’s flights
London, United Kingdom – Amnesty International denounced it
Amnesty International published last Monday a report which accuses directly Jordan Government to be involved in CIA’s flights. According to the international organization Amman’s Executive should be res... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (5): four UN observers were killed
Beirut, Lebanon - By an Israeli air raid
Four observers of UN Interposition Force (UNFIL) were killed by a bomb which were launched from an Israeli military airplane in Khiam, Southern Lebanon. They seem to be an Austrian, a Canadian, a Finnish... more

MiscellaneousSearch and rescue operation offing Alaska
Washington, USA – Aircraft and helicopters of the safety enforcement of USA made safe the crew of a ship in difficulties
The rescue operations to save the crew of Cougar Ace cargo ship, which is sinking in the sea offing Aleutine island (Alaska), have been carried out successfully. Helicopters of the US Coast Guard and aircraft... more