5,397 news found

ReportFinmeccanica on Libyan contracts: "We think they will be fulfilled"
Tripoli, Libya - According to the company's CEO, there's no reason for which Libya's situation should bring to a change of the ongoing agreements
Finmeccanica's CEO Giuseppe Orsi commented on the developments of the political situation in Libya, where rebels -armed against the loyalists- have now taken control of 90% of the capital city (see AVIONEWS):... more

ReportLibya: Tripoli conquered by the rebels; three sons of Gaddafi captured
Tripoli, Libya - No trace of the colonel, different rumors on him
After months of fighting is finally close to be decided the future of Libya, where the rebels have today entered in Tripoli, conquering it for 90% and thus launching a decisive attack to the supporters... more

ReportRussia bans Libyan aircraft from its airspace
Moscow, Russia - Medvedev signed a decree
The local press reported that today August 12, Russian president Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree banning Libyan aircraft from the national airspace, except in cases in which they are conducting flights... more

ReportUS invites Russia, China and India to sanction Syria
Washington, USA - US wants to unify anti-Assad front
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked Russia, China and India to take a firm position of condemnation with respect to what is happening in Syria, where for days the government proceeds to the massacre... more

ReportItalian ENAV nominations close to mid-August: the government works tirelessly
Rome, Italy - The new nominations after Capaldo's discharge
ENAV, Italian flight assistance society, back to get itself talked about following the new nomination designated yesterday by the Italian Minister of Economy and Finance Tremonti, who has chosen Varazzani... more

ReportNorth Korea fires artillery next to South Korean island, in a contested area
Seoul, South Korea - Formally in the context of a training exercise; Seoul returns fire
This morning, North Korea fired three shells in the Yellow Sea, not far from South Korea's Yeonpyeong island, also if it's still unclear if in the waters belonging to one or to the other Country. According... more

ReportIsrael fighter aircraft violated Lebanese air space
Beirut, Lebanon - Facts like this happened almost daily
The Lebanese military authorities said in a statement that 4 Israeli fighter aircraft crossed into the Lebanese airspace over the past two days; the aerial surveillance and reconnaissance operations carried... more

ReportSAFE Air's engineer died during engine maintenance work
Wellington, New Zealand - The carrier wants to support the family
An engineer employed at Air New Zealand MRO provider SAFE Air died this morning meanwhile he was working on a C-130 Hercules aircraft's engine; the carrier didn't release much details, but sources reported... more

ReportCrashed helicopter in Afghanistan: 38 victims
Kabul, Afghanistan - 37 soldiers and one civilian
Within three days two helicopters Chinook of US Air Force have crashed in Afghanistan: one of the two incidents, considered among the most serious for casualties among the ranks of the US, took place on... more

ReportLibyan authorities deny the death of Gaddafi's son in a NATO plane attack
Tripoli, Libya - That was announced today by the rebels
According to international sources the Libyan authorities would have denied the news unveiled on Friday by some local rebels concerning the killing of the youngest son of Muhammar Gaddafi. The death... more

ReportFrance withdraws "Charles de Gaulle" carrier from Libya
Paris, France - For maintenance works
France has announced that on August 10 the aircraft carrier "Charles de Gaulle" will leave the Libyan theater of war to return to its home port of Toulon for maintenance works, the defence minister Gerard... more

ReportNATO warplanes attack in Libya kills Gaddafi's son
Tripoli, Libya - Bombing also still goes on the Capital
Libyan rebel forces reported today that during the night a NATO attack on the western city of Zliten would have caused the death of a son of Muammar Gaddafi, Khamis, and of 32 other soldiers; according... more

ReportObama urges Congress to resolve FAA situation
Washington, USA - The US president intervenes in the impasse
Sparks off the political climate of the United States on the issue of funding for the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) that sees Democrats and Republicans opposing, the first in the majority in the... more

ReportNATO wants more troops in Kosovo
Pristina, Kosovo - After last wek violences
NATO said on Wednesday August 2nd that the KFOR mission in Kosovo has asked to send more troops in the area and probably a battalion (500 units) will be shipped from Germany or Austria; the NATO spokesman... more

ReportMissile from Lybia at Italian Navy
Rome, Italy - The ship was no the target
Italian Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa said on Wednesday August, 3 during a press conference that a missile was fired this morning from Libya against the ship "Bersagliere" of the Italian Navy, which... more

ReportHelicopters and aircraft to Corfu against fire
Kerkyra, Greece - Flames attack different fronts
Greece decided today August, 3 to send more fire forces on the island of Corfu, which since yesterday is the scene of numerous fires, according to sources, expanding on 25 fronts among the villages of... more

ReportRussia asks for a cut in military fuel consumptions
Moscow, Russia - Defense minister wants to save up reserves
Russia has decided to reduce military consumption of fuel and lubricants because of rising costs of gasoline and diesel, rose by 50% and 30% since autumn 2010. The news agency "Ria Novosti" reported... more

ReportIsraeli warplanes attacked the Gaza Strip
Gaza City, Palestinian Teritories - No casualties according to sources
The Israeli military confirmed an attack occurred during the night between the 1st and August, 2nd from warplanes that have carried out a raid along the South of the Gaza Strip, the Israeli authorities... more

ReportMarco Milanese-Giulio Tremonti-Lorenzo Cola affair
Rome, Italy - According to the press unveiled in the last days
The press on July 28 published that, in the ambit of the Marco Milanese-Giulio Tremonti-Lorenzo Cola affair, the last (indicated as Finmeccanica "Friend"), in order to obtain the confirm of Pierfrancesco... more

ReportNTSB in Guyana for Caribbean Airlines aircraft hard landing (VIDEO)
Georgetown, Guyana - Safe all the passengers
Passengers and crew of a Boeing 737 aircraft operated by the carrier Caribbean Airlines has escaped Saturday, July 30 a landing that could prove fatal, given the dynamics of the event. The flight BW523... more

ReportFrom FAO summit in Rome an airlift for Somalia
Rome, Italy - 12 million people risk their lives for starvation
From the FAO summit held in Rome on July 25 back to the fore the situation of the people of the Horn of Africa, particularly of Somalia, crippled by drought that hit the area, the hardest in the last 15... more

ReportAmbush in Afghanistan (2): one of the two Italian soldiers injured is serious
Bala Murghab, Afghanistan - Communicated the names of two military men
Corporal David Tobini has died in Afghanistan on July 25th, 41st victim in the ranks of the Italian Army; two other men have been wounded: it is Simone D'Orazio, 28 years old, who is very serious and will... more

ReportOne Italian soldier killed and two injured in Afghanistan
Bala Murghab, Afghanistan - The 41th Italian victim
It has been announced the name of Corporal David Tobin, who died in Afghanistan today, Monday, July 25th, 41st victim since the beginning of the Italian mission in the Country. The soldier died during... more

ReportLibya is responsible of the attack against Mc Donnell Douglas DC-10 aircraft in which 170 people died in 1989
Tripoli, Libya - It is unveiled by the ex foreign minister of the Country Abdel Rahman Chalgham
In an interview released to the "Al-Hayat" newspaper, the Libyan ex Foreign minister Abdel Rahman Chalgham stated that it was his Country to cause the attack to the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 aircraft in... more

ReportStarts today visit in Germany of president Medvedev
Berlin, Germany - And of a delegation of over 20 ministers and top managers of important companies
Starts today the two-day visit in Germany of Russian president Dmitry Medvedev. Accompanied with a delegation of over 20 ministers and top managers and CEOs of important companies of the ex-soviet Country,... more

ReportToday afternoon funeral of Italian corporal Roberto Marchini
Rome, Italy - At 06:00 pm at Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Rome
It will be held in Rome this afternoon, Thursday July 14 at 06:00 pm the state funeral for corporal Roberto Marchini, a parachutist and miner of the 8th Regiment Genio "Folgore" of Legnago, who died Tuesday,... more

ReportApologies by UK Defence Secretary for Mull of Kintyre Chinook helicopter crash
London, England - Review of the case: the pilots were not negligent
They are addressed to the families of the pilots of the Chinook ZD576 helicopter apologies from the UK defence secretary Liam Fox, after the publication on last July, 13 of an independent review of the... more

ReportCuban man found dead in an Iberia airplane
Madrid, Spain - Took out from the undercarriage after a flight of 9 hours
It has been found at the end of the flight Havana-Madrid in the rear landing gear of an Airbus 320/200 airplane Adonis G.B., a Cuban boy aged 23, died after 9 hours of travel "Probably from being crushed". For... more

ReportMilitary aircraft: confirmed Marines guilty in Cermis incident
New York, USA - After 13 years from the tragedy newspaper "La Stampa" publishes report
Two journalists of the newspaper "La Stampa", Maurizio Molinari and Paolo Mastrolilli, published yesterday, Wednesday July, 13 excerpts of the report signed by then-commander of Marine Corps Gen. Peter... more

Report40th Italian victim of the mission in Afghanistan: corporal Roberto Marchini is dead
Kabul, Afghanistan - While defusing a bomb. On Friday, the funeral in Rome
Today died the corporal Roberto Marchini while defusing a bomb during a mine clearance in Bakwa, about 3 km West of the Forward Operating Base "Lavaredo" (at south of Herat, in the Farah province). Marchini,... more

ReportPakistan, four missile attacks from US drone aircraft in 24 hours
Islamabad, Pakistan - At least 45 militants dead
According to reports from Islamabad intelligence officials, US drone aircraft would have carried out four missile strikes in the tribal area of Pakistan, killing at least 45 militants in the north-east... more

ReportRussia: criminal case against Chinese citizen trying to smuggle parts of MiG-29 and Su-27 aircraft
Moscow, Russia - Launched by customs authorities
Russian agencies report on Friday that some customs officers in the Far East of Russia launched a criminal case against a Chinese citizen -whose identity has not yet been unveiled- for attempting to smuggle... more

ReportArrived at Rome-Ciampino's airport the corpse of Gaetano Tuccillo on a C-130 plane of AMI
Rome, Italy - Tomorrow the funerals at S. Maria degli Angeli basilica in Rome
It's arrived at 11:00 this morning at Ciampino's military airport, on a C-130 plane of AMI (Aeronautica Militare Italiana), the corpse of Gaetano Tuccillo, who died last Saturday during an attack in Afghanistan. To... more

ReportStopped stowaway on US carriers' aircraft
Los Angeles, USA - He imbarked with expired boarding pass
He has been arrested at Los Angeles International airport Olajide Oluwaseun Noibi, 24 year old American citizen of Nigerian origin, who has almost double managed to board airliners passing controls with... more

ReportNATO is preparing a ground operation in Libya?
Moscow, Russia - Speaks Russian envoy to the alliance
Russian news agency "Ria Novosti" is reporting that NATO would begin to prepare for a ground operation in Libya, according to Russian Ambassador Dmitry Rogozin's words of today Friday, July 1. Pending... more

ReportPronzato arrest (2): Prosecutor of Rome's inquiry on public tenders goes on
Rome, Italy - Involved politicians
On 7 June the investigation opened by the Prosecutor of Rome on tenders for the management of territorial continuity routes led the Financial Police to search the ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority)... more

ReportProcurement Italian ENAC: manager Franco Pronzato arrested
Genoa, Italy - Accused of crimes of corruption and bid rigging
This morning the Rome's Financial Police, in an operation conducted with colleagues from Liguria, were taken from his home and arrested a member of the board of Italian ENAC (Civil Aviation Authority)... more

ReportCola tells about how Libya entered in Finmeccanica
Rome, Italy - The consultant answers to questions of public prosecutor Henry John Woodcock
Yesterday's "Il Sole 24 Ore" reported a reconstruction of the answers of Lorenzo Cola, former consultant of Finmeccanica, to the questions of the public prosecutor Henry John Woodcock about the entry of... more

ReportBarak Obama announces military withdrawal from Afghanistan
Washington, USA - 10,000 soldiers will came back by the end of 2011
In the night between Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 June, the US President Barack Obama has announced that from July will begin withdrawing troops from Afghanistan: 10 thousand soldiers will be repatriated... more

ReportAir transport: how much does it cost an Italian parlamentarian?
Rome, Italy - Waiting for Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti
A new proposal by the Italian Radical Party to reduce the cost of the Chambers on the agenda shows the age-old question of costs borne by the taxpayers to maintain a standard of high living of MPs, Senators,... more

ReportFootball player arrested on an airliner
Redwood, USA - Because of his wearing
A passenger of the flight 488 of US Airways has been arrested yesterday morning, on Wednesday, June 15, because of his clothing, which has offended a member of the crew. Deshon Marman, twenty-year old... more

ReportAustralian Airlines continue to cancel their flights
Sidney, Australia - Due to the ash cloud volcano Puyehue
Australian carriers have continued to cancel trans-Tasman and domestic flights due to a volcanic ash cloud in the region. Airservices Australia, the national air traffic management agency, affirmed that... more

ReportPuyehue volcano eruption: more disruptions in Latin America
Montevideo , Uruguay - From ten days the volcano has continued to erupt
While in Uruguay this morning, air traffic is almost back to normality, a day after more than 70 flights had been canceled at the international airport "Carrasco", which serves the capital Montevideo,... more

ReportGreece: today 24-hour strike against austerity measures
Athens, Greece - Air traffic will remain active
Third strike called since the beginning of the year in Greece by the two main trade unions of the country, GSEE (private sector) and ADEDY (public sector) to protest against the plan of austerity and privatization... more

ReportEruption of Dubbi volcano in Eritrea, travels by airplanes at risk (VIDEO)
Asmara, Eritrea - The volcanic ash cloud have almost reached 15 km of height
After the recent eruption of Chile's Puyehue-Cordon Caulle, another volcano has erupted after 150 years, causing disruptions to air traffic at a domestic and, partially, also at an international level:... more

ReportHistoric B-17 "Flying Fortress" aircraft in flames near Chicago
Chicago, USA - The seven passengers are unharmed
On Monday, June 13 an historic US bomber of the Second World War has crashed in an agricultural field near the city of Chicago (Illinois), having caught fire while it was still in flight. The Boeing... more

ReportQantas and Jetstar cancel today flights in Tasmania, Australia and New Zealand
Canberra, Australia - Due to Puyehue volcano
It keeps causing air traffic disruptions, the ash cloud generated by the eruption, occurred on June 4, of Chile's Puyehue volcano, that has recently arrived in Australia and New Zealand, causing the cancellation... more

ReportPuyehue volcano eruption: the ash cloud arrives in Australia and New Zealand
Sidney , Australia - Qantas cancels many flights
The Chile crater Puyehue-Cordo Caulle has no intention of resting or stop talking about himself: so much so that yesterday the ash cloud caused by its eruption (which occurred on June 4th Ed) has reached... more

ReportEight Israeli fighter-plane engines stolen
Tel Nof, Israel - No authority confirming
It has been released today, on Monday, June 13, the news of a theft at the Israeli military base of Tel Nof, one of the main of the Country, whose aim was, apparently, the engines of eight F-15 and F-16... more

ReportPuyehue volcano eruption: still cancelled flights in the airports of Buenos Aires (VIDEO)
Santiago, Chile - Images of volcano ash cloud
Continuous the state of alert in many Argentina's Patagonia cities to the Atlantic coast due to the immense ash cloud following the Chile volcano Puyehue eruption. The frequent rains have forced the authorities... more