5,887 news found

PeopleNew Delhi: problems to air traffic due to fog
New Delhi, India - Many flights delayed and diverted to other airports
For the second consecutive day a thick fog engulfing New Delhi is causing delays that try the Indian capital’s air traffic sorely. At least 65 domestic flights have been delayed as ground visibility w... more

People787 Dreamliner: 254 orders to be reported on December 31, 2005
Washington, USA - Boeing will be able to deliver some 112 airplanes by 2009 compared to the previously scheduled 96
There will be some 254 orders made for the new 787 Dreamliner by the end of the current year. Boeing revealed it, adding that the company is forecasting to be able to increase even the number of deliveries... more

PeopleFrench Parliament passed air ticket's tax
Paris, France - The rule will be valued again in two years
After the okay from the Government, also French Parliament approved yesterday the tax on air ticket so much sponsored by President Jacques Chirac (see for details AVIONEWS). The income will be entirely... more

PeopleBoeing: 787-10 just starting out to avoid to "Tread on the 777-200ER's toes"
Washington, USA - Talks between the maker and the carriers to verify the feasibility of a larger version of the Dreamliner are on going
Boeing just carefully started talking about a new version of the 787 Dreamliner, the 787-10 provided with 300 seats and a 8900 miles range. Just carefully because representatives from the US aerospace... more

PeopleRRJ: maiden flight scheduled in 2006
Moscow, Russia - Russian government relies upon the Sukhoi Russian Regional Jet to grow in the civil aeronautical industry
Russian Government has great expectations regarding the Sukhoi RRJ (Russian Regional Jet) programme to relaunch the civil aeronautical industry and become really competitive in the international market.... more

PeopleEU: the Single Sky "Absorbed" the Eastern Europe's air space
Brussels, Belgium - An agreement between EU Commission and eight countries in the Eastern region of the continent
Croatia, Bosnia Erzegovina, Serbia Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and Kosovo signed an agreement with EU Commission to set the Single European Sky so that a large part of Eastern Europe... more

PeopleParis Airport: Italian disabled persons maltreated, left alone on an unhinged wheelchair for 3 hours
Rome, Italy - CODACONS denunciated it
CODACONS unveiled a terrible event affecting an Italian disabled persons at Paris "Charles de Gaulle" Airport and happened on last May 22. A Gorizia-native people, had arrived in Paris from Cuba. Due to... more

PeopleNigeria: B-737s unsafe to be grounded
Abuja, Nigeria - Nigerian aviation's earthquake is going on
After banning private carriers Sosoliso and Chanchangi Airlines from flying (see for details AVIONEWS), the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority decided to start immediate controls on all Boeing 737/100s... more

PeopleICAO: preliminary traffic figures for 2005
Montreal, Canada - Show an increase of about 5.5 per cent over 2004 for total and international scheduled traffic of the world’s airlines
"Preliminary traffic figures for 2005, released last Thursday by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), show an increase of about 5.5 per cent over 2004 for total and international scheduled... more

PeopleMost important news of the week: Nigerian DC-9 fell headlong, 107 died
Rome, Italy - Two Italian Air Force's Generals discharged about the Ustica disaster
A terrible air accident in Nigeria, Ustica disaster and the selection of the 787 by Qantas dominate the civil aviation sector from December 10 to 18. Accidents - A Nigerian Sosoliso Airlines’ DC-9 f... more

PeopleCalifornia: DC-3 70th anniversary at San Carlos Airport
Washington, USA - The event has been arranged by the Hiller Aviation Museum
The Hiller Aviation Museum celebrates today, December 17, 2005, by San Carlos Airport (California) the 70th anniversary of the legendary DC-3 aircraft. The Douglas Aircraft Company made taking off the... more

PeopleNigeria: a task force to improve country's aviation
Abuja, Nigeria - It needs a strict tightening up after recent air disasters
Nigeria’s President, Olusegun Obasanjo, will inaugurate next Monday a government task force that should improve aviation’s fortunes troubled by air safety problems which have caused two air incidents kil... more

PeopleEU: an absolute support for disabled persons in the air transport by the new Regulation approved yesterday
Strasbourg, France - As almost unanimously approved by EU Parliament, it will be fully effective by no more than two years
An almost unanimous approval by the EU Parliament for the new European Regulation which schedules clear rights for disabled people in the air transport (see for details AVIONEWS). With 506 ayes (6 noes... more

PeopleARJ-21: is it a "Chinese" DC-9?
Beijing, China - Some experts underlined the aesthetic similarity of the new Chinese regional jet with the well known McDonnell-Douglas' airplane
China will be watching its first regional jet/short range airliner flying in 2008. It deals with the ARJ-21, produced by Chinese aerospace company AVIC I, and operational activities should start in 2009.... more

PeopleElectrochromic glasses: a touch of high-tech privacy for the Dreamliner's passengers
Washington, USA - Designed by PPG, these windows are able to darken by a simple electric impulse
Among the several fresh devices that the 787 Drealiner’s passengers are going to find on the new airliner, there is certainly the one concerning lateral windows, practically devoid of the traditional p... more

PeopleMorocco to conclude aviation deal with European Union
Marrakesh, Morocco - To expand country's air services and give a stimulus to airline's competition
Tourism to Morocco is expected to growth by one million annually over the next five years. So Government, to face the event, has decided to negotiate with European Union a deal to expand country’s air s... more

PeopleAirbus wants 200 orders for the A-350 by the New Year's Day
Toulouse, France - Group's representatives prove confident about the possibility of achieving this goal by the next two weeks
Some 200 orders target by December 31 is about to be achieved with reference to sales for the new Airbus A-350s though 2005 is going to end in few days. However, representatives from the EADS/BAe-owned... more

PeopleIATA: reconsidered airlines losses
Geneva, Switzerland - Good news came from fuel-cost drop
IATA, the International Air Transport Association, reconsidered upward 2005 expected losses (see for details AVIONEWS). The Association now expects losses of USD 6bn compared with USD 7.4bn in the previous... more

PeopleEuropean Parliament starts to approve a rules in favour of disable passengers' transport
Brussels, Belgium - Robert Evans, European Labourist member, said it
The time in which carriers refuse to board disable people, if superior of a certain number, could finish. European Parliament, in accordance with Governments of 25 State members, starts to vote, next Thursday,... more

PeopleProblems with air traffic in Greece today and tomorrow
Athens, Greece - Air traffic controllers and air personnel on strike
Greece will be paralized today and tomorrow due to a general strike affecting both public and private sector with workers protesting against government fiscal policy. Discomforts are affecting national... more

PeopleAVIONEWS attending ENAC's meeting: interview with Vito Riggio
Rome, Italy - "We sent contracts signed between Ryanair and Italian airports to EU, we are waiting for its decision about their legal status"
AVIONEWS interviewed ENAC (Italian National Civil Aviation Authority) President Vito Riggio during the meeting set while waiting for an intense activity in the air transport sector during Christmas period.... more

PeopleAVIONEWS attending ENAC's meeting (6): Alessandro Cardi and Gennaro Bronzone's speeches
Rome, Italy - Italy leading airport certifications
Alessandro Cardi, as ENAC Central Director for Airports and Gennaro Bronzone, as vice-Central Director of Operations, described some aspects regarding airport certifications and passenger services quality.... more

PeopleAVIONEWS attending ENAC's meeting (5): an analysis of the European black list
Rome, Italy - Authority scheduled targeted inspections and checks on new carriers during Christmas period
ENAC Central Director of Operations, Benedetto Marasà, focused on the new EU Regulation setting the so called carriers black list. Such a ruling needs to be implemented for all the carriers. An airline... more

PeopleAVIONEWS attending ENAC's meeting (4): Central Director for Operations Benedetto Marasà's speech
Rome, Italy - "Some 834 SAFA inspections in 2005; Italy is second in the list just under France in Europe"
ENAC had promised last July to achieve some important results and it succeeded in a significant manner, Central Director for Operations Benedetto Marasà underlined. Some 834 SAFA (Safety Assessment of... more

PeopleAVIONEWS attending ENAC's meeting (3): Director General Silvano Manera's speech
Rome, Italy - "December period is a critical one as sector's intense activity enables us to test the system"
ENAC Director General, Silvano Manera, focused on flight safety and passenger rights issues. ENAC intends to perform its supervisor authority task at best and it is aware of the fact that air transport... more

PeopleAVIONEWS attending ENAC's meeting (2): "There is still lack of a real air transport reformation in Italy"
Rome, Italy - Authority President Riggio underlined it, also reminding that the Navigation Code reform was useful anyway
ENAC President Vito Riggio pointed out the need of a firm contribution by all the sector’s operators to face difficulties affecting air transport in Italy. So, the relation between ENAc and the carriers i... more

PeopleAVIONEWS attending ENAC's safety and passenger services during Christmas time meeting
Rome, Italy - Authority President Vito Riggio's speech
ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) held a meeting in Rome today devoted to safety and quality of passenger services (see for details AVIONEWS). Opening speech was the one of President Vito Riggio... more

PeopleASD: adequate funding is essential for the European Aviation Safety Agency to be able to carry out its new responsibilities
Brussels, Belgium - The European Parliament will vote on the EASA 2006 budget on 15th December in its plenary session
"The European Commission this month published a proposal to extend the regulatory powers of the European Aviation Safety Agency, EASA, to air operations, flight crew licensing and oversight of third-country... more

PeopleENAC: meeting with air field's delegates tomorrow
Rome, Italy - For a general coordination finalized to reinforce safety/security during the next holidays
"A meeting with all sector’s delegates for a general coordination finalized to reinforce safety/security during the next Christmas holidays, has been convoked by ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) P... more

PeopleEurocontrol: 8.33 kHz radio equipment to be implemented above FL-195
Brussels, Belgium - It will be effective as of March 15, 2007
"European States are publishing Aeronautical Information Circulars advising that the carriage of 8.33 kHz radio equipment above flight level 195 in the ICAO EUR Region will be effective as of 15 March... more

PeopleMost important news of the week: 150 Airbus A-320 "With a single blow" in China
Rome, Italy - The Eurocopter-AVIC II EC-175 joint helicopter programme production has been officialized
Civil aviation reported a consolidation of Airbus in China and the officialization of the EC-175 helicopter programme. There is room for this sector also at the LIMA Air Show 2005 in Malaysia. Civil... more

PeopleDisabled persons and air transport: Italian Deputy Hon. De Laurentiis (UDC) on a case related to Meridiana
Rome, Italy - A Question Time addressed to Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport has been released
Italian Deputy Hon. Rodolfo De Laurentiis addressed a Question Time to Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport Pietro Lunardi concerning disabled persons aboard the aircraft of the carriers operating... more

PeopleEasa: Agency's Environment week (December 5-9)
Cologne, Germany - To celebrate the Icao's day on the theme "Greening of Flight"
"The European Aviation Safety Agency launched its Environment Week (December 5-9) to celebrate the International Civil Aviation Day (December 7th) on the theme ’Greening of Flight’. In the area of env... more

PeopleAir Traffic. Eurocontrol: workshop for an innovative research
Brétigny-sur-Orge, France - Over 200 experts met in a three-day
"Over 200 air traffic management experts from all over the world met for a three-day Workshop at the EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre (EEC) to discuss innovative research for air traffic management. The... more

PeopleNats: flights show an increase in November
London, UK - It handled 176,259 flights in last month
"National Air Traffic Services (NATS), the UK’s leading air traffic management provider, handled 176,259 flights in November, a rise of 4.2 per cent over November 2004. Continued route development and h... more

PeopleENAC President Riggio: "We need personnel for inspections"
Rome, Italy - Statement by Italian National Civil Aviation Authority President
Italian National Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) is going to set a meeting on next December 15 with all the airlines operating in Italy and the airports. Christmas period traffic will be analysed by forecasts... more

PeopleAir Transport. RLP: airport tariffs to be lowered
Prague, Czech Republic - After Czech Airlines' denunciation, taxes to be reduced from EUR 6.86 to 6.56
Czech Airlines had denounced RLP, Air Navigation System, some days ago of an abuse attitude due to Czech authority’s policy regarding tariffs implemented at the Prague air station (see for details AVIONEWS). R... more

PeopleIATA disagrees with the air tickets surcharge firmly requested by Chirac
Rome, Italy - This measure does not solve the developing countries' problems, while costs affecting aviation are already too high, according to Bisignani
IATA (International Air Transport Association) CEO Giovanni Bisignani’s criticism against the solidarity surcharge in air tickets - approved by French Parliament under a President Chirac’s proposal, see... more

PeopleAVIONEWS interviewed Italian SULT union President Siniscalchi on denunciations regarding air transport
Rome, Italy - "As the union is even prevented from going on strike, we thought it is necessary to resort to Judge to win justice"
AVIONEWS interviewed Italian SULT union President Vincenzo Siniscalchi about denunciations recently performed and regarding air transport, respectively concerning Ryanair-Alghero Airport relation and Alitalia... more

PeopleRRJ: Aeroflot-Sukhoi agreement for 30 airplanes to be signed tomorrow
Moscow, Russia - A potential market for up to 800 vehicles in 20 years is being forecasted
The contract for the purchase of 30 RRJ (Russian Regional Jet) airplanes is going to be signed tomorrow between the Sukhoi’s civil division and Aeroflot. It deals with the first important order by an a... more

PeopleIran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad renounced to Airbus for his State flights
Teheran, Iran - He ordered to sell the aircraft or use it for commercial purposes
The State aircraft destined to fly Iran’s highest authorities, had been bought by French consortium Airbus for EUR 39m plus additional EUR 20m in fittings. The order came from the ex-president of the I... more

PeopleOrders from China for Airbus (2): the A-320 never flew so high
Paris, France - Some 150 aircraft have been requested by six airlines, the largest order ever since Airbus' arrival in the Chinese market
EADS group confirmed Chinese orders addressed to Airbus for its commercial airplanes: it deals with some 150 aircraft belonging to the A-320 family (including the A-319, the A-320 and the A-321), and it... more

PeopleAirbus: massive orders about to arrive from China
Beijing, China - Clashing figures indicate 70-150 aircraft but the group also aims to consolidate its production presence in the country
An order for at least 70 new Airbus’ commercial airplanes is arriving from China (but some experts would even indicate 120-150 aircraft) for some among the major country’s airlines, after the diplomatic mee... more

PeopleMost important news of the week: Italian Campania region, an ADR/BAA-style airport system
Rome, Italy - Italian Ministry of Transport to decide on Trapani Airport total operating for Airgest; preventive landing for an Alitalia's Rome-Paris flight
The civil aviation sector is focusing on a master plan for the Italian Campania region airport system, the Airgest operator case for a total management at Trapani Airport and an emergency landing for an... more

PeopleICAO's day: "The Greening of Flight" is the theme of celebrations in the anniversary of its creation
Montreal, Canada - It was December 7, 1944
"The Greening of Flight — maximizing compatibility between safe and orderly development of civil aviation and the quality of the environment" is the theme for the 2005 edition of International Civil A... more

PeopleJustice Committee for Italian Senate gave the green light to passengers protection rules
Rome, Italy - Up to EUR 50,000 fine against overbooking
The Justice Committee for Italian Senate, passed rules providing for serious sanctions against carriers which fail to follow dispositions over air passengers protection. In case of overbooking or cancellation... more

PeopleUkraine opened its air space to EU airlines
Brussels, Belgium - The Commission's press release
"Ukraine’s sky opens up to Europe’s airlines. The agreement signed yesterday at Kiev, as a part of EU-Ukraine’s summit, by Prime Minister Tony Blair for the EU Presidency and by President José Manuel Barros... more

PeopleSyrian Government gave the green light for 8 new private airlines
Damascus, Syria - The new carriers will start flying in 2006
Damascus Government, through its Minister of Transport, Makram Ubayd, announced to have given the approval for the start of 8 new private airline from 2006. Carriers accepted to execute Syrian rules on... more

PeopleIATA: passenger and cargo air traffic growth decreased
Sanaa, Yemen - International Association reported it during the meeting held in the arab country
IATA, International Air Transport Association, stated that passenger and cargo air traffic growth decreased during a Sanaa (Yemen) meeting related to AACO, the Arab Air Carriers Organisation. There has... more

PeopleEurocontrol hosted major workshop on "Wake vortex"
Brussels, Belgium - It was held on 29 and 30 November
EUROCONTROL’s Experimental Centre has hosted a two day workshop to examine possible changes to the distances or times that must be maintained between aircraft in flight as a result of advances in research o... more