5,887 news found

PeopleEmergency landing for a UPS cargo plane
Philadelphia, USA - The three members of the crew are injured
Yesterday, few after midnight, a UPS cargo plane was obliged to an emergency landing at Philadelphia Airport because of flame shooting from its cargo hold. The crew members escaped in the nick of time.... more

PeopleEmergency landing yesterday in Brussels for a plane of the Romanian Tarom
Bucharest, Romania - Nobody of the 75 passengers and of the crew injured
Yesterday a plane of the Romanian airline Tarom, directed to London, was obliged to land at Brussels after a window in the crew cabin cracked. The landing took place without problem, and nobody of the... more

PeopleRyanair. Manera: no low-cost carriers have bases in Italy
Rome, Italy - Silvano Manera, ENAC General Director, said it
"No low-cost carriers have bases in Italy. Least of all Ryanair that at Ciampino has only some aircraft for night pause. The recognition of the base at Ciampino by control Authority should entail for the... more

PeopleSilvano Manera: Italy respects European standards
Rome, Italy - ENAC General Director answers to Ryanair
Today the General Director of ENAC (Italian Agency for Civil Aviation), answered to Ryanair’s demand to allow to its aircraft to land at Roman Ciampino Airport after midnight. Italy respects European s... more

PeopleBoeing: the B-777/200LR Worldliner certified by EASA and FAA
Rome, Italy - The American industry said it in a press release
"The world’s longest-range commercial jetliner, the Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner, now is certified by U.S. and European authorities to enter into passenger service with airlines around the world. The 7... more

PeopleImportant test for A-380
Iqaluit, Canada - Strong test for the biggest plane of the world
It is scheduled for today the first trip to North America of the biggest plane of the world the Airbus 380 which will fly from Paris to Iqaluit, a little town of Canada at 2,400 kilometers north of Toronto.... more

PeopleBoeing applies to WTO against European subsides to Airbus
Chicago, USA - New chapter in the war between the two giants
Boeing declared its intention to present an appeal to WTO (World Trade Organization), against Airbus that is accused to receive state aid. The Welsh Assembly has, in fact, allocated 5,2 million of pounds... more

PeopleFrance: traffic controllers strike, possible hardships
Paris, France - Workers against the government
French air traffic could be subjected to some hardships due to a strike planned by traffic controllers and other sectors. Dgac (French civil aviation authority) claimed that, by an official release made... more

PeopleAll Nippon Airways buys the new Boeing 737
Seattle, USA - Result for the Seattle' company
On January 31 Boeing announced the launch on the market of the new long range 737, thanks to an order of the Japanese air carrier All Nippon Airways. The new planes, which could carry 126 people, will... more

PeopleIata (2). 2005: passengers are increasing. Excellent forecasts for the future
Geneva, Switzerland - Carriers will be in assets in 2007
"Iata, International Air Transport Association, released results about traffic of passengers concerning 2005 according which the international traffic of passengers is increased 7,6% in 2005, while international... more

PeopleIata: slow increase for air trade transport
Geneva, Switzerland - Data concerning 2005
The International Air Transport Association, IATA, has showed yesterday its 2005 data. Despite of a growth of passenger traffic of 7.6%, air freight grew only of the 3.2%. For IATA air freight growth is... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at the meeting "Aerospace PMI"
Rome, Italy - It's ongoing at Researches Italian Centre's office
It’s under way the seminar titled "Aerospace PMI: comments on a strategy for development and international synergic competitiveness with that of the great industries", at the Researches Italian Centre’s off... more

PeopleCAA: new passengers' figures in 2005 published today
London, UK - Fell by 2.6%, the first drop since 2003
New figures published today by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) show the number of ATOL-protected air travellers fell by 2.6 per cent last year, the first drop since 2003. The January 2006 edition... more

PeopleSome national flights have been cancelled in Greece
Athens, Greece - The country is in the grip of ice
The snow and cold storm is going on in Greece. The country is suffering this hard situation since some days ago. The weather temperature is wherever below freezing, and in the middle-northern side it was... more

PeopleAhmadinejad, Iran president, wants the restoration of air links to America back
Teheran, Iran - The request shown in an high tension moment between these two States
Mahmud Ahmadinejad, ultra-conservative president of Islamic Republic of Iran, has formally requested to Washington’s Governments the restoration of civil air links to directly connect these two countries. T... more

PeopleAviation Common Area starts
Venice, Italy - UE gives green light to the agreement with Ukraine and Morocco
Transport and Tourism Commission of UE Parliament gives okay, last January 24, to the horizontal agreement between UE, considered as a single entity, and Ukraine and Morocco. Motion’ rapporteur, Paolo C... more

PeopleLufthansa Technik: success surpassed all expectations for the Hungarian maintenance subsidiary
Budapest, Hungary - The economic magyar newspaper "Vilaggazdasag", wrote it in last days
The Lufthansa Technik Budapest is obtaining positive, continious and unexpected results, to such an extent that the maintenance society have to decide if to develop the facilities or to re-organize the... more

PeopleThe Italian Council of Ministers approved the decree law on the sanctions for the carriers' disservices
Rome, Italy - The airlines risk to pay until EUR 50,000 as fine
A sum that could reach EUR 50,000 will be inflicted to those airlines that don’t ensure to own passengers a suitable assistance, in case of overbooking, long delays in taking off or flight’s cancellation. Thi... more

PeopleEurocontrol-Aci Europe: the joint press conference this morning in London
London, UK - Air traffic in Europe is increasing steadily every year and is predicted to reach 18 million flights per year by 2020
Air traffic in Europe is increasing steadily every year - and is predicted to reach 18 million flights per year by 2020: · Already there are up to 3,000 planes in the air at any one time, and there are... more

PeopleAir transport. Sbarbati: more rights for disabled passengers
Rome, Italy - Luciana Sbarbati, national secretary for European Republican Movement, claimed that
"The answer that the European Commission gave on my question about the treatment received by a group of disabled directed to Italy by a Ryanair flight, where they were before taken duly aboard with priority... more

PeopleThe French Civil Aviation General Direction has overruled the ban on overflying to LAM
Paris, France - The transalpine Foreign Minister's spokesperson has announced it
The spokesperson of French Foreign Minister, Jean-Baptiste Mattéi, has unveiled yesterday that the DGAC, the French Civil Aviation General Direction, has disposed the recall and cancellation from "Black... more

PeopleIBAR: Roberto Antonucci President "Ad interim"
Rome, Italy - Also the Executive Board's Vice-Presidents have been named
"During annual meeting of IBAR (the association that assembles 78 delegates of national and international carriers operating in Italy), its President Ignazio Strano, who holds the appointment of Swiss... more

PeopleEurocontrol: review of progress of ANSP safety management systems
Brussels, Belgium - The 2 day review meeting, (11 and 12 January), looked at how well safety management systems have been implemented
Just one year prior to the European Commission’s deadline for certification of air traffic control services, EUROCONTROL has met with representatives from 8 European air navigation service providers t... more

PeopleThe German Federal Government's fleet to renew
Berlin, Germany - Four new Challenger by Bombardier will be purchased
The German Federal Government has decided to retire six old CL-601 Challenger and replace them with four new airplanes of the same type, produced by Canadian Bombardier, for Ministers’ official trips i... more

PeopleAir traffic: Lunardi postponed the Alitalia's strike of next January 19
Rome, Italy - To avoid a severe and irreparable discrimination to the free circulation right
Next January 19 was expected the national strike of eight hours (10am to 6pm) by Alitalia Group’s employees fixed by the Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, Uilt-Uil, Ugl Trasporto Aereo and Unione Piloti unions. Three d... more

PeopleBird flu: UK great industries enter the lists against spread of H5N1 virus in country
London, United Kingdom - According to great part of the English industries until a fourth of the population could be interested by the bird flu
The "Sunday Telegraph" wrote it yesterday: enter the lists great English societies like among the others - over 80% of great industries - Ford Motor, Tesco, Asda, Royal Mail and Natwest Bank in the drafting... more

PeopleThe flight attendants' union warned a strike against different treatment than Sas' Chinese Hostess
Copenaghen, Denmark - That's all "The Berlingske Tidende" Danish newspaper says
"The Berlingske Tidende", a Danish newspaper, said yesterday that Scandinavian Airlines System , the Danish Sas’ flight attendants’ union, is going to strike to defend chinese colleagues. The reason is... more

PeopleEurocontrol: 2005 was a record year for aviation in Europe
Brussels, Belgium - With over 9.2 million flights and more than 700 million passengers
2005 was a record year for aviation in Europe with over 9.2 million flights and more than 700 million passengers, EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation said here last... more

PeopleAir India buys 68 planes from Boeing
Bombay, India - It's the most important agreement of Indian aviation history
Air India and Boeing subscribed an agreement on Wednesday to buy 68 planes, for a total amount of 11 US$. It’s a historical concord, because it’s the most expansive expenditure in Indian history. Boeing is... more

PeopleEuropean Justice Court's sentence (3). Barrot: that's a good news for European people
Brussels, Belgium - The comment said by Jacques Barrot, EU transport commissioner
"The legislation promulgated last February authorized to improve the protection of air passenger’s rights in EU about refusal boarding, flight cancellation or long delays. That’s a good news (the Court’s decis... more

PeopleEuropean Court’s failure. Elfaa: Disappointed at European Court’s failure to overturn discriminatory passenger compensation legislation
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - The association's press release
"Elfaa, the European Low Fares Airline Association expressed disappointment at the European Court of Justice’s failure to overturn the unfair and discriminatory Regulation 261/2004 on compensation to p... more

PeopleEuropean Justice Court's sentence (2). Bisignani: it's a sad day for Europe
Geneva, Switzerland - Giovanni Bisignani's declaration, in IATA's press release
"The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is disappointed by the complete failure of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) to strike down deeply flawed European regulations on passenger compensation... more

PeopleThe american "Global Traveler Magazine" rewards StyTeam alliance like the best in 2005
Parsi, France - too Czech Airlines rewarded like the best carrier in the east Europe
The nwe year started with best auspices for SkyTeam, it’s an alliance who Alitalia is present too. On next 17 jan the american magazine "Global Traveler Magazine" will give the award to alliance’s man... more

PeopleNATS: 2005 record year for air travel
London, UK - It handled 2.3 million flights through British airspace last year, a rise of 5.7 per cent
National Air Traffic Services (NATS), the UK’s leading air traffic management provider, handled a record 2.3 million flights through British airspace in 2005, a rise of 5.7 per cent over the previous y... more

PeopleNATS launched campaign to find air traffic controllers of the future
London, UK - The company is set to recruit 100 student air traffic controllers to meet the continuing growth in air travel
NATS (National Air Traffic Services), the UK’s leading air traffic management provider, last Thursday launched a nationwide campaign to find the UK’s air traffic controllers of the future. The company is... more

PeopleChina re-examines its policy in terms of civil aviation on lesser routes
Beijing, Chinese Popular Republic - It prepares to their development
Softening in the restrictions to the entry by foreign carriers, capacity’s increment, airports’ construction enforcement, expenditure of subsidies to air transport and airport managements: the lot reg... more

PeopleRecord increase in 2005 for the air transport in the UAE
Dubai, UAE - Saeed al-Mansouri, Minister of Telecommunications, said it
The UAE’s Minister of Telecommunications, Saeed al-Mansouri with enthusiasm has drawn a balance of the air transport in 2005, speaking to the media present in the country. A record year, so has been d... more

People2006 begins with a large series of strikes in the Italian air transport
Rome, Italy - Almost all the Italian air transport involved
The month of January sees four days of protests in air transport, strikes for flight controllers, Alitalia’s workers, Sagat (Turin’s Airport), Sab (Boulogne’s Airport), Sav, Save (Venice’s airport) and Avi... more

PeopleMost important news of the week: Volare, additional 15 days before deciding on its sale
Rome, Italy - Vitrociset sold the ENAV radar plants maintenance division to this Authority
Volare, Vitrociset and the 787 Boeing in the centre of attention on the civil aviation sector from December 26, 2005 to January 1st 2006. Airlines - The final decision regarding the offers shown by... more

PeopleF-22 Raptor: unlikely to be exported to preserve its secrets
Washington, USA - The F-35 instead will have great market chances thanks to its features, according to analysts
Experts competent in the defence sector try to explain why the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter has so many chances to be exported while the F-22 Raptor has not been offered in the international market yet. In... more

PeopleTransports: large serie of strikes in the Epiphany's sock
Rome, Italy - The air transport and railway's employees alternate in the unions' protests until the end of month
Air Transport: January 8 there is the strike of ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance Authority), at national level from 12am to 4pm; another one by SAAV of Malpensa, from 12am to 4pm. Then January 19 by Alitalia’s d... more

PeopleIs Boeing bound to reach the top in terms of commercial airplanes orders?
Washington, USA - Analysts would appear convinced of it when considering the 777 and the 787 success
Scandals, strikes, strong competitiveness from Airbus and problems related to debates on aerospace industry subsidies do not prevent Boeing from growing and going back to a dominating role in the air transport... more

PeopleLas Vegas "Bets everything" on the A-380
Las Vegas, USA - The new city airport's designers will make it able to host the flying giant with great advantages for tourism
Economic wealth generated by Las Vegas in the United States could be powered further by resorting to a new mean the air transport is providing with: the Airbus A-380. The American city will have a new... more

PeopleChina: are airlines risking overcapacity?
Beijing, China - Some experts would be stating it but the air traffic growth rate would appear to show an opposite tapestry according to other analysts
SARS effects on the Chinese and Asian air traffic started decreasing in this area from 2004 with an impressive rise which, nevertheless, will tend to slow during next year according to the sector’s experts, t... more

PeopleRRJ: a USD 94m loan for the programme development
Moscow, Russia - State-warranty ensured for the effort devoted to the new Sukhoi's regional airplane
Sukhoi has been granted with an around USD 94m loan for the development of its Russian Regional Jet (RRJ) programme. Two Russian banks will ensure such a total figure and it will be warranted by state.... more

PeopleChina: more than 140 new airplanes arriving in 2006 thanks to air traffic growth
Beijing, China - Chinese civil aviation authority forecasted it
Passenger traffic growing for a +15% (that is to say some 159 million persons) and cargo traffic up for a +10%: these are the main data provided by the Chinese civil aviation authority for 2006 with reference... more

PeopleJanuary's strikes in air sector
Rome, Italy - Alitalia's workers will go on strike next January 19
Malpensa’s ENAV SAAV personnel will go on strike on January 8 from 12:00am to 4:00pm like all staff of ENAV. Alitalia’s flight attendants will take strike action on January 19 for 24 hours, on the sam... more

PeopleMost important news of the week: Lufthansa acquired Eurowings
Rome, Italy - Alitalia accomplished the return of the EUR 400m bridge-loan
Airlines prove to be the major issues from December 19 to 26 in the civil aviation field, with reference in particular to Alitalia and Lufthansa. Airlines - Alitalia accomplished the return of the... more

PeopleICAO: major safety measures and record number of passengers highlights of 2005
Montreal, Canada - It will take place a worldwide conference next March 2006 of Directors General of Civil Aviation (DGCAs)
"The development and implementation of major safety measures highlight a year when the total number of passengers on the scheduled airlines of the 189 Member States of the International Civil Aviation... more

PeopleBulgaria to join EU common airspace as from 2007
Sophia, Bulgaria - "Dnevnik" newspaper said it
The European Union and Bulgaria achieved a deal to allow the Central-European state to enter EU common airspace starting from early 2007. Procedures and standards for Bulgaria’s access will be discussed a... more