5,887 news found

PeopleAlitalia: the wedding with Air France is necessary
Rome, Italy - Doubts about Cimoli's industrial plan
In David Jarach’s opinion, who is a lecturer of marketing and business at Bocconi University of Milan, Alitalia’s future is not full of promise, unless that there was a fusion agreement with Air France-KLM. Wit... more

PeopleIATA: 6.2% traffic's growth in January compared to the same month in 2005
Rome, Italy - IATA, International Air Transport Association, states that
Last Friday IATA (International Air Transport Association) said in a press release that in January 2006 passengers and cargo traffic increased by 6.2% compared to the same month last year. "In January... more

PeopleTax of solidarity (2): the "no" of the German Tourist Federation
Berlin,Germany - Populist proposal
The representatives of the German tourist sector had hardly protested against the decision took by 13 countries, on the initiative of the French President of the Republic Jacques Chirac, to apply a tax... more

PeopleBulgarian Government decreases fly over tax on its national skies
Sophia, Bulgaria - "Sofia News Agency" related so
Bulgarian Government decided to decrease the tax paid by carrier for the right to fly over Bulgarian skies from EUR 52.83 to 48.85. The news has been related by press agency "Sofia News Agency" and the... more

PeopleFAA: in 2006 US skies still more congested by air traffic
Washington, Usa - Passengers increasing
The prediction arrives by FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) that writes it in its annual report of projections regarding 2006. Carriers still in growth but with difficulty and skies more congested... more

PeopleInternational enquiry on cargo lines
London, UK - General and sudden prices' raises
Cargo lines’ British customers have welcomed the announcement of a US-Euro enquiry about the presumed existence of a price-fixed cartel among the airline that offer this kind of service. Last week, competition a... more

PeopleA-380 will be in UK next Spring
Toulouse, France - The test on the sky giant continues
The new Airbus 380, which is with its 555 seats the biggest planes of the world, will make its first appearance in UK when, according with the tests’ plan decided by Toulouse’s industry for the aircraft, the... more

PeopleAgain a no IATA to the French proposal for aviation tax to fund development of poor countries
Geneva, Switzerland - The Association has confirmed its refusal at the Ministerial Conference on Innovative Taxation to Fund Development
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) yesterday urged governments to reject French President Chirac’s proposal for a global tax on aviation to fund development. "Airlines make a massive c... more

PeopleSITA Group signed a five year agreement with Cargoitalia
Milan, Italy - It's the first Italian carrier for air cargo transport for long range with entirely private capital
"SITA, world leader society for infrastructures and information technology solutions to the air transport industry, has signed a five year agreement with Cargoitalia, first Italian carrier for air cargo... more

PeopleArmenia joins EUROCONTROL
Brussels, Belgium – The country became the 36th member state
Armenia today became EUROCONTROL’s 36th Member State. Armenia has been a member of the international civil aviation community since 1992, when it joined the International Civil Aviation Organization (... more

PeopleOpen Skies: agreement between USA and EU at sea
New York, USA - "Wall Street Journal" wrote so
In an article on "Wall Street Journal" the agreement hardly achieved by European Union and Usa called "Open Skies" could be called into question by American side. In fact there are strong oppositions by... more

PeopleUKAB: UK airprox Board published yesterday fourteenth report
London, UK - 92 incidents during the first six months of 2005
It covers the 92 Airprox reported by pilots and air traffic controllers between January and June 2005 which were subject to full investigation. The 92 incidents reported during the first six months of... more

PeopleEurocontrol presents a new focus on safety
Brussels, Belgium - The ESP is designed to follow up on the success of the Strategic Safety Action Plan (SSAP)
EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, today launched the new European Safety Programme (ESP) for Air Traffic Management (ATM). The aim of the Programme is to focus on... more

PeopleIATA: freight traffic recovers and passenger growth strong in January
Geneva, Switzerland - About 5.3% and 6.2% respectively
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released January traffic results showing that international passenger traffic for the month grew by 6.2% over the same month in 2005. International freight... more

PeopleBritish Civil Aviation Authority criticizes BAA
London, United Kingdom - Airport group's financing arrangement questioned
Britain’s Civil Aviation Authority, CAA, the regulator controlling economy, aerospace policy, security and consumer protection in the field of civil aviation, admonished airport operator BAA (British A... more

PeopleAmerican flight controllers' negotiation on contract renovation is in impasse
Washington, USA - Without any agreement between union and federal authority, Bush administration could intervene
The negotiation on American flight controllers’ contract renovation is in talks since last Summer, but agreement hasn’t been reached between the unions, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, and... more

PeopleMalaysia ratified Cape Town Convention
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - IATA expressed its satisfaction
Malaysian Government decided to ratify Cape Town Convention and the Aircraft Protocol (treaties that cover all the fields of air mobility) that will be in progress since next March first. IATA (International... more

PeopleFlight all business Milan-New York
Milan, Italy - In "The Big Apple" by A-319
A-319 will fly soon from Milan to New York. In the next May 8 flight will take off from area Ata of Linate. The partner of Club Milano Manhattan to which the service is reserved could start in the late... more

PeopleNats doubled the size of its Hampshire headquarters
London, United Kingdom - The construction works completed last Monday
Construction work to double the size of National Air Traffic Services’ (NATS) headquarters at Whiteley, Hampshire completed last Monday when contractors formally hand over two new buildings. Developers A... more

People"Asian Aerospace" (5): Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. will supply the maintenance of the ATR aircraft of Air Deccan
Singapore, Singapore Republic - It is also scheduled the construction of an assistence center in India
Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. (P&WC) has signed an agreement with ATR, for five years, for the maintenance and accessory coverage for the engines of Air Deccan’s ATR-42 and ATR-72. P&WC further will build a... more

People"Asian Aerospace" (4): soon on the market the new Airbus 330-200F cargo
Singapore, Republic of Singapore - Interest also for the military version of the aircraft
Airbus will present probably next months the new cargo aircraft A-330-200F. European consortium has not previously offered a mid-size cargo plane, while Boeing, that is its direct competitor, has just... more

PeopleAustralia says no to Singapore Airlines
Canberra, Australia - The government rejects SIA's partecipation to trans-Pacific route
Australian government rejected a bid by Singapore Airlines to join the Sydney-Los Angeles route for unspecified time, as it is currently monopolized by Australian Qantas Airways and U.S. United Airlines,... more

PeopleIata: "Airlines have lost USD 42 billion since 2001 and we expect another USD 4 billion in losses again this year"
Singapore, Singapore Republic - Bisignani has declared it at the opening of the second Aviation Summit
"Airlines have lost US$42 billion since 2001 and we expect another US$4 billion in losses again this year. Something is wrong with the air transport industry", said Giovanni Bisignani, Director General... more

PeopleControls intensified at Rome-Fiumicino, but currently no emergency signal
Rome, Italy - Inspections for passengers, crews and aircraft
The airport Police of the Roman hub of Fiumicino declared, answering to an article of a Roman newspaper that denounced a particular alarm, that in point of fact, there is not, and there was not, a specific... more

PeopleAlitalia: Scajola wants to convoke trade unions before of March first
Rome, Italy - Also Minister of Welfare Maroni will be present to the board
Today it has been made known that Minister for Productive Activities, Claudio Scajola, has the intention to convoke trade unions to talk about Alitalia’s problem before of the end of the month, on March 1... more

PeopleProblems for A-380
Toulouse, France - Failure of a wing during stress tests
Yesterday Airbus unveiled that during stress tests its superjumbo A-380 suffered a rupture of a wing. The company anyway said it will not have consequences for the delivery plan. "There was a rupture while... more

PeopleAgreement signed yesterday between Italy and India for seven new air connections
New Delhi, India - Aldo Sansone, General Director of the Ministry of Transports was there for Italy
Yesterday in New Delhi an agreement, which counts seven new air connections between Italy and India, was signed. Aldo Sansone, General Director of the department of Navigation and Air and Maritime Transport... more

PeopleEuropean Parliament approved a directive bill for air-traffic controllers' European licence
Brussels, Belgium - The measure is included in regulations for Single European Sky
In the order of Parliament voting for achievement of ambitious Single European Sky project, a Community directive bill has been approved for the introduction in Member States of air-traffic controllers’ E... more

PeopleNew anti-missile system on El Al's aircraft
Tel Aviv, Israel - The decision after many efforts to destroy the planes of the Israeli carrier
Since yesterday all the aircraft of the Israeli flagship carrier, El Al, are equipped with a new defence anti-missile system created by ELTA, an Israeli Aeronautic Industry’s company. This decision is t... more

PeopleEU: unexpected investigation by Community Antitrust Authority towards suspicious cargo carriers' cartel
Brussels, Belgium - The inquiry involves US Authorities too
An almost unexpected investigation started the day before yesterday, by the European Antitrust Authority and American Justice Department, involving the greatest cargo air companies in the world. Korean... more

PeopleNATS won landmark contract with the Ministry of Defence
London, UK - Its worth GBP 724.6 million to provide air traffic control systems for the next 15 years
National Air Traffic Services (NATS) and the Ministry of Defence have last Tuesday announced the signing of a landmark contract worth £724.6 million to provide air traffic control systems for the next... more

PeopleRyanair: French Minister of Transport asked a supplementary enquiry on Irish carrier
Paris, France - The require arrives after the broadcast of the inquest of "Channel 4"
"This require is justified by the strong presence of Ryanair in France. Carrier’s aircraft have been controlled 33 times during 2005 and 3 times in 2006 without that then any particular measures of controll w... more

PeopleCargolux advised about the common enquiry of the US and EU Authorities for competition
Luxemburg, Luxemburg - The suspect of a cartel between the cargo carriers
The carrier Cargolux declared today to have been advised by Authorities for competition of United States and European Union about the enquiry that the two bureau are carrying on togheter to verify the... more

PeopleAntitrust searches (2)
Copenhagen, Denmark - SAS Cargo declares its surprise
In regard to European Commission’s investigation on any form of prohibited cooperation between UE cargo airlines, SAS Cargo in Copenhagen declared to see no reason to suspect violations to articles of C... more

PeopleFive people injured on a flight in USA for problems of depressurization
Washington, USA - The pilot obliged to an emergency landing
There are been 5 people injured, with problems to the ears and to the nose, on a flight that in United States was travelling from Seattle to Denver and that was obliged to an emergency landing for problems... more

PeopleAntitrust searches
Brussels, Belgium – European cargo carriers enquired
European Commission has carried out a series of searches in various cargo air companies’ seats in several Member States: yesterday Brussels confirmed that in a written announcement. European Antitrust, e... more

PeopleIt has been signed an agreement between the Air Traffic Authorities of Spain and UK
Maastricht, The Netherlands – It is the first contract on this sector in Europe
Yesterday in Maastricht an agreement, between the Air traffic Authorities of Spain (AENA) and UK (NATS) was signed. The goal is to develop a new air traffic control system for both countries. The new system... more

PeopleRecord rise for air traffic in Morocco
Rabat, Morocco - New infrastructure to render the country more and more competitive
Moroccan Minister of Transports Karim Ghellab said today that Morocco is adjusting its airport infrastructures to be in the condition to support competition with Europe. General director of ONDA, Moroccan... more

PeopleEmergency landing for a Swiss International Airways' A-330
Zurich, Switzerland - The plane, directed to Miami, was forced to land in Canada
Last Sunday an Airbus 330 that was travelling from Zurich to Miami was pushed to an emergency landing in Canada after that the pilot noted the oil pressure in one of the engine was dangerously low. Initially... more

PeopleAir China is looking for foreign pilots
Beijing, China - The decision was taken to cover staff shortages
Chinese flagship carrier Air China decided to recruit foreign pilots to led its aircraft. The carrier, in fact, this year would increase its fleet of about 20 or 30 planes, to move on to the vertiginous... more

PeopleAmerican Airlines' pilot arrested in Manchester on the suspicion of being drunk
Manchester, UK - An enquiry has been started by the carrier to clarify the event
Last Saturday an American Airlines’ pilot was arrested in Manchester, United Kingdom, on suspicion of being drunk, shortly before its flight due to take off. The man, 45 years old from Ohio, was released o... more

PeopleEmergency landing for an Adam Air's B-737
Jakarta, Indonesia - The jetliner lost for four hours its communication and navigation systems
The Indonesian Minister of Trasports, Hatta Radjasa, has communicated yesterday that a Boeing 737 of the carrier Adam Air, with 145 people on board, flying from Jakarta to Makassar, was obliged last Saturday... more

PeopleHonduras invests in tourism
Tegucigalpa, Honduras - The new Government's development policy
Honduras’ Government authorities, elected last January, are going to support touristic development policy which started with former President and executive leader Ricardo Maduro, incumbent from 2002 t... more

PeopleNATS: air traffic grows into the new year
London, UK - It has handled 177,402 flights in January
National Air Traffic Services (NATS), the UK’s leading air traffic management provider, handled 177,402 flights in January, a rise of 5.6 per cent over January 2005. NATS’ Oceanic Area Control Centre at... more

PeopleBisignani: we want an Authority to correctly value the airport taxes level in Europe
Brussels, Belgium - So Iata asked to European Commission
The President and general director of IATA, (International Air Transport Association), Giovanni Bisignani, asked yesterday to the European Transport Commissioner Jacques Barrot to create an Authority that... more

PeopleANPAC: interesting inquiry about Ryanair on "Channel 4"
Rome, Italy - The Italian Pilots' Association said it
ANPAC unveiled that this evening and in re-run next Wednesday, on Channel 4, British tv network, will be on air a transmission on Ryanair where will be revealed some backgrounds about one of the main European... more

PeopleBombardier restarts the production of the CRJ-1200/Challenger 850
Montreal, Canada - It had been interrupted last October
Bombardier decided to restart from April, the production of the CRJ-1200/Challenger 850 that will be realized in the facility of Dorval, near Montreal, where 50 people work. The industry had suspended... more

PeopleTurkish Consul proposes to move the flight from Istanbul to Lubiana to Trieste
Trieste, Italy - Enrico Samer said it during a demonstration
During a demonstration on the intermodal service Trieste-Austria, very utilized by Turkish truck drivers disembarked in Trieste, Consul of Turkey, Enrico Samer, proposed a submission, to ask to air carrier... more

PeopleMore effort for flights security in Arab countries
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Big attention after 2001 attempts
The first interregional conference of the Arab countries on civil flights security finished yesterday. Expert from Europe, United States, Australia,and other Asian countries took place at the conference.... more

PeopleCastendolo municipal corporation against Montichiari airport
Brescia, Italy - Citizens of small town complain about disturb of peace
Castendolo Municipal Corporation, in Brescia district, submitted a petition to Brescia Court to protest against air training made around Montichiari airport: that’s after a request made by its citizens. C... more