5,887 news found

PeopleTax to use airports in rush hours
Brussels, Belgium - It is an EU's hypothesis
It seems that European Commission was evaluating whether to impose a tax to can use the airports during the rush hours. The hypothesis emerged yesterday during a meeting, which will finish today, claimed... more

PeopleEurocontrol: a collective look at safety
Brussels, Belgium - The workshop "How to do safety business together" was held from 4 to 5 April 2006 in the Belgian city
One of the key issues facing European air traffic management safety over the next few years is the shortage of skilled resources needed to support the implementation of Safety Management and Safety Regulation... more

PeopleLow-cost air traffic increased
London, UK - Doubled respect 2001
Oag Worldwide, which is a British content management company specialising in travel and transport, published a study according which low-cost carriers in the month of March 2006 increased their transport... more

PeopleIncreasing air passengers discontent
Washington, USA - An American research reveals that
A research made by Wichita State University (Kansas) on air passengers’ dissatisfaction shows a 17% increase of complaints compared to 2004. At the top among discontent reasons there is unfulfilled luggage a... more

PeopleTourism: CAA introduces Consumer Protection Charge
London, United Kingdom - It should replace the current bonding system
CAA (Civil Aviation Authority), the British regulator, announced a reform of the complex bonding system, used to refund travellers whose clauses with tour operators were not respected. In United Kingdom... more

PeopleIata: passenger and freight traffic growth continues on pace with forecast promising start to 2006
Geneva, Switzerland - Load factors also improved
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced today that international passenger traffic grew by 6.8% and international freight traffic by 5.4% in February. The year-to-date passenger traffic... more

PeopleICAO and IATA agree to share information from safety audits
Montreal, Canada - To better identify potential safety risks and prevent aircraft accidents
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) have agreed to share safety-related information from their respective audit programmes to better... more

PeopleAirbus seriously damaged by bad weather in Brazil
Sint Paul, Brazil - The aircraft anyway took land without problems
Yesterday an Airbus of TAM, one of the most important Brazilian carriers, in flight from Belo Horizonte to Saint Paul, hade serious damages during tha flight because odf the bad weather that from some... more

PeopleENAC. Manera: the carriers' black list isn't selective
Bergamo, Italy - But we don't want to make discounts on the safety
After the declarations by ENAC’s (Italian Civil Aviation Board) President, Vito Riggio, marginal of the Authority’s Board at Bergamo-Orio al Serio’s Airport, at the meeting with the press there was also... more

PeoplePriority landing for an aircraft at Palermo airport because a defective indicator
Palermo, Italy - After a verification the aircraft re-take off without problems
Yesterday Wind Jet flight 3248 Catania-Malaga has been obliged to a "Priority" landing at "Falcone-Borsellino" Palemo’s airport after that the pilot noticed that the indicator of the oil in one of the e... more

People33rd Directive Committee of SAFA program: European skies and aircraft are sure
Olbia, Italy - Benedetto Marasà, President of the International Committee, declared so
Yesterday in Porto Cervo a meeting of the Directive Committee of SAFA, (Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft), operative program of ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference) took place. The summit had... more

PeopleNegotiations in progress to achieve an open skies agreement between Usa and EU
Brussels, Belgium - The understanding should allow to attract capitals and should re-launch the carriers
EU is trying to achieve an agreement with the US Government for the signature of an open skies pact within next June. Currently talks are in progress with Washington officials to try to pass with reciprocal... more

PeopleStrikes are forecast in air and rail sectors
Rome, Italy - Transport will be guaranteed in Easter and electoral periods
April could be an hot month for transport in Italy. Despite the long break for the elections and the Easter holiday, since April 6 to 20, and the respite for the Liberation Day (Italian celebration for... more

PeopleEurocontrol: forecast shows aviation patterns changing across Europe
Brussels, Belgium – Over the coming seven years
A new forecast issued by EUROCONTROL highlights the need for policy-makers to plan for substantial increases in the numbers of flights across Europe as well as changes to the pattern of these flights over... more

PeopleTuninter (2): no political decisions behind carrier's rehabilitation
Rome, Italy - It was made known by an Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transports' note
Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transports published yesterday a note in which it negates that behind carrier Tuninter’s rehabilitation, an ATR of which plunged last Summer in the sea in front o... more

PeopleEnquiry about Chicago's airport safety
Chicago, USA - Two air incidents grazed last week
Federal Aviation Administration and National Transportation Safety Board started an enquiry at "O’Hare" Chicago International Airport, one of the most important of the United States, because of two would-be c... more

PeopleAgreement between Usa and Venezuela concerning civil aviation
Caracas, Venezuela - US Ambassador, William Brownfield, made known it
Usa’s Government and Venezuala’s one found an agreement to pass the problems which from ten years pain the civil air traffic between the two countries. Washington’s Ambassador, William Brownfield, who a... more

PeopleAfrican countries' protests against the black list
Rome, Italy - Silvano Manera, ENAC General Director, declared it
Yesterday at Montreal at ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) conference the representatives of the African countries threatened to make an appeal against the EU’s decision to adopt the carriers’ bla... more

PeopleENAC: the black list is a good result for Europe
Rome, Italy - Meeting between ENAC officials and the press
Today ENAC (Italian agency for civil aviation) met the representatives of the press after the periodic summit with the representatives of the air transport sector. General Director, Silvano Manera, declared... more

PeopleMeeting at ENAC with the air sector's operators
Rome, Italy - Also EU black list will be officially presented
Today, at the headquarters of ENAC (Italian Agency for Civil Aviation), the traditional meeting between Agency’s officials and the representatives of air transport sector and the customers’ committee (Co... more

PeopleAlso Switzerland adopted the black list
Berne, Switzerland - Swiss Government's satisfaction for EU's decision
Switzerland decided to adopt the European black list of air carriers (see for details AVIONEWS). Swiss Government worked for long time at the adoption of common rules were adopted to guarantee travellers... more

PeopleThe black list completed with the contribution of all the member states
Brussels, Belgium - The proscriptions are based on objective criterions
Eu carriers’ black list, presented yesterday at Brussels by European Transport Commissioner Jacques Barrot and which will come into force on next March 25, was completed on the base of informations come f... more

PeopleThe EU air carrier's black list
Rome, Italy - Since next Saturday European skies will be prohibited to these airlines
AVIONEWS publishes the EU air carrier’s black list which will come into force since next 25 March (vedi AVIONEWS). Air Koryo Unknown (Korea) Air Service Comores (Comores) AFG Afghanistan (Afghanistan) BGB A... more

PeopleICAO: common rules for air traffic's safety
Montreal, Canada - Transparence and clarify limitations are fundamental for the organization
Yesterday in Montreal the conference of the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) member States took place in Montreal, which asked the acceleration of the times to adopt common rules for flights... more

PeopleSince next Saturday EU black list will come into force
Brussels, Belgium - Satisfaction was expressed by EU Transport Commissioner, Jacques Barrot
Since next Saturday EU black list will come into force and it will prohibit all the operation to 92 carriers and it will put some restrictions to other three ones. The most hit airlines were the Africans... more

PeopleIn 2005 carriers lost USD 43 billion because of fuel cost's raise
New York, USA - IATA General Director Giovanni Bisignani said it
Yesterday in New York IATA (International Air Transport Association) General Director, Giovanni Bisignani, showed 2005 air carriers results. The 265 airlines which are in the association, and which cover... more

PeopleEuropean "Black List". Barrot: it falls into the larger European strategy for the sector
Brussels, Belgium - European Transport Commissioner, Jacques Barrot, said that
During the press conference introducing European "Black List", European Transport Commissioner, French Jacques Barrot, said that the European measure will be a lesson in the whole world and other Countries... more

PeopleENAC's President, Vito Riggio, will present EU black list of the carrier on next Friday
Rome, Italy - Satisfaction for the achieved result
Vito Riggio, President of ENAC (Italian Agency for Civil Aviation), made known yesterday that the EU black list of the carriers, which will be approved today, will be presented by his agency on next Friday... more

PeopleMeeting ENAC-ENAV- Lunardi about last week problems at Rome and Milan airports
Rome, Italy - Funds allocated to provide to ENAV an independent connections net
Yesterday Italian Infrastructures and Transport Minister, Pietro Lunardi, met the officials of ENAC (Italian Agency for Civil Aviation) and ENAV (Italian Agency for Flight Assistance) to know officially... more

PeopleToday EU black list of carriers will be presented to Transport Commissioner Jacques Barrot
Brussels, Belgium - The list will be published also on-line
Today EU black list of carriers, drafted to guarantee with common rules in all the EU the flights’ safety, will be presented to Transport Commissioner, Jacques Barrot (see for details AVIONEWS). The l... more

PeopleICAO will put on-line the names of the carrier which don't respect safety rules
Montreal, Canada - The protest of the African and South-American countries
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) made known that it has the intention to put on-line the names of the countries the airlines of which have dismal air safety records. The announcement... more

PeopleAbout 30 million baggages lost every year in the airports
Geneva, Switzerland - USD 2,5 billion is the cost of the re-fund sustained by the carriers in 2005
According to a research of SITA, which is a company owned by the international industry of air transports, about 30 million baggage are lost every year during the air trips. The most part of them are found... more

PeopleEuropean black list of carriers compiled
Brussels, Belgium - Strong restriction for the carriers which don't respect safety rules
Carriers’ black list was drafted by European Union and when it will be approved it prohibit to the airlines which are included in to operate in the 25 EU countries’ territory (see for details AVIONEWS 1,... more

PeopleEurocontrol: global safety effort gathers pace
Athens, Greece - The 18th Annual European Aviation Safety Seminar held on 13-15 March with over 200 participants
EUROCONTROL (European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation), together with stakeholders from across the aviation industry, has identified key initiatives to improve safety in the main risk areas... more

PeopleICAO released preliminary safety and security statistics for air carrier operations in 2005
Montreal, Canada - A conference will be convened from 20 to 22 March 2006
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has completed its analysis of the preliminary information available on aviation safety and aviation security for 2005. Regarding safety in 2005, there... more

People2005 ACI account: 4 billion passengers in world airports
Geneva, Switzerland - The report on world air transport registers a 6% growth
Yesterday Geneva-based ACI (Airports Council International) published several numbers on air transport. Passengers passing through world air stations were totally about 4 billion, 6% up on 2004. Travellers... more

PeopleUsa-Venezuela air transport dispute
Caracas, Venezuela - FAA replies to INAC's threats
Venezuela’s civil aviation authority, INAC, last month had threatened to restrict or totally deny the access to its national air stations for American carriers, if United States had not lifted decade-old l... more

PeopleScajola: about Volare now we have an other element to evaluate the situation
Brussels, Belgium - Italian Minister of Productive Activities' comment to the Court of Rome's decision
Italian Minister of Productive Activities, Claudio Scajola, who yesterday was in Brussels for the EU Council on energy commented the decision of the Court of Rome about Volare. "Now we have an other element... more

PeopleNATS: air traffic continues steady growth
London, UK - It has handled 167,818 flights in February with a rise of 5.1 per cent
National Air Traffic Services (NATS), the UK’s leading air traffic management provider, handled 167,818 flights in February, a rise of 5.1 per cent over February 2005. NATS’ London Area Control Centre at... more

PeopleInterviews USA-China to increase the frequency of the flights between the two countries
Beijing, China - "The China Daily" newspaper wrote so
In newspaper "The China Daily"’s opinion interview between US and Chinese officials should be in progress to increase the air traffic between the two countries. According to the newspaper at the end o... more

PeopleUS Congress towards foreign airlines
Washington, USA - Temporary suspension of any decision is requested
The US Congress budget commission pronounced itself about foreign control of American airports, verbally approving a resolution, without any loyal value, which asks Transports Office to suspend for 120... more

PeopleAerolineas Argentinas: unannounced strike by pilots grounded 102 passengers in Fiumicino
Rome, Italy - The first serviceable flight for Argentina will be operative for tomorrow evening
An unannounced strike caused numerous hardships to the passengers departing this morning from Rome-Fiumicino’s airport with a flight by the South American carrier, Aerolineas Argentinas. 102 passengers d... more

PeoplePrague chooses Airbus for State flights
Prague, Czech Republic - Governmental fleet's updated scheduled
Czech Defence Ministry announced its intention to purchase two Airbus 319 aircraft for the transport of Prague’s Government representatives. Monica Machtova, spokeswoman of the Ministry, said that with t... more

PeoplePublication of the "Air transport black book" in France
Paris, France - "You can't fly to America paying EUR 2"
French Henri Marnet-Cornus, ex-captain, and Francois Nenin, journalist, wrote the "Air transport black book", an accuse against airlines, mostly low-cost but not only, guilty, according to the authors,... more

PeopleGerman airlines excluded from negotiations on pollutant emissions
Berlin, Germany - At least for the 2008-2012 plan
German Government seems to want exclude airlines from its restrictive plans on carbon dioxide emissions at least until 2012. Sources familiar with Environment Minister, Sigmar Gabriel, said that negotiations... more

PeopleIndia and Pakistan talk about the increase of the air traffic
New Delhi, India - Long negotiations between two countries
Indian and Pakistani civil aviation’s officials, in New delhi, are talking about the way to increase the routes and the flight’s frequency between two countries. This is the third of a series of preparatory int... more

PeopleFull-open skies agreement between USA and Camerun
Yaounde, Camerun - No restriction for the carriers of both the countries
The Government of Cameroon and the US one signed a full-open skies agreement which will allow to the carriers of both the country to operate air services between the two nations without restrictions. Satisfaction... more

PeopleItalian-Indian air transport agreement
Rome, Italy - More weekly flights linking the two Countries
Alitalia and Air India currently operate 24 weekly flights between Italy and India. The two flag airlines have just signed a new bilateral agreement for air transport, which will allow them to activate... more

PeopleAfter IATA, ERA contests "Fly tax" too
Brussels, Belgium - "We oppose the political expedient to impose a tax on an essential industry as ours"
Also ERA (European Regions Airline Association) joins IATA’s (International Air Transport Association) protest (see for details AVIONEWS) against French President Chirac’s initiative, aimed to tax air... more

PeopleIndia: about 5,000 plane pilots needed
New Delhi, India - Investment for training by foreign industries
In the next five years India could have serious problems to find pilots for its aircraft. This is the reverse side of the tumultuous growth that aviation sector had in these last years in the sub-continent.... more