5,887 news found

PeopleEUROCONTROL accepted today the first deliverable of the SESAR definition phase
Brussels, Belgium - For a Master Plan for the future ATM system by March 2008
EUROCONTROL today accepted the first deliverable of the SESAR Definition Phase study contract from the SESAR consortium of 29 companies and organisations and 20 associated partners. The SESAR Definition... more

PeoplePileri: besides the blue coupon Enav to establish a further certification
Rome, Italy - The require by the Adoc President following the 20 hours delay of the China Airlines flight
The President of Adoc (association for the defence and orientation of costumers) Carlo Pileri has launched the proposal to create an additional indicator that certify the regularity on the respect of correctness... more

PeopleChina raises 5% jet fuel prices
Beijing, China - Through a State-run CAOSC move
The Chinese monopoly jet fuel distributor, CAOSC (China Aviation Oil Supply Corporation), raised fuel prices by 300 yuan (USD 37.64) a tonne, equivalent to 5% more, to trim losses suffered because of State... more

PeopleZapatero: "Untolerable" the strike of Iberia employees at Barcelona airport
Madrid, Spain - The PSOE and Governemt Leader criticizes the agitation that caused chain delays and cancellations
The Spanish Prime Minister, José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, expressed about the agitation of the employees of the company Iberia Handling that last Friday called a surprise strike at "El Prat" airport of... more

PeopleAEA: 25% of European companies turnover depend on air transport
Brussels, Belgium - The sector affects European gross domestic product by 8%
AEA (Association of European Airlines) made a research to establish the incidence of air transport on European economy. The study revealed that 7.5 million people work directly or indirectly in the sector,... more

PeopleTassili Airlines signes for four Bombardier Q-400
Ottawa, Canada - Transport for workers in oilfields
After one month and half of off-the-record news, the Algerian Tassili Airlines has signed a contract for USD 103 million for four beturbo-prop of Bombardier Q-400. The deliveries will pass in the Autumn... more

PeopleDHL returns 21 aircraft to ABX
London, United Kingdom - Deal between two carriers
In the month of August, the air courier DHL (acronym of three founders: Adrian Dalsey, Larry Hilldom e Robert Lynn) will cease to use eleven DC-9 and ten DC-10 of ABX air fleet, the American cargo airline... more

PeopleBombardier delivers two CRJ-900 to SkyWest Airlines
Ottawa, Canada - Firm order for 17 aircraft to the American carrier
The Air Bombardier Aerospace has delivered the first two regional jet Bombardier CRJ-900 to the SkyWest Airlines, a subsidiary of the SkyWest Inc. of Saint George, in Utah. They are the first two specimens... more

PeopleEU Parliament: a less pollutant and more loyal air transport
Strasbourg, France - A resolution against gas carbon emissions has been approved
The European Parliament has approved a resolution to reduce environmental impact of air transport. Its targets are reduction of gap with less pollutant transports, tutelage of competitiveness between EU... more

PeopleIATA: Chinese air traffic will keep on growing until 2009
Geneva, Switzerland - +9.6% per year for passengers and +14.4% for cargo
According to valuations given by Giovanni Bisignani, Director General of IATA (International Air Transport Association), Chinese passenger traffic is rising 9.6% annually until 2009, while freight transport... more

PeopleThe flying-taxies arrive in Usa
Washington, Usa - FAA has granted authorization to fly to a new model of private plane of 6 seats, smaller and lighter than the others
FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), the American agency that regulates the civil aviation in Usa has granted the temporary fly certification to VLJ (Very Light Jet), called the new air-taxies. They... more

PeopleIATA: +6.7% passenger traffic in the first semester of 2006
Geneva, Switzerland - +5.2% cargo traffic
IATA (International Air Transport Association) communicates today data of international air traffic in the first semester of this year. From January to June, passenger traffic rose 6.7% compared with the... more

People"Clean Sky" Workshop at CIRA
Capua, Italy – On environmental impact of air transport
"Clean Sky" is the name of EU research programme to develop solutions and technologies able to reduce environmental impact of air transport and strengthen competitiveness of European aeronautic industry.... more

PeopleChinese Civilian Aviation records loss in the first mid-2006
Beijing, China - Deficit equal to USD 80 million
General Administration of Civilian Aviation of the People’s Republic of China in the first mid-2006 has reported losses equal to 640 million of yuan, about USD 80 m. The entries have reached 102.920 m... more

PeopleLombardy launches the indicator "Volare low-cost"
Milan, Italy - It will be presented tomorrow by Unioncamere
The low-cost flights are making register an exponential increase during last years, occupying a share of 16,3% of the European market. Unioncamere of Region Lombardy, taking note of it and of the optimum... more

PeopleEuropean Commission started an investigation about flights to Sardinia
Brussels, Belgium - Risks for the market's freedom
European Commission announced the opening of an investigation concerning the restriction on flights to Sardinia wanted by Italian Government. The Commission has serious doubts about the conformity of the... more

PeopleGB: a study underlines the relation between night flights and greenhouse effect
Reading, United Kingdom - The airplanes' vapor trails would be co-responsible for the phenomenon
It’s been published on the British magazine "Nature" a study made by a group of meteorologist of Reading University (England) that shows as there a relation between the gas ejected by the planes that f... more

PeopleIncrease in air transports: it's the environment to loose
Rome, Italy - The suggested proposals to limit damages are taxes added on air tickets
It’s not a news that air transport are not less polluting than overland transports. Now it seems it’s arrived the time of concrete proposals. From a study issued by "Legambiente", on the base of data pro... more

PeopleOrder by the Saudi Arabia to the United States
Washington, USA – Contract of sale for 24 helicopters Black Hawk
Tha Saudi Arab has ordered to USA an order of the value of USD 6.1 bn, that includes 24 helicopters by assault and transport UH-60L Black Hawk, 726 armoured carriers by fight LAV-25, 1160 systems of radio... more

PeopleThe "Fabulous 8" of "Red Bulls", the first Italian civil acrobatic patrol
Rome, Italy - Its 8 members come from the "Frecce Tricolori"
They are called "Red Bulls", and are the first Italian civil acrobatic patrol. No contention with "Frecce Tricolori", on the contrary: all the 8 members of what is called the "Formula Uno of the skies",... more

PeoplePresented first jet of Diamond
Vienna, Austria - New single-engined models
Diamond, Austrian builder of aircraft for civilian aviation, has officially presented in last days the prototype of its first jet, the single-engined D-JET. The aircraft, which specimen 001 has already... more

PeopleIsrael-Lebanon (3): extraordinary flights Alitalia from Damascus
Rome, Italy - 6 flights until July 27
Alitalia, on the score of closing of Beirut Airport for the state of war, has been forced to cut off the connections with Lebanese Capital. Since few days Italian carrier has scheduled any special flights... more

PeopleAlitalia hearing at Latium Tar postponed because of the attorneys' strike
Rome, Italy - Put off to October 12 because of the adhesion of one of the lawyers to the protest
The dispute that seen involved Alitalia for what concerns the exclusion of the air company from the routes in territorial continuity Cagliari-Rome and Cagliari-Milan and vice versa, has undergone a stop... more

PeopleEU: clearer advertising on flights rates
Milan, Italy - European Commission regulation that forbidden illusory réclame
The European Commission has officialy presented to the press the draft of the regulation studied by the Responsible for Public Transports Jacques Barrot, that aims to put a larger order in the air transport... more

PeopleNew charter flight Turin-Malta operated by Air Malta
Turin, Italy - The connection will be realized by the tour operator King Holidays by using Air Malta's airplanes
Since next August 1st it will be possible to fly from the Turin-Caselle airport to the "International airport" of Malta with a direct charter flight operated by the air company Air Malta in cooperation... more

PeopleStrict controls at the border between USA and Canada
Washington, USA - Possible obligatory passport
Controls at borders between United States and Canada have been becoming stricter. Yesterday two people, who were about to embark in Rochester, NY, headed to Toronto, were stopped at the airport and the... more

PeopleEuropean Commission wants to strengthen the single market for aviation
Brussels, Belgium - More competition and better quality
The European Commission adopted, last Tuesday, a proposal to modernise the Single Market legislation for aviation. The proposal will ensure a consistent application of EU legislation in all Member States,... more

PeopleAir Force requests 189 Tanker
Washington, USA - Boeing and EADS North America in competition
President and Chief Executive Officer of Eads North America, Ralph Crosby, has revealed that Air Force intends to purchase 189 aircraft Tanker and the competition sees competitors Boeing and Eads North... more

PeopleAgreement between EU and USA for the integration of the air traffic control systems
Brussels, Belgium - Barrot and Blakey's satisfaction
USA and EU made known yesterday to have achieved an agreement to ensure coordination between their air traffic control systems, which are in a modernization and upgrade phase on both the sides of the Atlantic.... more

PeopleAir tariffs. Costa: well the Commission, now we must take further steps ahead
Brussels, Belgium - The dispatch from the President of Transports Commission of European Parliament, Paolo Costa of "Margherita"
"Good the transparency on air rates, but now it’s necessary to make further steps ahead. Finally the European Commission decides to put his hands on the problem of air tariffs. On the wave of September 1... more

PeopleNew flight Genoa-Ibiza operated by Air Vallèe on behalf of Alpitour
Genoa, Italy - The departures from July 31 to August 28
Since next July 31 and until August 28 it will be possible to fly from Genoa to Ibiza with the tour operator Alpitour that will use for this service a plane of the air company Air Vallèe. The Genoa airport... more

People220 re-directed flights in California for a radar black-out
Los Angeles, Usa - Interruption of electric energy maybe caused by an overcharge on the network
At 7:00pm (local time) of yesterday, the 4:00am of today in Italy a black-out hit the radars of Los Angeles Air Route Traffic Control Center, blocking off for two hours the air traffic to and from California.... more

PeopleCentre-America Countries announce an agreement to increase the air transport
Mexico City, Mexico - The signature should arrive by the end of this year
The "Mondo Maya" organization is an organization of regional touristic promotion that gathers the Countries of the Central-American area (Honduras, Guatemala, Belize and Salvador) plus Mexico, that recently... more

PeopleMore transparency on airlines' fares
Brussels, Belgium - New measure of European Commission
Open war of European Union against the illusory advertising of the air carriers. The European Commissioner for Transport, French Jaques Barrot, presented today to Brussels Commission a measure that will... more

PeopleTomorrow will be the launch of the commercial flights across Taiwan's strait
Shanghai, China - New economic and commercial relationship between China and Taiwan
Tomorrow morning, a Boeing 747-400 cargo of Taiwan’s company, China Airlines, will launch cargo charter’s line between Taiwan and China continental. The aircraft will take off from Taoyuan Airport in... more

PeopleRussians don't want to travel on Airbus' aircraft
Moscow, Russia - These are the consequences of Irkutsk's tragedy
After the tragedy that, in the night between Saturday and Sunday of the last week, involved an A-310 of Sibir, crashed during the landing on Irkust airport killing 126 people, Russian don’t want to travel o... more

PeopleAlitalia flight Linate-Fiumicino cancelled: protests of the passengers
Milan, Italy - Police action, among the travellers also the undersecretary Nando Dalla Chiesa
There was also the undersecretary of University and Research Nando Dalla Chiesa among the passengers that yesterday afternoon were blocked for two hours at Milan-Linate air terminal because of the cancellation... more

PeopleThe second quarter 2006 of Embraer
Sao José dos Campos, Brazil - Deliveries and backlogs
Embraer (Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica) is among the producer world leader of jets for commercial use with a maximum of 110 seats. The society boasts 36 years of experience in planning, development,... more

PeopleAnalysis and proposals for Italian airports in Dpef
Rome, Italy - The program document defines the solutions to the most pressing problems of the air transport
The situation, the problems and the possible solutions relating to the Italian air transport sector are an important part of the infrastructures attachment of Dpef (Document of economic and financial programming)... more

PeopleTaiwan allows charter flights to China
Taipei, Taiwan - The connections will start next week
Since 1949, when the Popular Chinese Republic was born and the Beijing Government and Taipei Government split up, Taiwan decided to ban every sea, postal and air connection with China. A first opening... more

PeopleMexicana de Aviacion: operating reduction of the 20% in next 12 months
Mexico City, Mexico - In search of major competitiveness
Director General of Mexicana de Aviacion airline, Emilio Romano, in press conference of this morning, has announced an operating reduction of the 20% during next twelve months, and that will consequently... more

PeopleWTTC: coal oil tax is not enough, it takes more infrastructures
London, United Kingdom - The President of the World Travel and Tourism Council said that
The recent measures by the European Parliament on air transport environmental impact (see AVIONEWS for details) are only a part of the problem whole involving the whole sector, according to the President... more

PeopleGermany: low-cost traffic has become five times greater in 3 years
Berlin, Germany - 323 connections operated by 16 airlines
Low-cost airlines success is particularly evident in Germany, where the traffic in this sector has become five times greater in the last 3 years. From 63 low-cost routes in January 2003 to 323 links today... more

PeopleNegative day yesterday for the US airlines
New York, USA - According to rating agencies the rais of fuel cost is still to influent
It was not a good day yesterday for the main US carriers. The cause of the decrease of the share’s value of the carriers in New York Stock Exchange have been the judgement of the rating agencies that j... more

PeopleLow-cost flights beat Interrail
Rome, Italy - In the last 4 years the global railway ticket turnover dropped
The low-cost airlines success caused the fall of a legend which have meant freedom and foreign Countries exploration for million European young people for more than 30 years: Interrail, the global railway... more

PeopleEuropean Parliament approved a new tax for aircraft's coal oil
Strasbourg, France - More space for the research of ecological fuel
European Parliament gave its green light to a measure, proposed by British deputy Caroline Lucas, which promotes a cleaner air transport (see for details AVIONEWS). They will be abolished the helps to... more

PeopleEU-Lebanon agreement on air transport
Beirut, Lebanon - European carriers will fly freely on the Middle-Eastern State
The European Union fully supports Lebanese reform programme: the EU Committee for external relationship, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, declared that. An agreement has been signed in order to allow European airlines... more

PeopleLow-cost flights in growth in 2006 Summer
Rome, Italy - The scheduled increase is 20% for the low-cost air companies
A study made by the "Observatory", promoted by the search engine, by the National Insitute of Touristic Researches and by some of the main low-cost carriers highlights the... more

PeopleNo limit for the flights between Australia and Great Britain
London, Great Britain - Thanks to the open sky agreement every air company can decide on its own
Until this moment there were some limits imposed to British and Australian carriers for what concerns the number of flights operational between the two countries. Qantas, Australian carrier had the possibility... more

PeopleA woman for Embraer China
Sao José dos Campos, Brazil - Appointment of new Corporate Communications Director
In last days, Embraer (Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica) announced appointment of Chen Qi as new Corporate Communications Director for China. New elected has worked at Embraer’s China office from February 2... more