5,887 news found

PeoplePapal voyage to Austria: satisfaction and... delay
Vienna, Austria - The Pope, very busy, arrived late at the airport and the departure was delayed by thirty minutes
The Pope's voyage in Austria ended yesterday night. Three very intense days whose climax was yesterday morning during the Holy Mass, celebrated by Benedict XVI in the St. Stephen Cathedral, the main religious... more

PeoplePavarotti's death (2): tomorrow in the afternoon the "Frecce Tricolori" will give the last homage to the great tenor
Rome , Italy - At the end of the funeral in Modena, the PAN will perform the passage with the ceremony live on Raiuno
"On Saturday September 8, at the end of the funeral of the great tenor, Luciano Pavarotti, the 'Frecce Tricolori' will perform the passage with the Italian flag in the Modena sky. 'Like few others Pavarotti... more

PeoplePavarotti's death: on yesterday's TG1 the Italian PAN honoured the tenor
Rome, Italy - His voice has been accompanying for 15 years the closing of "Frecce Tricolori" performances
"Yesterday September 6th at 8pm on TG1, within the ambit of of the news about the death of the tenor Luciano Pavarotti, was aired the report on the Italian Acrobatic Team (PAN) which wanted to honour the... more

PeopleSteve Fossett missing in Nevada
Yerington, USA - The millionaire record-man of the skies had not the flight plan with him and his destination was unknown
From Monday night there are no news of Steve Fossett, an American magnate passionate of adventures on balloons, airplanes, sailboats and gliders of varied sorts. Nevada Civil Air Patrol Aircraft, with... more

PeopleAllstate's Liddy elected to Boeing Board of Directors
Chicago, Usa - Effective immediately
"Edward M. Liddy has been elected to the Boeing board of directors, effective immediately. Liddy, 61, is current chairman of The Allstate Corporation, a position he has held since January 1999. He served... more

PeopleVisconti joins ASI's technical-scientific Committee
L'Aquila, Italy - The new member has collaborations with NASA and an activity of scientific divulging
The technical-scientific Committee of ASI (Italian Space Agency) has a new member: Guido Visconti, eminent professor of the chair of Fisica dell'Atmosfera e dell'Oceano at the university of L'Aquila. Member... more

PeoplePope Benedict XVI at the 51st Wing after nineteen days in Cadore
Rome, Italy - The Pontiff through the Istrana airport again
"On Friday July 27 a SH-3D helicopter of the Italian Air Force coming from Lorenzago di Cadore (Belluno) with on board the Holy Father landed in the airport of Istrana (Treviso) where many were awaiting,... more

PeopleGeneral Jim Jones joins Boeing board
Chicago, USA - He is the former head of U.S. and NATO forces in Europe
Jim McNerney, Chairman, President and CEO of The Boeing Company yesterday announced the election of retired Marine Corps General James L. Jones, 63 years old, to the Boeing board of directors, effective... more

PeopleBoeing names John Hinshaw new Chief Information Officer
Chicago, Usa - Hinshaw will replace Scott Griffin
After being the CIO of Verizon, John Hinshaw will be the new Chief Information Officer and vice-president of the company's Information Technology organization of Boeing. The present Cio, Scott Griffin,... more

PeopleFinmeccanica (2): Giovanni Bertolone's declaration, Alenia Aeronautica's CEO
Rome, Italy - "The C-27J the clearest evidence of the excellence of the Italian aerospace industry"
“'The success in the U.S. tender', Giovanni Bertolone, Alenia Aeronautica’s CEO, says, 'Is the clearest evidence of the Alenia Aeronautica C-27J’s excellence, the only aircraft of its category to perfe... more

PeopleLet's give an hand to find Madeleine!
Algarve, Portugal - The child has her right eye with an unmistakable distinguishing sign
AVIONEWS can't remain insensible to the appeal of the parents of the little Madeleine, the three year old child mysteriously disappeared from her room during the holiday with her family in Portugal. Hair... more

PeopleGunnar Reitan to leave SAS
Stockholm, Sweden - On next August 15
Gunnar Reitan, Executive Vice President of SAS and head of the business area Individually Branded Airlines, will leave his position on August 15, 2007, at his own request. Gunnar Reitan has been employed... more

PeoplePersonal jets for the Cruises
Beverly Hills, USA - Tom Cruise gives wife Katie Holmes a jet
Most people generally move via car, bus or train. Millionaire actor Tom Cruise offered his wife Katie Holmes aboard his Gulfstream aircraft a ride to Louisiana, where she is working on her new film Mad... more

PeopleStéphane Mayer appointed CEO of ATR
Toulouse, France - From the beginning of this month
"The ATR Assembly of Members appointed Stéphane Mayer (44) as Chief Executive Officer of ATR from 1st of June 2007. Stéphane Mayer succeeds Filippo Bagnato whose 3-year mandate expired at the end of M... more

PeopleTAP Portugal CEO, Fernando Pinto, is new IATA chairman
Vancouver, Canada - Turkish Airlines to host 2008 AGM
"The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced yesterday that TAP Portugal CEO, Fernando Pinto, has begun his one-year term as the Chairman of the Association's Board of Governors. Pinto... more

PeopleA RAF flight lieutenant has received the military cross for his bravery in Afghanistan
London, United Kingdom - He received the commendation for "His selfless bravery" and skills
Flight Lieutenant, Matthew Carter, of the RAF, the British Royal Air Force, was commended with the prestigious medal for his capacity resulted fundamental in the destruction of many enemy facilities. Flight... more

PeopleItalian Defence secretary visits Kabul
Kabul, Afghanistan - After visiting the Italian troops the secretary will meet the Afghan President
The secretary of Defence Parisi with the Chief of staff Admiral Di Paola visited on the 6 of May the Italian troops engaged in Afghanistan. The secretary Parisi arrived in Herat at the Regional Head... more

PeopleJörg Eberhart, the new vice-president marketing, network and commercial of Air Dolomiti
Verona, Italy - Man ten-years of experience in this sector
"Air Dolomiti, Italian regional airlines part of Lufthansa Group and Lufthansa Regional announces Jörg Eberhart as the new vice-president marketing, network and commercial. The previous vice-president... more

PeopleGordon Bethune, ex-Continental Airlines president, will made, tomorrow, a press conference in Rome
Rome, Italy - "When the leader makes difference"
European School of Economics, College of Higher Education, informs that the conference Dr. Gordon Bethune, ex-Continental Airlines Chief General and president (from 1994 to 2004), will made tomorrow,... more

PeopleRaul Castro praises the "Caguairan" operation
Havana, Cuba - The Cuban President thanks the Armed Forces
The current Cuban President, Raul Castro, has congratulated on the results of the "Caguairan", operation promoted in the mid of last year and aimed to improve the isle's defensive capacity and the military... more

PeopleWho are new members of Alitalia's board
Rome, Italy - Also the name of CEO is expected
Professor Aristide Police Graduated with a first-class degree in law at the Luiss in July 1990, "Guido Carli", alumnus of the London School of Economics and Political Science, Doctor of research in... more

PeopleWho is Bernardino Libonati, new Alitalia's President
Rome, Italy - The new President will take on the assignment from shareholders' assembly fixed for next February 22 and 28
Bernardino Libonati is born in Rome in 1934. He is ordinary professor at "La Sapienza", Rome's University since 1981. Co-owner of Libonati-Jager's office since 1999. He's Director of a magazine dedicated... more

PeopleGravest mourning in the world of the aeronautic journalism
Rome, Italy - In mourning also AVIONEWS Editorial Staff for the death of Cesare Falessi
Aeronautic journalist Cesare Falesi, 77, is dead yesterday in Rome. He was one of the most important historian of aviation, among the foundings of Unione Giornalisti Aerospaziali Italiani (UGAI), of which... more

PeopleFrancis Richard new Air France Italy's CEO
Rome, Italy - He replaces George Ben Harroche
"Francis Richard is the new CEO for Italy substituting Georges Ben Harroche, elected in Morocco. After his degree and a doctorate in Politics Sciences, he goes into Air France in 1978, after a first... more

PeopleItalian Defence Minister: three days official visit in Cairo
Cairo, Egypt - Parisi will meet again Marshal Mohamed Tantawi
Arturo Parisi, Italian Defence Minister, is visiting officially in Cairo, for a three day-visit during which he will meet some Egyptian Governmental Representatives among which Marshal Mohamed Tantawi. Parisi... more

PeopleLuigi Giannella: Italian top gun died at the age of 92
Bari, Italy - He got four silver medals and the German iron cross
Luigi Gianella died yesterday at the age of 92 in Bari where he was from. Gianella was one of the most able top guns during the Second World War, pilot of "Circo degli assi" who was able to shoot down... more

PeopleCorrections are requested on the air passengers rights
Strasbourg, France - European Commission will act within March
The European mediator, Nikiforos Diamandorus, has requested to European Commission the corrections of some information about passenger planes rights that use aircraft way, came out in videos, posters and... more

PeopleDidier Evrard appointed new head of A-350 programme
Milan, Italy - With immediate effect
"Didier Evrard has been appointed head of the A-350 Programme with immediate effect. Mr Evrard has previously been with MBDA, a world leader in missiles, where he led the MBDA Product Lines Directorate... more

PeopleBernhard Rikardsen left SAS
Stockholm, Sweden - Svein Oppegaard has assumed responsibility
"Bernhard Rikardsen, Executive Vice President of SAS, left the SAS Group. He currently heads Corporate Administration & Support, which includes responsibility for the SAS Group's Corporate Human Resources... more

PeopleGermanwings: Gregor Schlüter new senior Vice-President Marketing & Sales
Berlin, Germany - In office from January 1st
From January 1st, Gregor Schlüter will hold the office of Germanwings' senior Vice-President Marketing & Sales. Schlüter arrives from the position of general manager Airport Development at Deutsche Lufthansa A... more

PeopleBoeing: new appointments to Commercial Airplanes Sales Leadership Roles
Seattle , Usa - They are Stan Deal and Rob Laird
"Boeing last week announced that Stan Deal has been named vice president Asia/Pacific Sales for Boeing Commercial Airplanes, reporting to Larry Dickenson, vice president, Boeing Commercial Airplanes Sales.... more

PeopleLoyola de Palacio, former European Commission vice-president is dead
Madrid, Spain - She has been killed by the cancer
Last Wednesday in Madrid at the age of 56, the former European Commission vice-president Loyola de Palacio died. She has been killed by the cancer. Palacio has been Minister of Agriculture and Food... more

PeopleThe Pope landed in Rome
Rome, Italy - The Holy Father ended his travel in Turkey
The Pope has landed at Rome-Ciampino airport. He has been welcomed by the Italian President of Council Romano Prodi and by the CEI President Camillo Ruini. The Turkish Airlines Boeing 737/800 has landed... more

PeopleThe Pope flies back to Italy
Rome, Italy - The Holy Father will return from his travel in Turkey
The Pope returned today from his travel to Turkey, where he made a four-day-journey in the Country with a Muslim majority. The Pope's plane lifted at 1:15pm from the Istanbul international airport,... more

PeopleIt was year 1926: the Maj. Pil. Mario De Bernardi won the "Schneider Cup"
Rome, Italy - By Macchi M-39 seaplane
"It was on 1926, November 13, when in Norfolk (Virginia, USA) Maj. Pil. Mario De Bernardi won, for Italy, the 'Schneider Cup' with Macchi M-39 seaplane (today exposed at Historical Italian Air Force Museum... more

PeopleThe Pope flies to Turkey with 100 people
Rome, Italy - The Holy Father will board tomorrow an Alitalia flight
Tomorrow it will begin the Pope's trip to Turkey, after the several polemics caused by the Pope's speech at Ratisbona university. He will depart tomorrow from Rome-Fiumicino airport with an A-321 aircraft... more

PeopleLee Brent, hijacker of TWA flight in Cuba, is dead
Washington, Usa - The Black Panther was exiled in Cuba since 40 years
At the age of 75 died in Cuba William Lee Brent, who in 1969 hijacked a TWA plane in Cuba for the "Fight for liberation of black people". Brent died on November 4th but only now his sister who lives in... more

PeopleTroubled landing for Kylie Minougue
Sydney, Australia - The singer flew into a storm with her plane
A bad adventure for pop star Kylie Minougue, who recently, during a flight returning from a leg of her tour, flew into a violent storm with her plane which was not able to land for about an hour. The... more

PeopleUSA: the new chairman of the GAMA has been elected
Washington, USA - Selected for 2007
The board of directors of the GAMA - General Aviation Manufacturers Association - has selected John Grisik, Executive Vice President, Operational Excellence and Technology, Goodrich Co., as Gama's Chairman... more

PeopleTom Cruise is arrived at Ciampino, on Thursday he will get married
Roma, Italy - The Hollywood star will marry at Bracciano Katie Holmes
The US actor Tom Cruise has arrived this morning at 1:30pm at Ciampino airport with a Universal flight with other 10 family members; it is unknown if there was on board also his fiancee Katie Holmes. According... more

PeopleEmbraer named David Balloff Vice-president, external relations, for USA
São José dos Campos, Brazil - New executive to be based in Washington, DC
Embraer announced that David Balloff has been named Vice-President External Relations for the United States. Balloff will direct the Company’s U.S.-based External Relations office in Washington, D.C., r... more

PeoplePutin will meet Bush at Moscow airport
Moscow, Italy - The occasion will be a technical over stop of the Air Force One at Moscow next week
Russian President Vladimir Putin will host an informal meeting with American President George W. Bush next week at Moscow airport, when the Air Force One will make a technical stopover to refuel. The chief... more

PeopleFAI: the Masashi Kakuda's death
Rome, Italy - He earned the world's respect for his active involvement in ballooning
JC Weber, president FAI (Fédération Aéronautique Internationale) Ballooning Commission communicated that "The friend Masashi Kakuda passed away last Wednesday afternoon. Masashi had suffered a severe my... more

PeopleKight named to lead Human Resources for Boeing Commercial Airplanes
Seattle, Usa - A 19-year industry veteran, he will move into his new role in December
The Boeing Company yesterday named Doug Kight vice-president of Human Resources for Boeing Commercial Airplanes, reporting jointly to Scott Carson, president and CEO of Commercial Airplanes, and Rick Stephens,... more

PeopleDr Lutz Bertling appointed yesterday as new Eurocopter CEO
Marignane, France - With immediate effect
With immediate effect, Dr Lutz Bertling (44) has been appointed as President and CEO of Eurocopter by the EADS Board of Directors. He succeeds Fabrice Brégier (45) who has been appointed as COO of Airbus. Dr... more

PeopleAppointment at Turbomeca: Philippe Couteaux has been appointed Vice-President of Aero Engines
Bordes, France - As from November 1st 2006
As from November 1, 2006, Philippe Couteaux has been appointed Vice-President of Aero Engines. He succeeds Yves Mazoyer, who has been appointed to a new role in the Safran Group. The Aero Engines Division... more

PeopleAsd: Mr Charles Edelstenne takes over from Dr Thomas Enders as President for 2007
Vienna, Austria - His inauguration speech
Mr Charles Edelstenne was unanimously voted President for 2007 at the ASD Annual Convention. Mr Edelstenne takes over after Dr Thomas Enders. "I feel particularly honoured to take over to day the presidency... more

PeopleUNWTO honoured veteran ICAO leader
Montreal, Canada - "In appreciation for a lifetime's contribution to the development of civil aviation and its close partnership with tourism"
Francesco Frangialli, Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization, with aviation and tourism luminaries in attendance, yesterday in Montréal conferred an award on Dr Assad Kotaite, former President... more

PeopleIl nuovo presidente e ad della Sas è Mats Jansson
Stoccolma , Svezia - Il cda lo ha nominato oggi
Il consiglio di amministrazione della Sas Ab oggi ha nominato Mats Jansson quale nuovo presidente ed amministratore delegato della compagnia. 54 anni, è stato recentemente il presidente e il ceo di Axel... more

PeopleMats Jansson new President and CEO of SAS
Stockholm, Sweden - The Board of Directors today appointed him
The Board of Directors of SAS AB today appointed Mats Jansson new President and CEO of SAS. He is 54 and was most recently President and CEO of Axel Johnson AB with sales of some SEK 43 billion and 14,000... more