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Latest newsHungary accuses the Usa to violate its airspace
Budapest, Hungary - Hard reaction from the Defense Minister
The Hungarian Defense Minister Ferenc Juhasz, during an extraordinary session in Parliament on last saturday, has evidenced as the airspace of his Country has been violated by American military aircraft.... more
Latest newsBulgaria asks for license to refit its Mig-29s
Sophia, Bulgaria - In exchange Russia's debt will be lowered
The Bulgarian Air Force needs to refit its Mig-29 fighters acquired in the past from Russia, but in order to make that it must have before the permission of the government of Moscow, according to the agreements... more
Latest newsTwo arrested to have tried to sell helicopters and aircraft to Iran
Baltimore, Usa - They're both Taiwanese citizens
The judge in Baltimore has not had doubts, and after having verified the proofs in his possession, he has returned a verdict of guilty for two Taiwanese citizens, En-Wei Eric Chang and David Chu. These... more
Latest newsEgyptian Air Force got the first of 6 E-2C/Hawkeye 2000 upgraded
St.Augustine, Usa - It will have a more powerful computer and an advanced operator workstation
The Egyptian Air Force has accepted delivery of the first of six E-2C/Hawkeye 2000 export configuration aircraft upgraded by Northrop Grumman Corporation. The airplane has been remanufactured and includes... more
Latest newsUS Air Force acquired 24 Litening ER from Northrop Grumman Corporation
Rolling Meadows, Usa - This contract is USD 32,6m worth
US Air Force has awarded Northrop Grumman Corporation's Electronic Systems sector a USD 32,6m contract to provide 24 Litening ER precision targeting system for use aboard its F-15E Strike Eagle aircraft. This... more
Latest newsIt's arrived in India the first Il-78 for the in-flight refuelling
New Delhi, India - 5 more will be delivered by the end of this year
It continues speedily the renew of the Indian military fleet that on Monday has received the first one of 6 Il-78s, the gigantic Russian aircraft that will serve to the in-flight refueling of the New Delhi's... more
Latest newsAnnounced the first flight of CL-604 Challenger
Montreal, Canada- The aircraft completed a 3 hour flight at 35.000 feet
Field Aviation announced on March 3 the completion of the first flight of the Royal Danish Air Force CL-604 Challenger Multi Mission Aircraft Configuation. The first of three Bombardier CL-604 Challenger... more
Latest newsMilitary air traffic in Lajes base increased
Lisbon, Portugal - The increment happens in coincidence of Iraq crisis sharpening
Portuguese agency Lusa, citing military sources, has announced yesterday, March 4, that the traffic on the air force base of Lajes, after the arrival of ground attack airplanes, intensified. Nor the destination... more
Latest news24 American bombers will fly towards the Western Pacific
Washington, USA - They will be dislocates in Guam island in order to prevent North-Korean
"It is not an aggressive move. The alignment of these adds Forces is a prudential measure in order to strengthen our defense, it’s a deterrent". It has introduced therefore Jeff Davis, a megaphone of t... more
Latest newsProtester comes into a Us air base in England
London, Uk - No control for a such sensitive site
Great embarrassment yesterday, for the responsibles, in particular, of the American air force base of Fairford, in Gloucestershire, and for the British Defense Secretary, Geoff Hoon, who will have to explain... more
Latest newsLanded in Bulgaria the first US tank airplanes
Sophia, Bulgaria - The Balkan nation granted to Usa the air space and a base
Bulgarian agency, Bta, reports that on March 3 two American tank planes landed at Sarafovo air force base. The KC-10/A Extender, first of a group of 14 is assigned to operate on Iraq skies. The KC-10/A... more
Latest newsPriority to the training phase, according to the Malaysian Air Force
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - The only way to face tomorrow's challenges
The Malaysian chief General staff, Suleiman Mahmud, has declared yesterday that it will be vital to give priority to the phase of training for the staff who in future will want to make part of the Malaysian... more
Latest newsA new Anglo-American raid in the Southern Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq - According to Iraqi attack have caused 6 civil deaths and 15 hurts
In a note diffused yesterday by State’ press agency, Iraqi News Agency, an Iraqi military spokesman has announced that six civilians have been killed and other 15 remained hurt in a raid carried out y... more
Latest newsLanded in England the first American B-52 bomber
London, Great Britain- The aircraft will be employed in an eventual war in Irak
Yesterday, March 2, the first American B-52 bomber landed at Raf Base situated in Gloucestershire (Great Britain). The aircraft will be probably employed in an eventual war in Iraq. The English Defense... more
Latest newsAmerican and Iraqi fighter aircraft have risked a duel on Saudi Arabia skies
Prince Sultan, Saudi Arabia – An Iraqi Mig-25 has crossed Saudi aerial space frontier
"Judiciously, we has backtracked when we have framed it on the radar... we was at two minutes to fire with an air-to-air missile in its direction". This the declaration, released today by one of the American... more
Latest newsSoon B-2 bombers will fly to the Gulf (2): technical sheet
Rome, Italy - Northrop B-2 Spirit
B-2 is the most expensive aircraft ever running at USD 865m per aircraft. The Usaf originally wanted 133 B-2s, but only 20 had been funded by 1995. There is provision for a third crew member behind the... more
Latest newsSoon B-2 bombers will fly to the Gulf
Washington, USA - Monday will sail the nuclear aircraft carriers Nimitz
According to sources near American Navy, soon, B-2 bombers would have to take off from the Usa bases to the Gulf. B-2 is invisible to the radars and can carry 900 kg bombs, guided by satellite. Sources... more
Latest newsUs Air Force will get two new B-757s in April
Washington, Usa - They will replace the old B-727s
According to some declarations coming from the American Air Force Chief Vice Marshall John Hamilton, the Defence Ministry has decided that they will be two new B-757s to replace the old B-727s bought secondhand... more
Latest newsJoint Stars program (2): the technical sheet of E-8C
Washington, Usa - The plane is a link between the ground forces and the battlefield
The Joint E-8c Stars (Joint Surveillance Target Attack System Radar) is an aircraft whose functions are surveillance, control and acquisition on the enemy forces information which then are sent to ground... more
Latest newsAmerican National Guard will watch US bases in Great Britain
London, Great Britain - US Army will send the soldiers by the end of March
The daily paper 'The Guardian' has written, in its edition of February 24, that the American National Guard will watch US bases of Lakenheat, Mildenhall and Molesworth, in Great Britain. US Army will... more
Latest newsCommander of Davis Air base on the top of Us Air Force
Washington, Usa - A last exibition on his plane, as tradition rules
He will be the colonel Paul Schafer, 46 years old, who has been in the Air Force of the United States for 23 years, to become the Director of Afeag (Air Force Executive Action Group), a group formed by... more
Latest newsAwacs deployment to Turkey has begun
Berlin,Germany- A group of pacifists blocked Geilenkirchen air base entry
The operations of transfer in Turkey of Nato Awacs begun today in Geilenkirche, west of Germany. The aircraft, whose crews are constituted for a third party from German pilots, "Acquit- said general... more
Latest newsPakistani Army helicopter rescued 250 civilians
Islamabad, Pakistan - Heavy rains have created landslides along the roads
They have been very heavy the torrential rains that on the last week have fallen on some Pakistani regions, creating several landslides. In one of these, along the Karokaram Highway, that connects Pakistan... more
Latest newsB-52 in training missions over the Persian Gulf skies
Washington, Usa - They're considered mission to keep the crews on alert
Also the bombers B-52 Stratofortress and its crews have begun the practices in the Persian Gulf region, in sight of a situation that seems to fall in a possible conflict. B-52 is a strategic bombers... more
Latest newsThe Awacs are ready to leave for Turkey
Brussels, Belgium -The airplanes directed in Konya base
This morning, Nato has announced that in the next days an Awacs fleet will take off from the Geilenkirchen's German base, directed in Konya's Turkish base. Aircraft are assigned for recognition missions... more
Latest newsTwo more Mirage IVP will arrive in the Gulf
Paris, France - They'll perform patrolling mission over the Iraqi territory
Two airplane Mirage IVPs left this morning from the French air base of Istre directed in the region of the Persian Gulf, together with two air-tanker airplanes C-135FR that will assure the in-flight refueling.... more
Latest newsBangladesh Air Force will be employed against mosquitos
Dhaka, Bangladesh – Last year there were 30 died for punctures
Last year in Bangladesh an epidemic diffused by mosquitos punctures has provoked 30 died in the capital suburbs. It was a tragedy that could be repeated this year and that has pushed the Dhaka’s citizens t... more
Latest newsIt's reduced to the minimum, but the Iraqi Air Force fleet still scares
Washington, Usa - Mig-29 and Mig-27 are still part of the fleet
Although the American war force is advanced than Iraqi one, the warnings that in these last days arrive from more parts, also authoritative are not few, like the Pentagon. In truth the greater worries... more
Latest newsHelicopters' employment against an attack against Us troops
Kabul, Afghanistan - The aggression came from opponents of Us military presence
According to what has been reported by an Iranian radio hard clashes have occurred yesterday in the Us military base at Khost airport, in the southeast of Afghanistan, between opponents of the Us military... more
Latest newsRussian archives open: 51 Us pilots disappeared during Vietnam war
Moscow, Russia - Only the identities of seven have been revealed
After the fall of the Berlin wall the relationships between Moscow and Washington are normalized, without having to submit to the logic of the contrasting blocks anymore. Therefore, and it would not be... more
Latest newsUs Air Force calls 300 reservists
Washington, Usa - The 445th Squadron will operate with C-141C Starlifter
According to what's an official notice from the American Air Force 300 reservists have been called and will be assigned to the 445th Squadron at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The activity of the base... more
Latest newsBombers in action against a Taleban group (2): at least 17 died
Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan - Relatives of the victims ask explanations for what happened
The spokesman of the government of Helmand province has reported little ago that at least 17 persons would have died during the raid lead this morning by American bombers and a Danish F-16. A lot of... more
Latest newsProblems for a Jas-39 Gripen just sold to Hungary
Stockholm, Sweden - The aircraft has a failure in its fuel system
A defect to the refueling system would be the reason for which it has been investigating on a Jas-39 Gripen sold by Saab to the Hungarian Government little ago. The Fmv (Defence Material Administration),... more
Latest newsIndia acquires 10 Mirages from France
New Delhi, India - Also a tanker is part of the order
The Indian Air Force has reached an agreement with France for the supply of 10 Mirage fighters and of a tanker for the in-flight refueling. This last aircraft will be already delivered for the end of... more
Latest newsIsraeli helicopter kills two Palestinians in Gaza
Tel, Aviv, Israel - The fact has happened in the Eastern part of the town
During one of the repeated actions of the Israeli Army, often made with the help of helicopters, during the daytime of yesterday two Palestinians have been killed in the Eastern part of Gaza. The two... more
Latest newsF-117 to complete the Us Air Force presence for a possible war in Gulf region
Washington, Usa - Important their employment during the first fase of the conflict
The first American F-117 bombers are arriving in a European secret base in order to reinforce the aerial presence in the Gulf region for a possible conflict. While also the Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier... more
Latest newsTroops will control Shannon airport
Dublin, Ireland - Due measures after the attacks against Us planes
The national Army will garrison the airport of Shannon-Ireland after that repeated vandalistic actions have been perpetrated against American war jets. It has been told by the Irish Defense Minister,... more
Latest newsUs bombers are put in a state of alert over North Korea in the crisis should get worse
Washington, Usa - 24 aircraft to be deployed in a Pacific island
24 American bombers have been put on standby and deployed on the American island of Guam, in the middle of Pacific, from where they can easier carry an attack against North Korea. It has been declared... more
Latest newsIranian female pilot in exhibition during the air show
Teheran, Iran - Women more and more present in the Military Aviation field
On February 3 it's celebrated the Muslim revolution that 24 years ago shaked Iran with the climb to the power of Khomeini, that revolutionized also the role of the Iranian woman in the social life. Therefore... more
Latest newsPentagon displaces F-117As in a secret air base
Washington, Usa - Probably to take part in the first moment of a war
The invisible F-117A Nighthawk fighters will be moved from the actual air force base at Holloman-New Mexico, in an other destination, kept secret for security reasons. Also on the number of the "Stealth",... more
Latest newsUs Air Force's Global Hawk will fly with the new technologies supplied by the European Eads
Los Angeles, Usa - The technologies will involve the unmanned flights
The aircraft named Global Hawk in the equipment of Usaf (United States Air Force), without any crew, will be equipped by the European firm Eads(European Aeronautic Defence and Space company) that will... more
Latest newsSigned an agreeement between Sweden and Hungary for Gripen aircraft
Stockholm, Sweden - It is the first contract by the adhesion of Hungary to Nato
For the first time by its entrance in Nato, Hungary has signed a contract with another member state. The agreement is related to some Gripen aircraft of Swedish fabrication. The aircraft will be equipped... more
Latest newsUs Marines to train the governmental Filipino troops
Manila, Philippines - Also 6 CH-53 helicopters to be involved
The American "know how" will be put to disposition of the Philippine Armed Forces that for 3 weeks will lead practices under the supervision of the most expert Us colleagues. They are 600 Marines who... more
Latest newsIsraeli fighters fly into Lebanese airspace
Beirut, Lebanon - Un blames the actions of Jerusalem Army
For the second day in a row day Israeli fighters have invaded the Lebanese airspace provoking the hard condamn both of the government of Beirut and of United Nations. According to Lebanese sources military... more
Latest newsUs cargo planes will operate from a base in Kyrgyzstan
Bishek, Kyrgyzstan - To carry out supporting mission in Afghanistan
American cargo airplanes C-130 Hercules will be deployed in the base of Manas near Bishek, in Kyrgyzstan. From this airport the aircraft will be able to reach Afghanistan for humanitarian aid missions... more
Latest newsPakistan's armed forces say that they have shooted down a spy-aircraft of Indian Air Force
Islamabad, Pakistan - The accident should have happened in the Pakistan's region of Kashmir
Trusting official sources of Pakistani armed forces during the daytime of today it should have been shooted down an unmanned spy aircraft of Indian armed forces that should have violated the air space... more
Latest newsNorwegian aircraft participate to an operative action in Afghanistan
Oslo, Norway - The Norwegian Air Force did not enter in a war action since 1945
For the first time since 1945, so by the end of World War II, two aircraft of Norwegian Air Force have participated to an operative military action during which one has also launched some bombs on a target... more
Latest newsIsraeli official stopped a raid against the Palestinian
Tel Aviv, Israel - To avoid a massacre of innocents
The following day the massacre of Tel Aviv, in which 23 persons had been killed from two Palestinian kamikaze, in January 5, a Israeli heavy reprisal had been planned. The airplanes were already in flight... more
Latest newsIt's started the modernization of Russian Su-27 fleet
Moscow, Russia - 20 fighters to be upgraded just this year
It is gotten ready to begin the important operations of modernization of Su-27s at the plant of the same producer, the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association, according to authoritative Russian... more
Latest newsIt's started the modernization of Russian Su-27 fleet (2): the technical file
Moscow, Russia - Probably the most advanced aircraft in the 80s
Su-27 "Flanker" is a multirole interceptor and a fighter of air superiority with the incredible performances, whose arrival was waited for with great trepidation by the Soviet Army. Indeed, in order... more