5,887 news found

PeopleTony Blair's private jet risks shooting-down on Israeli skies
Sharm el Sheik, Egypt - Pilot didn't identified the airplane
Tony Blair's private jet has risked the shooting-down by two Israeli warplanes after the missing identification of the airplane by the pilot. Mr Blair was not informed of the situation by the pilot:... more

PeopleRiggio approving Council of Ministers' decisions about Alitalia
Rome, Italy - ENAC's President at Confindustria's meeting
Vito Riggio, ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) president, during Confindustria private meeting chaired by the new-president Emma Marcegaglia, has expressed his agreeable opinion about the council... more

PeopleTajani appointed EC Vice-President
Milan, Italy - He replaces the Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini
Antonio Tajani has been voted yesterday as European Commission's Vice-President, after EC President, Josè Manuel Barroso, had widely supported his candidature. Tajani, EU Minister of Transport, is... more

PeopleContinental Airlines announced CFO succession plan
Houston, Usa - Chief financial officer Jeff Misner to retire; Zane Rowe, senior vice president for network strategy, to be his successor
"Continental Airlines announced that its executive vice president and chief financial officer, Jeff Misner, has informed the company that he has decided to retire effective Aug. 31, 2008, following his... more

PeopleFAI (2): President attends Steve Fossett Memorial Service
Losanne, Switzerland - The adventurer set over 80 world records
"FAI President Pierre Portmann recently travelled to Chicago (USA) to represent the FAI community at a Memorial Service for the adventurer Steve Fossett. Mr Fossett set over 80 FAI world records, including... more

PeopleAntonio De Palmas is the new President of European Union and NATO relations
Rome, Italy - He will succeed Joris Vos in Brussels
The Boeing Company named Antonio De Palmas as president of European Union and NATO Relations. De Palmas, 44, will be responsible for working with all European institutions and representing Boeing interests... more

PeopleAlitalia: apostolical trip by His Holiness, Benedetto XVI in USA by a B-777 airplane
Rome, Italy - The Pontiff will reach Washington and New York
"The Alitalia's livery will accompany the Pope Benedetto XVI in his apostolical trip that will begin next April 15 to reach USA. Two steps of this journey, first Washington and then New York, coming back... more

PeopleAppointed Vice-Chairman of TOSC of Aci Europe
Turin, Italy - It's Eng. Ivan Bassato
"Ivan Bassato holds the position of Operations Director at SAGAT SpA, the Turin International Airport management company. His primary areas of responsibility include airfield supervision, apron management,... more

PeopleThe Admiral Conway went to Sigonella for a visit yesterday
Catania, Italy - Base also hosts an American naval-aviation base
"Admiral Robert T. Conway Jr, head of all the American Navy's bases in the world, went to Sigonella for a visit, yesterday, April 1st; Sigonella contains the 41st Wing A/S and hosts an American naval-aviation... more

PeopleAVIONEWS exclusive: Imperato talks about customs barriers between Italy and USA
Rome, Italy - The US presidential candidate worried about terrorism and false goods
Daniel Imperato talks about customs barriers and difficulties of integration between Europe and USA: "The breaking-down of customs barriers and the inception of a federation that combines Northern America... more

PeopleAVIONEWS exclusive. Imperato: "New Italian government should give more guarantee"
Rome, Italy - White House candidate worried about immigration and made in Italy
Imperato also talks about security: "I guess Berlusconi's thoughts are the same as mine. I'm sure Berlusconi's enemies are at the same time Italians' enemies. They are the same people who'd like to see... more

PeopleAVIONEWS exclusive: the White House candidate explained how to tutelage Made in Italy
Rome, Italy - According to Imperato is necessary that the Italian firms are not closed out
Imperato puts his firms at disposal of Italy. "My societies are able to accomplish the bridge over Messina -Imperato said. I wish that Berlusconi win, because only in this manner I can help the Italian... more

PeopleAVIONEWS exclusive: Imperato said "Alitalia matter to the Italians or to the Italo-Americans"
Rome, Italy - A support to the Berlusconi concert party from USA
The candidate to the American Presidential elections, Imperato, said that will support the Berlusconi's economic line, and considers that Alitalia's affair has to be managed by Italian undertakers or Italo-Americans. "I... more

PeopleAVIONEWS exclusive. Imperato "Berlusconi's enemies want to give Alitalia away to Air France"
Rome, Italy - "USA were born as an united federation, in Italy there's not much national solidarity"
Imperato sends a clear message to Berlusconi: "What I can say to Berlusconi is that he's the only political opportunity for Italian's future. But he has to be careful, he's surrounded by enemies. People... more

PeopleAVIONEWS exclusive: Imperato speaks about false goods that unload in Italy
Rome, Italy - The White House's candidate says that "Italy has to protect oneself"
Imperato speaks about the security problem also in proportion to the illegal goods discharge in ports and airports. "The problem of Italy is that has not barriers to defend oneself by Chinese products... more

PeopleAVIONEWS exclusive. The United States presidential candidate undertakes personally for the connections between Sicily and USA
Rome, Italy - Imperato: "Sicily must become the city of the Mediterranean"
Imperato talks about better air connections with Sicily: "I believe that the Sicily-system and the Milan-system are integrable and represent two examples of a profitable success. I wish Berlusconi took... more

PeopleAVIONEWS exclusive. The United States presidential candidate intends to build the "Bridge over the Messina Strait"
Rome, Italy - Imperato launches communications projects for Italy and Sicily
The United States presidential autonomista independent candidate, Daniel Imperato, intends to help Silvio Berlusconi in the Alitalia affaire and to build the "Bridge over the Messina Strait". "Italy... more

PeopleAVIONEWS exclusive: Imperato supports Berusconi: "Alitalia has to go to Italians"
Rome, Italy - The White House candidate supports the entrepreneurs nearest to Berlusconi
Daniel Imperato is again in Italy, and AVIONEWS exclusively interviewed him about the enforcement of Italy-USA connections in a reserved room of the St. Regis Grand Hotel in Rome. Imperato is the independent... more

PeopleAVIONEWS exclusive: Imperato asks for better links Italy-USA
Rome, Italy - Candidate to the White House, he wants to help Sicilian Airlines
Imperato says he wants to move Italy and USA closer. "I'm in Italy to help Raffaele Lombardo and I know that at the same way I'm giving a help to Silvio Berlusconi. I'm in the United States as undertaker... more

PeopleAVIONEWS interviews Daniel Imperato, who speaks on increase connections Italy-USA
Rome, Italy - The United States presidential candidate to talk about lines of communication
Daniel Imperato is again visiting Rome, and this time issuing an interview with AVIONEWS on how to strengthen links Italy-United States. Imperato is the autonomista independent candidate in the US elections... more

PeopleSpinetta, an excellent pensioner?
Paris, France - He will leave the leadership of Air France at his 65th birthday?
Jean-Cyril Spinetta, number one of Air France, according to "Le Figaro", will leave his CEO role next October, at his 65th birthday. It would not be a decisive goodbye, according to the French newspaper,... more

PeopleEmbraer names Hervé Tilloy as press officer for Europe, Middle East and Africa
São José dos Campos, Brazil - Company’s decision strengthens communications team at Villepinte, France
"Embraer has named Hervé Tilloy as Press Officer for Europe, Middle East and Africa. Tilloy accumulated extensive knowledge in the aerospace industry and in media relations, working for Air & Cosmos... more

PeopleChicago Court declares Steve Fossett officially dead
Chicago , USA - The decision by Judge Jeffrey Malak
Last Friday, the millionaire adventurer, 63-year-old holder of several aviation and sailing records Steve Fossett was declared legally dead by Judge Jeffrey Malak in Chicago Court, five months after the... more

PeopleAVIONEWS at the presentation of the project for the realization of the "Sheraton Malpensa Airport Hotel"
Milan, Italy - Started the works by SEA, Gruppo Degennaro and Starwood Hotels&Resorts Worldwide
Last Wednesday in Milan was held the press-conference in which was announced the start of the works for the construction of the Sheraton Malpensa Airport Hotel at the international airport of Malpensa... more

PeopleEmbraer reinforces Latin America sales team
São José dos Campos, Brazil - Company focuses on the growing demand for executive jets in the region
"Embraer added three representatives to its executive jet sales team, in order to handle the recent growing demand in Latin America. Fernando Lacerda, Gustavo Teixeira, and Rafael Mugnaini are the three... more

PeopleGeneral Vincenzo Camporini is the new chairman of chiefs of staff of the Italian Defense
Rome, Italy - The ceremony took place today in the presence of the Italian Republic president and the Defense minister
"General Vincenzo Camporini is the new chairman of chiefs of staff of the Italian Defense. The handover ceremony with admiral Di Paola, recently elected president of NATO's military Committee, took... more

PeopleFirst military pilot flies Lockheed Martin F-35 airplane
Fort Worth, Usa - While an other pilot made his 27th flight on the same aircraft
"With a U.S. Marine Corps F/A-18 chase plane close behind, U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. James 'Flipper' Kromberg streaks across north Texas in the F-35 Lightning II on Wednesday, Jan. 30. Kromberg became the... more

PeopleBoeing appointed Engineering and Technology Leader in India
New Delhi, India - Naveed Hussain named as Vice-President
"The Boeing Company announced that Naveed Hussain will serve in India as its Vice-President of Engineering and Technology. Hussain will report to Boeing's Office of Technology and to Ian Thomas, president... more

PeopleRoberto Antonucci of American Airlines elected ambassador of Rome
Rome, Italy - He is the carrier's commercial manager for Italy
"Roberto Antonucci, commercial manager & marketing representing American Airlines (AA) Italy, has received yesterday the recognition as ambassador of Rome. The honour, assigned to people from the culture,... more

People41st Wing: visit of American consul in Sigonella
Catania, Italy - The diplomat received by commander Di Fiore
"J. Patrick Truhn, Consul General of the United States in Naples, these days in Sicily, visited today the air base of Sigonella, base of the 41st Wing of the Italian Air Force and a US air-sea station.... more

PeoplePeter Hartman new president of AEA starting from 2008
Amsterdam, Netherlands - A record in KLM: eight years at the control of the association
The election of Peter Hartman, president and general manager of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, is the umpteenth confirmation of AEA (Association European Airlines)'s law of continuity. After eight years... more

PeopleAir Squadron General, Daniele Tei, elected General Staff of Italian Air Force
Rome, Italy - He will take over from Air Squadron General Vincenzo Camporini
"Today, Friday January 11th, Air Squadron General Daniele Tei was named by the Italian Council of Ministers new General Staff of the Italian Air Force. General Tei, currently Air Squad commander, will... more

PeopleDavid McMillan new Director General of EUROCONTROL
Brussels, Belgium - A major figure in the field of international aviation
"On 1 January, Mr David McMillan took over as Director General of EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation. A major figure in the field of international aviation, prior... more

PeopleWho was Benazir Bhutto
Islamabad, Pakistan - Twice elected Prime Minister of Pakistan
Benazir Bhutto was a Pakistani politician. She was the first woman elected to lead a Muslim state, twice elected Prime Minister of Pakistan. She was sworn in for the first time in 1988 but removed from... more

PeopleAVIONEWS interviews Carlo Toto, president of AirOne
Rome, Italy - A plan for the preservation of the Italianity
"A strong, credible and realizable plan, that has all the elements necessary to be successful", said Carlo Toto, President of AirOne, after the presentation of the business plan for the Alitalia privatization. Satisfaction... more

PeopleAir Squadron General Vincenzo Camporini elected Italian Defense Chief of Staff
Rome, Italy - He will take over on February 12, 2008 from Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola, in charge since March 2004
Today, Air Squadron General Vincenzo Camporini has been elected by the Italian Council of Ministers as Defense Chief of Staff. General Camporini, who is currently Air Force Chief of Staff, will take over... more

PeopleFossett's missing: the wife throws in the sponge
Chicago , USA - She asks the lawyers to make him declare legally deceased
The request, which has been presented to the lawyers, is probably connected to economic-hereditary factors. In fact, Peggy Fossett, the wife of the American millionaire Steve Fossett - missing with his... more

PeopleIcao: Roberto Kobeh González re-elected as Council President
Montreal, Canada - For a full three-year term
"Roberto Kobeh González was unanimously re-elected on Monday, for a full three-year term, as President of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Mr. Kobeh first assumed... more

PeopleLars Lindgren new Executive Chairman of Spanair
Stockholm, Sweden - Lars Sandahl Sørensen new CEO of SAS International
"SAS Internationals' CEO Lars Lindgren has been appointed Executive Chairman of Spanair, a member of the SAS Group. Lars Lindgren has strong background of international airline operations and has... more

PeopleBianchi on the election of Sciacchitano as vice-president of the Eurocontrol assembly
Rome, Italy - The Italian minister of Transport expresses his satisfacion
"The Italian minister of Transport, Alessandro Bianchi, expresses great satisfaction about the election of Salvatore Sciacchitano as vice-president of the assembly of Eurocontrol, the European organization... more

PeopleAVIONEWS interviews Angelo Lo Bianco, Wind Jet general manager
Rome, Italy - An all Italian low-cost projected towards the Russian market
After the opening of Wind Jet's new route Turin-Moscow AVIONEWS has interviewed the carrier's general manager asking him to illustrate the strategy of this all-Italian low-cost projected in particular... more

PeopleNew Director raises profile of IATA's environment programme
Geneva, Switzerland - Effective from next December 1st
"The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced the appointment of Paul Steele to direct its environment initiatives effective 1 December 2007. Steele joins IATA from WWF International where... more

PeopleFinmeccanica: Board of Directors – Committee appointments
Rome, Italy - The October 18th results
The Board of Directors of Finmeccanica, at a meeting on October 18th appointed Francesco Parlato (who joined the board on September 12th following the resignation of Dario Scannapieco) as a member of the... more

PeopleItalian State planes for parties on the snow with seafood dinner
Rome, Italy - Former Commander Roberto Speciale again in the news
Roberto Speciale is in the affair of improper use of state flights as well. Problems never end for the former Commander of the Guardia di Finanza, the Italian financial police. A video published last... more

PeopleASD appoints new PR & Communications Manager
Brussels, Belgium - It's Martin Todd
"ASD (AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe) announces the appointment of Martin Todd as its new PR and Communications Manager, based in the association’s Brussels offices. Martin T... more

PeopleCAP suspends search for millionaire Fossett
Carson City, USA - One month after his disappearance
Steve Fossett, bizarre American millionaire vanished so blatantly, as he always lived. Curtain down on his disappearance, happened while he was flying over Nevada last September 3: Amy Courter, manager... more

PeopleAir France-KLM: Francis Richard is the new Joint General Manager of the Group
Rome, Italy - For Italy, Malta and Albania
Starting from today, October 1st, 2007, Francis Richard, Air France General Manager for Italy, Malta and Albania (from January 10th, 2007), becomes new Joint General Manager for the Air France-KLM Group... more

PeopleSilvio Finkelstein of Argentina awarded of the "2007 Edward Warner Award"
Montreal, Canada - During the ICAO's assembly assigned the highest honour in the world of civil aviation
The 38th Edward Warner Award, the highest honour in the world of civil aviation, was conferred by the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on Dr. Silvio Finkelstein, in recognition... more

PeopleAVIONEWS Scoop: Berlusconi and his AW-139 helicopter at Rome-Urbe airport
Rome, Italy - An one-day trip in Rome
With his Agusta-Westland AW-139 (registration code I-CDDL, probably an acronym for his party "Casa delle Libertà") full-optional and featured helicopter, the Italian ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi landed... more

PeopleNew Italy manager for TAM: Federico di Franco is already in charge in Milan
Milan, Italy - The airline operates daily flights from Milan to Sao Paulo
"Brazilian airline TAM announces the nomination of Federico di Franco as new general manager of the air company in Italy. Di Franco took over from Massimo Gaggianesi who left the air company in July, after... more