Military aviation
3,239 news found

Military aviationThe first Tranche 2 Eurofighter is coming up
Berlin, Germany - It will be IPA7, the 29th aircraft made in Germany
The first Eurofighter Typhoon of the Tranche 2 is about to be completed in Germany and it will be sent to Manching's EADS plants by the end of the year for its final assembly. The first Tranche 2 aircraft... more

Military aviationIraq: US air raid to Baghdad, 5 died
Baghdad, Iraq - The bombs of the US Air Force hit the quarter of Sadr City
The US Air Force made last night an air raid to Baghdad, in the quarter of Sadr City, during which 5 people died and other 6 have been injured. According to local sources the target of the operation is... more

Military aviationEADS CASA delivered the first C-295 aircraft to Brazil
Madrid, Spain - Four airplanes will be delivered before the end of year 2006
EADS CASA has delivered yesterday the first military transport aircraft C-295 to Brazilian Air Force. The ceremony took place in Brasilia attended by Walter Pires, Brazilian Minister of Defence, Luis Carlos... more

Military aviationNew programme for the "Russkie vitiazi" Acrobatic Group during the "Aeroshow China 2006"
Moscow , Russia - The pilots will fly with five SU-27 Fighters
The Russian military pilots of the "Russkie vitiazi" Acrobatic Group (Russian Braves) will show in China a new programme: the Russia Air Force press agency retailed it. "The pilots will fly with five... more

Military aviationSpain: military planes to supervise African coasts
Madrid, Spain - And to check clandestine flows to Canarian Islands
Newspaper "El Pais" writes that the Spanish Government intends to use military airplanes in Senegal and Mauritania to supervise clandestine flows from the West African coasts to Canarian Islands. At the... more

Military aviationBAE Systems wins a contract to make 28 Hawk trainer jets
London, United Kingdom - For a value of GBP 450 million
BAE Systems PLC has won a GBP 450 mln contract to make 28 Hawk trainer jets, said Defence Minister Adam Ingram. The contract also covers production of spare parts, he said, adding that the first aircraft... more

Military aviationBAE: first two Bahraini Hawks are delivered
Warton, United Kingdom - Hawk is one of the world's most successful advanced training aircraft
The first batch of Hawk MK-129s for the Royal Bahraini Air Force left BAE Systems' Warton site bound for Bahrain. By early 2007, the remaining Hawks will be delivered to Bahrain to form the centre of an... more

Military aviationAfghanistan: in two months 184 missions for the Italian Air Force
Kabul, Afghanistan - Rescues in record times
184 missions for a total of 165 flight hours. It is the assessment for the first two months of activity of the Seagull Task Force, the Italian Air Force division based in the Kabul International Airport... more

Military aviationGalileo Avionica: "Nibbio" ractical recce system successfully concludes the flight campaign
Rome, Italy - At the Interforce firing range of Salto di Quirra, in Sardinia
"'Nibbio', a fast drone developed by Galileo Avionica, a Finmeccanica company, has successfully concluded the first flight campaign at the Interforce firing range of Salto di Quirra. 'Nibbio' stems from... more

Military aviationVenezuela wants to buy from Russia any military transport aircraft
Caracas, Venezuela - The USA denied the supply of armaments and materials
It is evaluating the possibility to purchase Russian military transport aircraft to renew the air park: the Venezuelan president's councillor, General Alberto Muller Rojas, announced it. The American... more

Military aviationSpain backs off aircraft deal with Venezuela
Caracas, Venezuela - A contract for the value of USD 1,7 billion
Spain's Foreign Minister, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, said Wednesday that a Spanish deal to sell 12 military aircraft to Venezuela had been cancelled because US government objections made it unfeasible. U.S.... more

Military aviationMI-8 of the Croatian Air Force in visit in Italy: it will operate with the HH-3F
Rimini, Italy - After the Polish Sukhoi and Hungarian Mig-29
Still a visit from an East Air Force on a base of the Italian Air Force. After the Polish Sukhoi and Hungarian Mig-29, it's the time of a Mil MI-8 MTV-1 H-251 (code 95987) of the HRZ i PZO (Hrvatsko Ratno... more

Military aviationBoeing: laser cannons for US fighters
Washington, USA - Ground tests were made
By the end of next year Boeing will install a rotating turret below a test airplane with a laser cannon that will strike ground targets, showing the military capabilities of high-energy lasers. The company,... more

Military aviationLockheed Martin rolls out for first F-22 slated for operations in the Pacific Region
Marietta, USA - It is a fighter ables to entry in enemy territory without to be intercepted from radar
Lockheed Martin rolled out the first combat capable F-22 stealth fighter destined for basing and operations in the Pacific Rim yesterday. Raptor 4087 completed its final assembly with Air Force leaders... more

Military aviationNATO troops bombed and killed a Taleban commandant
Kabul, Afghanistan - The Isaf planes hit an Afghani village, no civilian has been injured. Also other Talebans died
The ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) said yesterday a Taliban commandant was killed during an air attack of the forces of the international coalition in the southern Afghanistan. The operation,... more

Military aviationAero Vodochody: the production of the C-27J wing is about to start
Prague, Czech Republic - According to the contract with Alenia Aeronautica
After the contract with Alenia Aeronautica last September, Aero Vodochody received the order to produce the first two central caissons of the C-27J wing. The equipments are starting to come to the Czech... more

Military aviationRAF: flight deck armour fitted to RAF VC-10s
London, United Kingdom - Correspond to the 95% of the protection against ground-based hostile fire
According to "Defense News", the flight decks on the RAF’s 10 VC-10C Mk1Ks air transport aircraft have been protected by a combination of steel and Kevlar armour. The VC-10 branch of the IPT has carefully m... more

Military aviationSix MD-11 for the new Aeroflot Cargo
Moscow, Russia - To replace four aging DC-10s
Aeroflot said last week that it now will operate its cargo unit as a separate, wholly owned subsidiary and will lease six MD-11 freighters for delivery in 2008 to replace four aging DC-10s that will be... more

Military aviationSOREM: from cape to cape of Europe
Rome, Italy - Unnumbered merits to international level
The Sorem, society that manages since beyond eight years the anti-fire fleet of the Italian Civil Defense that included among its ranks 16 Canadair CL-415 and 6 Canadair CL-215, operates from cape to cape... more

Military aviationReturned from Spain two Canadair of the Italian Civil Defense
Rome, Italy - Assessment of 1740 fires, 5 dead and one hundred hectares of wood destroyed
Yesterday afternoon, two Canadair of the Italian Civil Defense Department returned in Olbia and Lamezia’s their bases of operations. They have been sent in Spain in support of the operations for the p... more

Military aviationFires: beyond Spain, also Portugal and Greece in the clamp of the fire
Madrid, Spain - The main causes are temperatures record and arsonists
In these hours, a wave of fires is downing in the North of Spain, in the South of Portugal and in Greece. About 110 fires, 67 of which now out-control, have been recorded in Galitia, in the North-Western... more

Military aviationFires in Spain: Italian Civil Defense has sent two Canadair airplanes
Rome, Italy - Many fires are interesting different areas of the Iberian country
"The Italian Civil Defense Department has organized the sending of two Canadair airplanes of its own fleet to support the operations against the numerous fires that are interesting different zones of Spain.... more

Military aviationAgustaWestland: Italian Civil Protection orders an AW-139 helicopter
Cascina Costa di Samarate, Italy - The model will add to an A-109 Power already in service with the Department
AgustaWestland announces that the Italian Civil Protection has signed a contract for an AW-139 medium-twin helicopter. The AW-139 will act as an airborne command post to support and supplement disaster... more

Military aviationFires: two helicopters S-64 added to the air fleet of the Italian Country
Rome, Italy - The Department has allocated EUR two and a half million for the two CFS aircraft
"In the field of the activity of coordination of the battle against forest fires, the Italian Department of Civil Defense has allocated two and a half million of Euros in order to use two helicopters Erickson... more

Military aviationCivil Defense Department: Italian specialistic team took off for the people in Indonesia hit by the earthquake
Rome, Italy - Two ones already today and another one tomorrow, June 1st
"Following to the request by the Indonesian Government to the Italian Foreign Affairs, the National Civil Defense Department has organized a mission of specialists that today will reach Yogyakarta. The... more

Military aviationSardinia: antifire campaign is about to start
Cagliari, Italy - 10 helicopters and 2 airplanes starting from June 1st
Sardinia Region 2006 antifire campaign, which will officially begin next June 1st, has been presented. Among this year’s news, an AB-412 twin-engined helicopter, provided with atomizer for fire immediate a... more

Military aviationEvergreen International Aviation: a fire-fighting B-747 realized
Washington, Usa - The aircraft can unload over 77,000 litres of water on the flames
Evergreen International Aviation, American society based in Oregon, with an operation cost about USD 40m, has transformed a B-747 in a fire-fighting airplane. The version currently realized expects that... more

Military aviationEuromed Civil Protection Bridge Programme
Rome, Italy - Press release of the Civil Defence
"Yesterday the works of the II meeting of the Euromed Programme Directive Committee, that took place in Rome at the Civil Defence palace, are finished. The works saw the presence of the EU countries... more

Military aviationDepartment Civil Defense: restarted operative activity of Canadair last Saturday
Rome, Italy - After short interruption
"Canadair fleet of Department Civil Protection is operative, again, after short interruption of flying activities, decided to take precautionary way after the two incidents at tyres in the last weeks.... more

Military aviationItalian Civil Defense: preventive suspension for Canadair's activity
Rome, Italy - The decision following to the second accident occurred to the airplanes' tyres in little short of a month
"The Italian Civil Defense Department has decided yesterday the preventive suspension of all the flight activities by the Canadair 415’s fleet destined for fire-fighting operations. The decision following t... more

Military aviationISPRO. ESPA: Italian Civil Defence's virtual academy
Rome, Italy - It will set a multi-language web site
ISPRO, Civil Defence/Protection and Security Studies and Research Institute, will create ESPA (Emergency Stress Psychological Assistance). It will be a virtual academy for European civil defence operators,... more

Military aviationEuropean exercise "Eurosot 2005"
Rome, Italy - To start today involving rescue teams from 5 different nations until Saturday
The European exercise "Eurosot 2005", organized by Italian Department of Civil Defence, is about to start today around 1:00pm: it consists in an operational answer’s test against a 6.8 earthquake magnitude i... more

Military aviationCivil protection exercise on river Po
Ferrara, Italy - Simulation to involved 8 European nations
"Po 2005- Flood Emergency" is the regional exercise of civil protection against the flooding risk, arranged by Emilia Romagna Region, that is expected to occur from October 2 to 9 involving 8 European... more

Military aviationAVIONEWS attending presentation of results on the Beriev Be-200 employment in Italy (4): specifications
Ciampino, Italy - Amphibious twin-engined jet airplane for firefighting, search and rescue and transport operations
Here are the Beriev Be-200’s firefighter specifications. See also for details AVIONEWS 1, 2 and 3 more

Military aviationAVIONEWS attending presentation of results on the Beriev Be-200 employment in Italy (3): interview with Anatolievich Kobzev, President of Beriev
Ciampino, Italy - "The Be-200 was had been designed since the very beginning to operate as a multirole aircraft and not only as a firefighter"
Beriev President, Anatolievich Kobzev, reminded that the Be-200 had been designed at first to exclusively operate in the Russian territory. The possibility of testing it outside such setting and ensured... more

Military aviationAVIONEWS attending presentation of results on the Beriev Be-200 employment in Italy (2): interview with Giuseppe Spadaccini, President of Sorem
Ciampino, Italy - "The ideal solution would be the one of a ùn about ten aircraft fleet to meet the operational exigencies in the Mediterranean basin on a multinational basis"
Sorem President, Eng. Giuseppe Spadaccini, proved particularly satisfied about the results achieved this Summer by the Be-200. Sorem is the operator of Italian Civil Defence aircraft. Spadaccini reminded... more

Military aviationAVIONEWS attending presentation of results on the Beriev Be-200 employment in Italy
Ciampino, Italy - A vehicle provided with features which Italian Administration had been dreaming even in the 80s and able to integrate the Canadairs' operational activities
Impressive size if compared to the Canadairs which we are used to see in the Italian territory, a streamlined shape, a comfortable, and obviously developed most of all for its length, cabin. These are... more

Military aviationAngola: Puglia Region solidarity "Took off" with AMI's C-130 yesterday
Bari, Italy - The initiative started by "Doctors with Africa CUAMM"
Italian Air Force C-130 plane, loaded with health equipment, took off from Puglia Region bound for Angola, to aid the African country to face Marburg fever. The initiative is due to efforts of a doctor... more

Military aviationHurricane "Katrina": 4 Antonov 124 from Genoa to help the New Orleans' refugees
Genoa, Italy - The aircraft will transport 180 prefabricated houses
The Antonov 124 will depart next September 15 and 16 from Genoa towards the Ellington Field’s military airport in Houston and to transport 180 prefabricated houses, purchased by Geodis Zust Ambrosetti G... more

Military aviationItalian Civil Defence sent health aid to Angola against Marburg fever
Luanda, Angola - AMI's C-130 landed today at Luanda
Italian Air Force C-130 plane landed today at Luanda Airport loaded with health aids provided by Italian Civil Defence, Puglia Region and companies coordinated by "Cittadinanza Attiva" for Angolan Province... more

Military aviationHurricane "Katrina" (4): Airbus to help America with Beluga
Toulouse, France - The aircraft left Toulouse today bound for Mobile, Alabama
The A-300 Super Transporter "Beluga", loaded with relief supplies, departed from Toulouse this morning. Airbus provided the aircraft to both French and British Governments and then it has been used to... more

Military aviationHurricane "Katrina" (3). CA: 1000 tickets for displaced peoples intending going to other US zones
Rome, Italy - This initiative joined other ones previously announced
Continental Airlines continues its aid programme (see for details AVIONEWS). It had already donated 1 million of miles of OnePass programme to US Red Cross and issued special rules to apply on tickets... more

Military aviationHurricane "Katrina" (2): Italian aid have been delivered
Rome, Italy - The Italian C-130 arrived to Washington last Sunday and departed for Little Rock last evening
Early today (Italian time), Italian aids have been delivered to US authorities. It includes tents, blankets, draining pumps, inflatable rafts, first aid kits for 15,000 people and infant food (see for... more

Military aviationHurricane "Katrina": Italian aids have left
Rome, Italy - An AMI's C-130 plane loaded with equipments to reach the affected zones
An Italian Air Force C-130 plane took off yesterday to fly to hurricane "Katrina" affected zones. The C-130 was loaded with water-purifying devices, blankets, draining pumps, inflatable rafts, first aid... more

Military aviationS-64: an effective deterrent against fires propagation
Stead, USA - A helicopter of this type to operate in Nevada for three months to protect the area
An Erickson Aircrane S-64E helicopter has been devoted to operate in Nevada during the next three months, located in Stead. The Federal authorities’ decision (which deploy several rotor-winged aircraft o... more

Military aviationBE-200: there is a new firefighter in the Italian skies
Rome, Italy - An Irkut-Beriev firefighting airplane has been leased and it will be deployed by Italian Civil Defence
Italy decided to lease a Russian-made Irkut Beriev BE-200 airplane, devoted to firefighting and Search and Rescue operations, for the Summer season 2005. The aircraft will be operated by Italian Civil... more

Military aviationItalian Forester: a great leap forward with the Piaggio P-180
Ciampino, Italy - The first airplane for environmental monitoring and EMS has been officially delivered and it will increase the Corps' operational capabilities
The first Piaggio P-180 "Avanti" airplane destined to Italian Forester was officially delivered by the Italian company itself to its customer at Rome-Ciampino Airport yesterday. Italian Forester selected... more

Military aviationItalian Civil Defence six months after tsunami: Department's mission in Sri Lanka
Rome, Italy - Tomorrow a mission will leave to make a report on the situation and it will come back next Thursday, June 30
"A mission organized by the Department of Civil Defence will leave tomorrow, June 25, to Sri Lanka. Its aim is to make a report about the situation on the activities ongoing with over EUR 46 m collected,... more

Military aviationGovernment intends to reinforce operative facilities of Italian Civil Defense
Rome, Italy - The Department will work more and more for woody fires and great events
Italian Council of Ministers gathered at Palazzo Chigi yesterday, has approved, under proposal of Italian President of Council, Silvio Berlusconi, a law by decree aimed to maximize the functionality of... more

Military aviationItaly upgrades its fleet and buys one more Bombardier 415 amphibious aircraft
Montreal, Canada - The contract with Italy also includes the purchase of kits
Bombardier Aerospace, last Thursday, announced that the Italian Government has purchased one Bombardier 415 amphibious aircraft for its firefighting operations. The contract with Italy also includes the... more