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Military aviation

3,239 news found

Military aviationAVIONEWS attending presentation of results on the Beriev Be-200 employment in Italy (3): interview with Anatolievich Kobzev, President of Beriev

Ciampino, Italy - "The Be-200 was had been designed since the very beginning to operate as a multirole aircraft and not only as a firefighter"

Beriev President, Anatolievich Kobzev, reminded that the Be-200 had been designed at first to exclusively operate in the Russian territory. The possibility of testing it outside such setting and ensured... more

Military aviationAVIONEWS attending presentation of results on the Beriev Be-200 employment in Italy (2): interview with Giuseppe Spadaccini, President of Sorem

Ciampino, Italy - "The ideal solution would be the one of a ùn about ten aircraft fleet to meet the operational exigencies in the Mediterranean basin on a multinational basis"

Sorem President, Eng. Giuseppe Spadaccini, proved particularly satisfied about the results achieved this Summer by the Be-200. Sorem is the operator of Italian Civil Defence aircraft. Spadaccini reminded... more

Military aviationAVIONEWS attending presentation of results on the Beriev Be-200 employment in Italy

Ciampino, Italy - A vehicle provided with features which Italian Administration had been dreaming even in the 80s and able to integrate the Canadairs' operational activities

Impressive size if compared to the Canadairs which we are used to see in the Italian territory, a streamlined shape, a comfortable, and obviously developed most of all for its length, cabin. These are... more