Science and technology
4,610 news found

Science and technologyFiumicino: child goes missing has been founded on the carousel
Rome, Italy - Polaria agents intervened and saw him got carried away by device
A 4 years Pakistani child sprang alarm at Fiumicino Airport because, while his parents were at check-in for embark to Lahore (Pakistan), climbed up the carousel. Alarm has been launched by radio to all... more

Science and technologyAeradria SpA: new link to Tirana from half of November served by Albatros Airways
Rimini, Italy - The press conference of the presentation will gather next Friday
Aeradria SpA, the society that manages Rimini-San Marino's airport and the Albatros Airways communicate the next Friday, October 29, 2004 at 11.30am at the "Federico Fellini" International Airport (Via... more

Science and technologyLos Angeles Airport: the upgrade plan approved
Los Angeles, USA - But critics threat already lawsuits
On Wednesday, the local administration approved an USD 11bn plan to modernize the Los Angeles International Airport. On the base of it, the air station capacity will have to improve by 30 per cent, to... more

Science and technologyDHL renounces to its Belgium expansion plan
Brussels, Belgium - The society is aiming to German or French air stations
DHL, global courier leader, seems has renounced for ever to its Belgium expansion plan at Brussels-Zaventem Airport (see for details AVIONEWS). Yesterday, the firm reported it will take into consideration... more

Science and technologyA French man was planning a terroristic attack against Heathrow
London, United Kingdom - He had already tried to organize an Al Qaeda cell in Japan
The French Lionel Dumont, arrested last December because he was arranging an Al Qaeda cell in Japan, would have planned a terroristic attack against the Heathrow Airport in London together an other Osama... more

Science and technologyThe former military base Silverstone track retires
London, United Kingdom - The first Grand Prix took place just here
Few person know that the Silverstone motor-racing track in England, that is the oldest in the Formula-1 history, is a World War Second former military airport discarded of Northamptonshire. Bernie Ecclestone,... more

Science and technologyBrazilian airplanes powered by alcool?
Sao Paulo, Brazil - It is the challenge of Embraer which has started testing the new fuel after the Government's green light
Researches aimed to find good alternative solutions compared with the traditional aeronautics fuels, after the proposals related to soya oil and coal (see for details AVIONEWS), go on. Notwithstanding,... more

Science and technologyKosovo: numbers concerning the activity of the Italian airport "Amiko"
Pristina, Kosovo - 36.000 passengers which passed through the airport in 5 years time
The International South-West brigade have let know, through a communicate arrived in Rome, the response of the Italian airport’s "Amiko", made by the first Italian independent operate division (Roa) o... more

Science and technologyTurin-Caselle: man arrested because had 1,3 kg cocaine inside his stomach
Turin, Italy - By Italian Financial Police on duty at air station
Italian Financial Police on duty at Turin-Caselle Airport, have picked out and arrested a man who carried 1,3 kg cocaine, because they became suspicious about his documents from which realized he made... more

Science and technologyDHL refuses to curb noisy planes at Brussels Zaventem Airport
Brussels, Belgium - As from 2011 it will become its major European hub
Yesterday, DHL refused the Belgian government demand to curb the use of noisy planes as part of the American firm's plan to turn Brussels Zaventem Airport into its major European hub. The US courier insists... more

Science and technology7E7 Dreamliner: a possible extension of the Grottaglie Airport's runway
Grottaglie, Italy - An intervention aimed to favour the transport of the aircraft's components manufactured in Italy, by resorting to the cargo version of the 747s
Grottaglie "M. Arlotta" Airport (Taranto, Italy) could be involved by the production of the 7E7 Dreamliner programme, according to what set by the agreements between Boeing and Alenia Aeronautica with... more

Science and technologyOttawa Airport: stop at the terror
Ottawa, Canada - The first Canadian air station which started using the new measures against terrorism
The capital city air station is the first airport of the country which started, this week, to use the new security measures against terrorism, by means of the use of special scanner capable of individuate... more

Science and technologyBy tram to the Zurich-Kloten Airport
Zurich, Switzerland - Swiss people against pollution and smoke
In a short time, the Zurich-Kloten Airport will be also reached by tram, thanks to the new link which will join air station with city: it seems that this means of conveyance is being back. Tram behind... more

Science and technologyKenya: two injured because of an explosion at an air station of the capital
Kenya, Africa - It seems to be followed by a terroristic attack as well
It caused two injured the explosion which happened yesterday, in the afternoon, at "Wilson" Airport of Nairobi. The two victims are two women, custom employees: the detonation provoked the fall of part... more

Science and technologyRussia: towards the airports denationalization
Moscow, Russia - It would be required by the high management costs but a new ruling changing the current strategic status of the structures is necessary
Russian Government would be seriously thinking to start a concrete denationalization process for the airports in the country, with reference anyway to the airfields as well. Moscow's Ministry of Transport... more

Science and technologyFiumicino: the Roma football team left for Germany by an Alitalia flight
Rome, Italy - Fans crowd surrounded the team in the Roman airport
The Alitalia charter flight with on board players, managers and technical staff of the AS Roma football team, took off from the Fiumicino Airport at 10:20am: the team tomorrow will be engaged against the... more

Science and technology"Marco Polo" Airport: arrested a man involved in a great stolen car's traffic
Venice, Italy - The organization skilled in laundering and receiving stolen goods, operated at international level
Within an operation conducted by the Italian Police with the Spanish Interpol throughout several Italian cities and Bilbao (Spain), to the Venice Airport "Marco Polo" has been arrested Sandro Levach, 41... more

Science and technologyIsland of Borneo: fires, provoke several problems at the air traffic
Jakarta, Indonesia - The local residents had to put on respirators
Yesterday, in the Indonesian zone of Borneo's Island was "One of the worst day", due to the fact that the fires provoked too much smoke: as claimed the spokesman of Banjarmasin's Airport in Kalimantan,... more

Science and technologyTsa announces some news about security
New York, USA - Five new Explosives Detection for five selected airports
The Trasportation Security Administration (Tsa) announced, yesterday, that it is in talks with Smiths Detection of Pine Brook (NJ)to order five Explosives Detection Trace Portal which would be collocated... more

Science and technologyLinate: the Milan Airport employee was sentenced to 7 months in prison
Milan, Italy - He stole some pieces of cheese from a passenger's bag
Guglielmo Imposimato, Sea's employee, who stole last Saturday three pieces of cheese from the bag of a passenger from Sicily was sentenced to 7 months in prison. It was the magistrate, Cilia Clerici, who... more

Science and technologyUsa: The American government would probably make changes at "O'Hare" Airport
Chicago, USA - The airport suffers from congestion
Some sources of the American government claimed that it could start really soon a new schedule changes at "O'Hare Airport" for the international carriers which use the American airport, in order to avoid... more

Science and technologyBomb-alarm at San Antonio Airport
San Antonio, Usa - A deranged crashed with his car through the airport's fence
San Antonio International Airport's Authorities asserted that, fews days ago a deranged Mexican man got, crashing his car through the surrounding, into the runway where a Delta airplan to Atlanta was going... more

Science and technologyFrankfourt: traffic passengers rose in the German air base
Frankfourt, Germany - One of the best third quarter in Frankfourt's airport history
Traffic passengers rose 3.1 percent in September at Frankfourt's airport related to the same period of last year, to a total of 4.83 million passengers, as airport sources reported last Tuesday. Take off... more

Science and technologyCanada: troubles at Toronto Airport for the PSAC dependant strike
Toronto, Canada - Some flights have suffered delays
Yesterday there were troubles at Toronto "Pearson" Airport, because of the public dependant of PSAC, Public Service Alliance of Canada: 115.000 workers have been on strike since Monday to claim against... more

Science and technologyNo exceptions on control in the American airports
Denver, Usa - "It was surreal. It was like out of a movie"
It’s about rigid efficiency or we are in front of a joke? Surprising the treatment reserved to Ava Kingsford at Denver International Airport, during the passengers security check. The female TSA (Trasportation S... more

Science and technologyLugano-Agno: the reorganization hypotesis is appearing
Lugano, Switzerland - The 2003 society accounts has been money-losing
The Lugano municipal council is afraid for Agno Airport, which has exceed the last year budget by a CHF 600.000 money-losing and forecast for 2004 are not better. So the reorganization hypotesis is appeared... more

Science and technologyDomodedovo airport would match third-category Icao standards
Moscow, Russia - The Muscovite air base would receive airlines in bad weather
Domodedovo airport, which is situated not far from Moscow, would receive airlines, in bad weather condition by the end of the year. The happened improvement could introduce the Russian air station into... more

Science and technologyIt is very hot at Sydney airport
Sydney, Australia - It is already started the fire season in the kangaroo land
At International Airport of Sydney there is a very record hot, so temperature seems reached 38,3 degrees, going above the previous 38,2 degrees record registered October 4, 1942. While also in the Sydney... more

Science and technologySolar Impulse: sustainable development and medicine progress
Lausanne, Switzerland - There are several concrete applications which could be produced by the interesting project of Piccard
It had already been announced during the last months: the Bertrand Piccard’s project for the production of an airplane powered by solar energy able to perform a flight around the globe and named Solar I... more

Science and technologyBus service from Verona's and Brescia's airports
Trento, Italy - The new bus service is directed to some of the main touristic place of Trento
It would start next December, 11, 2004 the new bus service which would link Verona's and Brescia's airports to some of the main prestigious districts of Trento. The project aims to facilitate passengers... more

Science and technologyFlorence: everyone agreed, local authorities and Adf; the airport "Vespucci" has to be improved
Florence, Italy - The discussion is about how to do it
Some curious voices would like "Vespucci" airport as a future air station capable of accommodating intercontinental flights. But according to what Riccardo Conti, Regional Chairman of the transport, said... more

Science and technologyLinate airport: two Sea' s employees could not avoid the temptation to steal some pieces of cheese
Milan, Italy - It would be processed October, 14 the 37-Italian man who was arrested yesterday at Linate's airport; his accomplice instead only reported a declaration
The Sea's Italian employee who tried yesterday to steal three pieces of cheese from the bag of a Sicilienne passenger seems to have an accomplice, a 36-Pakistani man who owns a regular residence permit... more

Science and technology"Ben Gurion" Airport linked to Tel Aviv by a railway
Tel Aviv, Israel - Inaugurated yesterday the EUR 80m work
From yesterday the International Airport "Ben Gurion" will be linked to the Tel Aviv downtown thanks to a 24 km railway. The work, of the cost of about EUR 80m, has been inaugurated yesterday, and it is... more

Science and technologyThe International Muscovite airport is disputed by many contendings
Moscow, Russia - It is still an open battle the one to control Sheremetyevo' airport
The Alfa Group's chairman (one of the battlings which aims to renovate the Russian airport), Mikhail Fridman, said in an interview published last Thursday in Vedomosti newspaper, that the battle for control... more

Science and technology"G. Marconi" Airport: the main European airports on the noise pollution
Bologna, Italy - At workshop it attended the "Ambient strategy Committee" of Aci Europe, association which gather 450 continental air station managers
On Thursday and Friday, at Bologna "Guglielmo Marconi" International Airport has been held a workshop on the noise pollution from air traffic, to which have attended 34 environmental defense responsibles... more

Science and technology"La Guardia": stopped the "Incubus" singer while he was taking a plane with a knife
New York, Usa - Cleared the disagreement, by the following flight he went to North Carolina
The rock group "Incubus" singer, Brandon Boyd, would be stopped from the airport authorities in the "La Guardia" international air station of New York, because he brought a knife: "I have just forgot to... more

Science and technologyMoscow: Sheremetyevo's airport would be renovated
Moscow, Russia - Vedomosti newspaper declared that a stake of the airport, after its renewal, could be sell to a private investor
The Russian Government declared that it intends to invest USD 70m in order to restructure the main airport of Moscow, Sheremetyevo. The Russian Transport Minister, Igor Levitin, who is Sheremetyevo's chairman... more

Science and technologyBrussels: seized a hard-drugs haul at the Belgian airport
Brussels, Belgium - Two women, coming back from Brazil, had into their bags the narcotics
The news has been communicated only yesterday from a local press agency, but the seizure of the drug haul by means of the Belgian policy seems to be happened last Monday. The haul's value seems to come... more

Science and technologyFog to Fiumicino: tens of delays, cancelled flights or diverted
Rome, Italy - Unease to Ciampino during the early morning, too
Today it is the fog to alarm travellers which are waiting to leave from the Rome International Airport "Leonardo da Vinci": since the early morning a dense blanket of fog surrounds in fact the capital,... more

Science and technologySMART: the new UAV programme of the Campania region's aerospace pole
Naples, Italy - CNR, CIRA, University "Federico II" and University of Sannio attending to produce an aircraft endowed of leading edge wing performance
SMART: this is the name of an interesting aeronautics programme under development in the Campania Region (Italy), which is based on the cooperation among the Institute for Composite and Biomedics Materials... more

Science and technologyBMW tests the hydrogen way at Munich Airport
Munich, Germany - It will seat of the first hydrogen fuel station in Europe
At Munich Airport will be carried out the activation of the first hydrogen fuel station in Europe, of which is protagonist the BMW group, ever since engaged in the study about the hydrogen energetic carrier... more

Science and technology"Charles De Gaulle": interrupted the radio communications for twenty minutes
Paris, France - It occurred yesterday in the first afternoon
Yesterday in the first afternoon, the radio communication system that links the control tower of the Paris-Charles De Gaulle International Airport with the planes flying over its competence area, would... more

Science and technologySea: also at Linate baggages supervised from 50 cameras
Milan, Italy - Sos Baggages Service: it will at disposition of the passengers the Numero Verde (800-964693)
"After Malpensa also at the Linate’s airport have been installed 50 cameras in the baggages shunting areas. The Labour Provincial Office of Milan, in fact, has allowed the authorization to the Sea SpA t... more

Science and technologyZurich-Kloten: few delays despite the new rules
Zurich, Switzerland - The society that manages air station enrolled additional staff to avoid discomforts to travellers
The "Unique", Zurich-Kloten airport management society, reported that in this week end there was no delays, as it feared after the new security rules gone into effect on Saturday, October 2 (see news AVIONEWS):... more

Science and technology"Riviera del corallo" Alghero Airport: September positive, the one million passenger record is closer
Alghero, Italy - Above all thanks to the Irish airline Ryanair
The Italian Alghero Airport "Riviera del Corallo", in September would have recorded a passenger increase equal to 100.000 unit, and the one million passenger in a year record is closer. Above all thanks... more

Science and technologyA new Weather Reconnaissance radar destined to the C-130J
Washington, USA - It will be employed to analyse the evolution of phenomena such as hurricanes just from within their eye
US Air Force Reserve would have recently started to test a new radar dedicated to Weather Reconnaissance, and mounted aboard a specific version of the Lockheed Martin C-130J Hercules. The major purpose... more

Science and technologyThe heir to the throne of Brunei landed at Pisa yesterday
Pisa, Italy - His own personal plane arrived in the country for his honeymoon, but there is a need for making some aspects on the air station's signals clearer
The personal airplane of the Brunei's heir to the throne, 29 years old Al-Muhtadee Billah Bolkiah, landed at Pisa Airport, together with his own wife, Sarah Salleh (17), in order to start their honeymoon... more

Science and technologyA drug traffic at the airport of Perugia
Perugia, Italy - Substances that provoke hallucination have been sequestered to an Italian passenger who returned in Italy from Brazil.
It was during some particular checks of passengers coming from countries considered suspect, from the drug traffic’s point of view, that the bag of an Italian passenger, was controlled. Inside the bag, w... more

Science and technologyZurich-Kloten: new rules for take off and landing
Zurich, Italy - Civil Aviation Federal Board established to boost the interval times between departure and arrivals
As from tomorrow at Zurigo-Kloten airport will start new rules about the interval times between leaving and coming planes: the Civil Aviation Federal Board would have in fact established to diminish the... more

Science and technologySab: new scheduled flight towards Kiev by Blue Panorama
Bologna, Italy - The connection will be biweekly with B-737/400
"Another international connection for the Bologna's airport. After the starting of the long haul flights for Bangkok, Cancun and Havana and after the increase of the links towards the main cities of the... more