5,885 news found

PeopleUK Prime Minister welcomed on board Malaysia Airlines A-380 airplane
London, UK - The second model of MAS will be on display at Farnborough until tomorrow
The A-380 aircraft was the star of the opening day of the "Farnborough International Airshow" yesterday, with a special visit from UK Prime Minister David Cameron. Mr Cameron visited Malaysia Airlines’ (... more

PeopleEUROCONTROL Permanent Commission appoints Frank Brenner as new Director General
Brussels, Belgium - With effect from next January 1, 2013
The EUROCONTROL Permanent Commission has appointed Mr Frank Brenner as Director General of the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation with effect from 1 January 2013. He is currently... more

PeopleBoeing Executive Ray Conner to lead Commercial Airplanes Business
Chicago, Usa - Jim Albaugh announces plan to retire
Boeing Chairman, President and CEO Jim McNerney yesterday announced the appointment of Raymond L. Conner as president and CEO, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. Conner, 57, a 34-year company veteran who... more

PeopleWang Changshun elected "68th Iata Agm" President
Beijing, China - He is the Chairman of Air China
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that Wang Changshun, the Chairman of Air China, has been elected President of the Association’s 68th "Annual General Meeting (AGM) and World A... more

PeopleAEA (2): Bernard Gustin sulle nuove modifiche organizzative
Bruxelles, Belgio - Geert Sciot nominato nuovo direttore generale per le comunicazioni
Riportiamo le dichiarazioni rilasciate da Bernard Gustin, presidente Aea ed amministratore delegato del vettore aereo Brussels Airlines, relative alla nuova struttura organizzativa, dopo il comunicato-stampa... more

PeopleAEA (2): Bernard Gustin on new organization changes
Brussels, Belgium - Geert Sciot appointed as new General Manager Communications
Following on the previous press release issued by the AEA (AVIONEWS) we report the declarations by Bernard Gustin, AEA Chairman and CEO of Brussels Airlines, about the new organization. “Mr Schulte-Strathaus... more

PeopleAEA announces changes in its organisation
Brussels, Belgium - Ulrich Schulte-Strathaus has ended his term after ten years
After 10 years at the helm of the pan-European airline association which brings together Europe’s 34 leading network airlines, Ulrich Schulte-Strathaus has ended his term. As of 1 June, Athar Husain K... more

PeopleFabrice Bregier at the Airbus controls
Toulouse, France - New President and CEO appoints his Executive Committee
Following the appointment by the EADS Board of Directors, Fabrice Bregier (50), previously Airbus Chief Operating Officer, has taken over as Airbus President and CEO. He succeeds Tom Enders (53), who has... more

PeopleEADS confirms top management changes
Amsterdam, The Netherlands - The complete list of the names
EADS Confirms Top Management Changes • Annual General Meeting appoints new Board of Directors • Board of Directors appoints Arnaud Lagardère as Chairman and Thomas Enders as Chief Executive Officer of E... more

PeopleAirline crisis: AVIONEWS conducts exclusive interview with Bernard Gustin, Chairman of AEA (VIDEO)
Brussels, Belgium - Fuel prices, airline problems and Association activities are themes discussed
During the AEA Presidents' Assembly Press Conference, held on 24 May, 2012, Bernard Gustin released an exclusive video interview with AVIONEWS. In his capacity as Chairman of AEA, he speaks of the crisis... more

PeopleOman Air announces a Senior Management new appointment
Milan, Italy - Captain Ali Hassan Sulaiman has been appointed Acting Chief Officer Flight Operations
Following the decision by Captain Patrick Rotsaert, Chief Officer Flight Operations, to retire from the company, Captain Ali Hassan Sulaiman has been appointed Acting Chief Officer Flight Operations. Captain... more

PeopleChristoph Müller appointed as Head of Communications for Eurocopter Germany
Marignane, France - As of June 1, 2012
Christoph Müller will become the Head of Communications for Eurocopter Germany as of June 1, 2012, and will report directly to Cécile Vion-Lanctuit, Vice-President of Corporate Communications for the E... more

PeopleStar Alliance's anniversary: its CEO speaks with customers by Facebook
Frankfurt, Germany - The 15 years of the alliance celebrated today
Star Alliance (SA) celebrates its 15th anniversary today, a manner to thank customers. SA, for the first time in absolute, speaks in real time with its CEO Mark Schwab and its customers on Facebook,... more

PeopleMark Welsh to become new US Air Force chief of staff
Washington, USA - He has been a fighter pilot and a CIA
General Mark Welsh has been nominated to become the next chief of staff of the US Air Force. Yesterday May 10, 2012, US Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta announced the nomination with an official declaration. "I... more

PeopleEtihad Airways appoints new General Manager for Oman
Abu Dhabi, UAE - It is Mahfood Al Harthy
Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has appointed Mahfood Al Harthy as its new General Manager for Oman. He joins Etihad Airways from Gulf Air where he held a number... more

PeopleJean-Brice Dumont appointed Eurocopter Group’s Chief Technical Officer and Head of Engineering
Marignane, France - He will be a member of the industry executive committee
Jean-Brice Dumont has been named within the Eurocopter Group as Chief Technical Officer (CTO) and Head of Engineering. In this function, he will be reporting directly to Eurocopter CEO Lutz Bertling and... more

PeopleItalian company Avio: the institutional relationships assigned to Giuseppe Coccon
Turin, Italy - He directly report to CEO Francesco Caio
Giuseppe Coccon, Avio Communication manager, accepted the role as Institutional relationships delegate of the international Group, assigned to Massimo Mazzola until now. Coccon in his position reports... more

PeopleHussein Dabbas appointed IATA RVP for MENA
Amman, Jordan - With effect from June 1, 2012
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has appointed Hussein Dabbas as Regional Vice President for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), based in Amman, Jordan with effect from 1 June 2012. Dabbas... more

PeopleEtihad Airways President and CEO named "WTTC" vice-Chairman for Middle East and Africa
Abu Dhabi, UAE - The announcement during the 12th edition in Tokyo this week
The president and chief executive officer of Etihad Airways, James Hogan, has been named "World Tourism and Travel Council’s" ("WTTC") vice-chairman for the Middle East and Africa. The announcement w... more

PeopleEutelsat Communications: Jean-Louis Robin to succeed Izy Béhar as Director Human Resources
Paris, France - From April 27
Eutelsat Communications announced that from 27 April, Jean-Louis Robin will assume the post of Director of Human Resources of the Group, replacing Izy Béhar who is retiring from Eutelsat after 12 years... more

PeopleGreat senior test pilot Pyotr Ostapenko dies at 83
Moscow, Russia - He was awarded "Hero of the Soviet Union"
Pyotr Maksimovich Ostapenko, one of the Soviet Union's greatest test pilots, died on Sunday aged 83. His life was inseparably connected with MiG and national and world aviation. The news was reported yesterday... more

PeopleEurocopter: Jean-Pascal Méo appointed Group’s General Counsel
Marignane, France - He will replace Georges Richelme
Jean-Pascal Méo is appointed Eurocopter Group’s General Counsel as of 2nd April 2012. He replaced Georges Richelme, who has been elected as President of the Commercial Court of Marseilles. At Eurocopter he... more

PeopleThe Pope made his parting comments in the airport in Havana
Havana, Cuba - "Cuba needs to find a new economic model"
The Pontiff greets Cuba with president Raul Castro in the airport before leaving. During his short trip in Cuba the Pope also met the former president Fidel, Raul's brother and revolutionary leader during... more

PeopleCarmine Bassetti is the new General Manager of Catullo SpA (Verona and Brescia airports)
Verona, Italy - He will be in service as of next April 30
Carmine Bassetti has been named General Manager of the Verona and Brescia airports by the President and the Board of Directors of Catullo SpA. He will be in service as of next April 30, 2012. 55 years... more

PeopleAlitalia: apostolic journey by the Holy Father in Mexico and Cuba
Rome, Italy - The B-777 airplane departed this morning from Fiumicino
It's Alitalia to accompany the Holy Father Benedetto XVI into the apostolic journey in Mexico and into the Cuba Republic until March 29. Roberto Colaninno, airline's President, has greeted him before... more

PeopleSchiphol Group: Els de Groot appointed its new CFO
Amsterdam, Holland - Effective from next May 1
Els de Groot has been appointed Schiphol Group's new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) effective 1 May 2012. She will succeed Pieter Verboom, who will be retiring after having served as Schiphol Group's CFO... more

PeopleSanford "Sandy" N. McDonnell dies at 89
St.Louis, USA - The aircraft-maker leader who created the framework of the US Air Force
Sanford "Sandy" McDonnell dies at 89, former chief executive of McDonnell Douglas, the American industry which supplied the military with advanced supersonic fighter jets, attack helicopters and self-guiding... more

PeopleAir Partner opens MICE's division
Milan, Italy - Assigned to Domenico Di Lecce
Air Partner Italia opens a new unit dedicated to the MICE sector, assigning it to Domenico Di Lecce, already fully in service at the Italian site of the carrier. He has served different areas, in the... more

PeoplePaolo Zocconali, new TAP Portugal Marketing Manager in Italy and Greece
Rome, Italy - He has a strong experience into the aviation sector
Tap Portugal, Star Alliance member carrier, has announced the appointment of Paolo Zocconali as Tap Portugal Marketing Manager in Italy and Greece. He has a degree in foreign languages, in Tap since... more

PeopleSuperJet International: Nazario Cauceglia is the new CEO
Venice, Italy - Carmelo Cosentino confirmed president and chairman of the Board
SuperJet International’s Board of Directors has appointed Nazario Cauceglia new Chief Executive Officer of SuperJet International, joint-venture between Alenia Aermacchi (51%), a Finmeccanica company, a... more

PeopleThe Prince of Wales sees technology on visit to Rolls-Royce
London, UK - The Trent 1000 powers the new B-787 Dreamliner airplane
Rolls-Royce (RR), the global power systems company, welcomed HRH The Prince of Wales to its facilities in Derby today, where he met employees and saw examples of the Group’s world leading technology. HRH a... more

PeopleFranco Frattini, SIOI President
Rome, Italy - He replaces Umberto La Rocca
"Franco Frattini is the President of SIOI (Italian Society for International Organization), named on February 21, 2012 by the extraordinary shareholder assembly on request by Directive Committee. He... more

PeopleAVIONEWS interviewed Lutz Bertling of Eurocopter. Twenty years of industry's activity... (VIDEO)
Paris, France - ...and an outlook on the future. The conversation exclusive with our Agency
AVIONEWS interviewed Lutz Bertling, President and CEO of the Eurocopter Group in the margin of the press-conference took place last Tuesday, January 24, 2012 in Paris. The CEO on the occasion of twenty... more

PeopleEADS BoD announces future top management appointments
Amsterdam, Holland - And Board of Directors composition
The EADS Board of Directors has met yesterday for one of its regularly scheduled meetings in Amsterdam. During this meeting the following decisions have been taken: Chairman and CEO EADS NV announces... more

PeopleDRS Technologies appoints William J. Lynn Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Rome, Italy - He replaces current one Mark S. Newman who is retiring
Finmeccanica announces that the Board of Directors of its US subsidiary DRS Technologies, Inc. has appointed William J. Lynn III as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. The appointment is effective... more

PeopleAeroporti di Roma: Massimiliano Paolucci new responsible of external communication
Rome, Italy - From next February 1st
Massimiliano Paolucci, 48, journalist, already Director of the communication of Telecom Italia and responsible for Media, Opinion Maker and Mondo Accademico of the Pirelli Group and responsible for communications... more

PeopleNATO Commander meets Chinese counterpart in Gulf of Aden
London, UK - The visit happened yesterday
On 19th January, Rear Admiral (LH) Sinan Azmi TOSUN, Commander of the NATO Counter Piracy Mission Operation "Ocean Shield", met with his Chinese counterpart Rear Admiral LI Shihong. They paid reciprocal... more

PeopleItalian Foreign Affairs Ministry: Giuseppe Manzo new spokesman
Rome, Italy - New appointment for Maurizio Massari: special Envoy for the Mediterranean
In the context of the revised, more dynamic and intense focus on the southern shore of the Mediterranean, a year after the Arab Spring season, defined as a strategic priority for the Italian foreign policy,... more

PeopleEuropean Commissioner for regional Policy Hahn on a two-day visit in Italy
Rome, Italy - Tomorrow will fly by helicopter over the flooded areas; then will visit Naples, Rome and will meet Monti
The European Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn will be in Italy on 18 and 19 January to visit the two Italian regions (Liguria and Campania) and to meet the Government. Tomorrow, Wednesday... more

PeopleItalian Foreign Affairs Terzi met with United States Senate delegation
Rome, Italy - Reviewed a series of top international policy concerns
Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs Giulio Terzi met last Friday at the foreign ministry in Rome with a delegation from the United States Senate made up of President pro-tempore of the United States and... more

PeopleAirgest (airport of Trapani): President functions temporarily performed by Paolo Angius
Trapani, Italy - Following the resignation of Salvatore Ombra
"Airgest (Management Company of the airport of Trapani), in relation to the resignation of President Salvatore Ombra, announces that the functions are being performed temporarily by the Vice-President... more

PeopleOman Air appointed new Chief Executive Officer
Muscat, Oman - It's Wayne Pearce with effect from last January 3
The Board of Directors of Oman Air has officially announced the appointment of Wayne Pearce as the Chief Executive Officer with effect from 3rd of January 2012. Wayne Pearce joins carrier after he held... more

PeopleCargolux Italia SpA appointed Pierandrea Galli as CEO
Milan, Italy - From last January 1st, 2012
Cargolux Italia SpA announces the appointment of Pierandrea Galli as new CEO and Accountable Manager from last January 1, 2012. He has 23 years of experience into the air transport reached with Alitalia... more

PeopleAppointment of Division General Paolo Serra as Commander of the UNIFIL mission in Lebanon
Rome, Italy - Minister for Foreign Affairs Terzi and Defence one Di Paola expressed their satisfaction
Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs Giulio Terzi and Defence Minister Giampaolo Di Paola together expressed their full satisfaction with the decision by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to appoint Division... more

PeopleItalian oil tanker "Enrico Ievoli" seized
Rome, Italy - President Fini, once heard the news, has postponed the visit to "Grecale" ship fixed for Friday
The President of the Italian Chamber of deputies, Gianfranco Fini, heard the news about the seizure of the "Enrico Ievoli" oil tanker, has expressed his worry for the repeat of attacks to the Italian merchant... more

PeopleAVIONEWS interviewed Massimo Garbini, Sole Managing Director ENAV (VIDEO)
Rome, Italy - During the inauguration of the new hangar 127 at the Rome-Ciampino airport
AVIONEWS interviewed Massimo Garbini, Sole Managing Director of ENAV (National Flight assistance Company) during the inauguration of the new hangar 127, and the commemorative ceremony of the 50,000 flight... more

PeopleAmerican Airlines reconfirmed at oneworld leadership
Milan, Italy - Horton has been elected Chairman of the Governing Board and takes on the role from Gerard Arpey
The Governing Board of oneworld the global airline alliance, has elected American Airlines' Chairman, President and Chief Executive Tom Horton as its Chairman. He takes on the role from Gerard Arpey,... more

PeopleMark Schwab appointed new Star Alliance CEO
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Long term international aviation executive to head alliance organisation
The Chief Executive Board of Star Alliance has appointed Mark Schwab to head the Star Alliance central organisation, based in Frankfurt, Germany as its new Chief Executive. He comes from alliance member... more

PeopleCessna's SVP Mark Paolucci announced retirement
Wichita, Usa - VPs Tim White and Trevor Esling to lead sales organization
Cessna Aircraft Company announced Friday that Mark Paolucci, senior vice president, Sales, will retire at the end of the year after 32 years with it. Paolucci joined Cessna in 1979 as a design engineer... more

PeopleFAA: statement from Administrator Randy Babbitt about his resignation
Washington, Usa - The declaration from US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. "Behind the scenes" of his decision...
The FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt has unveiled yesterday this statement: "Yesterday I submitted my resignation to Secretary Ray LaHood and it has been accepted. Serving as FAA Administrator has been... more