1,934 news found

MiscellaneousNuclear matter: Russia, yes to the sanctions but without using force
Moscow, Russia - The Russian Foreign Minister specifies that every sanction must be equal to the threats for the international community
"We’ll take on account the possibility of sanctions under every profile, basing on our target and without allowing a proliferation of nuclear weapons", there are the words of the Russian Foreign Minister, S... more

MiscellaneousTrieste: 140 people are waiting since yesterday for their flight to Toronto
Trieste, Italy - The aircraft of the carrier Sky Service is blocked at Pescara airport
Since yesterday 140 people of a flight of the air company Sky Service, coming from Pescara and directed to Toronto, are waiting at Trieste-Ronchi dei Legionari airport, without news about their flight.... more

MiscellaneousManuel Uribe: denial of the Modena's General Hospital
Modena, Italy - He will remain the fattest man of the world for the whole 2006
The Business Management of the Modena’s General Hospital denies the statements issued to a press agency by Professor Giancarlo De Bernardinis, the Director of General Surgery II Division that in last M... more

MiscellaneousTurkey doesn't open its ports ad airports to Cyprus
Ankara, Turkey - Net deny by the Turkish Premier Erdogan. No opening until the embargo on North Cyprus won't be eliminated
It’s going on the resistance of Turkey to the requests of European Union to open Turkish ports and airports to the Cyprus goods. Few days ago the Foreign commission of UE approved a document where this d... more

MiscellaneousBoulogne: emergency landing for an Air France plane
Boulogne, Italy - A signalation for a breakdown on the landing gear made start the emergency procedure
Today at the Boulogne airport an aircraft of the French carrier Air France has made emergency landing because of a was indicating a problem to the oil pression of the landing gear. The commandant of the... more

MiscellaneousBrindisi: emergency landing for a RAF C-130
Brindisi, Italy - The reason was a block to an engine, militaries haven't been injured
Yesterday afternoon a C-130 of British Royal Air Force (RAF) has been forced to do an emergency landing at Brindisi airport because of breakdown in an engine. It has happened at about 5:30pm, when the... more

MiscellaneousLebanon: Israel revokes the air block
Beirut, Lebanon - Today at 6:00pm the Beirut airport will be open again for flights
As already anticipated, Israel has decided to revoke the air block on Beirut airport. It’s been stated by a press release of Tel Aviv Government, after that during last days there have been moments of t... more

MiscellaneousKorean Airlines bans laptops on board
Seoul, North Korea - But only the ones of Apple and Dell. The reason? The Sony batteries that could catch fire
Since last August 30 on Korean Airlines planes is forbidden to use laptops by Apple and Dell. After the light prohibitions of Qantas, that only forbid to charge the batteries of laptop but not to use it,... more

MiscellaneousAlso Bmed, partner of BA violates the Israeli block and flies to Beirut
Beirut, Lebanon - It's the second one to do it after Qatar Airways two days ago
After Qatar Airways, now is an English air company to violate the air block imposed by Israel on Beirut. The Bmed, partner of British Airways, has announced that this evening will land at Beirut airport... more

MiscellaneousParis: the corpse of a man falls from the landing gear of a plane
Paris, France - It's probably an illegal immigrant hidden in the tyres
The French Police has found the corpse of a man in a field near the airport "Charles de Gaulle" of Paris. The discover has followed the signal of a farmer that had found a lifeless body on his field, half-naked... more

MiscellaneousGB: a piece of ice falls from a plane and crashes onto a car's roof
London, Great Britain - The Member of Parliament for the region where the event occurred asks for reparation to the airline
A piece of ice as big as a football. But much bigger, and also falling from thousands of meters, after detaching from a plane. This is what an English lady had in the roof if her car, a Smart, few days... more

MiscellaneousUsa: the new Minister of Transports has been nominated
Washington, USA - Mary Peters covers the role that before belonged to the democrat Norman Mineta
The Government of United States has designated a new Transports Minister, Mrs Mary Peters, instead of Norman Mineta that had resigned. Peters comes from the charge of responsible of the Federal Highway... more

MiscellaneousWest Bank: Israel will keep the invasion
Tel Aviv, Israel – Started the building of 690 residences in two settlements in the occupied territories
The Israeli First Minister, Ehud Olmert, has announced the disruption of the troops’ retreat from West Bank, central project of the programme that in last May made him win elections, defined inapt after t... more

MiscellaneousLebanon (2): Israel opens to a possible reduction of block on Lebanon
Tel Aviv, Israel - From Israeli Foreign Minister are coming positive voices about an end of the embargo
There are hopes for the end of the Israeli block on Lebanon. It’s been made known by sources of Tel Aviv Government tha clarify that "There are not problem to gradually reduce the restrictions or for t... more

MiscellaneousSomalia: struggle at Baidoa airport
Mogadiscio, Somalia - Militants claim toll
The weak Somali transition Government moved its seat to Baidoa in June, 250 km North-West of Mogadiscio, when Islamic Courts took control of the Capital and most Southern Somalia. Struggle between militants... more

MiscellaneousLebanon: Annan confirms a mediator for the discharge of the prisoners
Cairo, Egypt - Meeting between Kofi Annan and Hosni Mubarak
Kofi Annan, General Secretary of United Nations, has confirmed to have accepted to elect a mediator to make easier the solution for the discharge of two Israeli prisoners seized by Hezbollah last July... more

MiscellaneousNew York investigates on the disappearance of the Ground Zero flag
New York, USA - On the eve of the fifth anniversary of the September 11 terroristic attacks the city wants to discover who stolen the national symbol
The New York city has decided after five years to open an investigation about the disappearance of the flag put on the wrecks of the Twin Towers, on Ground Zero site by the three firemen that became themselves... more

MiscellaneousLondon: more 8 people were incriminated for the presumed terrorist conspiracy
London, United Kingdom - Total 14 defendants
After six incriminated people last days, eight Arabian young men were charged yesterday with conspiracy with murder purpose and preparation of terrorist act. There will be total 14 defendants in the process... more

MiscellaneousVenezuela: second load of weapons seized in an Alitalia warehouse
Caracas, Venezuela - Evasion equal to USD 30 million
Last Friday, the Government of Venezuela has announced the seizure of a lot of 128 weapons, the second in a week, in an Alitalia warehouse in the main National Airport of the Capital. In this case it speaks... more

MiscellaneousThe Qatar Airways flight has landed in Beirut
Beirut, Lebanon - The emirate's carrier had already announced it
It’s landed today at about 3:20pm (local time) at Beirut the Airbus A-320 with 142 passengers aboard of Qatar Airway, the airline that had announced it wanted to break the blockade imposed by Israel o... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11: Bush will go to the places of the terroristic attacks
Washington, Usa - The US President has reminded to the American people that Iraq is the "Central front" in the fight against terror
President of United States, George W. Bush, has announced that September 11, on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the massacre caused by the terroristic attacks that hit America, will go to the... more

MiscellaneousGhanese boy blocked since 47 days at the airport
Singapore, Republic of Singapore - The Country didn't give him the visa and the football player since then is living in the airport
It really looks like the story of the movie "The Terminal" with Tom Hanks, what’s happened to Ayi Nii Aryee, with only one difference: this time it’s all true. The young football player from Ghana arr... more

MiscellaneousVenezuela: Alitalia transports a load of 300 weapons
Caracas, Venezuela - It can not to speak of smuggling
Last Tuesday August 29, the National Tributary Overseer of Venezuela, José Gregorio Vielme Mora, has made known the attachment of a lot of 300 guns 9mm "Vernardeli" in the International Airport of Maiquetìa, t... more

MiscellaneousRecruitment: the Pentagon strengthen controls
Washington, USA - After abuse and misconduct cases
The US Defense Department made known that it will provide closer monitoring of military recruiters behaviour, after misconduct cases that were reported in the last months. The Government Accountability... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli air raid in Gaza: two injures
Gaza, Gaza Strip - Hit a building in a refugee camp. Maybe in the next hours could be decided to release the Israeli soldier kidnapped by the Palestinian militia
This night an Israeli air raid on a refugee camp in Jabalya, in Gaza Strip, has provoked the wounding of two people. It’s been retailed by local medical sources, while the residents ensure that the building h... more

MiscellaneousBrindisi: PAM visit at UNHRD base
Brindisi, Italy - The first humanitarian aid to Lebanon left here
James Morris, Chief Executive of the United Nations World Alimentary Program, visits the humanitarian first aid base (UNHRD) in Brindisi, South Italy, where the first aid for Lebanon started on board the... more

MiscellaneousThe American people fear for new terroristic attacks in New York and Washington
Washington, Usa - It has come out from a survey. After the failed attacks of August 10 the fears are increased
A survey made by Ipsos for the Associated Press has revealed the feelings and the fears of the American people after 5 years from the terroristic attacks against the Twin Towers. More than an half of the... more

MiscellaneousItaly-Venezuela cooperation in search of the Cessna that disappeared on July 24
Caracas, Venezuela - No traces of the aircraft up to now
There are no news about the Cessna which left on July 24 from Los Roques archipelago, Carribean, and headed to "Arturo Miquelena" Airport in Valencia, that disappeared half an hour before its landing.... more

MiscellaneousQuivers on flight for the Wales national football team
Cardiff, Wales - The aircraft hit by an object was forced to make an emergency landing, only fear and no consequences for the players
Maybe they’ll think about it tomorrow when they’ll be playing the match with Czech Republic for the qualifier at 2008 European Championship, the players of the Wales National Football team that yesterday was... more

MiscellaneousMiami: the landing gear of a US Airways plane catches fire during the landing
Miami, Usa - All the passengers have been evacuated, no injures
A fire in the landing gear of a Boeing 737 of the Usa air company US Airways has caused panic and alarm yesterday, soon after the 1:35am (local time), among the 113 passengers of the line flight 431, coming... more

MiscellaneousTerrorism in GB: five stop extensions and three new arrests
London, United Kingdom - On the field of investigations for presumed terroristic attempts
The stop for five suspected people has been extended to seven days, after they were identified in mid August with the charge of having planned simultaneous attacks on board US planes departing from Great... more

MiscellaneousFrance: passengers on a plane protest against the deportation of a young Nigerian
Paris, France - Jeff Babatunde was on the flight that had to take him back to Nigeria, a dozen of people refused to seat
About a dozen of passengers of a plane departing from airport "Charles de Gaulle" of Paris have demonstrated yesterday their solidarity to Jeff Babatunde, a 19-year-old Nigerian student, banned from France... more

MiscellaneousAir Canada pilot found themself closed outside the cockpit after gone to the toilette
Ottawa, Canada - The door blocked and the crew had to knock down it to make him enter
The unusual fact has happened last Saturday on the flight 8475 by Air Canada, in service from Ottawa to Winnipeg, with 50 people on board. The pilot, after having went out from the cockpit to go to the... more

MiscellaneousShe boards her prosthesis on a BA flight and at the arrival she find out it's been lost
Amsterdam, Netherlands - It's happened at the Amsterdam-Schiphol terminal to the world record-woman Kate Horan
Among the problems followed to the imposition of more severe security rules in the airports it’s very strange the one occurred to the New-Zealander sprinter Kate Horan, handicapped athlete that yesterday l... more

MiscellaneousA Royal Jordan flight takes 10 Lebanese children to Rome
Rome, Italy - Suffering from thalassaemia and leukaemia, they will be cured in Roman hospitals
Ten Lebanese children, who suffer from thalassaemia and leukaemia, arrived at Rome-Fiumicino airport at 1:45 pm today with a Royal Jordan flight to be cured in the city. The IME (Mediterranean Haematology... more

MiscellaneousRome-Fiumicino airport: a suitcase "Done" with cocaine
Rome, Italy - A Bolivian man was arrested
A 40-year-old Bolivian man was arrested yesterday at Rome-Fiumicino airport because the Financial Police found out drugs in his luggage. Well, his suitcase was actually almost empty inside, but it weighted... more

MiscellaneousNight at the airport for 160 children waiting to fly
Rome, Italy - The kids of a refugee camp in Algeria have waited for 24 hours their flight at Fiumicino airport
The bad adventure has occurred to 160 children on a refugee camp Saharawi, in South Algeria, that after having spent two months in Italy, hosted by Italian families, Monday had to come back to Algeria.... more

MiscellaneousUsa: a comic fakes an air incident after the air crash in Kentucky, Nbc apologizes
Washington, Usa - It's happened Sunday evening at Emmy Awards ceremony
It’s surely been a lack of style. Especially because it was Nbc, it was Emmy Awards ceremony, and because 13,9 million people watched the show. And the excuses by American channel bosses are not enough: t... more

MiscellaneousUSAF planes fly toward the hurricane "Ernesto" to supervise it
Washington, Usa - The weathermen have launched the alert for Florida and South Carolina
The National Hurricane Center of Miami has announced that the hurricane "Ernesto" is going fastly toward the Gulf of Mexico and that it could hit two times the US coast, first in Florida and then -after... more

MiscellaneousHapag Lloyd plane lands in Linate for a technical fault
Milan, Italy - It has happened yesterday in the Lombardia terminal, no emergency procedure
Yesterday at about 9:10am a Boeing 737 aircraft of the air company Hapag Lloyd, departed from Pisa and directed to the Cologne airport (Germany), has landed in Linate airport because of a technical fault... more

MiscellaneousUS Airways flight forced to make an emergency landing for a bomb-alarm
Washington, Usa - It's happened yesterday after the finding of a threat note on board
Yesterday a plane of the US air company US Airways with 52 passengers and 3 crew members on board has made an emergency landing in Tennessee after that a note containing threats about a bomb was found... more

Miscellaneous18 years ago the tragedy of "Frecce Tricolori" in Ramstein: a monument commemorates them
Rimini, Italy - It's been inaugurated yesterday in front of civilians and militaries authorities at aviation museum of Sant'Aquilina
Sunday August 28 of 1988 during the "Airshow Flugtag ’88" in the US base of Ramstein (Germany), the acrobatic exhibition of "Frecce Tricolori", the Italian acrobatic team, turned into a tragedy that i... more

MiscellaneousBoulogne: 27-hour delay for an airplane
Boulogne, Italy - It happened to 55 passengers who were headed to Egypt
Because of an aircraft technical damage, a group of 55 travellers had to wait 27 hours at Boulogne’s "Guglielmo Marconi" Airport, before they could fly to Hurghada, Egypt. The fact involved an Air Memphis f... more

MiscellaneousThief arrested yesterday at Fiumicino airport by the security policemen
Rome, Italy - The Colombian has been stopped after a theft against a tourist woman
Yesterday afternoon at Rome-Fiumicino airport a 61-year-old Colombian man G.M.R., with precedents, has been arrested by the officials of airport Police after that he stole a bag to a Canadian tourist woman.... more

MiscellaneousAir France pilot refuses to take an expelled immigrant on board
Paris, France - Joining the protest of the "Reseau education sans frontieres" association
An Air France pilot refused to embark an immigrant, who was to be expelled to Mali, on Paris-Bamako flight yesterday. The "Reseau education sans frontieres" association, which is against clandestines expulsion... more

MiscellaneousPlane fallen in Ukraine: 86 victims identified
Kiev, Ukraine - The first funerals today
Until now 86 corpses have been identified among the 171 of the people that died in the tragic crash of the Tupolev 154 of Pulkovo Airlines, plunged in Ukraine on August 22 (see for details AVIONEWS). Today... more

MiscellaneousUSA: emergency landing for a UAL flight Boston-Chicago
Chicago, USA - For the presence of smoke in the cockpit
Emergency landing for a United Airlines airplane flying from Boston to Chicago yesterday with 64 people on board, whose 58 were passengers. The Captain of the aircraft, after having registered the presence... more

MiscellaneousEmergency landing for a BA flight London-Denver
Keflavik, Iceland - Because of smoke in the cabin
Emergency landing for a British Airways flight that left from London Saturday headed to Denver. The presence of smoke in the cabin, which seemed caused by an oven of the rear kitchen, forced the Captain... more

MiscellaneousEmergency landing in Olbia of an Air Vallée plane
Olbia, Italy - No consequences for the 31 passengers
Saturday morning the Olbia airport has been closed for an hour because of an emergency landing made by an aircraft of Air Vallèe that, departed at 10:10 am from Olbia air terminal and directed to Genoa,... more

MiscellaneousPlane stopped in Argentina for a bomb-alarm
Buenos Aires, Argentina - It's happened Friday on an aircraft by Copa Airlines
Friday evening a false bomb-alarm has happened in a plane of the Panama carrier Copa Airlines, departing from the international airport of Ezeiza and directed to Panama City. The Argentinean tv station... more