Fair and shows
3,213 news found

Fair and showsATR at "Aero India 2007"
Toulouse, France - The airshow will take place from tomorrow to next Sunday
"ATR will attend Bangalore-based Aero India airshow, 7-11 February 2007. On that occasion, ATR Chief Executive Officer, Filippo Bagnato, will hold a press conference on Thursday 8th February at 10am at... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the first week of February
Rome, Italy - From tomorrow to next Sunday
Tuesday 06 - ABACE 2007. Asia World Expo and Hong Kong Business Aviation Center, Hong Kong International Airport, Hong Kong, China. + 1 202 783 9000 www.abace.aero Wednesday 07 - ABACE 2007.... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the last week of January
Rome, Italy - From today, Monday 29 to next Sunday 4
Monday 29 - Al Ain Aerobatic Show. Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.+ 971 3 7642000 www.alainaerobaticshow.com Tuesday 30 - Al Ain Aerobatic Show. Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. + 971 3 7642000 www.alainaerobaticshow.com... more

Fair and showsExhibition to the memory of the hang-glider Angelo D'Arrigo
Catania, Italy - Giusy D'Arrigo remembers her brother through her work
"Metamorfosi di un Angelo" (metamorphosis of an angel) is the title of the touring exhibition that will be at Sala delle Colonne in Castel Sant' Angelo. The artist is Giusy D'Arrigo, sister of Angelo,... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the fourth week of January
Rome, Italy - From next Friday 26 to Sunday 28
Friday 26 - Al Ain Aerobatic Show. Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. + 971 3 7642000 www.alainaerobaticshow.com Saturday 27 - RACWA Augusta Fly-in. Jandakot Airport, 41 Eagle Drive, Jandakot, Western... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the third week of January
Rome, Italy - For next Saturday and Sunday
Saturday 20 - Wings Over Wairarapa 2007 . Hood Aerodrome, Masterton, New Zealand. + 64 (0)27 477 4717 www.wings.org.nz Sunday 21 - Wings Over Wairarapa 2007 . Hood Aerodrome, Masterton, New... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the second week of January
Rome, Italy - From today, Monday 8 to next Sunday 14
Monday 08 - Gliding - National Championships. Omarama Airfield, Otago, New Zealand. + 64 3 438 9555 www.gliding.co.nz www.glideomarama.com Tuesday 09 - Gliding - National Championships. Omarama... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the first week of January 2007
Rome, Italy - From today, Tuesday 2 to next Sunday 7
Tuesday 02 - Gliding - 2006 FAI Qualifying Sailplane Grand Prix. Lyndoch Airfield, Gawler, South Australia. + 61 8 8524 4595 http://events.fai.org www.gfa.org.au - Gliding - National Championships.... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the last week of December
Rome, Italy - From Friday 29 to next Monday January 1
Friday 29 - Great Eastern Fly-in. Evans Head Memorial Aerodrome, Evans Head, New South Wales, Australia. + 61 2 6621 5592 Saturday 30 - Great Eastern Fly-in. Evans Head Memorial Aerodrome,... more

Fair and showsThe last training in 2006 by "The Red Bulls"
Thiene, Italy - It took place last Saturday at Thiene's airport, the Team's seat
Last Saturday, December 23, 2006 at the Thiene's airport (Vicenza), seat of the same Team, "The Red Bulls" have made the last training of this year. Even if with a limited number of available airplanes,... more

Fair and showsThe "Frecce Tricolori" have presented the formation 2007 and a new calendar
Rome, Italy - The event is a traditional appointment for the PAN
"On the occasion of the Christmas holidays draw near, the Officer of 'Frecce Tricolori', Maj. Massimo Tammaro, has presented the new formation and a poster-calendar 2007 of the Detachment. The event... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the third week of December
Rome, Italy - From Wednesday 20 to next Sunday 24
Wednesday 20 - Possible Launch of a Soyuz rocket. To carry the 24th Progress cargo delivery ship to the International Space Station. Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan. www.russianspaceweb.com/baikonur.html... more

Fair and showsAVIONEWS at the 32nd Wing meeting (2):
Amendola, Italy - Static displays and flight exhibitions
A static display showed almost all the Italian Air Force planes: a Tornado of the 50th Wing, an F-15 of the 5th Wing and some MB-339 airplanes, SF-260, helicopters HH-3F of the 21st Group, Atlantic planes... more

Fair and shows"LAVEX2006" Air Show: from today to December 6
Tripoli, Libya - The industries and companies leader of the sector will participate
The second Conference on Arab-African Aviation and adjoining Exhibition to be held in the Great Jamahiriya this year, comes at a time as the General people Committee of Transportation and Communication... more

Fair and showsAVIONEWS at the 32nd Wing meeting: an AMX Special color realized for the event has been presented
Amendola, Italy - An history long seventy years
Yesterday, on Sunday December 3, 2006 at the airport "Luigi Rovelli", site of the 32nd Wing "Armando Boetto" has been held the meeting organized to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the constitution. This... more

Fair and showsEurocopter at "Lavex 2006": world’s biggest helicopter range on offer at Libyan aviation technology exhibition
Tripoli, Libya - From today to next Wednesday
"Eurocopter, one of the world leader in civil and parapublic helicopters, is proud to be one of the major exhibitors at this year’s LAVEX aeronautic exhibition taking place from December 4th to December 6... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the first week of December
Rome, Italy - From today, Monday 4 to next Sunday 10
Monday 04 - Arab Africa Aviation Conference, Exhibition and Airshow. Great Jamahiriya, Mitiga International Airport, Tripoli, Libya. + 218 21 360 60 82 www.lavex2006.com - Gliding - 2006 FAI Qualifying... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the last week of November
Rome, Italy - From today, Monday 27 to next Sunday, December 3
Monday 27 - Gliding - Northern Region Championships. Matamata Airfield, Waharoa, New Zealand. + 64 7 888 8782 www.gliding.co.nz www.glidingmatamata.co.nz Tuesday 28 - Gliding - Northern Region... more

Fair and shows"AERO Friedrichshafen" grows
Friedrichshafen, Germany - The general and sport aviation show
The exhibitors of "AERO Friedrichshafen" International Air Show, the main general and sport aviation show in Europe that takes place in Costanza Lake every two years, will have more room for their displays... more

Fair and shows"Indodefence 2006 Expo & Forum" (4): Eurocopter-PTDI agreement
Jakarta, Indonesia - A Teaming Framework Agreement
Eurocopter signed an agreement at the Jakarta's “Indodefence 2006” with Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI). It is a Teaming Framework Agreement which strengthen the thirty-year cooperation between the two... more

Fair and shows"Indodefence 2006 Expo & Forum" (3): ESEA's technology and development
Jakarta , Indonesia - Strong IT focus for optimal customer handling
"Strong IT focus for optimal customer handling Being based in Singapore, a country with a high reactivity to E-services, ESEA has always had a strong IT focus. With a dedicated server operated by... more

Fair and shows"Indodefence 2006 Expo & Forum" (2): the ESEA's plant
Jakarta, Indonesia - Full mission support as turnkey solution for the Asian-Pacific region
This year, ESEA is strongly promoting support contracts of a new and distinctive nature: that of a turnkey solution. With this new support concept, ESEA shows a global commitment on the availability of... more

Fair and shows"Indodefence 2006 Expo & Forum": Eurocopter's presence
Jakarta, Indonesia - Leading the Indonesian market
"Leading the Indonesian market In Fiscal Year 2005, considering in-service helicopter fleets, Eurocopter accounted for 41 percent of the military and 46 percent of the civil and parapublic market... more

Fair and shows"Indodefence 2006 Expo & Forum" (4)
Jakarta, Indonesia - From today to next Saturday
"Indodefence 2006" is an event covering the entire defence sector, including three macro-areas: Airborne; Land Based & Sea Based Platforms Systems & Equipments; Command, Control, Communication & Information.... more

Fair and showsEurocopter at "Indodefence 2006 Expo & Forum" (3)
Jakarta, Indonesia - Three decades of success in Indonesia
"Eurocopter in Indonesia – Three decades of success With a track record of more than 150 aircraft either built under license or delivered in Indonesia until today, the legendary BO-105 and Puma f... more

Fair and showsEurocopter at "Indodefence 2006 Expo & Forum" (2)
Jakarta, Indonesia - In South-East Asia a strong footprint in the Asian-Pacific region
"Eurocopter South-East Asia – strong footprint in the Asian-Pacific region Set up in 1977 as Regional Headquarters of the Eurocopter Group, Eurocopter South East Asia (ESEA) has been present in the r... more

Fair and showsEurocopter at "Indodefence 2006 Expo & Forum"
Jakarta, Indonesia - Strong commitment to Indonesia’s central defence exhibition in Asia-Pacific’s biggest country
"Eurocopter, one of the world leader in civil and parapublic helicopters, announces to be one of the major exhibitors at the second 'Indodefence 2006 Expo & Forum', from November 22 to 25 at the Jakarta... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the fourth week of November
Rome, Italy - From today, Monday 20 to next Sunday 26
Monday 20 - Ballooning - 17th FAI World Hot Air Balloon Championship. Motegi, Tochigi, Japan. + 81 952 34 4030 www.balloon2006worlds.com Tuesday 21 - Ballooning - 17th FAI World Hot Air Balloon... more

Fair and showsTurkey does not invite France to the "IDEF 2007" International Defence Industry Fair
Ankara, Turkey - The official statements of the Turkish Defense Minister
France does not appear in the list of the States invited to participate to the "IDEF 2007" International Defence Industry Fair, the opening scheduled for next May in the Turkish capital. "We have invited... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the third week of November
Rome, Italy - From today, Monday 13 to next Sunday 19
Monday 13 - Gliding - South Island Championships. Omarama Airfield, Otago, New Zealand. + 64 3 438 9555 www.gliding.co.nz www.glideomarama.com Tuesday 14 - Gliding - South Island Championships.... more

Fair and showsEmbraer sponsored centennial commemoration of historic feat by Alberto Santos-Dumont with the 14bis
São José dos Campos, Brazil - The event took place last Sunday, at Bagatelle Field
Embraer was the main sponsor of the restaging of the historic flight made by Brazilian Alberto Santos-Dumont, on October 23, 1906, at Bagatelle Field, in Paris, France. The commemorations organized by... more

Fair and showsGalileo Avionica at COM-PA
Boulogne, Italy - The European Show of Public Communication and Services to Citizens and Companies
Galileo Avionica will be present at COM-PA, the European Show of Public Communication and Services to Citizens and Companies that will take place at Boulogne from November 7 to 9. In the field of the show,... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the second week of November
Rome, Italy - From today, Monday 6 to next Sunday 12
Monday 06 - 18th Skydiving Boogie. Diani Beach, just south of Mombasa, Kenya. + 254 20 884258 www.skydivekenya.com UK +44 7778 512520 - Paragliding - 2006 Paragliding World Cup Reunion Island. St... more

Fair and showsThe AMI at COM-PA
Boulogne, Italy - The highly contagious people transport system will be presented
In the Italian Defense exhibition area at COM-PA, the European Show of Public Communication and Services to Citizens and Companies that will start tomorrow in Boulogne, the Air Force's highly contagious... more

Fair and showsThe Italian Defense Ministry at COM-PA
Boulogne, Italy - The main technological innovations will be presented
The Italian Defense Ministry will join COM-PA, the European Show of Public Communication and Services to Citizens and Companies that will occur in Boulogne from November 7 to 9, 2006. The exhibition stall,... more

Fair and shows"Air Show China 2006" (2): Turbomeca-Beijing Changkong Machinery joint-venture
Zhuhai, China - It will make engine assembly and test
Turbomeca signed a joint-venture contract with Beijing Changkong Machinery, an AVIC II Chinese company, during the aeronautic air show that is taking place in these days, until November 5, in Zhuhai, China.... more

Fair and shows"Air Show China 2006": Russia will supply China of aircraft IL-96/400
Zhuhai, China - First three aircraft will be delivered in 2008
At the end of 2008 or at the beginning of 2009, first aircraft IL-96/400 could appear in the China skies: the Chief Executive of the Ilyushin Russian Company, Alexander Rubtsov, has retailed it. "We have... more

Fair and shows"Air Show China 2006": a civil Russian-Chinese airplane?
Zhuhai, China - A manager of the Russian Federal Industry Agency announced that
From "Air Show China 2006", the international aeronautic and space show that is taking place in Zhuhai in these days, come the news of a possible cooperation between Russia and China for the development... more

Fair and shows"Air Show China 2006" (4): the Russian participation
Zhuhai, China - Exhibition of all the air defense systems
To the "Air Show China 2006", which will take place up to November 5 in Zhuhai, in Guangdong province, Russia will present a wide set of products, and will come the participation of 51 military industries:... more

Fair and shows"Air Show China 2006" (2): the Embraer 190
Zhuhai, China - The presence of the manufacturer in the Chinese market
Embraer has presented its presence in China during a press conference at the 6th edition of the Chinese international air show. Since 2003, 66 50-seat ERJ-145 have been ordered and delivered for the Chinese... more

Fair and shows"Air Show China 2006": static and flying displays
Zhuhai, China - Worldwide manufacturers and corporates show their models
Among several world exhibitors at "Air Show China 2006", that has opened today at Zhuhai airport, Russia's Tupolev exhibits its TU-204 in static display and its TU-334 in flying display. Canada's Bombardier... more

Fair and shows"Air Show China 2006" (3): five A-320 for Shanghai Airlines
Zhuhai, China - A deal worth USD 305 million
Chinese regional carrier, Shanghai Airlines Co. Ltd., said its board had approved the order of five A-320 jets from Airbus with a total list price of 2.4 billion yuan (USD 305 million). The jets will be... more

Fair and shows"Air Show China 2006" (3): the Italian Pavilion
Zhuhai, China - Organized by ICE, AIAD and the Defense Ministry
The Italian Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE), in cooperation with the Italian Industries Association for Aerospace, System and Defence (AIAD) and the Ministry of Defence, have been organizing the Italian... more

Fair and shows"China Air Show 2006" from October 31 to November 5
Zhuhai, China - The Chinese aviation and aerospace exhibition
The sixth edition of the "Air Show China", or "China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition", is starting tomorrow and is going on until November 5 at Zhuhai airport (Guangdong), the only international... more

Fair and shows"Air Show China 2006" (2): the Boeing presence
Zhuhai, China - The mock-up of the passenger cabin in display
Boeing communicates its participation in the sixth edition of "Airshow China" with its B-787 Dreamliner, whose it will display a mock-up of the passenger interior cabin. In addition, the Seattle giant... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the first week of November
Rome, Italy - From today, Monday October 30 to next Sunday November 5
Monday 30 - 18th Skydiving Boogie. Diani Beach, just south of Mombasa, Kenya. + 254 20 884258 www.skydivekenya.com UK +44 7778 512520 Tuesday 31 - Airshow China 2006. International Aviation... more

Fair and showsATR will be present at "Zhuhai Airshow" in China
Toulouse, France - From October 31st to November 5th
ATR will be present at the "Zhuhai Airshow 2006", 31st October – 5th November, in the EADS exhibit stand (Hall 1C). ATR has developed and maintained a strong presence in China and a high level of co-operation w... more

Fair and showsGalileo Avionica attends the CNAD exhibition for Special Forces at the Conference of National Armaments Directors (NATO)
Rome, Italy - It will be held in Brussels today and tomorrow
"Galileo Avionica, a Finmeccanica company, is participating in an exhibition of technologies and equipment for Special Operations Forces (SOF) that will be held in Brussels from 25th to 26th October, 2006... more

Fair and shows"Euronaval 2006": it will be presented the "Guibka" air defense system
Moscow, Russia - It has aroused a great interest in possible customers as Vietnam, Chile, Germany and Indonesia
The Ratep participates to the "Euronaval 2006" international exhibition in Le Bourguet (France) for first time, which will take place up to October 27. The Ratep exposure is centered on the Russian anti-aircraft... more

Fair and showsThe history of CA-100 on view in Trento
Trento, Italy - From November 19 to February 25 2007
In the "Caproni" museum of Trento, the CA-100, own historic museum of the Italian Air Force, will be exposed from November 19 to February 25 2007. The aircraft has been renovated in the "G. Veronesi" Center,... more