Military aviation
3,239 news found

Military aviationIsraeli fighters in Gaza, four militiamen dead
Khan Yunis , Gaza Strip - Injured other five Palestinians in the raid
New raid of the Israeli fighters in the Gaza Strip. Yesterday night the Tel Aviv Air Force bombed a position of the "Executive Force", the Hamas organization which manages the security in that area, after... more

Military aviationTurkish-Kurdish front: helicopters deploy attacks at the Iraqi border
??rnak , Turkey - Ankara: Turkey-US relationship depends on the American effort in the Turkish-Kurdish question
After Monday's battle (see AVIONEWS), bloody clashes went on yesterday between Turkish regular forces and the guerrillas of the illegal Kurdish political party PKK. A convoy of 18 military trucks was... more

Military aviationHelicopters: New Zealand government chooses "Made in Italy"
Wellington, New Zealand - Soon the the negotiations for the purchase of five aircraft and a flight simulator
Phil Goff, Defense Minister of New Zealand, announced that the choice for the purchase of five new helicopters - to be delivered to the Royal New Zealand Air Force for tasks of training, SaR (Search and... more

Military aviationAMI: the C-27J of the Italian 46th Air Brigade in Pisa accomplishes 1000 hours of flights
Pisa, Italy - It entered service in January 2007
Heir of the G-222, the tactical airlifter C-27J "Spartan", produced by Alenia Aeronautica, entered service at the Italian Air Force 46th Air Brigade, based at the military airport of Pisa, on January 11th... more

Military aviationRussia: returned the air group that fought for three months the fires in Greece
Moscow, Russia - 334 flights have been carried out since July 27th
Four Mil Mi-26 Halo and Mil Mi-8 Hip Russian helicopters, one amphibious Beriev Be-200 aircraft left today the Elefsina Base, near Athens, to go back to Russia after three months of battles against the... more

Military aviationShoot-out in Pakistan: the helicopters intervene and cause a massacre
Peshawar , Pakistan - Truce today
Blood in Swat valley, in the North-West of Pakistan, a Pakistani military source said, where only yesterday the national army fired artillery shots and ask for the intervention of the military helicopters,... more

Military aviationIran buys J-10 fighter planes from China
Tehran , Iran - About one billion dollar deal
A news that will worry Israel, because its technology could retort on it: the Russian agency "Novosti" spread the news according which Tehran and Beijing would have signed an agreement for the purchase... more

Military aviationThe decision on the tender for the supply of tankers to the US Air Force postponed until January 31st
Washington, USA - For talks with the competitors Boeing and Northrop Grumman
After having officially reopened the tender for the supply of combat helicopters (see AVIONEWS), now the US Air Force has decided to delay the decision on the awarding of the USD 40-billions-contract for... more

Military aviationUS government will sell 2 E-2C Airborne Early Warning Command & Control Aircraft
Washington, USA - It is a contract worth 75 USD million
The Government of Egypt has requested the sale of 2 E-2C Airborne Early Warning (AEW) Command & Control aircraft, 2 spare T-56-A-425 engines, modifications, support equipment, spare and repair parts, publications... more

Military aviationOfficially re-opened the call for bids of the US Air Force for the supply of helicopters
Washington , USA - Following the protests after the first tender of last year
The rush to win the USD 15-billion-contract for the supply of military helicopters of the Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) programme for the US Air Force. The competitors have until the 15th of November... more

Military aviationSingapore announces the purchase of further Boeing F-15SG fighters
St.Louis, USA - The world's most capable long-range multi-role fighter
The Boeing Company announced that the Singapore Ministry of Defence has exercised an option to purchase eight F-15SGs and has ordered four additional aircraft. The option is part of the original contract... more

Military aviationBAE Systems starts the construction of the F-35 Lightning II Carrier Variant (CV)
London, United Kingdom - The maiden flight is forecast for 2009
BAE Systems has announced the starting of the first specimen F-35 Lightning II Carrier Variant (Cv) construction. The CV aircraft is the final F-35 variant to start production and means that all three... more

Military aviationSentences pronounced for the atomic flight over the US
Washington, USA - The investigation: "A lackadaisical approach to safety checks"
They had announced they would not have been indulgent with the responsible of the "Atomic flight" over the United States (see AVIONEWS), and so it has been. 70 members of the Us Air Force were subjected... more

Military aviationSri Lanka Air Force replies to Tamil Tigers attack
Colombo , Sri Lanka - Hitting only an airstrip though
The clash occurred yesterday between the Tamil Tigers guerrilla and the governmental army of Sri Lanka seems to have ended, military speaking, with a clear victory of the first. The rebels of LTTE ("Liberation... more

Military aviationThailand to buy SAAb Gripen and Erieye AEW aircraft
Stockholm, Sweden - They will replace F-5s
Thailand will buy 12 Swedish-made SAAB JAS-39 Gripen multirole aircraft and two Erieye Airborne Early Warning (AEW), for a deal worth 1.1 billion dollars. On October 17th, the announcement was made by... more

Military aviationTamil Tigers planes bomb Sri Lankan air base
Colombo , Sri Lanka - Combined attack from the ground and air
"It was a combined operation of our air force and land troops and the target was the Anuradhapura air base, which functions as the logistics (base for the north). We have not ruled out the potential of... more

Military aviationFinmeccanica: SELEX Communications is awarded the first contract for the new British aircraft carriers
London, United Kingdom - Technologies to be fitted in the two carriers, "HMS Queen Elizabeth" and "Prince of Wales"
SELEX Communications, a Finmeccanica company, has been awarded a contract by the Aircraft Carrier Alliance (ACA) to supply advanced Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) technology for incorporation into... more

Military aviationUS Air Force to dismiss 5 officers for the nuclear flights case
Washington , USA - Lacking respect for safety norms
They had transported by mistake six Cruise missiles armed with W80-1 warheads with a B-52 Stratofortress bomber, upon the central part of the United States, from the base of Minot in North Dakota to the... more

Military aviationNuclear installation hit in Syria, Jafari disproves the Israeli diplomat
Damascus, Syria - But Miriam Ziv confirms all
The Syrian press agency Sana, very close to the Damascus government, published an intervention of Bashar Jafari, Foreign Office representative, which gives the lie to a meaning of the speech expressed... more

Military aviationSyrian officer: Israel attacked a nucler site
New York, USA - Unbelievable gaffe by a member of Damascus Foreign Office
Syria has unintentionally admitted that the target of the air raid carried out by some Israeli fighters last September 6 was to hit a nuclear site. Three days ago, during his speech in the commission on... more

Military aviationHigh-ranking US Air Force official dies suicide
Washington, USA - The American Senate was investigating on him
Charles D. Riechers, 47, second-highest-ranking official of the American Air Force's procurement office, was found dead in his home in Virginia on the day of Sunday. Apparent cause of the decease is suicide.... more

Military aviationNew revelations on the Israeli attack in Syria
New York, USA - Published in the "New York Times"
Target of the Israeli air raid, which in the night between last September 5 and 6 saw aircraft with the star of David enter the Syrian territory coming from Turkey, was the destruction of a nuclear reactor... more

Military aviationAVIONEWS at the workshop-exercise "The prospects of the air transport in operational theatre"
Pisa, Italy - In front of the delegations coming from Mexico, Brazil, Poland, Holland, Romania, Greece and other friend Countries
Following to the important workshop, took place last October 12 at the Istituto di scienze militari aeronautiche in Florence regarding "The prospects of the air transport in operational theatre", organized... more

Military aviationLockheed Martin signs an agreement to support the Italian C-130J Super Hercules aircraft fleet
Fort Worth, USA - A deal worth 47 million dollars
Lockheed Martin, Alenia Aeronautica (see AVIONEWS) and Avio SPA have signed an agreement to provide Long Term Support (LTS) for the C-130J Super Hercules fleet operated by the Italian Air Force. Under... more

Military aviationSOS of the Afghan Air Force
Kabul , Afghanistan - "The international community does not help us enough"
The Afghan Air Force was in the possession of as much as 300 Soviet-made helicopters, besides to diverse Mig-21 and SU-22 military jets, at the beginning of the 1990's. After more than 15 years of civil... more

Military aviationArmy raid: 40 civilians died in Darfur
Khartoum, Sudan - The number is bound to change
The town of Muhajiria, in Darfur, where many refugees go, coming from the rest of the region, has been theatre of a raid carried out by both airplanes and ground forces, which led to its devastation and... more

Military aviationIsraeli air raid on Syria: will the reaction be assigned to Hezbollah?
Tel Aviv , Israel - This is the hypothesis of Amos Yadlin, Tel Aviv's military intelligence chief
While Israel continues to maintain secret the details of the air raid in Syrian territory carried out last September 6th, the military intelligence of the Jewish Country works to identify the probable... more

Military aviationUSA-Israel friendship: a 1,2 USD Bn armament supply
Washington, United States - Thousands of bombs, missiles and tons of fuel for Israeli air force
U.S. Congress recently authorized a large supply of armament to Israel, worth about 1,2 USD bn, the largest ever made to this Country, given the friendship between the two countries. Such supply seems... more

Military aviationAVIONEWS at the 50 years of Lufttransportgeschwader 61 department (2): past and future
Erding , Germany - Waiting for NH-90 and A-400M helicopters
Past and future During this first 50 years, the LTG61 has operated with various types of aircraft, of which we remember C-47 Dakota, Nord 2501 Noratlas, an exemplar preserved as "Gate guardian" inside... more

Military aviationF-136 JSF engine lights afterburner
Cincinnati, United States - Is the first full-power test
The GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team achieved a significant milestone with the first full-power test of the afterburner on the F-136 test engine, which will be used on Joint Strike Fighter, at Cincinnati,... more

Military aviation50 years of the Lufttransportgeschwader 61 unit of the Germany Air Force
Erding, Germany - The bad weather blocked the flight show, but on the ground a great static display
On Saturday, September 29th, 2007, another unit of the Luftwaffe, the German air force, celebrated the half century from its constitution, occurred on August 24th, 1957, at the airport of Erding. To... more

Military aviationAir raid on Syria: the official confirmation comes from Israel
Tel Aviv , Israel - After four weeks the government of Tel Aviv breaks the silence and admits the airstrike
About a month after the air raid on Syria, the Israeli government finally starts to shed some lights on the matter (see AVIONEWS). For the first time the authorities admitted the raid on Syria. They organized... more

Military aviationJoint exercises of Italian air force and UN at Brindisi's "Casale" air station
Brindisi, Italy - International training attended by representatives of different countries
The cooperation between the Italian air force and the United Nations keeps strengthening through the use of military aircraft in exercises of UN agencies. The last exercise took place at the "Casale"... more

Military aviationC-27J Spartan. Official: EADS-CASA/Raytheon appeal turned down
Rome, Italy - The airplane described as the best choice for the U.S. Armed Forces
According to the U.S. GAO (Government Accountability Office), the C-27J Spartan airplane manufactured by Alenia Aeronautica represents "The best possible choice for the United States Air Force and Army,... more

Military aviationAfghanistan, fundamental contribution of the Italian Predator to freedom operation
Rome, Italy - It has kept operating area under control
An Italian Air Force Predator UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, of the 32th Wing operating on Amendola airport, has been used by liberators of the two Italian Sismi's officials detained in Afghanistan by Talebans,... more

Military aviationIran makes a copy of F-5E Tiger II
Teheran , Iran - It has been showed on Iranian television
In an Iranian television broadcast, the government of Teheran showed its "New" fighter aircraft, which, according to specialists, is only an "Artigianal" remake of the Northrop F-5E Tiger II fighter, which... more

Military aviationEn route to Ciampino the medevac aircraft with injured Sismi agent
Ciampino, Italy - It's a Falcon 900 airplane of 31st AMI Wing
A Falcon 900, of the Italian Air Force 31st Wing, is coming from Herat (Afghanistan) to military airport of Ciampino, near Rome, to carry the heavily injured Sismi (Italian secret military service) agent,... more

Military aviationNew revelations on atomic bombs flying over the US
Washington, USA - Unattended for 36 hours
According to the US daily "Washington Post", the six tactical nuclear weapons which last August have been mounted by mistake under the wings of a strategic bomber B-52 aircraft which flew over half America... more

Military aviationAir raid on Syria, there are still many obscure points
Jerusalem, Israel - According to the "Washington Post" Bush knew the operation made by Israel F-15 fighters
After almost 20 days the news about Israel's aviation F-15 fighters air raid on Syria that has destroyed a nuclear site are still not very clear. All the government representatives prefer skirt the event... more

Military aviationCIA shows Cold War spy plane
Langley, USA - The American intelligence unveils the secret kept for about 50 years
Historic meeting in the USA. At the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, was put on display the once super-secret A-12 spy plane, which spied on North Vietnam and North Korea. There was also, Ken Collins,... more

Military aviationIsrael: ex-premier Netanyahu confirms the air attack in Syria
Ramallah , West Bank - The F-15s have hit a deposit of nuclear material destined to North Korea
Israeli has never confirmed the raid of last September 6th on Syria, but only yesterday former premier Benjamin Netanyahu, today in the opposition of Olmert Government, has officially and rashly stated... more

Military aviationIsrael's air raid on Syria: the matter is wrapped up in the greatest secrecy
Jerusalem, Israel - Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister, interviewed by the journalists, refused to give details on the raid
Two weeks after the air raid carried out by two Israeli F-15 fighter airplanes (see AVIONEWS) the event is wrapped in the thick of mystery. The Israeli government refused to give official explanations... more

Military aviationAlenia Aeronautica: C-27J Spartan in visit to Czech Republic for the second time
Ostrava, Czech Republic - Meeting with the leader of Aero Vodochody Zdenek Sykora
A few days after displaying at the Brno Air Show (on September 8th and 9th), the C-27J made a second visit to the Czech Republic on the occasion of NATO DAY in Ostrava. The aircraft, that during the... more

Military aviationAn American F-16 fighter-bomber of Aviano Air Base crashed near Belluno
Belluno, Italy - Save the pilot
An American 510th Fighter Squadron (USAFE - United States Air Forces in Europe) F-16 fighter-bomb of Aviano Air Base crashed in Soramaé area, in Val di Zoldo, Belluno province. The pilot is safe. He ejected... more

Military aviationWTD61's 50th anniversary (2): historical outline
Manching, Germany - Set up in the October of 1957
Historical outline Set up in the October of 1957 in Oberpfaffenhofen, the Wehrtechnische Dienstelle, also known as WTD61, is the organ responsible for the Bundeswehr to make sure that all aircraft in... more

Military aviationWTD61's 50th anniversary
Manching, Germany - Held last Saturday an interesting air show open to public
On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, WTD61 (Wehrtechnische Dienstelle), German Air Force's experimental unit, organized last September 15 in its base of Manching an interesting air show open to public. It... more

Military aviationExchange at the head of the 37th Wing of the Italian Air Force
Trapani , Italy - Carlo Moscini takes Antonio Agrusti's place
Turnover at the command of the 37th Wing of the Italian Military Air Force based in Trapani, in Western Sicily. Colonel Carlo Moscini will namely replace as of September 20th colonel Antonio Agrusti in... more

Military aviationAustralian Air Force put its first C-17A on active service
Canberra , Australia - The Globemaster has a load capacity of almost four times that of the C-130 Hercules
After the completion of a eight months of intensive Introduction-into-Service activities, the first Royal Australian Air Force Boeing C-17 Globemaster cargo aircraft achieved Initial Operating Capability... more

Military aviationFive Global Hawk on Sigonella airbase
Sigonella, Italy - They are the most advanced UAVs
According to Scott Schonauer, a US forces daily "Stars and Stripes" journalist, the colonel Philip McDaniel from Kaiserslauten airbase (Germany) announced that, following the Italian government permission,... more

Military aviationBoeing appoints the new leader of C-17 Globemaster III programme
Seattle, USA - Jean Chamberlin replaces Dave Bowman
Boeing has appointed a new manager for its C-17 Globemaster III programme: Jean Chamberlin, already program director for the Airborne Warning Systems, a system of airborne surveillance and "Command and... more