Fair and shows
3,213 news found

Fair and shows“Giornata Azzurra 2007”: the aircraft on display
Rome, Italy - Next May 27th in Pratica di Mare
On occasion of the extraordinary "Giornata Azzurra 2007” event, scheduled for next May 27th in Pratica di Mare (see AVIONEWS 1, 2 and 3), the following aircraft will be on display: A-109 (Italy) A-109 P... more

Fair and showsAnnual meeting of AOPA-Italy members at Carpi airport
Modena, Italy - Next June 2nd
On Saturday, June 2nd, the airport of Carpi, in province of Modena, Italy, is hosting from 11:00 a.m. the annual meeting of AOPA-Italy members (Aircraft Owners and Pilot Association). The event will... more

Fair and shows"AeroExpo 2007" (2): Embraer exhibits Executive jets
Toluca, Mexico - The Legacy 600 and the full-scale mock-up of the Phenom 300 are on display
On occasion of the sixth edition of "AeroExpo 2007", Embraer is allowing visitors to experience the premium comfort, space and luxury of the full-scale mock-up of the company’s Phenom 300, as well as t... more

Fair and shows"AeroExpo 2007"
Toluca, Mexico - From yesterday to May 26th
The Toluca international airport, Mexico, is hosting from yesterday and until May 26th the 6th edition of the International Aviation Trade Show and Convention "AeroExpo 2007". The event hosts a static... more

Fair and shows"AVIOEXPO 2007": the 2nd International flight fair at the airport of Rivanazzano-Voghera
Pavia, Italy - From tomorrow until next May 27th
From tomorrow until next May 27th, the airport of Rivanazzano-Voghera, in province of Pavia, Italy, is hosting the "AVIOEXPO 2007" event, that is the 2nd International fair entirely dedicated to flight. The... more

Fair and shows"EBACE 2007": Cessna announces an order for 25 aircraft
Geneva, Switzerland - By the charter airline JetAlliance
On occasion of the "EBACE 2007" (European Business Exhibition) event, from last May 22nd until today held at Palaexpo in Geneva, the very known plane maker Cessna announced an order for 25 Citation business... more

Fair and shows"Ebace 2007" (3): P&WC launches new customer first centre in Canada
Geneva, Switzerland - New generation engines lead green evolution; opening new parts distribution facility in Singapore
Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. (P&WC) is building on its industry-leading global support with the launch of a new Customer First Centre to deliver an integrated and rapid-response service to its customers... more

Fair and shows"Open day" at "Gianni Caproni"'s Aviation museum next June 2
Trento, Italy - To celebrate the Italian Republic anniversary with historical aircraft display and entertainment activities
"The 'Gianni Caproni's Aeronautics museum in Trento communicates that next June 2, 2007 from 10 am to 6pm will take place the 'Open day' to celebrate together the Italian Republic anniversary. According... more

Fair and shows"EBACE 2007" (2): EMBRAER signs contract with Premier Aviation for four Phenom 100 airplanes
Geneva, Switzerland - Irish company will offer both fractional ownership and charter operations
Embraer and Premier Aviation signed a contract for four Phenom 100 jets at EBACE 2007, in Geneva, Switzerland. Deliveries will begin in 2009. The value of the contract is USD 11.4 million, based on January... more

Fair and shows"EBACE 2007": BBJ sales momentum continues with seven new orders
Geneva, Switzerland - In addition a 787 Vip order
"Boeing Business Jets announced it has won seven new orders this year, bringing total program sales to 135 jets. The new orders are worth $ 478.5 million at list prices. The new orders are for six... more

Fair and shows"IDEF 2007": Embraer showcases the Super Tucano
São José dos Campos, Brazil - From May 22-25 in Ankara, Turkey
"Embraer participates, once again, in the International Defense Industry Fair (IDEF), in Ankara, Turkey, May 22-25. This year, special emphasis will be given to the Super Tucano trainer aircraft. The... more

Fair and shows"EBACE 2007": P&WC PT6A-52 engine certified by transport Canada
Geneva, Switzerland - Selected to power the new Beechcraft King Air B200GT aircraft
"Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp.'s PT6A-52 engine, selected to power the new Beechcraft King Air B200GT aircraft, has been certified by Transport Canada. A derivative of the popular PT6 family, the PT6A-52... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the fourth week of May
Rome, Italy - From today, Monday 21 to next Sunday 27
Monday 21 - Gliding - UK Overseas Championships and Senasa Challenge 2007. Ocaña, Spain. + 34 (0)667 554 102 www.soaringclub.com Tuesday 22 - Gliding - UK Overseas Championships and Senasa... more

Fair and showsPiaggio Aero Industries present at the 7th edition of "Ebace 2007"
Geneva, Switzerland - A Piaggio Avanti II airplane will be in static display
The industry Piaggio Aero communicates that it will be present at the "EBACE 2007" (European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition) at its booth 108 Hall 6, event, in its seventh edition, that will... more

Fair and shows"Sample fair" in Padua: exhibited the AB-206 Jet Ranger helicopter of the state police
Padua, Italy - Open the PalaSicurezza area dedicated to law enforcement
The "Sample fair" in Padua, Italy, inaugurated last May 12th and opened until next May 20th, is counting many visitors. In particular, the fair counts an area dedicated to law enforcement, with live... more

Fair and shows“IATA Ground Handling 2007”: a direct contact between ground service providers and airlines
Vancouver, Canada - On May 14th-16th
On May 14th-16th, the Canadian Westin Bayshore, Vancouver is hosting the “IATA Ground Handling 2007” workshop, an event organized by IATA Ground Handling Council (IGHC) and aimed to promote a direct con... more

Fair and showsThe Italian “Week of culture” opens Palazzo Aeronautica doors
Rome, Italy - A free guided tour next May 19th
The “Settimana della cultura” (Week of culture) event on May 12th-20th, promoted like every year by the Ministry of Cultural Treasures and Activities, does not forget lovers of aviation, allowing the fre... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the third week of May
Rome, Italy - From tomorrow, Wednesday 16 to next Sunday
Wednesday 16 - Ballooning - 29th Dutch and Belgian Championship. Rekreatiepark 't Kuierpadtien, Wezuperbrug, Netherlands. + 31 (0)591 513467 www.nkballonvaren.nl Thursday 17 - Ballooning -... more

Fair and shows"International book fair": Italian Air Force introducing a photo book
Turin, Italy - From yesterday to May 14th
From yesterday to May 14th, as already announced just few days ago (see AVIONEWS), Turin is hosting the 2007 edition of the "International book fair". Among the four Military forces on site, Army, Navy,... more

Fair and showsCessna at "Ebace 2007"
Geneva, Switzerland - Static display of several aircraft
On the occasion of the annual event “Ebace 2007” (European Business Aviation Convention), on May 22nd-24th in Geneva (see AVIONEWS), the US plane maker Cessna Aircraft Company will participate in order to... more

Fair and shows"Delta Day 2007" in the airfield of Terni
Terni, Italy - On May 19th and 20th
On May 19th and 20th, the airfield “Alvaro Leonardi” in Terni is hosting the "Delta Day 2007", an event promoted by FIVU (Italian federation for ultralight flight), ADM (Association of microlights) and... more

Fair and shows"IDET2007" (2): the defence industry growth in Czech Republic
Brno, Czech Republic - Declaration by Nick Whitney
Nick Whitney, Executive Director of the European Defence Agency (EDA) was very pleased with the improvements reported by Czech Republic in the defence sector. "It could be seen at 'IDET' that the Czech... more

Fair and shows"Heli - Middle East 2007": an Asian event dedicated to the civil and military helicopters
Muscat, Oman - SAR operations to the fore
On May 14-15, the Grand Hyatt Hotel of Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, is holding the "Heli - Middle East 2007", event dedicated to the civil and military helicopters. This Asian conference, now in its second... more

Fair and shows"IDET2007": results
Brno, Czech Republic - 311 exhibitors from 26 countries
This year 9th edition of "IDET" (International Exhibition of Defence and Security Technologies), held in Brno, Czech Republic, from May 2nd to 4th, reported very good results. The event counted the... more

Fair and shows“Expeditionary Forces 2007”: a showcase focusing on rapid response forces
London, United Kingdom - The technology role
On May 15-16, the Olympia Conference Centre in London, UK, is hosting the “Expeditionary Forces 2007” (EXF 2007) event, focusing on training, deployment, support and operations related to expeditionary for... more

Fair and shows“EBACE 2007”: 40 aircraft exhibited
Geneva, Switzerland - On May 22-24
On May 22-24, the Geneva Palexpo Conference Center, just near the Geneva International Airport, is hosting the “EBACE 2007” (European Business Aviation Convention) annual event jointly promoted by Eur... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the second week of May
Rome, Italy - From today on Monday 7 to next Sunday 13
Monday 07 - Gliding - 2007 EuroBeskidy Glide. Polish Aeroclub's Mountain Gliding School "ZAR", Miedzybrodzie Zywieckie, Poland. + 48 (0)33 866 10 46 http://www.glidezar.com/ Tuesday 08 - AUVSI's... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the first week of May
Rome, Italy - From today, Thursday 3 to Sunday 6
Thursday 03 - Gliders - 2007 Elverum Open / Norges Cup 1. Starmoen Flyplass, Elverum, Norway. www.nak.no - Gliding - 2007 EuroBeskidy Glide. Polish Aeroclub's Mountain Gliding School "ZAR", Miedzybrodzie... more

Fair and showsAVIONEWS present at the inauguration of the PAN acrobatic season (2)
Rivolto, Italy - A spectacle that has not disappointed the expectations of the numerous public
The arrival of two C-130J airplanes coming from Rome with the military authorities on board and numerous civilian guests and then the performance began. The "Blue Voltige" started the show, Fabio and... more

Fair and showsAVIONEWS present at the inauguration of the PAN acrobatic season
Rivolto, Italy - On the occasion of the May 1st traditional event
Traditionally, on May 1st the "Frecce Tricolori" inaugurates the acrobatic season and, accordingly, yesterday more than 15,000 people, supporters, fans, and friends, reached the airport of Rivolto, the... more

Fair and shows"AHS 63rd Annual Forum and Technology Display", for vertical flights lovers
Alexandria, USA - From last May 1st until tomorrow
From last May 1st until tomorrow, the Virginia Beach Convention Center is hosting the "AHS 63rd Annual Forum and Technology Display", an unmissable event for lovers of vertical flight, STOVL (Short Take... more

Fair and shows“Scalea Air Show 2007”: international meeting of civil, military and sport aircraft
Scalea, Italy - From April 29th to May 1st
From April 29th to May 1st, the airsurface of Scalea, Italy, is hosting the “Scalea Air Show 2007”, an event expected to count the participation of many curious visitors attracted by the international mee... more

Fair and shows"Air Malta International Travel Exhibition": introduction
Valletta, Malta - The flag airline will announce its summer schedule
From April 26th to 29th, Naxxar will host the 14th edition of "Air Malta International Travel Exhibition" (AMITEX), the annual event promoted by Air Malta, flag carrier of the Mediterranean isle. The... more

Fair and shows"AERO 2007": introduction
Friedrichshafen, Germany - 550 exhibitors from 30 countries
From yesterday until April 22nd, 2007, Sunday, Friedrichshafen, Germany, will host the 16th edition of the "AERO 2007" event, an exhibition entirely dedicated to the general aviation. The event will... more

Fair and shows"Latin America Aero & Defence 2007": "One continent. One Show"
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Clamorous exhibitors
During this week, Riocentro, Rio de Janeiro, hosted the new edition of the "Latin America Aero & Defence 2007" (LAAD) event, the most important exhibition entirely dedicated to the Latin America armed... more

Fair and shows"Aircraft Interiors Expo 2007": updates
Hamburg, Germany - Boeing and Airbus available for visitors
The important "Aircraft Interiors Expo 2007" event (see AVIONEWS), currently in his final day, has counted, as expected, the participation of great representatives of the aeronautic sector, like Boeing... more

Fair and shows“ILA Berlin Air Show 2008”: the International Suppliers Center
Berlin, Germany - A “Trade fair within the trade fair”
The “ILA2008” event will focus on the aerospace equipment industry and aerospace suppliers. The International Suppliers Center ISC will expand, becoming a “Trade fair within the trade fair”. As a trade... more

Fair and shows"Aircraft Interiors Expo 2007": today program
Hamburg, Germany - Airbus and Boeing showcased
The today program of the "Aircraft Interiors Expo 2007" counts presentations held in Hall 9, from 02:30 p.m., with the participation of important representatives of Airbus and Boeing. Below the program: 02:30... more

Fair and shows"Aircraft Interiors Expo 2007": Isovolta among exhibitors
Hamburg, Germany - The whole product range exhibited
Isovolta has announced its participation to the "Aircraft Interiors Expo 2007", the event that will be held in Hamburg from tomorrow until April 19th (see AVIONEWS). The famous Vienna-based company,... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the third week of April
Rome, Italy - From today, Monday 16 to next Sunday
Monday 16 - The Jock Fly-in. Pyramid Airfield, Barberton, South Africa. + 27 (0)82 3378206 +27 (0)13 712 6209 www.pyramid.za.net Tuesday 17 - The Jock Fly-in. Pyramid Airfield, Barberton, South... more

Fair and shows"Aircraft Interiors Expo" (2): the "Crystal Cabin Awards"
Hamburg, Germany - For celebrating the best in cabin innovation and design
The real innovation of this "Aircraft Interiors Expo" edition will be the awarding ceremony aimed to celebrate the number ones in cabin innovation and design. The chosen industries will receive the... more

Fair and shows"Aircraft Interiors Expo 2007": introduction
Hamburg, Germany - Expected 12,500 visitors
From April 17th to April 19th, the Hamburg Messe is hosting the "Aircraft Interiors Expo 2007", a very important exhibition dedicated to airline interior design and airline cabin systems solutions. This... more

Fair and shows"XXVII Feria Internacional de Turismo Cuba 2007"
Havana, Cuba - Cubana de Aviación is the official airline
Cubana de Aviación, Cuban flag carrier, will be the official airline responsible for the air transport of people visiting the "XXVII Feria Internacional de Turismo Cuba 2007" event, that will be held... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the second week of April
Rome, Italy - From Saturday and Sunday
Saturday 14 - Wings and Wheels. Parys, Free State Province, South Africa. + 27 (0)56 811 3693 +27 (0)82 6867209 - The Jock Fly-in. Pyramid Airfield, Barberton, South Africa. + 27 (0)82 3378206 +27... more

Fair and showsThe first official European meeting of Pipistrel motorglider on June 16-17th
Pisa, Italy - Presentation of a new top-secret model
On June 16-17th, 2007, the Valdera airfield, in province of Pisa, will host the first official European meeting of Pipistrel motorglider, promoted by Aero Club of Pisa and the industry. The event will... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the first week of April
Rome, Italy - From tomorrow to next Sunday
Friday 06 - Mozambique Airshow. Mozambique. +27 (0)72 1457645 - Classic Fighters Marlborough - Airshow, Military Reenactment and Ground Theatre. Omaka Aerodrome, Blenheim, New Zealand. + 64 3 578... more

Fair and showsThe "Airport Day" event
Rome, Italy - Next April 4th
Next April 4th, 15 Italian hubs will host the "Airport day" event, promoted by the National Council of Consumers and Users (CNCU) in cooperation with ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) and ENAV (Italian... more

Fair and shows"Australian Intarnational Air Show 2007" (2): Heliflite signs a contract for AgustaWestland helicopters
Victoria, Australia - Part of the framework of the existing multi-year contract and distribution agreement between two companies
AgustaWestland is pleased to announce that Heliflite Pty Ltd of Australia has signed a contract for eight new helicopters, including the AW-119 Ke light single, the A-109 Power, the Grand light twin and... more

Fair and shows"Australian International Air Show 2007" (2): Royal Australian Air Force Roulettes
Victoria , Australia - An Airshow within an Airshow
Australia’s elite military aerobatic team, the Royal Australian Air Force Roulettes, will be among the many highlights of the "Australian International Airshow 2007". This world-class team comprises s... more

Fair and shows"Australia International Air Show 2007": RAN selects A-109 Power helicopter for training
Victoria, Australia - The aircraft will also be used for training pilots to perform shipborne operations
AgustaWestland and Linfox are proud to announce that the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) has chosen the A-109 Power light twin helicopter to provide its aircrew with improved training capabilities. Three helicopters... more