Science and technology
4,608 news found

Science and technologyA strike at the Airport of Brussels provokes flights delay
Brussels, Belgium - The category of employees interested in the move is the one related to flight controllers
A strike at the Airport of Brussels provoked in early afternoon today about two-hour delay for flights from and to the air station: the announcement came from Biac, the airport operator. Always according... more

Science and technologyA great amount of khat sequestered at the Airport Brussels-Liegi
Brussels, Belgium - Four tons of this plant which produces an astonishing effect would be destroyed in the next days
The sequester of four tons of khat, a plant which produces an astonishing effect and which represent a drug, has been sequestered on Tuesday at the Airport Brussels-Liegi (Belgium), but the news has been... more

Science and technologyAdR's results in 2004
Rome, Italy - The airport operator handled 30,7m passengers during last year
AdR (Airports of Rome) announced its results for 2004 after yesterday the counsil of the group approved the project of account of funded and business for 2004. According to this last AdR 2004 profit... more

Science and technology"Leonardo da Vinci" Airport: a training simulates terroristic attack
Rome, Italy - All security systems activated
It took place in about 34 minute-time the training which simulated yesterday a terror attack at the "Leonardo da Vinci" Airport, in Rome, where three armed men were individuated by security services out... more

Science and technologyPassenger number in transit at British airports rose
London, United Kingdom - The result of Baa shows a 0,8 percent increase in the past month
British Airport operator Baa reported a 0,8 percent increase in its February passenger traffic helped by long-haul travel and by cheap fares which drove growth in Europe. Baa, which seven airports include... more

Science and technologyMexico sells its share in Asur
Mexico City, Mexico - It was the last 11,09 percent of the airport operator still in the hands of local authorities
The Government of Mexico announced it sold its last 11,09 percent still owned in Asur, the airport operator of nine air stations in the South of the country, ending this way the privatization process of... more

Science and technologyItalian Chamber expresses itself in favour of falconry at the airports
Rome, Italy - The proposal of law would pass though Senate for the definitive approval in order to reduce the risk of air incidents provoked by birds
An Italian proposal of law related to the introduction of falconry at the airports in order to reduce the risk of air incidents provoked by birds which if in contact with air engines can provoke serious... more

Science and technologyAirport Berlin-Tegel: disturbing welcome for air passengers coming to the German capital
Berlin, Germany - One of the symbols of nazism was drawn by means of snow on a frozen lake near the airport
At the beginning of this week air passengers coming to the International Airport of Tegel (Berlin) were greeted by a rather disturbing welcome at their arrive to the German capital represented by a huge... more

Science and technologyStrike in France involves employees who work at Paris Airports
Paris, France - The workers protest against the planned project to start privatization process at Aeroports de Paris
On Thursday during the national strike in defence of employment in France even workers at Paris Airports of Roissy and Orly would avoid working as they protest against the planned project to start privatization... more

Science and technologyCopenhagen Airports (Cph) proposes itself to run Bulgarian airports
Sofia, Bulgaria - The interested air stations are situated in the Black Sea, in particular in the cities of Varna and Bourgas
Copenhagen Airports (Cph) announced it proposed itself by means of a bid to run and modernize Bulgaria’s Airports in the cities of Varna and Bourgas. The EU aspirant state seems to have chosen in its s... more

Science and technologyKuala Lumpur International Airport postpones expansion plan
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Because of the recent decision of the government to build a terminal for low-cost
The expansion plan at Kuala Lumpur International Airport would be postponed at least of two-three years after the decision of the Government to build a specific terminal for low cost (see AVIONEWS): local... more

Science and technologyFurther discomforts at "Charles de Gaulle" Airport due to bad weather conditions
Paris, France - The operations suffered on average from a 50 minutes delays
After that in the middle of the past week heavy snows caused discomforts at several European airports (see AVIONEWS), including the one of Roissy and Orly, "Charles de Gaulle" Airport was newly hit by... more

Science and technologyBudapest Airport: stop at a plan to build a cargo base
Budapest, Hungary - The operator received the order to cancel at least temporarily the operation
The operator of Hungary’s biggest international airport was ordered to cancel a deal to purchase a property on which it planned to build a cargo base after it bought a majority stake in a 20 hectare s... more

Science and technologyAlso in Ireland there are protests against soldiers in the airports
Dublin, Ireland - US troops must not transit at Shannon Airport
Polemics and demonstrations against American soldiers directed in Iraq having a staging post at the airport, but this time Rimini (Italy) is not involved (see for details AVIONEWS), the matter concerns... more

Science and technologyCopenhagen Airports (Cph): the results in line with expectations
Copenhagen, Denmark - The 2004 profit rose 34,5 percent in 2004
Denmark’s Copenhagen Airports (Cph) reported a 34,5 percent rise in 2004 pre-tax profit in line with expectations; predictions cited profit’s further increase in the current year. Besides handling pas... more

Science and technologyWind Jet: "It seems that someone wants to cancel the airline"
Catania, Italy - CEO commented the notice of judicial investigation ordered towards 21 pilots charged for interruption of public service
The airline Chief Executive Officer, Stefano Rantuccio, about the inquire affecting pilots charged for interruption of public service (see for details AVIONEWS), would have reported that "The absence from... more

Science and technologyFrankfurt Airport: Delta's pilot stopped
Berlin, Germany - He was suspected to be drunk
German authorities stopped a pilot of Delta Air Lines at Frankfurt Airport as he was thought to be drunk just before he was due to make a flight to Atlanta: a spokesman of the airlines said. According... more

Science and technologyBad weather knocked out half Europe: Fiumicino cancelled several flights
Rome, Italy - Genoa Airport closed until 10:00am for snow
In the regions of North-Italy and in the Center-Europe it is snowing on several airports: meaningful repercussions on Rome-Fiumicino where various cancellations are recorded, in particular the three connections... more

Science and technologyA new gate management system for Tel Aviv Airport
Tel Aviv, Israel - It will be provided by Preston, an Australian Boeing-owned firm competent for the designing of aviation softwares
Tel Aviv "Ben Gurion" International Airport will be endowed with a new-generation gate management system. Preston Aviation Solutions, an Australian company owned by Boeing, will attend to it as it is competent... more

Science and technologyRimini (3): US embassy waits for the ok from Italian General Staff
Rimini, Italy - Nothing is final on the transit of Marines at Rimini Airport
Sources from the American embassy have reported to AVIONEWS that the situation is blocked at the moment pending the authorization from the Italian General Staff on the definitive abandonment of the plan... more

Science and technologySix Chinese clandestines disembark at Milan-Malpensa Airport
Milano, Italia - They were all forced to return back to China, while their guide was arrested
Six Chinese clandestines disembarked at Milan-Malpensa Airport; they were provided with authentic passports but not corresponding to their identity as photos shown. For this reason they were immediately... more

Science and technologyRimini (2): it has been reaffirmed the confidence in Aeradria Board of Directors
Rimini, Italy - Contract with US carrier was only a a preliminary act
On Thursday, March 10, the meeting of Aeradria (society of management of "F.Fellini") shareolders is scheduled: in that occasion President of Rimini Province Ferdinando Fabbri will propose "A guarantee... more

Science and technologyRimini: "The Marines landing must not be done"
Rimini, Italy - Province President said no to US troop transit through the airport
Ferdinando Fabbri, President of Rimini Province, seems to have closed once and for all, the matter tied to the agreement with American World Airways airline for the transit at "Federico Fellini" Airport... more

Science and technologyRome airports to prepare to receive Easter tourists
Rome, Italy - Ciampino is ready to welcome 40,000 passenger more than 2003
The Regional Observatory for Tourism said that Rome-Ciampino Airport will receive 150,000 tourists during the Easter holidays: a meaningful data if one consider they were 40,000 less last year. The presence... more

Science and technologyFraport announces result in 2004
Frankfurt, Germany - The profit of the operator rose 11, 8 percent last year
Fraport, German Frankfurt Airport operator, announced that its net profit rose 11,8 percent last year thanks to growth in passenger number and lower costs. The firm fas benefited as well from a recovery... more

Science and technologyFurther blood in Baghdad: two terror attacks, the first of which near the old airport of al-Muthanna
Baghdad, Iraq -In the first explosion six person lost their life, the second killed eight people
Further blood in Baghdad (Iraq), where this morning two terror attacks by means of kamikaze provoked dead to civil people, injuring a greater number. The very same way traditionally used by criminals:... more

Science and technologySchipol Airport: burglary of jewels and diamonds worth EUR 75m
Amsterdam, Holland - Security measures have been reinforced
Holland Justice Minister Piet Hein Donner announced yesterday before Parlament a burglary of jewels and diamonds which took place last Friday at Schipol Airport, and which according to some reports appeared... more

Science and technologyTurin-Tirana connection to start from March 27
Turin, Italy - Albanian Airlines is expected to operate the flight
"The new connection between Turin and Tirana will start the next March 27, with 4 weekly flights (on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday) operated by Albanian Airlines. On Sunday the flight will leave... more

Science and technologyAVIONEWS interviewed Alberto Ravaioli, Rimini Mayor, regarding the debates which are affecting Rimini Airport
Rome, Italy - "No anti-American feelings but only opportunity reasons because the new airport security steps could damage tourism"
AVIONEWS interviewed Alberto Ravaioli, Rimini’s Mayor, regarding the debates which are affecting Rimini Airport concerning the possible transfer of US soldiers by resorting to World Airways’ flights (se... more

Science and technologyMobile Microwave Landing System tested at Pisa Airport
Pisa, Italy -The system providing for safe landings in every condition has been experimented with the technical support of AMI
The new MLS Mobile Microwave Landing System that allows to carry out landings in safety conditions also with not favourable weather conditions has been experimented and installed at Pisa Airport (Italy).... more

Science and technologyCapodichino: new international and intercontinental connections
Naples, Italy - Passengers on international flights grown by 23 per cent last year
From March 21, Naples Airport will be connected with Timisoara by three-weekly flights operated by Carpatair airline. The new Naples-Vienna flight served by Austrian Airlines will leave instead in March... more

Science and technologyAeradria Board of Directors is ready to resign as a whole
Rimini, Italy - The members of Aeradria Board of Directors were sympathetic with the President discharged some days before
The members of the Board of Directors of Aeradria Society, manager of Rimini "Fellini" Airport, were sympathetic with President Morelli and threaten to resign as a whole following the controversies raised... more

Science and technologyThe bad weather uneasiness affected Fiumicino
Rome, Italy - Delays until an hour and flights towards the North cancelled for snow
Today the snow that continues to whiten Italy from North to South seems just to give no quarter. Additional uneasiness were recorded for the passengers directed to Milan from the Rome-Fiumicino Airport:... more

Science and technologyTurin and Milan snow-covered: delays and cancelled flights
Milan, Italy - The alert on bad weather conditions to continue in the next hours
The Turin-Caselle Airport is remained always open even if has had to face at least 9 cancellations of flights (4 in arrival and 5 in departure) and numerous delays: the anti-icing machines are working... more

Science and technologyLanding at Alghero with the intestine filled with cocaine
Alghero, Italy - An extra-communitarian boarded in Spain arrested with a half Kg of drug
A 36 Nigerian-native man has been arrested at the Alghero Airport with 500 grams of cocaine hidden inside of 50 eggs found in his intestine by an X-ray examination. The man landed with a flight coming... more

Science and technologyThe agreement Sea-union is not enough
Milan, Italy - "It must find an understanding on provisional workers and temporary staff""
According to a statement released from the secretariat of Filt-Cgil union, the agreement signed last week (see AVIONEWS) "Does not face the real problems currently present in the airport and that are the... more

Science and technology"Leonardo da Vinci'"s airport: British Airways' employees in protest
Rome, Italy - Against the risk about loosing their job for 73 employees who work at call center service
It started this morning at about 10:00 o’ clock the protest show of twenty British Airways’ employees who wanted to sensitize passengers’ public opinion in transit at the Fiumicino’s airport about the ris... more

Science and technologyCosmo SpaceLand: weightlessness in flight to support medicine
Bordeaux, France - An all Italian project to favour research and help to face several motorial pathologies
The SpaceLand programme’s weightlessness experimental activity is located in France but its promotion is an all Italian one. An Airbus airliner properly set to perform such a mission enables several I... more

Science and technology"F.Fellini" (3): World Airways has not pronounced on the deal with Aeradria
Rimini, Italy - The US carrier did have not answered to polemics raised in Rimini about the transit of American troops
The Peachtree City-based airline World Airways (Georgia), did have not commented the agreement signed with Aeradria concerning the use of "Fellini" Airport as a staging post for Marines destined to Iraq. The... more

Science and technology"F.Fellini": the transit of Marines is incompatible with the imagine of the city
Rimini, Italy - Italian Codacons said that Morelli resignation is a "Due act"
The opposers of the agreement between Aeradria (company managing Rimini Airport) and World Airways agreed to meet this evening at 9:00pm at Rimini in order to organize the mobilization against the possible... more

Science and technologyAeradria president's resignation (2): Berselli estimates centre-left party’s positions about the business Aeradria-World Airways to be instrumental
Rimini, Italy - It has been required an encounter at prefecture on Tuesday about government position related to weather to permit American troops to transit through "Fellini"
State undersecretary at the Italian Defence Filippo Berselli invites to go on about the potential deal Aeradria-World Airways which forecasts the passage of American troops directed to Iraq through the... more

Science and technologyAeradria President's resignation: Region's President has to intervene on the transit of Marines at Rimini Airport
Boulogne, Italy - The request comes from Masella, member of regional government by Rifondazione Comunista
The councilman for Rifondazione Comunista at Emilia Romagna Region, Leonardo Masella, commented positively on the resignation of Aeradria President (see for details AVIONEWS articles 1, 2, 3, 4) "Because... more

Science and technologyAeradria President's resignation (3): AVIONEWS interviewed Italian Deputy Mauro Bulgarelli
Rome, Italy - "Morelli must not become a sacrificial lamb "
Italian Deputy Mauro Bulgarelli asked a question to Italian Prime Minister (see for details AVIONEWS) for making clearer the role played by Rimini Airport in favouring the transition of US soldiers expected... more

Science and technologyAeradria President's resignation (2): AVIONEWS interviewed Italian Senator Malabarba
Rome, IItaly - I"Italy became an aircraft carrier for military assaults through the world"
AVIONEWS interviewed Italian Senator Luigi Malabarba who asked a question to Italian Prime Minister about the transition of US troops at Rimini Airport (see for details AVIONEWS). He said that Aviano as... more

Science and technology"Federico Fellini": President of Aeradria resigned
Rimini, Italy - Following some negative opinions released by shareholders on the transition of US troops at Rimini Airport
Gabriele Morelli, President of Aeradria, the Rimini Airport’s operator, stepped aside following the negative opinions expressed on the transition of US soldiers at Rimini Airport by the local government o... more

Science and technologySea: Malpensa the best second European hub for punctuality
Milan, Italy - The Aea list continues to award the Milan's Airports
"’To be the best second hub in Europe, behind only at Frankfurt Airport, is a reason certainly satisfying’, President Sea, Giuseppe Bencini, declared after the Aea (Association of European Airlines) com... more

Science and technologyFrankfurt Airport: Schroeder and Fischer meet Bush
Frankfurt, Germany - Intense patrolling by means of helicopters at Magonza for the visit of the US premier
German Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, mixed with Foreign Minister, Joschka Fischer, met at Frankfurt Airport US President George W. Bush; the second official visit of Bush in Germany opened with good prospectives... more

Science and technologyTicino canton to be stakeholder in Lugano-Agno management company
Lugano, Switzerland - The airport to be operating also during the test on South procedure
The UFAC, Federal Civil Aviation Office, is working on the possible solutions to allow the landing operations from South at Lugano-Agno Airport. In the meantime yesterday there have been a meeting among... more

Science and technologyMilan-Malpensa Airport: a possible terrorist to be stopped
Milan, Italy - The man comes from Algery
A man whose identity has not been disclosed was arrested yesterday in the afternoon at Terminal 1 of the Milan-Malpensa Airport after he disembarked, as he is considered a member of the international terrorism.... more

Science and technologySab: new scheduled flight to Stockholm by Sterling from "Marconi"
Boulogne, Italy - The link will take off tomorrow served by the low-cost with B-737/800
"The new scheduled flight Boulogne-Stockholm will take off tomorrow, on Thursday 24. Served by Sterling low-cost carrier with B-737/800 from 189 seats, the connection will have two weekly frequencies,... more