Military aviation
3,239 news found

Military aviationAlgerian C-130 Hercules air crash in Piacenza: new details
Piacenza, Italy - Filed the expert’s report on the second flight data recorder
The relation on the second flight data recorder of the Algerian Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules, crashed in Piacenza on August 13th 2006 killing 3 people (the whole crew), would be filed by experts designate... more

Military aviationPakistan: fire on NATO helicopters
Islamabad, Pakistan - The tension steps up
According to NATO forces deployed in east Afghanistan, Pakistan has probably opened fire on NATO helicopters, that, according to the first declarations, did not enter Pakistani air space. The attack... more

Military aviationEuropean Air Forces Seminary
Paris, France - Collaboration of "Giulio Douhet" Centre
"Air Forces and Europe: upcoming challenges" is the subject of a seminary that will be held in Paris on October 10th organized by European Partnership of Air Force Associations (EPAA) with the support... more

Military aviationAlenia Aermacchi at the Defendory International 2008
Rome, Italy - In Athens from October 7th to 11th
The current edition of Defendory 2008 sees Alenia Aermacchi fully ready to offer to the Hellenic Air Force its Integrated Training System based on the New Generation M-346 Advanced/LIFTrainer, for the... more

Military aviationKC-135 Tanker receives certification for the new fuel of USAF
Washington, USA - Flight test with a F-22 Raptor
KC-135 Tanker airplane received recently the certification to operate refuelling with the new fuel that USAF intends to use on its fleet from next years. This fuel is made up 50% standard JP-8 and 50%... more

Military aviationNATO to exercise counter-terrorism technology in Italy
Cagliari, Italy - From September 29 to October 15
"NATO holds its next major field test, 'Trial Imperial Hammer', this month in Sardinia (29 Sept-15 Oct 2008) to demonstrate how the Alliance’s ability to share time critical intelligence can better protect N... more

Military aviationGeorgia: a Russian UAV shot down
Tbilisi, Georgia - Tbilis Government reported it
According to Tbilisi Government, yesterday in the morning the Georgian Army has probably shot down a Russian UAV (Unmanned aerial vehicle), flying in the Country's air space, near Gori. The news follows... more

Military aviationIndian combat jets at Pakistani borders
New Delhi, India - But Air Marshal Barbora clarifies
According to "Hindustan Times" newspapers, Indian Air Force has probably deployed Sukhoi-30MKI in Kashmir and Jammu, in order to "Send out a powerful message both to China and Pakistan, with whom it has... more

Military aviationUSAF demonstrated Boeing LJDAM on B-52H Stratofortress for 1st time
Barksdale, USA - The next demonstration fligh is scheduled for later this year
An airman at Barksdale Air Force Base (AFB), La., loads a Boeing Laser Joint Direct Attack Munition (LJDAM) onto a B-52H aircraft for a recent demonstration flight. It was the first time the LJDAM had... more

Military aviationBoeing awarded contract for radar upgrade on Saudi Awacs fleet
Seattle, USA - A deal worth about 42 million dollars
The Boeing Company has been awarded a contract for the initial phase of upgrading the radar on Saudi Arabia's fleet of five E-3A Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft. The Foreign Military... more

Military aviationItalian Air Force replaces a C-130J airplane with two C-27Js Spartan
Herat, Afghanistan - Left few days ago from the airport of Pisa
Six years later the Italy Air Force 98th Group of 46th Air Brigade returns to be employed in a mission. Last week-end two C-27J Spartan transport airplanes took off from the airport of Pisa to reach al-Bateen... more

Military aviationPakistan reacts to US helicopters?
Islamabad, Pakistan - Declared by an anonymous source but denied by Pakistani Army
A clear affirmation of the Pakistani territorial sovereignty after the declaration released by Islamabad a few days on Angor Adda air raid, probably carried with US aircraft coming from Afghanistan, when... more

Military aviationRussia: strategic bombers arrive in Venezuela, but without nuclear armament
Moscow, Russia - Confirmed by Russia's Foreign Minister
Two Russian Tu-160 Blackjack strategic bombers that landed in Venezuela on Wednesday are scheduled to return home on September 15 but will stay on if Venezuela gives its approval, Russia's Air Force said... more

Military aviationPakistan (2): another air attack hit the Country
Islamabad, Pakistan - Twelve people died
At least 12 have probably been killed near Miranshah, in north-west Pakistan, after the attack of an unmanned air vehicle, probably American, which launched a missile against the house of a Taleban militant.... more

Military aviationEurofighter Typhoon flight milestone: 50,000 hours
Hallbergmoos, Germany - 148 aircraft have been delivered to five Air Forces, completing the Tranche 1 order
"The combined efforts of the five customer Air Forces and the industrial Flight Test programme have seen the Eurofighter Typhoon multi-/swing-role combat aircraft surpass the 50,000 flight hours milestone. By... more

Military aviationTanker USAF: tender postponed until the presidential elections
Washington, USA - Announced by Robert Gates
The tender for the new Tanker destined to US Air Force has been postponed until the presidential elections on November 4th, the US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates reported, leaving to the new Government... more

Military aviation"Predator Drones" searching for Bin Laden
Washington, USA - The battle for finding al-Qaeda leader fought in the air
Few months before the ending of his mandate, Bush objective is finding Osama Bin Laden. But as Pakistani authorities don't allow CIA and US Special Forces of freely moving in the Country, this battle is... more

Military aviationIndia signs a contract with Russian companies for A-50 Mainstay airplanes
Gelendzhik, Russia - The first delivery was scheduled for 2007/2008
Russia's state arms exporter, Rosoboronexport, said on Monday it had contracted a number of Russian companies to provide India's A-50 AEW aircraft with after sale services. "Rosoboronexport has signed... more

Military aviationVisit by Holy Father in Sardinia last Sunday: the support by the Italian Air Force
Cagliari, Italy - Airplanes for authorities' transport and an AB-212 helicopter for surveillance
"Men and means of the Italian Air Force have participated at the organization for visit by Holy Father in Sardinia happened last Sunday, on September 7. All the transfer flights by authorities, Vatican... more

Military aviationRussian Navy to adopt new carrier fighters
Gelendzhik, Russia - They will be in service after 2016
Russia's new carrier-based fighters will be the Su-33 naval fighter in service with the Russian Navy after 2016. The Su-33 (NATO reporting name 'Flanker-D') is a carrier-based multi-role fighter, which... more

Military aviationBoeing's C-130 AMP flight marks completion of software development
St. Louis, USA - Tests concluded last August
The Boeing Company announced today that it has completed software development for its C-130 Avionics Modernization Program (AMP). The milestone was achieved following the successful flight test of aircraft... more

Military aviationBoeing, US Air Force keep C-17A Globemaster III mission-ready
St. Louis, USA - Inspected an airplane deployed in Kuwait
A U.S. Air Force maintenance crew chief inspects an engine on a Boeing C-17A Globemaster III at an air base in Kuwait. A C-17 takes off or lands in Iraq or Kuwait at least once an hour as part of ongoing... more

Military aviationRussia: Ukraine air-defense systems shot down four Russian airplanes on Georgia's skies
Moscow, Russia - Three Sukhoi Su-25s and a Tupolev Tu-22
Four Russian airplanes have been shot down few days ago during a mission in the conflict area between Georgia and South Ossetia by an Ukraine air-defense missile systems BUK-M1, Russian General Anatoli... more

Military aviationAMI: graduated and researchers from all over the world will discuss of "Development and innovation"
Rome, Italy - The second edition of "Youth Innovation Competition on Global Governance" from August 18th to 26th
Global security, environment, economics, international politics: these are the themes which will be discussed from August 18th to 26th in Rome by thousands of graduated young people and researchers of... more

Military aviationLockheed Martin: fourth F-35 Lightning II rolls-out
Fort Worth, USA - Its first flight in early 2009
With one F-35 Lightning II aircraft in structural testing, two in flight test, six in final assembly and another 14 in various stages of production, Lockheed Martin added to the program’s momentum on S... more

Military aviationGulfstream celebrates 50th anniversary of the first flight
Savannah, USA - The GI received the FAA certification on May 21st, 1959
Fifty years ago, Grumman Aerospace test pilots Carl Alber and Fred Rowley took the first Gulfstream aircraft – the Gulfstream I or GI – on its maiden flight. The GI, a twin-engine turboprop, was the fir... more

Military aviationBoeing deliveries Super Hornet proposal to Brazil for F-X2 competition
St. Louis, USA - The "Request for Information" on June 12th
The Boeing Company delivered a detailed proposal July 30 offering its advanced F/A-18E/F Super Hornet to the Brazilian Air Force as part of Brazil's F-X2 fighter competition. Boeing received a "Request... more

Military aviationEmbraer will supply Super Tucano to the Chilean Air Force
São José dos Campos, Brazil - Aircraft will be used on tactical training missions
Embraer and the Chilean Air Force (FACH) signed a contract, today, for the sale of 12 Super Tucano aircraft. This is the end result of a public bid held by the FACH, which chose the airplane manufactured... more

Military aviationUS completes delivery of F-16 fighter to Palìkistan
Washington, USA - In the field of an agreement signed in 2005/2006
The United States has completed the delivery of 14 F-16 aircraft to Pakistan with the Monday's handing over of a fresh batch of four planes, the US embassy has said. The Acting Commander of US Central... more

Military aviationSELEX Galileo receives subcontract from CAE
Ronchi dei Legionari, Italy - A contract for 32 billion Euros
"SELEX Galileo, of Finmeccanica, is pleased to announce the signing of a subcontract with CAE for work on the initial training capability for Alenia Aermacchi’s M-346 new generation advanced lead-in f... more

Military aviationSwitzerland: flight and ground test ongoing for Gripen
Emmen, Switzerland - Tests on Rafale and Eurofighter will follow, airplanes in competition with Gripen to replace partially the Tigers of SPAT
The test on first airplane in competition for partial replacement of the Tiger (SPAT) have begun last July 28 in Emmen, and have been the first six of 30 flights expected. After an only day it has been... more

Military aviationItalian Air Force: in 4th Wing the first pilot with 500 hours of flight on Eurofighter
Grosseto, Italy - Unit commander colonel Vincenzo Nuzzo' satisfaction
"It is lieutenant colonel Daniele Picco, commander of 9th Division Fighter of 4th Wing, the first Eurofighter Italian pilot who flew for 500 hours on board of the new European fighter. The goal was... more

Military aviationFinmeccanica (2): the defence and security electronics sector
Rome, Italy - SELEX Galileo, SELEX Communications, SELEX Sistemi Integrati, SELEX Service Management, Elsag Datamat, Seicos, VEGA Group
- Revenues stood at EUR 1,628 million, broadly in line with the EUR 1,607 million posted in 2007, despite the impact of the change in the Euro/Sterling exchange rate, which reduced revenues by around EUR... more

Military aviationFinmeccanica (3): the aeronautical sector
Rome, Italy - Alenia Aeronautica, Alenia Aeronavali, Alenia Aermacchi, GIE ATR, Alenia SIA
- Revenues came in at EUR 1,062 million, an increase of EUR 109 million (+11.4%) on the EUR 953 million recorded in 2007. Contributions to revenue came especially from the following: in the military segment,... more

Military aviationPrince William's training
Rome, Italy - The place remains secret
Still military exploits for Prince William who will wear the uniform another time, in this case for British Special Forces. But a spokesman for Clarence House did not reveal the place chosen for his training.... more

Military aviationPakistan F-16s: US Congress veto
Washington, Usa - Bush administration decision suspended
"We have requested a hold, waiting for additional information. We fear that the proposal put forward by Bush administration regarding the use of military funding to finance F-16s upgrading could deduct... more

Military aviationSELEX Galileo reaches an important milestone in DIRCM transmitter delivery
Edinburgh, United Kingdom - A system able to protect crew of airplanes and helicopters from infrared guided missile attacks
SELEX Galileo, a Finmeccanica company, announced the delivery of the 1000th NEMESIS Directional Infrared Countermeasure (DIRCM) transmitter to Northrop Grumman Corporation (NGC) for use in the AN/AAQ-24(v)... more

Military aviationRussia: Tupolev Tu-160 and Tu-95 strategical bombers deployed in Cuba?
Moscow, Russia - Fidel Castro: "There's no need to give explanations, to provide excuses or to apologize''
Russian nuclear weapons-armed strategic bombers could return to Cuba in response to the US plans to deploy its national missile defence shield (NMD) in Poland and Czech Republic. This is the hypothesis... more

Military aviationLanded first Gripen in Emmen in competition to replace Swiss Tiger
Emmen, Switzerland - Expected tests also with Eurofighter and Rafale, before the final decision
"Today at 11:58am hours, two Saab Gripen aircraft landed at the Emmen airbase (Switzerland). These two-seaters will be stationed in Switzerland for around a month from 24 July 2008. As part of the air... more

Military aviationSELEX Galileo signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Boeing Australia
Rome, Italy - For the provision of Aerial Target Services to the Australian Defence Forces
SELEX Galileo of Finmeccanica and Boeing Australia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at the establishment of a collaborative relation in support of the respective business and industrial... more

Military aviationRussia: Hugo Chavéz walks in the Moscow's armament market
Moscow, Russia - 600 million Euro to invest in war-toys
The Moscow's market of tankers and submarines is visited increasingly by the Venezuela President Hugo Chavéz one of the main customer in the world. Moreover, the visit of the Venezuelan leader will forecast... more

Military aviationBoeing: Qatar announces C-17 Globemaster III order
St. Louis, USA - Deliveries in 2009
Boeing and the government of Qatar signed an agreement on July 21 for the purchase of the C-17 Globemaster III airlifter to provide new strategic-airlift mobility capabilities for the Qatar Armed Forces... more

Military aviationTyphoon protecting Austrian airspace: "Special Farnborough 2008" (8)
Farnborough, United Kingdom - Starting from July 1st
From July 1st, the Eurofighter Typhoon has taken over the protection of Austrian airspace under the leadership of the Austrian military's Joint Armed Forces Command at Graz, and the Air Surveillance Command... more

Military aviationExtending Harrier's reign in Spain: "Special Farnborough 2008" (6)
Farnborough, United Kingdom - A deal worth 11.5 million Euro
EADS Defence & Security has been awarded an 11.5 million Euro contract to modernize four Boeing AV-8B Harrier "Day Attack" aircraft of the Spanish Navy. Executed through the next three years the contract... more

Military aviationGE Aviation for V-22 Osprey: "Special Farnborough 2008" (9)
Farnborough, United Kingdom - A deal worth 190 million dollars
GE Aviation has secured a five-year 190 million dollars contract to supply integrated systems and equipment for 167 Bell Boeing V-22 aircraft, 141 MV-22 Osprey for the Marine Corps and 26 CV-22 Osprey... more

Military aviationBoeing dismisses Northrop Grumman for the Next Generation Bomber: "Special Farnborough 2008" (7)
Farnborough, United Kingdom - Exclusive collaboration with Lockheed Martin
Boeing has teamed with Lockheed Martin to meet the USAF's emerging requirement for a next-generation bomber (NGB). But beyond that the company won't say much about the program or how it intends to pursue... more

Military aviationAVIONEWS at the "Farnborough International Air Show 2008" (23): BAE anti-missile system tests on Super Hornet
Farnborough, United Kingdom - Deployment is set for December 2009
The AN/ALE-55 fiber-optic towed anti-missile decoy has begun operational tests on Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet of the US Navy as part of the IDECM radio frequency countermeasures system. "Its performance... more

Military aviationAVIONEWS at the “Farnborough International Air Show 2008” (12): bigger BWB “X-plane” planned
Farnborough, United Kingdom - On the tracks of the X-48B
Boeing and the US Air Force have begun talks over development of a larger, piloted, blended-wing body (BWB) demonstrator that would follow on from the current subscale X-48B Unmanned BWB now flying at... more

Military aviationAVIONEWs at the "Farnborough International Air Show" (15): the official announcement of Chinese Jian-10 fighter
Farnborough, United Kingdom - The ceremony on July 26th
China`s Chengdu Aerospace Jian-10 (J-10) fighter airplane is finally coming out from under wraps. The public display of the aircraft will take place on July 26th as part of the official ceremony to commemorate... more

Military aviationGeorgia: stop to air space violations by Russian warplanes
Tblisi, Georgia - "This is an act of military aggression"
Georgia's Foreign Ministry said Friday the intrusion of Russian warplanes into Georgian airspace was an act of military aggression: "If Russia’s jets again violate the air of Georgia, they will be gathering t... more