Science and technology
4,608 news found

Science and technologySagat: maiden flight for the new charter carrier Air Italy
Turin, Italy - Next Sunday at 9am a B-757/200 will take off from Caselle's Airport
"Next Sunday, May 29 from the Turin-Caselle International Airport will take off at 9am to Budapest the first commercial flight of the new Italian charter carrier, Air Italy. The connection, in partnership... more

Science and technologyMore safety while landing with low visibility? Sikorsky takes care of it
Washington, USA - A new symbology deployable by coloured displays and able to better indicate the vehicle's trim is under development
Last operations in Afghanistan and Iraq have well put into evidence how enabling rotor-winged aircraft’s crews to fly close to the ground and land with full safety in case of low visibility due to several a... more

Science and technologyDoes Bari new international airport be dedicated to Karol Wojtyla?
Bari, Italy - People from the region present a popular petition: the President Nichi Vendola grant the requests
Could be dedicated to the Big Pope, Karol Wojtyla, the new Bari International Airport opened last April 4th. According to a popular petition presented by a group of people from Puglia region, the new... more

Science and technologyAeradria SpA: the low-cost DBA ready to take off from June
Rimini, Italy - Towards Dusseldorf
"DBA, German low-cost carrier based in Munich Airport, will be the airline to ensure (from Thursday June 23, 2005 to October 6, 2005) the new weekly connection Düsseldorf-Rimini-Düsseldorf. The route h... more

Science and technologySacbo: presentation of the new weekly charter flight to Dubrovnik tomorrow morning
Bergamo, Italy - Served by Trade Air from June 19 to September 11
Sacbo (Bergamo-Orio al Serio’s Airport Management Society) and Elleworld, travel agencies’ network based in the same Bergamo’s city, communicate that the presentation press conference of the new weekl... more

Science and technologyFiumicino crowded of Milan supporters
Rome, Italy - The air-bridge towards Turkey has started from Rome Airport
There are few hours to the final which will see opposite Milan to Liverpool, the teams called to compete for Champions League ear’s cup. The red-black team’s official carrier, Eurofly, has set up 9 spe... more

Science and technologyADR to make ready for ground personnel strike
Rome, Italy - The airport operator will try to reduce discomforts for passengers of Rome airports
In sight of the strike called by SULT union next Saturday, May 28, "All the proper initiatives will be performed" in order to limit discomforts for passengers at Fiumicino’s "Leonardo da Vinci" and Ciampino A... more

Science and technologyRome-Ciampino to close air space for the Italian Republic Day
Rome, Italy - The measure will not affect State and emergency flights
Airports of Rome (ADR) communicated that, in occasion of the celebration of Italian Republic Day next June 2, Rome-Ciampino Airport will be temporary closed starting from today from 12:30pm to 03:30pm... more

Science and technologyA super technological train to start from Beijing Airport
Beijing, China - Design, construction and maintenance services by Bombardier
The arrangements for 2008 Olympic Games which will be held in China are raging. The Canadian Bombardier firm, well-known aircraft builder, newly winner of USD 90m tender, has promised that the train connecting... more

Science and technologyDo you live close to an airport? It will drop your house price
London, United Kingdom - Citizens leaving near Edimburgh Airport are concerned
They showed their concern today to protest against the airport enlargement project for the next 25 years. Airport authorities have revealed yesterday the airport restructuration plan which includes also... more

Science and technologyThe second runway keeps Stansted waiting
London, United Kingdom - Works were slackened because of lack of economic resources
It seems that at least until 2013, the London air station should have to continue operating with a single runway, because the second runway’s works will be accomplished at least a year behind the Blair G... more

Science and technology"Charleroi": Italian retired under arrest
Brussels, Belgium - He was carrying five kilograms of marijuana
He was found, last May 12, in possession of five kilograms of marijuana while he was boarding from the Brussels airport of "Charleroi" for going to Rome, as the Belgian police said. The retired man would... more

Science and technologyNaples-Capodichino: unannounced strike from handling workers
Naples, Italy - The 70 per cent of scheduled flights may suffer for discomforts today
Gesac Handling workers started from 6:00pm yesterday an unannounced strike which provoked many problems at Naples-Capodichino Airport, forced to re-direct airplanes to other airports. Today strikers are... more

Science and technologyGold Award to Hong Kong
Washington, Usa - The World Airport Awards have been given
International airport of Hong Kong routs the competitors and gets the gold award as the world’s Best Airport (and this is the 5th consecutive year), best First Class lounge and best Business Class lounge. T... more

Science and technologyOptical passport to enter the United States
Washington, Usa - The respites are about to expire
The compulsory possession of an optical passport for the citizens to which the United States grant accession with no visa was due to come into force October 1st, 2003, it was instead postponed to June... more

Science and technologyThe "Ben Gurion" at risk of attacks?
Tel Aviv, Israel - The fact that tourists and the airline industry are Islam terrorists target is a cause for alarm
The Israeli Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry (Knesset), has unveiled that Tel Aviv’s "Ben Gurion" International Airport have not yet been corrected the security inefficiencies which it had shown last y... more

Science and technologyUSA: virtual strip through new X-ray systems
Washington, USA - The champions of civil rights and health have already said no
The TSA (Transportation Security Agency), will begin soon to test the new machine named backscatter which is a X-ray device able to reveal what passengers are bringing under their clothes: weapons, explosives,... more

Science and technologyAssociazione Arma Aeronautica: a conference devoted to flight simulators for military deployment
Rome, Italy - To occur on June 6 and 7 at the CNR headquarter in the Italian capital with industrial, military and institutional representatives
The "Associazione Arma Aeronautica" (Italian Air Force Association) has set a conference to occur on next June 6 and 7 and entirely devoted to flight simulators concerning their deployment in the military... more

Science and technologyCocaine smuggling from South America
Sydney, Australia - Corrupt baggage handlers
It took months to the Police to set 12 baggage handlers up in Sydney Airport. The Police seized metamphetamine crystals, cocaine and firearms. Qantas baggage handlers would have been corrupted by the drugs... more

Science and technologyA Kenian "The Terminal"
Nairobi, Kenya - Waiting for the passport
Sanjai Shah lives since 13 months in the Nairobi airport in Kenya waiting for his overseas citizen passport which will let him enter to visit Great Britain. He had already obtained it in March 2004 because... more

Science and technologyThe first iris check at Orlando Airport
Orlando, USA - It is one of the most efficient and reliable biometric systems
The most crowded air station in Florida will test for three months the iris check system studied in order to prevent illegal access by subjects considered as at risk: the Orlando International Airport’s e... more

Science and technologyBoeing GLS: an innovative landing system for a "Next-Generation" 737
Washington, USA - An integrated solution combining satellite information with data provided by officers on the ground
The Boeing 737-800 Next-Generation will be endowed with an innovative instrumental landing system named GLS (Global Positioning Landing system). It deals in particular with a system which combines information... more

Science and technologyA committee against enlargement of Locarno-Magadino Airport
Locarno, Switzerland - It asks for adopting anti-pollution measures in defence of local residents
The committee born to defend needs of local citizens asking for clean and noiseless aircraft: the regulamentation of activity at Locarno-Magadino Airport, must provides for diurnal flight restrictions,... more

Science and technologyVenus: NASA thinks to a biplane-probe to study the planet
Washington, USA - If necessary funds are provided, the remote-controlled aircraft will be able to face its high temperature
NASA intends to deepen its studies on Venus in a significant manner and some scientists would have suggested to perform a great leap forward compared to what done so far by the traditional probes deployed... more

Science and technologyADF: French artist Jean Michel Folon's exhibition
Florence, Italy - "Vespucci" Airport to host sculpture entitled "Le Chemin"
Florence "Amerigo Vespucci" Airport will host a Jean Michel Folon’s sculpture entitled "Le Chemin" on the occasion of his exhibition in the Italian city. It deals with a bronze work concerning a traveller w... more

Science and technologyA-380: light and safe thanks to material technology
Toulouse, France - Kevlar, Vespel and Nomex ensure more structural robustness, lightness and capability of containing flames
One of the most important technical aspects with reference to the Airbus A-380 programme is certainly the one concerning materials deployed for its construction. The new 555-800 seats long haul airliner... more

Science and technology"Valerio Catullo": new connection to Cologne and Bonn and newness for the Summer
Verona, Italy - After that one with Barcelona and South America
"For ’Valerio Catullo’ (Verona’s Airport) continues a 2005 full of newness. After the opening of the daily connection served by Iberia to Barcelona and from there, with all South America, a new connection that... more

Science and technologyFraport does not intend to purchase Zurich Airport
Frankfurt, Germany - "But Kloten will continue to have an important role in European air traffic"
Frankfurt Airport will start collaboration projects only with Zurich air station, but Fraport (German hub’s operator) does not aim to purchase the Swiss airport. Fraport’s executive board Chairman, Wil... more

Science and technologySave to concentrate efforts on Budapest
Venice, Italy - Venice's operator, ready to quote, takes part to privatization's tender for the Hungarian Airport
Save, Venice "Marco Polo" and Treviso ’s operator, intends taking part to Budapest Airport tender. But Enrico Marchi, both Chairman and CEO for Save, revealed the plan to acquire Southern airports of P... more

Science and technologyUnique said yes to temporary working rule on Zurich-Kloten
Zurich, Switzerland - But some doubts stand on ICAO's rules
Zurich Airport’s operator, Unique, approved on the whole the new temporary working rule issued last March by Civil Aviation Federal Department (UFAC) which provides for a larger operation space in determined t... more

Science and technologyCanadian airports to cut back on rents
Ottawa, Canada - The Federal Government's decision aims to reduce management costs and revitalize air sector
Canadian Transport Minister, Jean Lapierre, has decided to cut airport rent costs: his plan provides for 60 per cent reduction which will affect 21 federal air stations. The measure is aimed to relieve... more

Science and technologyAeroporti Sistema del Garda: Verona-Cologne/Bonn connection
Verona, Italy - The presentation press conference will hold next Thursday May 12 at 11
The Aeroporti Sistema del Garda (Verona and Brescia’s Airports) communicate that the presentation press conference of the new flight Verona-Cologne/Bonn, served by the German low-cost carrier, Germanwings, w... more

Science and technologyBoarding controls, found a gun barrel
Palermo, Italy - Denounced the enterpreneur who was on his way to Rome
The charge involves illegal possession and carriage of firearm and illegal possession of common and war ammunitions. The 68 years old entrepreneur from Palermo was blocked by the Police during the boarding... more

Science and technology"Valerio Catullo": the offer towards Moscow increases
Verona, Italy - The first link will take off on Saturday June 4 and for all Summer season until October 8
"The Tour Operator, Danko, offers new direct links from Verona to Moscow, increasing so the already strong offer of ’Aeroporti Sistema del Garda’ to East Europe. It’s a connection of the Russian Tour... more

Science and technologySacbo: visit of the Sandefjord Airport's delegation
Bergamo, Italy - The Norwegian Airport is linked with a daily flight departing from Orio al Serio from Monday to Sunday
"A Sandefjord Airport’s delegation of Torp, Norwegian city situated in the area of Oslo, visited the Bergamo-Orio al Serio Airport. The Norwegian Airport is linked with a daily connection departing from O... more

Science and technologyEuropean Justice Court to decide on German flight restrictions
Berlin, Germany - Do limitations set up by Germany violate Chicago agreement on air traffic?
Unique (Zurich-Kloten Airport) and Swiss Air Lines, sued Germany for flight restrictions imposed to aircraft direct to the Swiss airport and considered noisy: such limitations would violate the 1944 Chicago... more

Science and technologyFiumicino thanked European Union
Rome, Italy - The Commission allocated project for rapid transit link at Rome Airport
EU Commission has just allocated more than EUR 14m to 9 projects regarding transport infrastructures: EUR 1m have been destined to Rome-Fiumicino hub to finance the accomplishment of a rapid transit link... more

Science and technologyTwenty people made ill at Montreal Airport
Montreal, Canada - Because of a mysterious white powder released by a baggage
An unidentified white powder spilled from a baggage, coming from Bangladesh aboard a BA’s plane, staying at customs, made ill twenty persons who were close that area in the Montreal "Elliott-Trudeau" A... more

Science and technologyNaples: handling workers to go on strike next Friday May 6
Naples, Italy - Minimum services and connections to the islands will be operated
CGIL CISL UIL, UGL and SULT union trades have called next Friday May 6, an 8-hours strike affecting ground services workers at Naples-Capodichino International Airport. Gesac Handling SpA, company managing... more

Science and technologyEngland: the first flight from new "Robin Hood" Airport has taken off
London, United Kingdom - The only British airport, except for London air stations, able to host the A-380
The flight 0915 bound for Las Palmas has been the first service operated by the new Brtish airport (the latest to be opened was the one of Stansted in 1966) entitled to "Robin Hood", located in South Yorkshire. The... more

Science and technologyEurnekian financed Aeroparque 2007
Buenos Aires, Argentina - It is the modernization plan for Buenos Aires Airport
The Argentine magnate Eduardo Eurnekian, well-known for his involvment in Volare Group failure (whose he was backer in 2003, see for details AVIONEWS), took part to cerimony for starting of "Jorge Newbery"... more

Science and technologyCaselle Airport modernization works to speed up
Turin, Italy - Sagat management called to report on the progress of restructuration works
The Organization Committee for Winter Olympic Games Turin 2006 called management of Sagat (Turin-Caselle Airport operator) to show to local authorities "The necessary actions to complete airport widening and... more

Science and technologyGB and Canada believe Teheran Airport unsafe
Teheran, Iran - But they did have not made clear which kind of dangers concerns them
Secretary of National Security Council (SNSC), Hassan Rowhani, on Saturday visited Teheran "Imam Khomeini" International Airport, which was officially re-opened Saturday April 30 after inauguration occurred... more

Science and technologyTurks and Germans interested in Skopje Airport
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia - Macedonia's Government intends to grant a concession for airport management
Within the end of 2005, Macedonia’s Government has to assign concession for Skopje International Airport management: the German Hochtief group as well as the Turkish Mng Holding Group have showed interest i... more

Science and technologyAirport "JFK": the best offerer will receive the forgotten objects by passengers
New York, Usa - The last initiative of the airport authorities of the "Big Apple"
Airport authorities of the New York’s "JFK" air station had an original idea about how to free of the different objects leaved by the million of passengers which passed through the airport of New York: t... more

Science and technologyFraport: the operator will spend EUR 150m to guest the A-380
Frankfurt, Germany - Frankfurt Airport will handle twenty A380 take-offs and landings a day from 2010
German airport operator Fraport said it will spend EUR 150m to enable Frankfurt airport to guest the A-380. The air station will handle twenty A-380 take-offs and landings a day from 2010, Fraport Chief... more

Science and technologyBaa's forecast over the next decade
London, United Kingdom - The airport operator cited a 3 percent annual increase
British airport operator, Baa, announced its expectations related to the number of passengers using its three London airports, citing a 3 percent annual increase in passenger traffic over the next decade.... more

Science and technologyTeheran Airport: impending re-opening after one year since a simile attempt
Iran, Teheran - The air station was closed in May 2004 on its first day in operation
The new Teheran’s International Airport "Imam Khomeini" will re-open on Saturday, 30, almost one year after a simile attempt, when it was shut down by Pasdaran on its first day in operation which saw o... more

Science and technologyFog caused problems to Fiumicino Airport (2): 41 services have been cancelled
Rome, Italy - It recorded delays up to 90 minutes
The balance of cancelled arrivals, covered 10 national flights and 10 international; as much domestic departures and 11 international have been cancelled. Flights diverted on other airports were four... more

Science and technologyFog caused problems to Fiumicino Airport
Rome, Italy - It remained under category 2 more than two hours
Arrival and departures were delayed at Rome "Leonardo da Vinci" Airport which was affected by fog conditions from midnight up to 8:00am, forcing airport authorities to re-direct some planes on other hubs,... more