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Press release

3,391 news found

Press releaseAmnesty International and Syria: safe passage for civilians will not avert humanitarian catastrophe in Aleppo city

Rome, Italy - Attacks on homes, hospitals and medical facilities around the city by local government forces have also intensified in recent days

"Unfettered and impartial humanitarian assistance is urgently needed to alleviate the suffering of thousands of civilians in Aleppo city on the verge of running out of food and other essential supplies,... more

Press releaseAlarm by Amnesty International on Turkey: human rights in grave danger following coup attempt and subsequent crackdown

Rome, Italy - Civilians were also killed when they took to the streets following a call for protest from President Tayyip Erdogan, facing down tanks and helicopters

Human rights in Turkey are in peril following a bloody coup attempt on Friday 15 July, which resulted in the deaths of at least 208 people and almost 8,000 arrests, Amnesty International said. Several... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Vueling disruptions on the Rome-Palermo links: Italian ENAC convened today the airline to verifications schedule for the Summer season

Rome, Italy - An urgent control of the origin of the hardships and of the successive corrective actions implemented by the carrier

"Regarding the hardships of the Vueling airline happened between last Friday and Saturday and that have caused cancellations and delays of the flights, in particular between Palermo and Rome-Fiumicino,... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica-Ansaldo: completed, together with Hitachi, final assessment of the contractual conditions

Rome, Italy - The shareholders meeting of Ansaldo STS, scheduled on second call for November 2nd, 2015, will be capable of resolving on the matters on the agenda

With reference to the press release issued on October 27th, 2015, Finmeccanica informs that it has positively completed, together with Hitachi, the final assessment of the contractual conditions and related... more