Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseFresh chemical attack on Aleppo, in Syria. Amnesty International: a war crime
Rome, Italy - It is the third reported use of weapons in just two weeks in northern side of the Country
"The Syrian city of Aleppo has been hit by a suspected chlorine attack, which would amount to a war crime if confirmed, and constitutes an alarming sign that Syrian government forces are intensifying their... more

Press releaseEmirates flight EK521 of yesterday (3): update of the situation
Dubai, UAE - Flight disruptions expected for the next 36 hours
Emirates flight EK521 was involved in an operational incident upon landing at Dubai International Airport at approximately 12:45hrs local time yesterday, on 3rd August 2016. All passengers and crew were... more

Press releaseEmirates informs on occurrence flight EK521 of yesterday in Dubai -VIDEO
Dubai, UAE - B-777/300 was travelling from Trivandrum, India, with 282 passengers and 18 crewmembers
Emirates flight EK521 was involved yesterday in an operational incident upon landing at Dubai International Airport at approximately 12:45 local time; all passengers and crew were evacuated safely due... more

Press releaseAmnesty International and Brazil: daily shootouts and alarming rise in police killings puts Olympic legacy at risk
Rome, Italy - A shocking 103% increase
A shocking 103% increase in police killings in Rio de Janeiro between April and June of 2016 and 2015 has shattered any chance of a positive legacy to the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games, said Amnesty International... more

Press releaseAirplanes. EC finds finds Italy provided incompatible State aid to airlines in Sardinia
Brussels, Belgium - Working at Cagliari and Olbia airports
The European Commission has found that public support granted by Italy's Sardinia region gave selected airlines working at Cagliari and Olbia airports an unfair advantage, in breach of EU state aid rules,... more

Press releaseAmnesty International and Syria: safe passage for civilians will not avert humanitarian catastrophe in Aleppo city
Rome, Italy - Attacks on homes, hospitals and medical facilities around the city by local government forces have also intensified in recent days
"Unfettered and impartial humanitarian assistance is urgently needed to alleviate the suffering of thousands of civilians in Aleppo city on the verge of running out of food and other essential supplies,... more

Press releaseAmnesty International and Turkey: numbers and statistics on brutal backlash after failed coup
Rome, Italy - The NGO has beenon the ground in Istanbul and Ankara to document human rights violations
"Human rights in Turkey are in peril following a bloody failed coup attempt on 15 July. The Turkish authorities’ reaction was swift and brutal, unleashing a crackdown of exceptional proportions that h... more

Press releaseAmnesty International and Turkey: arrest warrants for 42 journalists
Rome, Italy - "A brazen attack on press freedom"
Responding to news that Turkish authorities have issued arrest warrants for 42 journalists, Amnesty International issued the following quote: “This is the latest alarming development in what is increasingly b... more

Press releaseAmnesty International on Turkey: independent monitors must be allowed to access detainees amid torture allegations
Rome, Italy - More than 10,000 people have been detained since the failed coup
Amnesty International has gathered credible evidence that detainees in Turkey are being subjected to beatings and torture, including rape, in official and unofficial detention centres in the country. The... more

Press releaseAmnesty International and Turkey: State of emergency must not roll back human rights
Rome, Italy - Or be used as a pretext to further clamp down on freedom of expression
President Erdogan’s announcement of the imposition of a state of emergency must not pave the way for a roll-back in human rights or be used as a pretext to further clamp down on freedom of expression a... more

Press releaseAmnesty International and Turkey: media purge threatens freedom of expression
Rome, Italy - The Association expressed its fear for such situation
As the sweeping crackdown in Turkey following a failed coup continues, Amnesty International fears that purges are being extended to censor media houses and journalists, including those critical of government... more

Press releaseAlarm by Amnesty International on Turkey: human rights in grave danger following coup attempt and subsequent crackdown
Rome, Italy - Civilians were also killed when they took to the streets following a call for protest from President Tayyip Erdogan, facing down tanks and helicopters
Human rights in Turkey are in peril following a bloody coup attempt on Friday 15 July, which resulted in the deaths of at least 208 people and almost 8,000 arrests, Amnesty International said. Several... more

Press releaseItalian ENAV on the public offer and listing project: CONSOB authorizes publication of prospectus
Rome, Italy - The Securities Note and Summary Note, together with the Registration Document already approved by the regulator
CONSOB, the Italian financial markets regulator, has yesterday approved the Securities Note and Summary Note in connection with the public offer and listing project, for the listing of the ordinary shares... more

Press releaseAirplane. State aid: Commission clears public financing for Italian ground handler Airport Handling
Brussels, Belgium - Finds no economic continuity with SEA Handling
Following an in-depth investigation opened in July 2014 the European Commission has concluded that a €25 million capital injection into the Italian company Airport Handling from its state-owned parent c... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Vueling disruptions on the Rome-Palermo links: Italian ENAC convened today the airline to verifications schedule for the Summer season
Rome, Italy - An urgent control of the origin of the hardships and of the successive corrective actions implemented by the carrier
"Regarding the hardships of the Vueling airline happened between last Friday and Saturday and that have caused cancellations and delays of the flights, in particular between Palermo and Rome-Fiumicino,... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Italian unions (Anpac, Anpav, Usb): Alitalia's crew staff on strike tomorrow
Rome, Italy - From 11am to 3pm
"Alitalia lost a lot of money despite years and years of continuous sacrifices by workers, thousand of jobs finished and huge costs supported by the community, while the competitors make profits. Pilots... more

Press releaseThe Board of Directors of Leonardo-Finmeccanica approves the merger by incorporation of Sirio Panel
Rome, Italy - The merger by incorporation plan was also approved by the BoD of the company
The Board of Directors of Leonardo-Finmeccanica yesterday approved the plan of merger by incorporation of its wholly-owned subsidiary Sirio Panel SpA into Leonardo-Finmeccanica. The proposed operation,... more

Press releaseAirplanes and airlines. Italian unions (Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti, Ugl-TA) on Meridiana: Union, "Maximum responsibility from all against a negative conclusion"
Rome, Italy - For the future of the Country, of the company and mainly of the workers
We receive and publish, leaving the same opportunity to possible replies: "With relation to the press agencies that would indicate in a supposed closure by the unions the causes of the possible negative... more

Press releaseEuropean Commission injects €6.7 billion into transport infrastructure (SESAR)
Brussels, Belgium - To boost jobs and growth
Today the European Commission is firmly delivering on President Juncker's top priority of creating jobs and boosting growth in the European Union, by unveiling a list of 195 transport projects that will... more

Press releaseAirplanes and Air Passenger Rights: EC wants better enforcement of rules ahead of Summer holidays
Brussels, Belgium - The guidelines will apply pending the adoption and entry into force of the new legislation proposed by the Commission in 2013
As millions of European citizens will be travelling during the summer period, today the Commission is taking action for the better enforcement of air passenger rights in the European Union. New guidelines... more

Press releaseAlitalia: its declaration about new uniforms
Rome, Italy - The affirmations of some unions are serious and totally without any foundation
"The affirmations of some unions about the flammability risk of the new Alitalia's uniforms are serious, not supported by any real fact and then totally without any foundation. The uniforms have passed... more

Press releaseAirplanes. International Aviation: new EU-level agreements will benefit European passengers and businesses
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - With ASEAN, Turkey and Gulf Cooperation Council States
The 28 EU Transport Ministers authorised yesterday the European Commission to start negotiations for EU-level aviation agreements with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations -Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia,... more

Press releaseNew Alitalia uniforms (2): Italian Anpav, Anpac, USB LP ready to an immediate strike
Rome, Italy - On a central issue as the safety
"The new uniforms of the Alitalia's staff are used from today, a substantial investment that has seen involved the excellences of the 'Made in Italy'. The marketing choice of a vintage style doesn't convince... more

Press releaseEC announced new migration partnership framework
Strasbourg, France - Reinforced cooperation with third countries to better manage phenomenon
The European Commission has yesterday set out plans for a new results-oriented Partnership Framework tomobilise and focus EU action and resources in our external work on managing migration. The EU will... more

Press releaseNew Alitalia cabin crew uniforms fly today
Rome, Italy - Three week programme delivers 50,000 garments to 3,600 air staff
"Alitalia cabin crew went to work for the first time today with a new uniform that was unveiled just three weeks' ago to global acclaim for its stylish and elegant Italian design. The first cabin crews... more

Press releaseLeonardo-Finmeccanica takes note of its inclusion in the Indian "Black-list"
Rome, Italy - It hopes that an agreed and transparent solution is found as soon as possible, and confirms 2016 fuidance and the objectives
"In relation to various media reports concerning the initiation of a blacklisting process by the Indian Government, Leonardo-Finmeccanica acknowledges the statements made by the Indian Defence Minister,... more

Press releaseAirplanes and safety. Inspections SAFA program made by the Italian ENAC and by other European civil aviation authorities
Rome, Italy - In the last three years
"With reference to some news on the press that, analyzing the recent aircraft disaster by the Egyptair, recall the supposed missed implementation in all Europe of the rule predicted by the SAFA (Safety... more

Press releaseAircraft strike in France (2): Ryanair calls on EU for the announced 4 more protest days
Rome, Italy - The low-cost invites to sign on-line petition ahead of a Summer of uncontrollable disruptions of the service
"Ryanair called on yesterday the European Commission to take action to prevent the skies over Europe being closed yet again by French ATC unions, who have announced 4 further days of unjustified strike... more

Press releaseAmnesty International to EU: halt arms transfers to Egypt to stop fuellingkillings and torture (airplanes, helicopters, weapons and vehicles)
Rome, Italy - Different Countries provide them for the internal repression
"Almost half of European Union (EU) member States have flouted an EU-wide suspension on arms transfers to Egypt, risking complicity in a wave of unlawful killings, enforced disappearances and torture,... more

Press releaseAmnesty International: children among civilians killed and maimed in cluster bomb ‘Minefields’ in Yemen
Rome, Italy - Of US, UK and Brazilian-made munitions; urgent need for international demining assistance
"Children and their families returning home in northern Yemen after a year of conflict are at grave risk of serious injury and death from thousands of unexploded cluster bomb submunitions, Amnesty International... more

Press releaseWHO. Zika virus expected to spread in Europe in late Spring and Summer: overall risk low to moderate
Copenhagen, Denmark - The Organization will convene a regional consultation in Portugal on 22–24 June 2016 to examine the conclusions
The overall risk of a Zika virus outbreak across the WHO (World Health Organization) European Region is low to moderate during late spring and summer, according to a new risk assessment published today... more

Press releaseAirplanes and protests. Ryanair calls on EU to finally take action for closing Europe's skies
Milan, Italy - By the French ATC strike, yet again
"Ryanair, European airline, called on yesterday the European Commission to take action to prevent the skies over Europe being closed yet again by French ATC unions striking tomorrow, the 5th French strike... more

Press releaseAircraft. Italian ENAC: Quaranta entitled General Director for security air transport in 44 Countries participated in ECAC
Rome, Italy - In order to prevent from illicit terrorism acts
"As part of the 177th meeting of the Coordination of ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference), the pan-European organization that includes 44 Countries and is part of ICAO (International Civil Aviation... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Italian UNICA union confirms strike on May 14
Rome, Italy - For four hours at national level
We receive and publish it, giving the same opportunities to possible replies: "The indipendent union participants have confirmed the four hour strike fixed on all Italian territory (isles included) for... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Italian Anpac: EAPP meeting was held in Rome
Rome, Italy - Several arguments of common interest were discussed
On January 25th the third EAPP meeting was held in Rome, hosted by ANPAC (Italy ALPA), with the participation of European professional Pilots' Associations of Etihad Airways Partners (Alitalia, Air Berlin,... more

Press releaseAirplanes and industry. Finmeccanica specifies on ATR...
Rome, Italy - wrongly suggested in some media reports
"In reference to reports published in today’s news, Finmeccanica clarifies that: • ATR is an equal joint-venture between the Airbus Group and Finmeccanica, run independently by its own management whi... more

Press releaseAirplanes and protests. Italian unions: strike fixed for Monday in Fiumicino postponed
Rome, Italy - After the meeting held this morning
The Italian unions-Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, Uiltrasporti and UGL Trasporto aereo- cancelled the strike announced for next January 25 to support the social provision of site for the airport activities in Fiumicino. During... more

Press releaseSAC. Bonura (President)-Mancini (CEO): governance of the Chamber of Commerce and development of Catania's airport
Catania, Italy - Responsibilities and interests of the territories and enterprises prevail
"We regret really to verify as in the communication stategy of the Confcommercio on the matter about the constitution of the Chamber of Commerce of Catania, Ragusa and Siracusa, trout out SAC SpA (Catania... more

Press releaseDrone aircraft. EC: a European border and Coast Guard to protect Europe's external borders
Strasbourg, France - An important set of measures adopted yesterday
The European Commission adopted yesterday an important set of measures to manage the EU's external borders and protect our Schengen area without internal borders. These proposals will help to manage migration... more

Press releaseEC. Implementing the European agenda on migration: progress reports on Greece, Italy and the Westrn Balkans
Strasbourg, France - They have been published yesterday
The Commission has published yesterday three Progress Reports on measures to tackle the refugee and migration crisis in Italy, Greece and along the Western Balkans Route. The Reports assess progress on... more

Press releaseAirplanes. EC updated the EU air safety list -Specials
Brussels, Belgium - The update clears Kazakh carrier Air Astana, but adds Iraqi Airways
The European Commission has yesterday updated the EU Air Safety List, the list of airlines that are subject to an operating ban or operational restrictions within the European Union. The update clears... more

Press releaseAirplanes and transport. EC presents a new aviation strategy for Europe -VIDEO
Brussels, Belgium - Three core priorities of President Jean-Claude Juncker
The European Commission adopted a new Aviation Strategy for Europe, a milestone initiative to boost Europe's economy, strengthen its industrial base and reinforce its global leadership position. These... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. ECC-Net report 2015: still difficult for consumers to receive compensation in case of delayed and cancelled flights
Rome, Italy - The 28 CEC in UE Countries received more than 4000 complaints
The number of people travelling by airplane keeps increasing. That is why air passenger rights are one of the most important consumer rights within the EU. However, since the beginning of 2015, European... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. EP calls for measures to boost EU aviation sector and fight unfair competition
Brussels, Belgium - The resolution was passed by 428 votes to 149, with 53 abstentions.
To boost the EU's air transport economy, the EU needs to ensure a level playing field, while upholding high safety and social standards, says Parliament in a resolution passed on Wednesday and intended... more

Press releaseAircraft. EC: EUR 7.6 billion of European investment to support key transport projects
Brussels, Belgium - Today, as team Juncker enters its second year in office
As team Juncker enters its second year in office, today the European Commission is taking further action to stimulate investment in Europe by launching the second call for proposals of the Connecting Europe... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica-Ansaldo: completed, together with Hitachi, final assessment of the contractual conditions
Rome, Italy - The shareholders meeting of Ansaldo STS, scheduled on second call for November 2nd, 2015, will be capable of resolving on the matters on the agenda
With reference to the press release issued on October 27th, 2015, Finmeccanica informs that it has positively completed, together with Hitachi, the final assessment of the contractual conditions and related... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica on closing disposal of Ansaldo Sts shares
Rome, Italy - Started with Hitachi final verification satisfy Conditions
With respect to the closing of the transfer of about 40% of Ansaldo STS SpA and with reference to its press releases issued on September 18th and October 20th, 2015, Finmeccanica informs that it has... more

Press release"EXPO 2015": EC draws to find ways to bolster food and nutrition security
Brussels, Belgium - Ahead of the closing of the Universal Exhibition in Milan at the end of October
As a result of its Scientific Programme at "EXPO 2015", the EU is making available a set of expert recommendations on the role of science and research in improving food and nutrition security, which has... more

Press releaseEC invests in funding for research and innovation over next two years
Brussels, Belgium - For €16 billion, under "Horizon 2020", the EU's scheme
The European Commission (EC) will invest almost €16 billion in research and innovation in the next two years under "Horizon 2020", the EU's research and innovation funding scheme, following a new Work P... more

Press releaseAirplanes and carriers. Alitalia aims to a profitable 2017 and speeds up its turnaround
Rome, Italy - New destinations to Latin America; strong investments and a dedicated customers services team at Fiumicino airport
Alitalia today unveiled a series of customer service enhancements that will improve the travel experience for air passengers. The national airline of Italy also confirmed that its three years business... more