Fair and shows
3,215 news found

Fair and showsBooths at AERO Friedrichshafen 2010 already booked by leading aviation companies
Friedrichshafen, Germany - Helicopter section grows
"Preparations for 'AERO 2010' are now in full swing. Project manager Thomas Grunewald is convinced that the air show, now an annual event, will end up being yet another success: 'The encouragement and... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the first days of October
Rome, Italy - From Wednesday 30 to next Sunday 4
Wednesday 30 - "Regional Aviation Association 10th Annual Convention". Hyatt Regency Coolum, Queensland, Australia. + 61 (0)2 6162 0305 www.raaa.com.au Thursday 01 - "Regional Aviation Association... more

Fair and showsThe "Malta International Airshow" will take place in the week-end
Luqa, Malta - With the participation of military and civil operators from several countries
The "Malta International Airshow" will be held at Malta International Airport, Luqa, from Saturday 26 to Sunday 27 September. Military and civil operators from several countries are going to take part... more

Fair and showsItalian ENAV and Techno Sky at "Malta Airshow 2009"
Rome, Italy - The event will take place next Saturday and Sunday
"ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance Society) and Techno Sky will participate at 'Malta Airshow 2009', that to take place at the Malta's International airport next September 26 and 27. Techno Sky, ENAV's... more

Fair and showsThe "Aviation Expo/China 2009" opened today
Beijing, China - From 23 to 26 in Beijing
The "Aviation Expo/China 2009", the show realized with strong support by Chinese Government, Military Department, by the Civil Aviation Authority and of the general aviation airlines opened today, sponsoring... more

Fair and showsPiaggio Aero with Sanlorenzo at the "Monaco Yacht Show"
Monaco, Principality of Monaco - At the Port Hercule in Principality of Monaco from September 23-26, 2009
"Piaggio Aero, thanks to its partnership with Sanlorenzo, one of the primary Italian boat designer and manufacturer, will for the first-time exhibit at 'Monaco Yacht Show', September 23-26, at the Port H... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the third week of September
Rome, Italy - From today, on Tuesday 22 to next Sunday 27
Tuesday 22 - "AFAC Conference and Exhibition 2009". Gold Coast, Australia. + 61 (0)3 59 832 400 www.afac2009.org.au - "2009 FAI European Championships for Electric Model Aircraft". Cisnadie, Romania.... more

Fair and showsEmbraer to attend Russia’s premier business aviation event
São José dos Campos, Brazil - Company will display its Legacy 600 executive aircraft at "JetExpo 2009", in Moscow
"Embraer will participate in the fourth Russian International Business Aviation Exhibition, JetExpo 2009 (www.JetExpo.ru), at the Crocus Expo complex, in Moscow, Russia, September 16-18. The Company will... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the second week of September
Rome, Italy - From today, on Monday 14 to next Sunday 20
Monday 14 - "ACED Aviation the Catalyst for Economic Development". Beijing, China. + 44 208 831 7518 www.airportconference.com - "2009 FAI World Championships for Free Flight Model Aircraft". Rhön,... more

Fair and showsSELEX Sistemi Integrati at "DSEi 2009"
London, UK - One of the largest international defence and security exhibitions, that ended today
"SELEX Sistemi Integrati, a Finmeccanica company, displayed its most important Security & Resilience and Battlespace solutions at the Defence Systems & Equipment International Exhibition and Conference... more

Fair and showsThe "60 Giro aereo internazionale di Sicilia" takes off tomorrow
Palermo, Italy - Palermo-Boccadifalco's airport, on September 12 and 13
The "Giro aereo internazionale di Sicilia" is arrived at its 60th edition, a competition at local and international level that takes place every year at Palermo-Boccadifalco's airport. Two days of the... more

Fair and showsEmbraer at "Air & Space conference and technology exposition"
São José dos Campos, Brazil - The light attack and advanced training Super Tucano turboprop will be highlighted
Embraer is a newcomer to the "Air Force Association (AFA) Annual Air & Space Conference and Technology Exposition" taking place September 14-16, in its 24th edition. The conference will be held at the... more

Fair and showsAeroporti di Roma partner of the "Baseball World Cup 2009"
Rome, Italy - Assigned for the first time to an entire continent instead of a single Nation
"The 'Baseball World Cup' edition 2009, assigned for the first time to an entire continent instead of a single Country, is also a 'Green event' with UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 certificate. (The event, in this... more

Fair and shows"Defence Systems and Equipment International" from today in London
London, UK - The biennial fair will be held until Friday September 11
The 2009 edition of the biennial fair "Defence Systems and Equipment International" (DSEI) started today. The expo will last until Friday September 11 and aims to gather military experts and international... more

Fair and shows"Asian Aerospace": signed agreement for three EC-155 "Dauphin" helicopters
Hong Kong, China - With RTP (Royal Thai Police)
"Eurocopter announces the contract signature of 3 EC-155 'Dauphin' helicopters with the Royal Thai Police (RTP) at 'Asian Aerospace' in Hong Kong. These 3 new medium weight twin-engine helicopters will... more

Fair and showsEurocopter at the "Asian Aerospace 2009"
Hong Kong, China - Future growth and new services
"For Eurocopter, the world’s leading helicopter manufacturer, the Asia-Pacific region is a strongly growing market with increasing needs for civil and parapublic helicopters. Today, Eurocopter holds 5... more

Fair and showsEmbraer showcases the Legacy 600 at "Asian Aerospace Expo 2009"
Hong Kong, China - Airplane will move on to a demo tour in mainland China following event
"Embraer participates in 'Asian Aerospace EXPO 2009' (www.asianaerospace.com/en/Home), September 8 - 10, at Hong Kong International Airport. Company officers meet the public in Suite 2, of the airport’s B... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the second week of September
Rome, Italy - From today, on Monday 7 to next Sunday 13
Monday 07 - "Asian Aerospace 2009 Congress and Expo". AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong, China. + 852 2965 1682 www.asianaerospace.com - "7th FAI European Rally Flying Championship". Castellón, Spain. +... more

Fair and showsPiaggio Aero at the "Asian Aerospace 2009"
Hong Kong, China - The P-180 "Avanti II" aircraft showcased at the event
The "Asian Aerospace 2009", that will begin tomorrow, on September 8 until Thursday in Hong Kong, at the 'Asia World Expo', will record for the first time the presence of one of the most significant Italian... more

Fair and showsBoeing at "Asian Aerospace"
Hong Kong, China - In Hong Kong from September 8 to 10
Boeing will present several key-elements at "Asian Aerospace 2009", the international fair that takes place on September 8-10 at "AsiaWorld-Expo" in Hong Kong (see AVIONEWS). Boeing will spotlight its... more

Fair and showsBombardier at "Asian Aerospace 2009"
Hong Kong, China - From September 8 to 10
Bombardier Aerospace will stress the importance of the Asia-Pacific market for its business and commercial aircraft activities at the "Asian Aerospace 2009" in Hong Kong from September 8 to 10 (see AVIONEWS). Four... more

Fair and shows"Asian Aerospace" in Hong Kong
Hong Kong, China - From September 8 to 10
The international commercial aviation show "Asian Aerospace" will be held next week, from Tuesday 8 to Thursday 10, in Hong Kong. The aim of this fair is admittedly to put together all the main players... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the first days in September
Rome, Italy - From today on Monday August 31 to next Sunday 6
Monday 31 - "Outback Air Race 2009 to support Royal Flying Doctor Service". Continues in Australia. + 61 (0)409 385 628 www.outbackairrace.com.au - "9th FAI European Formation Skydiving Championship,... more

Fair and shows"MAKS 2009", contracts signed for US$10 billion
Moscow, Russia - A record for the air show
During the "MAKS 2009" air show, held at Zhukovsky airport, near Moscow, from August 18 to 23, contracts for a total of US$10 billion have been signed, way more than in 2007 (US$3 billion) and 2005 (US$5... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the last week in August
Rome, Italy - From today, on Monday 24 to next Sunday 30
Monday 24 - "16th FAI European Hot Air Balloon Championship". Brissac - Quincé, Anjou, France. + 33 1 47 23 56 20 http://events.fai.org www.ffaerostation.org - "2009 FAI World Championship for Aerobatic... more

Fair and showsAgreement between ESA and Roscosmos signed at "MAKS 2009"
Moscow, Russia - For the activities in support of Certain Space Exploration programmes
ESA (European Space Agency) joins other major space and aviation players at the 9th International Aviation and Space Salon, "MAKS 2009", underway at Zhukovsky airport near Moscow this week, until August... more

Fair and showsRussian display team renounces to "MAKS 2009" following accident
Moscow, Russia - All other squadrons will regularly take part in the air show
The Russian display team "Russian Knights" will not take part in the "MAKS 2009" air show, that will be held from August 18 to 23 at Zhukovsky airfield, following the collision between two Sukhoi Su-27... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the third week in August
Rome, Italy - From Monday 17 to Sunday 23
Monday 17 - "The Flatland Cup, Gliding Championship". Szeged, Hungary. + 36 62 541 670 http://events.fai.org www.flatlandcup.hu/2009 - "34th CISM World Military Parachuting Championship". Lucenec,... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the second week in August
Rome, Italy - From Monday 10 to Sunday 16
Monday 10 - "2009 XC-Open Paragliding World Series". Sopot, Bulgaria. + 359 3134 4251 http://events.fai.org www.xc-open.org - "The Flatland Cup, Gliding Championship". Szeged, Hungary. + 36 62 541... more

Fair and showsPoberezny: "AirVenture 2009 one of the best ever"
Oshkosh, USA - EAA president's statements on conclusion of the large Oshkosh air show
"It was one of the best ever". With these words Tom Poberezny, president of EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association, which organizes the event), commented the 2009 edition of "AirVenture" held in Oshkosh,... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the first week in August
Rome, Italy - From today, on Monday 3 to next Sunday 9
Monday 03 - "2009 FAI World Championship for Radio Controlled Multitask Gliders". Ivancice, Nr Brno, Czech Republic. + 420 606 747 404 http://events.fai.org www.rcbrno.com - "5th FAI Women's World... more

Fair and showsCooperation agreement between "EAA AirVenture" and "AERO Friedrichshafen"
Oshkosh, USA - Visibility exchange during the respective annual events
"EAA AirVenture" and "AERO Friedrichshafen" organizers, two of the largest annual general-aviation exhibition and trade shows in the world, announced at "AirVenture 2009", underway in Oshkosh, USA, until... more

Fair and showsCessna develops Unique Sport/Private Pilot Training Program
Oshkosh, Usa - The industry's Oshkosh exhibit in new, larger location; final assembly for Corvalis to Independence
"Cessna Aircraft Company has developed an innovative flight training system in partnership with King Schools to enhance safety and increase pilot proficiency while making the learning process easier to... more

Fair and showsNASA at "EAA AirVenture 2009" with a concept lunar habitat
Oshkosh, USA - To celebrate past and future missions on our Satellite
NASA takes part in the "EAA AirVenture 2009" air show, underway in Oshkosh, USA, until August 2 (see AVIONEWS), celebrating 40th anniversary since the first landing on the Moon and the will, expressed... more

Fair and showsAlenia Aeronautica at the "Maks 2009" air show
Moscow, Russia - In Moscow from August 18 to 23
Alenia Aeronautica anticipated its intention to participate, from August 18 to 23, to the "Maks 2009" aviation and space show that will be held in Moscow, Zhukovski airport. This participation has an... more

Fair and showsLycoming purses Echelon STC for engine to install on Mooney M-20 aircraft family
Oshkosh, Usa - The industry expands its role in the development of future fuels; new authorized service centers
"Lycoming Engines is pursuing engine certification for its IO-390-A3A6 as well as a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) to install the engine in three legacy models of the Mooney Airplane Company’s M-20 s... more

Fair and showsCessna is ready for SkyCatcher's deliveries
Oshkosh, Usa - The industry announced an order from Singapore Flying College in Australia with Mustang
"Cessna Aircraft Company announced yesterday its Model 162 SkyCatcher Light Sport Aircraft is in compliance with ASTM International standards for Light Sport Aircraft. Deliveries are expected to begin... more

Fair and showsEmbraer participates at Oshkosh
Oshkosh, Usa - A Phenom 100 jet and a Phenom 300 mock-up will be on display at "EAA AirVenture 2009"
"Embraer is present for the fourth consecutive year at the 'Experimental Aircraft Association’s (EAA) AirVenture' in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA. The annual event, in its 57th edition, is one of the world’s mos... more

Fair and showsVirgin Galactic's WhiteKnightTwo on display in Oshkosh
Oshkosh, USA - It will launch into orbit future space tourists
Virgin Galactic's WhiteKnightTwo (WK2) arrived yesterday in Oshkosh, USA, to take part in the "EAA AirVenture 2009" air show, underway until August 2. It will be used to launch into orbit future space... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the last week of July
Rome, Italy - From today, on Tuesday 28 to next Sunday August 2
Tuesday 28 - "5th FAI Women's World Gliding Championship". Szeged, Hungary. + 36 33 331 068 http://events.fai.org www.flatlandcup.hu/2009 - "15th FAI European Gliding Championship". Pociunai, Kaunas,... more

Fair and shows"AirVenture 2009", "Elvis" arrives at Oshkosh
Oshkosh, USA - An Erickson S-64F Aircrane helicopter
An Erickson S-64F Aircrane helicopter, dubbed "Elvis", has been yesterday protagonist of a spectacular demonstration of its firefighting capabilities, dropping the content of its tank for the delight of... more

Fair and showsThe UAV Predator B protagonist at "EAA AirVenture 2009"
Oshkosh, USA - It will remain in Oshkosh until August 5
It is certainly an event the participation of the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Predator B to "EAA AirVenture 2009" air show in Oshkosh, USA, underway from yesterday until August 2 at Wittman Regional... more

Fair and showsAirbus A-380 from today on display at Oshkosh
Oshkosh, USA - It will be possible to visit its interior and observe it in flight
The arrival in Oshkosh, USA, of the Airbus A-380 Superjumbo, the world's largest passenger aircraft, for the "EAA AirVenture 2009" show underway from yesterday until August 2, is scheduled for today. The... more

Fair and shows"EAA AirVenture" Oshkosh 2009 to begin on Monday
Oshkosh, USA - From July 27 to August 2
The fair "EAA AirVenture 2009", promoted yearly by Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), will be held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, from July 27 to August 2. It is one of the two major Air Shows in the USA,... more

Fair and showsAlenia Aeronautica: C-27J flies at "RIAT 2009"
Rome, Italy - Finmeccanica wins 541 million euro contract in Libya
Alenia Aeronautica, a Finmeccanica industry, has communicated in a note that "The C-27J gave a flight demonstration during the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) 2009, held on 18 and 19 July at RAF... more

Fair and showsThe "Frecce" of the Italian PAN in Decimomannu for the 50th anniversary of the air base
Decimomannu, Italy - The facility will be managed jointly by Italian and German Air Forces
Two important events will take place in the Decimomannu's air base, next September 24 and 25: the show that will celebrate 50 years of the constitution of the Air Weapons Training Installation, and new... more

Fair and showsGreat public success for "RIAT 2009"
Fairford, UK - More than 160,000 people attended the traditional military aviation show
The "Royal International Air Tattoo 2009", traditional two-day military aviation show held at RAF Fairford every year, ended yesterday. According to the organizers there have been more than 160.000 people... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the third week of July
Rome, Italy - From today on Monday 20 to next Sunday 26
Monday 20 - "8th World Games - Parachuting". Metropolitan Park, Kaohsiung, Chinese Taipei. + 886 800 024 111 http://events.fai.org www.worldgames2009.tw/wg2009/eng/sport6_air.php - "2009 FAI World... more

Fair and showsSold out tomorrow the "Royal International Air Tattoo 2009"
Fairford, UK - The show will take place on Saturday and Sunday at RAF Fairford
It has still to begin but it's already sold out, at least for tomorrow's opening day, Saturday July 18, the "Royal International Air Tattoo 2009" that will be held at RAF Fairford until Sunday. It is the... more

Fair and shows"Forbes" publisher Rich Karlgaard will Be keynote speaker at "NBAA2009"
Washington, Usa - On October 20-22, in Orlando (Florida)
The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) announced that "Forbes" magazine publisher and business airplane owner and pilot Rich Karlgaard will be a keynote speaker at the opening general session... more