Science and technology
4,608 news found

Science and technologyAlert at Amsterdam airport's railway station
Amsterdam, Netherlands - Fear for possible attempts
The situation at Amsterdam’s Schipol Airport is normalized after that yesterday some people have been seen walking in the tunnels of the railway station which connects the air station with the city. F... more

Science and technologyGrupo Ferrovial does not give up its aims to BAA
London, United Kingdom - The Spanish Group would lobby English shareholders
After last Friday refusal of 15.5 billion pounds by BAA (British Airport Authority) as takeover bid, Grupo Ferrovial could start lobbying major shareholders in the British company regulating several airports... more

Science and technologyUnmanned aircraft for volcanos' exploration realized in Italy
Palermo, Italy - It will be soon put on trial on Etna volcano
An aircraft for Volcanos’ exploration , realized by the Italian Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology (INGV) in cooperation with Catania’s University, has been presented in Palermo during the European mee... more

Science and technologyDisturbed frequencies at Miami airport
Miami, USA - A pirate radio interferes with communications between airline pilots and control tower
Lately pilots of planes landing and taking off from Miami International Airport, instead of hearing the voice of control tower operators in their headphones, they hear hip hop tunes broadcast by a pirate... more

Science and technologyAlso Linate airport hit by a radars’ breakdown
Milan, Italy - Problems for the air traffic in Northern Italy
On last Friday, after the breakdown of the previous day at "Leonardo da Vinci" airport in Rome (see for details AVIONEWS), also at Milan’s Linate airport there were problems at the radar system which c... more

Science and technologyGrave lacks in US airports' security
Washington, USA - An NBC's news revealed it
Yesterday evening the NBC’s news revealed that in a recent test, conducted by Governmental authorities, to control the security of 21 airports in the country, no air station passed the exam. Federal a... more

Science and technologyAir traffic crazed at Fiumicino because of a breakdown to the radars
Rome, Italy - ANSV started an enquiry on the event
Yesterday evening the air traffic of the most important air station of Italian capital, "Leonardo da Vinci" airport at Fiumicino, went in tilt because of a radars’ breakdown. The damaged hit the SAF s... more

Science and technologyGreen light to the enlargement of Berlin-Schoenefeld airport
Berlin, Germany - The works will finish in 2011
German Federal Court yesterday gave green light to the enlargement of Berlin-Schoenefeld airport. Thanks to this decision now the German Capital will be provided of a worthy hub for its re-found importance... more

Science and technology5 kg of cocaine seized at Rome-Fiumicino airport
Rome, Italy - The drug localized by Financial Police's dog
Today at Rome-Fiumicino airport a Peruvian man, coming from Zurich, was arrested because he has 5 kg of pure cocaine. The drug, transformed in a very thin wrap easy to transport, was easily localized by... more

Science and technologySigonella base's radar closed for works
Catania, Italy - The enclosure will have after-effects on Catania and Reggio Calabria airports
Yesterday a meeting of Antisom 41st Wing Command of Italian military aviation, including delegates of ENAC (Italian National Civil Aviation Authority), ENAV (National Flight Assistance Authority) and SAC,... more

Science and technologyAirOne will remain at Fiumicino's Terminal A
Rome, Italy - The Civil Court of Rome decided so
Civil Court of Rome has accepted AirOne’s appeal against the decision of "Aeroporti di Roma" (AdR), the company which manages Italian Capital’s air stations, which wanted to remove the carrier from the... more

Science and technologyFlorence Airport: the Tuscan air station will be opened before expected time
Florence, Italy - The content of the airport management company's press release
"In advance compared with the beginning planning, Florence Airport, AdF SpA, makes known that the expected opening date for the Florence’s air station is Saturday April 8, 2006, except unpredictable e... more

Science and technologySacbo: new route to Leeds-Bradford served by low-cost
Bergamo, Italy - The presentation's press conference will take place next March 21 at 11am
Sacbo, Bergamo’s airport management society, communicated that next Tuesday, March 21 2006 at 11 the press conference will take place for the presentation of new route Orio al Serio/Leeds-Bradford served b... more

Science and technologyAlghero airport will open again on March 24
Alghero, Italy - Works will have six-days delay compared to the predicted time
Because of bad weather, "Riviera del corallo" Alghero-Fertilia’s Airport will postpone its opening to 3pm on March 24, instead of March 18, as it had been announced (see AVIONEWS for details). The works f... more

Science and technologyPlan to upgrade Lisbon's airport
Lisbon, Portugal - Moreover it is scheduled the construction of a new air station
Lisbon airport’s authorities decided to expand the passengers terminal and to improve its runways to increase the number of flights it can host and manage. The works should start in September and will a... more

Science and technologySogas: a weekly link to Krakow from Sunday April 2
Reggio Calabria, Italy - By a flight with more than two hours
From Sunday, April 2 it will possible to reach Krakow directly from Aeroporto dello Stretto (Sogas, Reggio Calabria’s airport management society) with a flight with more two hours. The link served by I... more

Science and technologyBulgarian military airports: they could be presently licensed to private subjects
Sofia, Bulgaria - This what Bulgarian Government thinks to strengthen civil airports network
It has been told that Bulgarian Government is going to license the management of 20 national military airports at least to private subjects. The Bulgarian executive’s target is to attract necessary investments t... more

Science and technologySAB: new direct flight to Budapest by SkyEurope in April
Boulogne, Italy - On B-737/300 from 149 seats with three weekly frequencies
The direct flight Boulogne-Budapest will begin next April 13 (on Thursday). Served by low-cost carrier SkyEurope with B-737/300 from 149 seats, the link will have three weekly frequencies: Tuesday, Thursday... more

Science and technologyBomb alert at "La Guardia" airport in New York
New York, USA - An electronic device's mistake
Last Friday there was a bomb alert at "Fiorello La Guardia" airport in New York. The alarm of an explosive detector turned on after to have analyze the shoes of a man who was immediately stopped at Delta... more

Science and technologyMacquarie Bank could launch a bid for BAA
Sydney, Australia - Alternative bid to Grupo Ferrovial's one
Australia’s Macquarie Bank refused to comment on a report it is considering to launch a bid for BAA, British company which control several airports among which Londoners Heathrow one. Macquarie should b... more

Science and technologyNew optic scanner at "Heathrow" airport
London, UK - Currently it is in service only in airport's terminal 1
Londoners "Heathrow" airport has been chosen by British authorities to test the new Iris Recognition Immigration System (Iris) to identify the immigrants who arrive in Great Britain. Currently the sophisticated... more

Science and technologySlivengrad's airport will be built with European funds?
Sophia, Bulgary - Greek city Trigono's authorities asked its realization
A little airport could be built soon in the small Bulgarian town of Slivengrad, situated near the three Bulgarian, Greek and Turkish borderlines. Greek city Trigono’s authorities asked it. For Greek o... more

Science and technologySepang's new airport will open by March
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - The air station built in a record time
Malay Transport Minister, Chan Kong Choy, announced that by two weeks for new low-cost connections the Sepang’s airport will be opened, far only 20 kilometres by the main airport of Kuala Lumpur. The a... more

Science and technologyA problem to computers for the New York's air traffic management caused hardships to the US air transport
New York, Usa - FAA has immediatly activated the emergency system
Yesterday it has been very difficult to fly in the US’ skies because of a failure to main computer that manages the air traffic from/to New York’s airports. The fault to this pc and despite of the FAA... more

Science and technologyAlghero-Fertilia airport closed until March 18
Alghero, Italy - Cancelled flights because of requalification works
Requalification works on taxiway and runway caused "Riviera del corallo" Alghero-Fertilia Airport’s enclosure, and the flights from yesterday until March 18 have been cancelled. Sardinia Region have o... more

Science and technologySAGA: Pescara's airport will be linked to Timisoara from next April 10
Pescara, Italy - The airport's management society said it in a press release
SAGA, Pescara’s airport management society, announced last Saturday that the private carrier Club Air to link, as of next April 10, the Abruzzo’s airport to Rumanian one of Timisoara. The flight will hav... more

Science and technologyPositive 2005 for Save-Venice Airport
Venice, Italy - EUR 11m net profit (+123%)
2005 budget project of Save Group, which manages Marco Polo Airport in Venice, is positive: 7,126,000 passed travellers (+5.3% compared to 2004), net profit equal to EUR 11m (towards 4,9m of previous accounting... more

Science and technologyHeathrow the worst in Europe for delays
London, UK - It is necessary to update the infrastructures
Europe’s airports are busy with heavy consequences for the flights’ punctuality, about the 20% of the planes have a delay of 15 minutes. Among the several hubs of the old continent the worst is the Lon... more

Science and technologyIstanbul's Airport fourth European air station in the delays' list
Istanbul, Turkey - AEA, European Airlines Association, said it
Istanbul’s Airport, according to the special list conducted by AEA, the European airlines association, is in the fourth place in an unenviable list of the airports that have recorded major delays in t... more

Science and technologySagat: SkyEurope from Turin opens to Krakow
Turin, Italy - The link will be served three times per week
The low-cost airline of the Middle Europe, SkyEurope Airlines, has recently announced the opening of the new link from Turin towards Krakow, in the south of Poland. The route will be served three times... more

Science and technologyGesac: new links to Prague, Budapest and Krakow from next April
Naples, Italy - The new flights will be operated by low-cost carrier, SkyEurope
During a press conference held last Friday afternoon in Naples, the new flights’ schedule of the low-cost carrier SkyEurope from Naples-Capodichino has been presented. At the conference were present a... more

Science and technologyChicago could privatize its airport
Chicago, USA - "Chicago Tribune" writes it
The city of Chicago, according to a report of the citizen newspaper "Chicago Tribune", is seriously thinking whether to privatize or not its second air station the Midway Airport. The privatization could... more

Science and technologyRonchi dei Legionari: new flight to Tiran inaugurated last Friday
Trieste, Italy - The route served by Belle Air
Last Friday the MD-82 by Belle Air, Albanian private carrier, coming from Tirana, landed in Trieste, at Ronchi dei Legionari’s airport. So the air links between Friuli and Albania restarted, interrupted a... more

Science and technologyStrike at the airports of Athens and Thessaloniki
Athens, Greece - Airport authority appeal to court
Today problems are forecast for the two main Greece’s air stations, Athens and Thessaloniki airports, because a strike called by baggage screeners. Airport’s authorities made known that they appeal to... more

Science and technologyAerdorica: new routes to Moscow and Tiran from "Raffaello Sanzio" airport
Ancona, Italy - Two carriers arrive in Marche Region, Kaliningradavia and Belle Air
In the next months Ancona’s airport will be connected with regular flights with the city of Tiran and Moscow. The route to Moscow will be operated by private carrier Kaliningradavia while the route to T... more

Science and technologySt Petersburg closes the flight because of G8
St Petersburg, Russia - No commercial traffic since July 15 to 17
During the works of the G8 since July 15 to 17, St Petersburg’s "Poulkovo" airport will be closed for all the commercial flights, including those ones that are operated by the carriers (that knew on F... more

Science and technologyFlying car: MIT will present it in 5 months at Oshkosh
Boston, USA - The vehicle will be levelled to an experimental one
Some students of MIT’s (Massachuttes Institute of technologics) aviation department are going to present a revolutionary project of flying car. The young scientists group founded a start-up, "Terrafugia", w... more

Science and technologyHeavy snow forces cancellation of 120 flights at Frankfurt airport
Frankfurt, Germany - 20 centimeters (8 inches) since this morning
Today really bad weather conditions in Germany caused the cancellation of 120 flights and dozen more flights were delayed at Frankfurt International Airport, which was already covered with 20 centimeters... more

Science and technologyThe fight for the purchase of BAA continues
Madrid, Spain - Grupo Ferrovial looks for partner
A Spanish newspaper related yesterday that Grupo Ferrovial’s Chairman should be flown to London to finalise the last details to create a consortium which should help him for the bid for BAA, the company t... more

Science and technologyGreat works in Salonica
Salonica, Greece - EUR 1,7bn allocated for an undersea way, a subway and a landing strip at the airport
Salonica, the Nort-East Greek city, capital of Macedonia, next few years is getting an important modernization. Ministry for Environment, Planning and Public Works has announced that it allocated EUR 1.7bn... more

Science and technologyFlughafen Wien AG will control completely Malta International Airport
Vienna, Austria - Satisfaction expressed by the Austrian company
Flughafen Wien AG (company that manages the Austrian capital’s airport) made known that VIE Malta Ltd., one of its subsidiary, have bought yesterday the 10% of the shares in Malta International Airport (... more

Science and technologySAT-Ryanair: first anniversary of the routes from Pisa to Glasgow and Barcelona
Pisa, Italy - More than 200,000 passengers transported in the first year of operations
Ryanair celebrated yesterday the first anniversary of its routes from Pisa to Glasgow (Prestwick) and Barcelona (Girona). Terms and conditions of the offer: Period of booking: from yesterday Travel... more

Science and technologyIn 2008 the first flying car?
Rome, Italy - The project is by a group of Italian Innovation and Technology Ministry scientists
Some students of MIT’s (Italian Innovation and Technology Ministry) aviation department are going to present a revolutionary project of flying car. The young scientists group founded a start-up, "Terrafugia", w... more

Science and technologyChina: record investments for airports
Beijing, China - It is scheduled the construction of 44 new air stations
Chinese Government made known that it will invest during the next 5 years USD 17,4 billion to improve the airport infrastructures. Beijing plans to build 44 new airports and to upgrade the just existing... more

Science and technologyWarrant competitiveness in airport slot trading
London, United Kingdom - That is the exhortation manifested in CAA and OFT's report
Today CAA (Civil Aviation Authority), the regulator of British aviation’s economy, policy and safety, and OFT (Office of Fair Trading), the authority protecting consumer interests, have published a joint r... more

Science and technologyPalermo airport will be closed 90 minutes tomorrow
Palermo, Italy - A training of Airport Emergency Plan will stop the air station
From 11:40 am to 1:10 pm tomorrow, "Falcone-Borsellino" Airport in Palermo (Sicily) will be closed because of a training of Airport Emergency Plan, during which an airplane average will be simulated in... more

Science and technologyGenerating station in the sky?
San Diego, USA - An American company's project
Sky WindPower, an American company that researches alternative energy sources, is projecting the realization of a fly wind power generating station. The station, composed by several connected rotors that... more

Science and technologyBudapest Airport. Orban: if we will win the election we will buy back the company
Budapest, Hungary - Viktor Orban, conservative party's opposition leader, declared so at the weekly newspaper "Heti Valasz"
The conservative party’s opposition to the Hungarian Government of the premier Ferenc Gyurcsany misfortunes to the operation that carried to the sale of Budapest Airport to British BAA (British Airport A... more

Science and technologySAT: new flight from "Galileo Galilei" to Tiran
Pisa, Italy - From next Wednesday, served by Belle Air
"Next March 1st 2006 at ’Galileo Galilei’ (Pisa’s airport) the first flight served by new low-cost carrier Belle Air. With an aircraft MD-82 (164 seats) the airline offers to public two weekly connections Pisa-... more

Science and technologySACBO: Belle Air inaugurates new flight from Orio al Serio to Tiran
Bergamo, Italy - From next Thursday by MD-82 from 164 seats
"The carrier Belle Air inaugurates a new flight from Orio al Serio to Tiran starting from next Thursday, March 2nd 2006. The connection, that will be served by a MD-82 in configuration from 164 seats,... more