1,934 news found

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a happy Easter and a good Easter Monday to everybody
Rome, Italy - The news agency will re-open regularly next Tuesday, after the long week-end
AVIONEWS unveils to its subscribers and readers that it will remain closed on the occasion of Easter Sunday and Monday for the long week-end, this year also coinciding with the Liberation's anniversary. The... more

MiscellaneousItaly: electors who will go to vote by plane will have partly reimbursed their ticket
Rome, Italy - By the Ministry of Interior
Italian electors who will go to vote by plane in their cities of residence will have their tickets partly reimbursed. It was established in a decree-law presented by undersecretary of the ministry of the... more

MiscellaneousThe coins intended for scrapped were "Recycled"in China
Berlin, Germany - A cheating from 6 million Euros
The chief prosecutor in Frankfurt, Doris Moeller-Scheu, confirmed that parts of brass and nickel of the coins ruined of one and two euros, instead of being sent in Germany to be melted and recycled, were... more

MiscellaneousRestarted the search for the Air France flight 447
Massachusetts , USA - The plane, sinked in 2009, is still a mystery
The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) is a private and independent organization dedicated to marine research, engineering and education. Created in 1930 at the request of National Academy of... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS celebrates the 150 years of the Italian unification
Rome, Italy - The Agency will open, after a long week-end, next Monday, on March 21
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers and readers that will be closed tomorrow and on Friday, on the occasion of the celebrations for the 150 years of the Italian unification, for a long week-end. The... more

MiscellaneousRasmussen asks cooperation to Ukraine for the construction of the missile defense system
Kiev , Ukraine - NATO needs the Ukrainian military instructors in Afghanistan
Anders Fogh Rasmussen, General Secretary of NATO, arrived today in Kiev with the premise to intensify the cooperation between NATO and Ukraine in order to cope better the common problems. One of the... more

Miscellaneous6 Saab Gripen planes for Thailand
Surat Thani, Thailand - In 2013 there were more 6
Yesterday Thailand has received the first 6 of 12 Saab Gripen C/D fighters. The planes were delivered to an air base in the southern province of Surat Thani. Among these there are 4 single-seat and 2 twin-seat.... more

MiscellaneousZimbabwe: 500 MLN dollars are ready to relaunch the local airlines transport
Harare, Zimbabwe - Air Zimbabwe try to return to normality
Air Zimbabwe, airline flag carrier of the homonym country, after an economic and social crisis period is trying to renovate itself. It is attempting to come out from a bad condition due to the decay of... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy Epiphany
Rome, Italy - The agency will open again next Monday, on January 10, 2011
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers and readers that next Friday, on January 7, 2011, on the occasion of the Epiphany, will be closed for an extra week-end of the end of Christmas holidays. The... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy New Year
Rome, Italy - The Agency will open regularly next Monday, on January 3, 2011
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers and readers that will be closed during the week-end between old and new year. The diffusion of the news will start again, after a short break, on Monday, January... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Merry Christmas
Rome, Italy - The agency will open again next Monday, December 27, 2010
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers and readers that will be closed for the Christmas week-end. The Agency to open again regularly next Monday December 27. The management and editorial office... more

MiscellaneousFreezing and snow in Rome cause discomforts to AVIONEWS, and not only...
Rome, Italy - Bad weather rages on Rome and surroundings
Rome and surroundings are under the grip of an unusually freezing and snowy weather. While the airports of Fiumicino and Ciampino airports are ready to the snow emergency, severe discomforts are especially... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a "Happy Virgin Birth"
Rome, Italy - The agency will regularly open next Thursday
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers and readers that will be closed for a short break tomorrow, on Wednesday December 8, 2010, on the occasion of the Immaculate Conception. The normal diffusion... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy all Saints’ Day
Rome, Italy - The Agency, after an extra week-end, will open again next Tuesday November 2
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers and readers that will be closed on Monday, November 1, for an extra week-end on the occasion of All Saints' Day. Then it will start again with its news publication... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes mid-August holiday
Rome, Italy - The Agency, after a two week break, will open again on Monday 30
AVIONEWS informs its subscribers and readers that will be closed for two weeks during the period from Monday 16 and Friday 27, on the occasion of the mid-August holiday and Summer season. The normal... more

MiscellaneousFlying Google: buys technology to search for information on flights.
Mountain View (CA), USA - The Mountain View company buys Tia Software for $ 700 mln
About 10% of advertising revenue comes from Google searches related to travel, but the most popular search engine in the world is still deficient - as indeed almost all other competitors, except with Bing... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS celebrates tomorrow Saints Peter and Paul
Rome, Italy - On the occasion of the Rome's patronal feast
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers and readers that tomorrow, on Tuesday June 29, will be closed for a short break, on the occasion of the celebrations for Saints Peter and Paul, Rome's patronal... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS: our first ten years of activity
Rome, Italy - Global happenings of the sector in the last decade. People, technologies, events and history in the report of our news
Ten years are already passed since the first news published at the beginning of aeronautical and space press agency AVIONEWS activity. A large number of arguments were treated (airports, helicopters,... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy Italian Republic Day
Rome, Italy - The Agency, after a short break, will open next Thursday
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers and readers that tomorrow, on Wednesday June 2nd, will be closed for a short break, on the occasion of the 64th anniversary of the Italian Republic. The Agency... more

MiscellaneousReview of the book "The private pilot. Theoretical-practical guide".
Rome, Italy - From May on sale an useful tool to spend immediately for training
It's just arrived in bookshops, published by IBN Istituto Bibliografico Napoleone, a very useful tool, whose demand was needed: "The private pilot. Theoretical-practical guide". The manual was written... more

MiscellaneousFinmeccanica launches book, "E l’Italia prese il volo. Vita di Renato Bonifacio"
Rome, Italy - Yesterday morning in Milan, with the preface by Romano Prodi
Yesterday morning in Milan, the book, “E l’Italia prese il volo. Vita di Renato Bonifacio”, by Guido Moltedo was launched at the Italian Army Officers’ Club at Palazzo Cusani. Published by UTET Libreri... more

MiscellaneousMonitoring moving ashes erupted from Fimmvorduhals volcano
London, UK - It can provoke damages reducing pilots' visibility and clogging engines of airplanes
The Met Office is continuing to monitor the spread of the ash plume caused from eruption of the Fimmvorduhals volcano, in the Icelander Eyjafjallajökull glacier. In the global network of Volcanic Ash... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy Easter and an Easter Monday
Rome, Italy - The Agency will open again next Tuesday, on April 6
AVIONEWS wishes a Happy Easter and Easter Monday to subscribers and readers. The Agency, on the occasion of the short extra week-end, to be closed next April 5, while will open regularly on Tuesday... more

MiscellaneousTechnical problem for AVIONEWS
Rome, Italy - We apologize with you subscribers and readers for them
Technical problem about publishing of the news, not for our guilty, have occurred today and could return to happen in the next hours, due to the adjustment phase of the new system, thanks to which we have... more

Miscellaneous10 years of AVIONEWS, the Agency renews
Rome, Italy - A new site, a video channel and the usual professionalism
2000-2010. It's AVIONEWS' 10th birthday and to celebrate this important milestone the agency decided to renew itself. A new site, more dynamic and modern, a video channel for multimedia contents, more... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy Epiphany to all of you
Rome, Italy - The Agency will reopen regularly the day after tomorrow
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers and readers that tomorrow, on Wednesday January 6, the Agency will be closed for a further, short and last break of beginning in 2010, on the occasion of the Epiphany's... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy New Year
Rome, Italy - The Agency will regularly open again next Monday, on January 4, 2010
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers and readers that the Agency will finish today the publication in 2009 of the news, for an extended holiday of end and beginning year, tomorrow and Friday. The... more

MiscellaneousMerry Christmas by AVIONEWS
Rome, Italy - Services will start again on Monday, December 28
All the staff at AVIONEWS wishes all its subscribers and readers a Merry Christmas, thanking them for the attention and interested shown to our work and services. The agency will open on Monday, December... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS back to service
Rome, Italy - Following suspension due to Immaculate Conception holidays
The news agency AVIONEWS communicates that it has suspended its services on December 7 and 8 due to an Italian holiday for the Immaculate Conception Day. The agency is back in service from today. more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS on-line again
Rome, Italy - After some days of maintenance due to an hackers' attack
The news agency AVIONEWS is back on-line today after being stopped for a few days to carry out extraordinary maintenance operations due to the consequences of an hackers' attack to our servers, like the... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS Agency’s interruption due to maintenance works on web-site
Rome, Italy - The normal activity will restart in a few hours
AVIONEWS apologizes with subscribers and readership for interruption into news’ publication, due to the maintenance works on website, in order to improve the offered service. The normal activity to b... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes for good August holidays
Rome, Italy - The Agency will open again on Monday 17
AVIONEWS communicates to its readers and subscribers will be closed, for August holidays, for the entire next week. The Agency will restart its normal operations on Monday 17, even if in a slightly... more

MiscellaneousAutogrill to provide food & beverage for accredited journalists at the G8 Summit in L’Aquila
Milan, Italy - Around 25,000 meals planned. Initiatives underway to promote Abruzzo
"Autogrill has won a contract to provide food&beverage services for the accredited press in the Media Village at the G8 Summit in L’Aquila, to be held in the “Scuola Sottufficiali della Guardia di Fin... more

MiscellaneousTechnical issues with the English version of the site
Rome, Italy - Due to a server failure
The editorial staff of AVIONEWS warns its readers that due to technical issues concerning the servers of the English version of the agency (www.avionews.com), the news will be only published in Italian.... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy Italian Republic's Day
Rome, Italy - The Agency will open again next Wednesday
AVIONEWS will be closed tomorrow, on June 2, on the occasion of 63rd anniversary of the Italian Republic's birth. It will open again next Wednesday. On the occasion of particular events, the Agency... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS celebrates its 9th birthday
Rome, Italy - Our best appreciation for those who follow and support us
New York Twin towers were the highest skyscrapers in Manhattan, Alitalia flew from Milan-Malpensa carrying passengers (on board) and loss (with the State), Iraq was known just for its National museum of... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes to everyone a nice worker's day
Rome, Italy - The Agency will open again next Monday
AVIONEWS wishes to everyone a nice worker's day. The Agency will reopen next Monday May 4. On the case of particular events AVIONEWS will publish news. more

MiscellaneousA peace wishes by AVIONEWS
Rome, Italy - We will resume the publication on April 14th
In this sad time shaken by the earthquake that hit Abruzzo, AVIONEWS wishes all its subscribers and newsreaders a peaceful and solidarity Easter 2009 and informs the Agency will remain closed on April... more

MiscellaneousNotice to AVIONEWS subscribers and readers
Rome, Italy - Technical problems
Due to some technical problems recovered on Friday February 20th, the publication of the news restarted regularly on Monday. The AVIONEWS Direction apologizes for the discomforts of the last days which... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS: notice to subscribers and readers
Rome, Italy - Techical problems
Due to a coincidence of software failures occurred on Monday afternoon, caused by external problems, the insertion of news has been interrupted. News will be on-line again starting from today, with a little... more

MiscellaneousNotice to AVIONEWS subscribers and readers
Rome, Italy - Technical problems
Due to some technical problems recovered from this morning, the publication of the news will be carried out with a light delay compared with the regular daily information flow. The AVIONEWS Direction... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy Epiphany to everyone
Rome, Italy - The Agency will open again and regularly the day after tomorrow
AVIONEWS wishes a Happy Epiphany to all its subscribers and readers. The Agency will re-open next Wednesday, January 7, 2009. more

MiscellaneousA new year along with AVIONEWS
Rome, Italy - The Agency will resume the activity on January 2nd
"...A happy thought for all the year to come... for keeping all the good we've had and never stopping to dream of a better future" A joyful thought for a wonderful 2008 flies high to all our readers... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes everyone a merry Christmas
Rome, Italy - We will resume on December 29th
"...A happy thought for all the year to come... for keeping all the good we've had and never stopping to dream of a better future" AVIONEWS wishes all its subscribers and readers a merry Christmas 2008... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS celebrates the Immacolata Day
Rome, Italy - The agency will reopen next Tuesday
AVIONEWS informs all its subscribers and readers it will be closed on December 8th and will regularly re-start its activities on next Tuesday, December 9th. Obviously, on the case of extraordinary... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS reopens
Rome, Italy - Tensions between Russia and Georgia threaten international order
Today, we will reopen with a story which risks of causing crisis in the world geopolitical order: the war between Russia and Georgia. Since many years Abkhazia and South Ossetia are causes of troubles... more

MiscellaneousSummer closing for AVIONEWS
Rome, Italy - We will resume the publication on August 18th
AVIONEWS wishes all its subscribers and newsreaders an enjoyable and relaxing Summer and informs the Agency will remain closed on August 11th to 15th, and it will resume the ordinary activity next August... more

MiscellaneousEt voilà...le Tour in Levaldigi (2): the numerous aircraft employed
Cuneo, Italy - Airplanes and helicopters
Numerous the Biz (Business) jets coming from France, Germany and Holland and the aircraft of the organization followed the event among them two Falcon, one series 50 and 900EX Easy of the Dassault Falcon... more

MiscellaneousEt voilà...le Tour in Levaldigi
Cuneo, Italy - Two day-report of super work for Cuneo's airport
Tour de France, for the first time in its history, has had one of two stop days outside the French territory; Cuneo has, in fact, hosted the great kermesse, because the city has been the mountain's departure... more

MiscellaneousNH-90 Italian Army helicopter air-crash: an AVIONEWS reporter at the event
Rome, Italy - The day was begun with happiness, it's ended in tragedy
It had to be a "Special" day, a day to remember, but I'll only remember it as negative. Probably it was one of those days an aerobatics lover dreams. The day was started soon, I leave at 04:00am to get... more