Fair and shows
3,215 news found

Fair and showsFarnborough. Qatar Airways and American Airlines ordered Boeing airplanes
Farnborough, UK - Models 777/200LR and 737/800NG
Boeing and Qatar Airways (QA) yesterday announced an order for two additional Boeing 777/200LRs. The order is valued at $501 million at average list prices. This order was previously accounted for on Boeing's... more

Fair and showsHeavy cuts in military budgets of the Western powers emerged at the "FIA": aircraft first
Farnborough, UK - US budget reductions (- $ 100 billion), United Kingdom (- 20%) and Italy
Substantial cuts to the defense, which considerably affect the budgets of the military orders, are made evident by the risized orders during the first days of "Farnborough 2010" (July 19-25). United... more

Fair and shows"FIA 2010". Boeing airplanes: orders by Royal Jordanian and by Avolon
Farnborough, UK - For three B-787 Dreamliners and 12 B-737s, respectively
Boeing and Royal Jordanian, the national carrier of Jordan, signed an order for three 787/8s at the "Farnborough International Airshow" (July 19-25). The order is valued at approximately $500 million at... more

Fair and showsAW-159 Lynx Wildcat helicopter made its first appearance at "Farnborough International Air Show"
Farnborough, UK - Japan Coast Guard: contract for six more AW-139 helicopters; AW’s 24/7 fleet operations centre fully operational
AgustaWestland (AW), a Finmeccanica company, announced that the AW-159 Lynx Wildcat has been made its first appearance at the "Farnborough International Air Show" (July 19-25). The AW-159, which will be... more

Fair and showsBoeing at Farnborough: Air Austral orders for two B-777/200LRs
Farnborough, UK - And ten B-737/800NG for Okay Airways
Boeing and Air Austral yesterday announced orders for two Boeing Long Range 777/200LR Worldliners. The order is valued at $501 million at average list prices. The airplanes were previously listed on Boeing's... more

Fair and shows"Farnborough Airshow": orders exceed USD 28 bn at the end of third day
Farnborough, UK - At "Le Bourget 2009" collected orders for approximately 7 billions
Aircraft manufacturers collect orders worth over than 28 billion USD at the "Farnborough International Airshow" at the end of the third day of the event. Orders this year are far from the record of... more

Fair and showsAzerbaijan Airlines orders B-767/300 Passenger and Freighter airplanes
Farnborough, UK - The substitution has been updated on industry's website
Boeing and Azerbaijan Airlines have signed an agreement to substitute two Next-Generation 737 airplanes for one 767-300ER (extended range) and two 767 Freighters, a new model type for the Baku, Azerbaijan-based... more

Fair and showsATR airplanes: orders from Golden Air, Lao Airlines and Nordic Aviation Capital
Farnborough, UK - On the occasion of the "Farnborough International Air Show"
On the occasion of the "Farnborough International Air Show" (July 19-25), ATR and Swedish regional airline Golden Air, part of Erik Thun AB group –which has aircraft leasing among its activities-, yesterday u... more

Fair and shows"FIA": agreement for 30 Superjet 100, plus 15 options with Pearl Aircraft Corporation
Farnborough, UK - The announcement was made today
SuperJet International, a joint-venture between Alenia Aeronautica, a Finmeccanica Company, and Sukhoi Holding, signed an agreement with Pearl Aircraft Corporation for the sale of thirty Sukhoi Superjet... more

Fair and shows"FIA": Sikorsky sells 12 S-76DTM + eight options to Saudi Arabia
London, UK - Delivery starting from 2012
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. announced today that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Interior (MOI) has signed a contract to procure 12 S-76DTM helicopters and has taken options to acquire eight additional S... more

Fair and showsNew orders for A-319, A-330 and A-350XWB airplanesby Germania, Garuda, Thai and Alafco
Farnborough, UK - Rich harvest also for the European manufacturer
Germania SAT, the holding company of Berlin based airline Germania, has firmed up its Memorandum of Understanding and signed a contract for five Airbus A-319 airplanes. Germania will thus become a... more

Fair and showsATR: 20 -72/600 airplanes to AZUL + as much options, and 10+10 to Air Lease
London, UK - The agreements signed at "Farnborough"
ATR and the Brazilian carrier Azul Linhas Aéreas yesterday inked a contract for the purchase of 20 ATR-72/600s, plus options for 20 additional aircraft. Azul is the first airline in Latin America... more

Fair and shows"FIA 2010": EDA and SAAB sign a EUR 400,000 contract
Farnborough, UK - On the future of the European military aerospace defence technological and industrial base
At the occasion of the "Farnborough International Air Show 2010" (July 19-25), the European Defence Agency (EDA) and SAAB, representing a large part of the EU’s military aerospace industry, signed a c... more

Fair and showsLM-Finmeccanica-L3 to pursue international airborn ISR opportunities
Farnborough, UK - They have been announced during the "Farnborough Air Show"
Lockheed Martin (LM) announced yesterday that it has entered into an agreement with Italian-based Finmeccanica and L-3 Communication Systems-West to pursue international airborne intelligence, surveillance... more

Fair and showsAt "Farnborough Air Show", Airbus has presented its own vision of the future airplane
Farnborough, UK - Concept plane: a window on the future of aviation
Air passengers will get a glimpse into the future of flight today as aircraft manufacturer Airbus unveils its Concept Plane at the "Farnborough International Airshow" (July 19-25). More than a flight of... more

Fair and showsEtihad Airways finalised GEnx-1B engine agreement for its 35 B-787 airplanes
Farnborough, UK - In addition to "OnPoint Solutions"
Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, has finalised the purchase of 78 GEnx-1B engines to power its 35 Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft order announced during the "Paris Airshow... more

Fair and showsItalian CIRA: Minister Gelmini, in Farnborough, speaks about the Center for aerospace researches
Capua, Italy - The visit has continued at the Campania Region's booth
The Italian University and Researches Minister, Mariastella Gelmini, is in these days in Farnborough, one of the most important international events for aerospace sector. During the press-conference... more

Fair and shows"FIA 2010": "The F-16 airplane the world’s most advanced 4th generation fighter"
Farnborough, UK - More than 4,450 models have been delivered worldwide since the program’s inception more than 30 years ago
"The versions of the F-16 being delivered to customers now are the most advanced 4th Generation multi-role fighter aircraft currently available on the international market and are building on the F-16’s r... more

Fair and showsAvio-Rosoboronexport agreement for research on new aircraft engine turbines
Farnborough, UK - The contract within the cooperation program about defense between Italy and Russia
The Italian company AVIO has signed with Rosoboronexport, a Russian State Corporation active into the sales abroad of airplanes, helicopters, armaments and various material for defense, an agreement for... more

Fair and showsSELEX Galileo helps create Tornado Training Centre at the Italian Air Force’s Ghedi Air Base
Farnborough, UK - The industry has announced it during the "Farnborough Air Show"
SELEX Galileo, a Finmeccanica Company, has delivered one of two simulators to the Aeronautica Militare (Italian Air Force)’s Ghedi Air Base (Brescia) to meet the operative requirements of the tactical T... more

Fair and showsLondon: new milestone for LM C-130J Super Hercules airplane program
London, UK - Completed assembly of its 200th model
Lockheed Martin (LM) recently completed assembly of its 200th C-130J Super Hercules. The aircraft is the second HC-130J for the US Air Force’s Air Combat Command and is a clear demonstration of the success a... more

Fair and showsSukhoi aims 15% medium range aircraft world market share by 2029
London, UK - With SSJ-100 airplane
Yesterday Mikhail Pogossian, Sukhoi Group CEO, at 2010 edition of "Farnborough" (London, 19-25 July) at a press conference applauded one of the protagonists of the showcase, the Superjet 100 aircraft.... more

Fair and showsLondon: Eurocopter-Kawasaki cooperation for BK-117/EC-145 and derivatives helicopters
London, UK - During the "Farnborough Air Show"
At the "Farnborough Air Show" (July 19-25) today, Shigeru Murayama, President of Kawasaki Heavy Industries Aerospace Company (KHI) and Lutz Bertling, President and CEO of Eurocopter, signed a new cooperation... more

Fair and shows"Farnborough": strong Russian civil-military presence at 2010 edition. Airplanes, helicopters and...
London, UK - ...Wide range in the field of defense and space by Rosoboroneport Fsue
The edition 2010 of the "Farnborough Air Show" (July 19-25 in London) sees the participation of about 1350 societies coming from 52 Countries: 59 are Russian among them and include 29 industries that present... more

Fair and showsAirbus signs MoU for A-320, A-330 and A-350XWB
Farnborough, UK - By LAN (50) and by Hong Kong Airlines (15 +10)
LAN Airlines LAN Airlines, one of Latin America's leading passenger and cargo airlines, announced today its intention to order 50 new eco-efficient Airbus A-320 Family aircraft. The Memorandum of Understanding... more

Fair and showsEtihad welcomes first A-330/200 Freighter aircraft
Farnborough, UK - It's the launch customer of the model
Etihad Airways and Airbus have participated in a handover ceremony at "Farnborough International Air Show" (July 19-25) today, celebrating the first A-330/200 freighter aircraft to be produced. It's... more

Fair and showsATR book orders for 42 aircraft in first half 2010
Farnborough, UK - 72 including options
On the occasion of a press conference held today at the "Farnborough Air Show", Filippo Bagnato, ATR Chief Executive Officer, announced orders for 42 new aircraft (72 including options) in the first semester... more

Fair and shows"Farnborough". AVIO: role increases on SaM146, engine of the Sukhoi Superjet airplane
Farnborough, UK - Contract worth over €13 million
Italian aerospace propulsion company, Avio, has signed a contract with Russian company NPO Saturn for the supply of two transmission components (Inlet Gearbox and Radial Drive Shaft) for the SaM146 engine... more

Fair and shows"Farnborough": CAE and ATR sign master agreement
Farnborough, UK - It has been announced today at "FIA 2010"
CAE today announced at the "Farnborough Air Show" (FIA, July 19-25) that it has signed a master agreement with aircraft manufacturer ATR as a framework for providing a range of products and support services... more

Fair and showsAVIO signs at "FIA" agreement with P&WC for the PW150 destined to Q-400/8 airplane
Farnborough, UK - The Italian industry increases its share on the GE90 engine
Italian and world aerospace propulsion company, Avio, has signed an agreement with Pratt & Whitney Canada that foresees the extension of the contract for the supply of the power transmission of the PW150... more

Fair and shows"FIA". F-35 airplane by LM: centerpiece of 21st century global security
Farnborough, UK - The declarations of yesterday during the opening day of the "Farnborough Air Show"
"The 5th generation F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter airplanes will serve as the centerpiece for 21st century global security while strengthening international political and industrial partnerships",... more

Fair and shows"FIA 2010": AVIO and OBORONPROM Corporation start collaboration
Farnborough, UK - MoU signed for foundry and casting for the transmission accessory gearbox equipping the PS-90A engine
Italian aerospace propulsion company, AVIO, and OBORONPROM Corporation, a Russian diversified industrial-investment group in the engineering and high technologies sectors, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding... more

Fair and showsNew AW-169 helicopter from AgustaWestland at "FIA 2010"
Farnborough, UK - A next generation concept, 900-1000 sold are expected by 2030
AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, unveils at "Farnborough 2010" the AW-169, a new generation multi-purpose twin engine light transport utility helicopter designed in response to the growing market... more

Fair and showsFirst orders for Airbus airplanes at the "Farnborough International Air Show"
Farnborough, UK - From three customers: ALC, Aeroflot and GECAS
Air Lease Corporation (ALC) Air Lease Corporation (ALC), the recently formed aircraft financing and leasing company, has chosen to place its first firm order for new aircraft directly from a manufacturer... more

Fair and showsFarnborough: millionaire Sukhoi-Kartika contract for 30 Superjet 100 aircraft
London, UK - Deliveries between 2012 and 2015, worth 951 million dollars
The opening day of "Farnborough air show" 2010 was an opportunity yesterday for the signing of a contract between Sukhoi Civil Aircraft and Indonesian Kartika Airlines regional airline for 30 Superjet... more

Fair and showsEC-135 helicopter delivered to West Midlands Police Air Support Unit
Farnborough, UK - The order for this aircraft had been placed in September 2009
Today, on July 19, a brand new EC-135 P2i helicopter was handed over to Assistant Chief Constable of West Midlands Police, Sharon Rowe, on the EADS/Eurocopter booth No. G12 in Hall 4 at the "Farnborough... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the third week in July
Rome, Italy - From today, on Monday 19 to next Sunday 25
Monday 19 - "47th Farnborough International Airshow". Farnborough, UK (July 19-25). http://www.farnborough.com - "10th FAI European Glider Aerobatic Championship". Jämijävi, Finland.+ 358 440 591 7... more

Fair and showsFarnborough: Cae-Mitsubishi Aircraft agreement for Training Provider Program Mrj airplanes
Farnborough, UK - It will have a ten year duration
CAE announced today at the "Farnborough Air Show" (July 19-25) that it has signed an agreement with Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation (MJET) to develop and deliver a comprehensive training solution for the... more

Fair and showsFinmeccanica at "Farnborough 2010": a lasting commitment to security
Farnborough, UK - The 47th edition from July 19 and 25
From 19 to 25 July 2010, Finmeccanica will take part in the "47th Farnborough Air Show", which, together with that of "Le Bourget", with which it alternates years, is the world’s largest showcase for a... more

Fair and showsEurofighter Typhoon plane: the heir to a century of air power
Hallbergmoos , Germany - A series of documentaries during the week of "Farnborough Air Show"
Eurofighter Typhoon will launch a series of heritage documentaries tracing the technological development of high-tech military aviation in Europe. The films will be available to watch on-line from Monday... more

Fair and showsEurocopter at Farnborough, strong of the historical presence of its helicopters in UK
Farnborough, UK - Where its machines "Constitute the largest fleet in the country"
"The presence of Eurocopter at this year’s 'Farnborough International Airshow' (July 19-25) will emphasize the company’s strong position in the UK marketplace, where its helicopters constitute the lar... more

Fair and showsMorocco to participate at the Farnborough International Airshow for the first time
Rabat, Morocco - The event will take place next week
The Moroccan Investment Development Agency, in close collaboration with the Moroccan industrial Aerospace group (GIMAS Groupement des Industriels Marocains Aéronautique et Spatial), will be present at... more

Fair and showsLockheed Martin at Farnborough: the programs of today and tomorrow
Bethesda, Usa - The briefing schedule
Lockheed Martin (LM) will present a variety of global security program and capability briefings for members of the press at the 2010 Farnborough International Airshow which takes place July 19-25 in the... more

Fair and showsThe Italian aerospace industry from Torino Piemonte at "Farnborough International Air Show 2010"
Turin, Italy - The Region will present "Wave" an UAV for civilian use
Tradition, innovation and competitiveness: these are the main features of the aerospace industry in Piemonte, North-Western Italian region, back at "Farnborough International Airshow" (19-25 July) with... more

Fair and showsATR's airplanes presence at the "Farnborough Air Show"
Toulouse, France - It marks the "Debut" in London for the "72/600" equipped with an its new avionics
For the first time at "Farnborough Air Show" (London 19-25 July), ATR will have an ATR-72/600 on the static display. The aircraft is equipped with its new avionics suite Close to the aircraft, ATR will... more

Fair and showsThe Italian "Frecce Tricolori" over the Sardinian skies
Sassari, Italy - Over one thousand viewers on the Stintino's Saline Beach
Stintino, the picturesque fishermen village, on the Asinara sea-gulf (Sardinia), celebrated yesterday its 125 years with a show “On air”. An Italian Air Force helicopter opened "Dances". It has sim... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the second week in July
Rome, Italy - From today, on Monday 12 to next Sunday 18
Monday 12 - "31st FAI World Gliding Championship". Prievidza, Slovakia. + 421 (0)46 5183 205 www.wgc2010.sk Tuesday 13 - "9th FAI World Hot Air Airship Championship". Dole, France. + 33 (0)3... more

Fair and showsDemat at "Aerospace Meetings Tunisia 2010"
Tunis, Tunisia - The second edition, began last Monday, ends today
On the occasion of the second edition of "Aerospace Meetings Tunisie", from 5th to 7th July, Demat presents again with a stand to show its capabilities of composites manufacturing and aerostructures assembly. Demat... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the first week in July
Rome, Italy - From today, on Monday 5 to next Sunday 11
Monday 05 - "13th ASIANIA Parachuting Championship & Indonesian Merdeka International Open". Solo, near Yogykarta, Java, Indonesia. + 62 816 869375 - "31st FAI World Gliding Championship". Prievidza,... more

Fair and showsAir shows and exhibitions in the first days in July
Rome, Italy - From next Wednesday 30 to Sunday 4
Wednesday 30 - "5th Annual Sunny Nights Fly-in". Pudasjärvi Aviation Club, Pudasjärvi Airfield, Pudasjärvi, Finland. + 358 50 5997743 http://wings.pudasjarvi.fi Thursday 01 - "5th Annual Su... more