5,864 news found

DefenseLaunch of missiles by Pyongyang: Nipponese aircraft finds fragments into the Japan Sea
Tokyo, Japan - Meanwhile the Defence of Tokyo collects information on launches and reinforces the territorial surveillance
It is always more arrogant provocation by Pyongyang regime creating strong international reaction. Latest, the launch of 4 balistic missiles happened yesterday morning (in the night in Italy) from North... more

Defense4 North-Korean missiles (2): Italian Ministry of Foreign Affair (Farnesina) condemns the launch
Rome, Italy - Compounded to the development of a nuclear arsenal
The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns last night’s launch of ballistic missiles by the North Korea. Repeated missile tests, compounded to the development of a nuclear arsenal by the Democratic P... more

Defense4 ballistic missiles towards the Sea of Japan: North Korea continues its tests
Rome, Italy - They were launched this night (Italian time) and 3 fell in Japanese waters
The 4 ballistic missiles that were launched on Monday morning (this night in Italy) by North Korea toward the Sea of Japan furtunately caused no damage. The missiles that according to first analysis would... more

DefenseMilitary planes for Denmark: Boeing denounces a lack of clarity and since months asks to see documents
Rome, Italy - Danish government chose to buy F-35s by Lockheed Martin. Boeing wants to access information about the decision
In June 2016 the government of Denmark embraced the reccomendations of its ministry of defence and approved to buy F-35 fighter planes by Lockheed Martin for its air force, basically preferring them to... more

DefenseLeonardo in three years drastically reduced its allied activities...
Rome, Italy - Direct employees decreased by 11.200 units
In 2013 Leonardo (ex-Finmeccanica) had about 56.200 employees all around the world, of whom more or less 35.400 in Italy; today Finmeccanica-Leonardo has approximately 45.000 employees, of whom about 29.000... more

DefenseLeonardo in three years drastically reduced its allied activities...
Rome, Italy - Direct employees decreased by 11.200 units
In 2013 Leonardo (ex-Finmeccanica) had about 56.200 employees all around the world, of whom more or less 35.400 in Italy; today Finmeccanica-Leonardo has approximately 45.000 employees, of whom about 29.000... more

Defense54 billion dollars: Trump wants to increase the US military Forces' budget by 9%
Washington, USA - The president confirms his will to start again the arms race. Cuts on other budget items
Up 9% for the US Armed Forces in 2018, 54 billion dollars to strenghten the national military equipment. At the meeting with the Governors of the United States that took place yesterday Donald Trump promised... more

DefenseMilitary exercises in the Indian Ocean: Iran tests sea-launched cruise-missile
Tehran, Iran - The Islamic Republic continues its show of strength and again challenges America of Trump. The missile was launched on Sunday
Iran does not stop. After the controversy for the ballistic missile that was launched on January 29 and that further tightened up the already strained relationship with Donald Trump's USA, it has now tested... more

Defense160 new airplanes and helicopters in 2017, Russia continues to renew its Air Force
Moscow, Russia - More than 900 new aircraft are expected by 2020, factories are working at full capacity
"Factories are working at full capacity", the commander in chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces Colonel General Vitkor Bondarev said yesterday, expressing his delight to the press. 55 percent of the... more

DefenseFincantieri's commitment to grow in Australia
Trieste, Italy - A company delegation in Sydney to support the tender for the SEA 5000 programme
The Chairman and CEO of Fincantieri, Giampiero Massolo and Giuseppe Bono, together with the General Manager, Alberto Maestrini, took part in a series of high level institutional meetings in Sydney. The... more

DefenseFrench Army to use AESA radar for the SDT Program
Rome, Italy - Leonardo will supply its PicoSAR radars to Safran Electronics & Defense for installation on the French Army Patroller UAVs
Leonardo has been selected, after an international competition, by Safran Electronics & Defense to provide the PicoSAR AESA (E-Scan) radar for its Patroller UAV aircraft. The radars will be used by the... more

DefenseFincantieri: works start on the first Multipurpose Off-shore Patrol Ship
Trieste, Italy - The steel cutting ceremony of the PPA took place at its shipyard in Muggiano (La Spezia)
The steel cutting ceremony of the Multipurpose Offshore Patrol Ship (PPA) took place today at Fincantieri’s shipyard in Muggiano (La Spezia), officially marking the beginning of construction works on t... more

DefenseHellenic Air Force. 347th Squadron celebrated its 40-year anniversary since its foundation -VIDEO
Athens, Greece - The event occurred last Friday February 3rd in front of many military authorities
On Friday February 3rd, 2017 the 347th Squadron celebrated its 40-year anniversary since its foundation at the 111th Combat Wing (111 CW) at the Nea Agchialou Air Force Base, with the presence of the Chief... more

DefenseFincantieri to upgrade P61, an off-shore patrol vessel of the Armed Forces of Malta
Trieste, Italy - Project co-financed by the European Union Internal Security Fund
Fincantieri, one of the world’s largest shipbuilding groups, was awarded the contract by the Armed Forces of Malta for the upgrading of P61, an Off-shore Patrol Vessel, built by the industry over 10 y... more

DefenseRussia stations anti-aircraft S-400 missiles in Moscow's regions
Moscow, Russia - 4 S-400 Triumph batteries will defend the Capital and the industrial region
A regiment equipped with an anti-aircraft and anti-missile mobile system S-400 Triumph was positioned in the Moscow Region, Russian Ministry of Defense informed. Other batteries of the same kind of weapon... more

DefensePerdix drone aircraft: the swarm that reprograms by itself
China Lake (CA), USA - American Department of Defense tested a system of 103 micro-drones for low-altitude intelligence. The aircrafts were launched from 3 F/A-18 Super Hornets
USA Department of Defense (DOD) successfully tested a swarm of 103 "Perdix" micro-drones launched by 3 F/A-18 Super Hornet planes at China Lake, in California (USA). During the exercise the micro-aircraft... more

DefenseEx-senator Dan Coats announced as future Director of National Intelligence of the United States of America
Washington DC, Usa - President-elect Donald Trump plans to have him in his staff, in the key-role for national security
President-elect Donald Trump would probably appoint republican ex-senator Daniel Ray “Dan” Coats as new Director of National Intelligence (DNI). Coats has lot of expertise in the matter of intelligence as... more

DefenseL3 WESCAM wins defense contracts valued at more than USD 90 million
Burlington, Canada - Systems for the RTN, US Navy, RAAF, AFSOC and US Department of Homeland Security
L3 WESCAM announced today that it has recently won defense contracts valued at more than USD 90 million. The orders will provide a range of MX-Series electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) imaging systems... more

DefenseItalian Navy frigate "Carabiniere" in Jeddah until yesterday
Rome, Italy - In Saudi Arabia the first leg of the naval campaign to Australia and South-East Asia
The Italian Navy FREMM (European Multi-Mission Frigate) "Carabiniere" arrived in the last days in Jeddah, where it remained until 1st January. Jeddah is the first port visit of a four-months deployment,... more

DefenseLithuania strengthens its air defence capability with RBS 70 simulators
Linkoping, Sweden - Saab has received an order. Deliveries will take place during 2018
Defence and security company Saab has received an order for RBS 70 simulators from the Lithuanian Armed Forces. Deliveries will take place during 2018. The Lithuanian Armed Forces have been an RBS 70... more

DefenseDefense. Those Russian missiles on Kuril, "Thorn in the side" of the Moscow-Tokyo relationships
Moscow, Russia - The spirit will be tense in the Putin's visit in Japan
The delicate topic of the Kuril Islands has been proposed again yesterday by Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the Russian presidency. For laying to rest the rumours of a friction in the diplomatic... more

DefenseThe "European Wind 2016" exercise began
Gemona del Friuli, Italy - The drill will be ended next December 2
The exercise's aim is to certify reaching of full operating capacity of the European Battle Group, a military force for quick intervention at disposal of the European Union to be employed in potential... more

DefenseMbda Deutschland successfully tests new laser effector
Berlin, Germany - Marking the next step in the progression from technology to product
From 4th to 14th October, MBDA Deutschland successfully conducted tests of a new high-energy laser effector at a military training facility on Germany’s North Sea coast, marking the next step in the p... more

DefenseSuperpowers: the fight of the future will play into the Space
Rome, Italy - It is a race to the anti-satellite armaments
Viktor Baranets, Russian observer and military expert affirmed it. All current satellite, not interest to which orbit hover, are not protected, subject then to be destroyed by the arms of the future: in... more

DefenseRussia-Turkey talks on supplies anti-aircraft systems
Yerevan, Armenia - The Kremlin's spokesperson unveiled it from Yerevan, where today the CSTO countries gathered
The Kremlin's spokesperson Dmitry Peskov unveiled it from Yerevan, where he participated at the meeting of the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) that takes place in the Armenian capital from... more

DefenseTaurus Systems: first lot of Taurus Kepd 350K missile delivered to South Korea
Schrobenhausen, Germany - The ceremony took place in Schrobenhausen
Today, TAURUS Systems GmbH, a joint-venture of MBDA Deutschland GmbH (67%) and SAAB Dynamics AB (33%), handed over the first lot of TAURUS KEPD 350K stand–off missiles to the Republic of Korea Air Force (... more

DefenseRussia-India agreement for S-400 missile system at the final step
Moscow, Russia - The contract for the supply in Delhi will be signed within this year, but not at the summit in Goa
Alexander Fomin, head of FSMTC, the Russian Federal service for the technical-military cooperation, unveiled today that Moscow predicts to sign a contract with India for the supply of the S-400 missile... more

DefenseRR to supply MTU diesel engines to Fincantieri for the Italian Navy’s multi-purpose patrol vessels
Friedrichshafen, Germany - They will be delivered starting from 2017
Rolls-Royce (RR) is to supply 14 of its highest-power MTU diesel engines for the seven new multi-purpose ocean-going patrol vessels that are being built for the Italian Navy (Marina Militare Italiana)... more

DefenseEasing of tensions. Military drill with airplane lift and para Russia-Egypt
Moscow, Russia - It will be made this month of October and will be monitored by observers coming from more than 30 Nations
Easing of tensions between Moscow and Cairo, after months of conflicts that have found the clou mainly after the accident of the Metrojet scheduled aircraft exploded a year ago on the Sinai's skies? It... more

DefenseFREMM "Alpino" delivered to the Italian Navy
Trieste, Italy - It is the fifth vessel of the Multi Mission European Frigates program
The frigate “Alpino” was delivered today at the Muggiano (La Spezia) shipyard. It is the fifth vessel of the FREMM program -Multi Mission European Frigates- commissioned to Fincantieri within the international Ita... more

DefenseThe People’s Democratic Republic of Korea: Italy expresses its strongest condemnation for the new nuclear test
Rome, Italy - It represents a clear violation of the UN resolutions and a threat to peace and to international and regional security
“Italy expresses its strongest condemnation for the new nuclear test conducted last Friday by the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea which poses a threat to Asia and world peace", Minister of Foreign Aff... more

DefenseItaly is concerned about new missile launch by North Korea that landed in the EEZ waters of Japan: concerns already expressed last June
Rome, Italy - These are acts that threaten international peace and security
The news about a missile fired last night by North Korea that landed in the waters within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Japan increases the concerns expressed by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs... more

DefenseSpear missile fired from Eurofighter Typhoon airplane
Hallbergmoos, Germany - As future capability development continues
A UK Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft has successfully fired a SPEAR air-to-surface precision strike weapon for the first time in a flight trial conducted from BAE Systems’ site in Warton, Lancashire. The M... more

DefenseItalian Foreign Affairs Ministry. North Korea: serious concern about new medium range missile tests made -VIDEO
Rome, Italy - A further threat to international peace and security
The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Farnesina) expresses great concern about the firing of at least two "Musudan" ballistic missiles by North Korea. Repeated test-fires of missiles capable of carrying... more

DefenseItaly and France reinforce industrial cooperation for the Aster program
Paris, France - The ministers (Pinotti and Le Drian) signed a MoU of collaboration that confirms the partnership between the two Countries
The Italian Defence Minister Roberta Pinotti and her French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian, signed yesterday an agreement of cooperation that strengthens the partnership betwen the two Countries. Such... more

DefenseItalian Navy at the "Adrion '16" exercise: the "Libeccio" frigate will depart from Brindisi next Monday morning
Rome, Italy - The aim is to increase the maritime cooperation in the Adriatic-Ionic area
The "Libeccio" frigate of the Italian Navy (MMI) will depart from Brindisi next Monday (June 13) to take part, together with Navies of Albania, Croatia, Greek, Montenegro and Slovenia, at the initiative... more

DefenseNorth Korea. IAEA is worried for the nuclear and missile plan of Pyongyang
Vienna, Austria - The leader has not given any signal of willing to respect UN resolutions in respond to his atomic test
Nuclear and missile tests by North Korea cause worries to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), as the leader of the Asian country Kim Jong-un has not shown any willing to fulfill his obligations... more

DefenseAircraft and defense. No new combat jet expected from the Pentagon, ready a Uav covered by military secrecy
Washington, Usa - Us air force has published its official strategy for the next fifteen years
Us air force published few hours ago its official strategy for the next fifteen years. It is called "Air superiority flight plan" and for the first time in years, the plan does not necessarily include... more

DefenseTelespazio and Airbus DS provide satellite-based surveillance service for the French Navy
Toulouse, France - Awarded a four year contract to a consortium
The French Navy has awarded a four year contract covering the provision of a satellite-based maritime surveillance service to a consortium of Telespazio France and Airbus Defence and Space (DS). Under... more

DefenseAir strikes against Daesh jihadi army from the Mediterranean, jet take off from Us aircraft carrier
Washington, Usa - It's the first time after Iraqi war
The United States launched air strikes against jihadi militias of the Islamic State from the Mediterranean for the first time since the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The American fighters departed yesterday... more

Defense"Anatolian Eagle 2016-1" began today and will end next June 10
Istanbul, Turkey - The exercise started in 2001
One of the most important drills with the involvement of the NATO assets as Italy and Holland and the participation of other Middle Eastern Air Force, Saudia Arabia and Pakistan, began today and it will... more

DefenseDefense. US Air Force has the funds for the production and purchase of combat aircraft until 2021
Moscow, Russia - The news comes from the Pentagon; after that date the inventory will count less and less machines
According to an analysis carried out by the Pentagon, the US Air Force has the funds for the production and purchase of combat aircraft until 2021, unless their current budget does not lift in any way... more

DefenseDrone aircraft. NATO keeps running military training along Russia borders
Moscow, Russia - The Kremlin responds with new defense arms: combat vehicle equipped with mini-drones
NATO is continuing its military training along Russia borders, but the Kremlin responds by deploying new weapons on the territory. United States, Germany and the United Kingdom from the beginning of May... more

DefenseMBDA: Brimstone missile enhancements complete final operational evaluation trials
Rome, Italy - It has a record of approximately 500 firings
The Brimstone air-to-surface missile developed by MBDA has successfully undertaken challenging operational evaluation trials by the Royal Air Force (RAF) that confirm the performance of the missile’s l... more

DefensePyongyang arranges balistic missile on the Eastern coast?
Seoul, South Korea - Theoretically they could reach Alaska and Guam
According to the Seoul authorities, North Korea is moving mobile missile batch of the "Musudan" type (BM25) towards the eastern coast of its territory near the Wonsan city, where satellite interceptions... more

DefenseUN security: new sanctions in Pyongyang for inbound/outbound trading via sea or by airplane
Rome, Italy - Mandatory check to cargos. "Targeted measures" in order not to harm Korean population
UN approved new sanctions towards North Korea, the hardest ever. Taken for a nuclear test (6th January) and a missile launch (7th February) these sanctions force North Korea in having mandatory check... more

DefenseAirplanes-Ships-Helicopters. Australia: the new Defense plan, from 127 billion -Special AVIONEWS
Canberra, Australia - A rearmament strategy supported by an increase in funding
We underline the commitment that the government in Canberra has now taken in terms of defense investment. In the document that the Department of Defense announced today (and which AVIONEWS public in full,... more

DefenseMBDA delivers Asraam missiles for F-35 airplane integration
London, UK - The first one was delivered in January
MBDA has commenced deliveries of a quantity of Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missiles (ASRAAM) for the forthcoming integration of this infra-red air dominance missile onto the UK's F-35B airplane. The... more

DefenseAirplanes and helicopters. Prague will invest EUR 17 bn in the Defence
Prague, Czech Republic - In the development program of its Armed forces
According to the "Tyden" Czech daily reported, after to have approved last December 21 the development program of its Armed Forces, the Prague's Government for the project has allocated in these hours... more

DefenseThe sixth multipurpose frigate “Luigi Rizzo" launched
Trieste, Italy - The Italo-French FREMM program continues
The launching ceremony of the frigate “Luigi Rizzo”, the sixth of a series of 10 FREMM vessels -Multi Mission European Frigates– took place last Saturday at the Riva Trigoso shipyard (Genoa). The 10 FR... more