Science and technology
4,606 news found

Science and technologyFinmeccanica: Fulbright scolarship for a two-year master's course in the USA
Rome, Italy - The deadline for applications is on May 5th, 2008
Building one's future, especially for young people, is probably one of the greatest adventures that life can offer. There are few more exciting things than imagining one's life and then setting out to... more

Science and technologyNext April European presentation of "Solar Impulse" airplane
Brussels, Belgium - Scheduled for 2011 the first world tour by a solar energy powered airplane
The project "Solar Impulse", solar energy powered airplane, will be presented next April 9th by two eminent personalities of the European Union: the vice-president of the Commission Jacques Barrot and... more

Science and technologyTwo weeks left for presenting projects for the Galileo
Rome, Italy - The call expires on 29/02
The call to present projects dedicated to the development of the European satellite system Galileo, promoted by the 7th Frame Programme of the European Union, will remain open until the end of the month... more

Science and technology"Clean Sky", Joint Technology Initiative for the development of next generation airplanes
Brussels, Belgium - Established a 1,6 billion Euro charge
The European Commission has officialized a 1,600,000,000 Euro charge for the realization of a public-private researches plan about more silent and cleaner airplanes to end within 2015. This Joint Technology... more

Science and technologyA-2 Lapcat: the new supersonic jet, successor of the Concorde
Oxford, United Kingdom - A project that might see the light within 25 years
The memory of the Concorde is still alive in the aeronautic industry, so that the designers of Reaction Engines Limited, British company specializes in propulsion systems and space transport technologies,... more

Science and technologyWind mills interphere with radars?
London, United Kingdom - NATO investigation ongoing
Wind mills for electric energy productions, those big white turning screws, create black holes in radar fields? This is the hypothesis on which NATO has opened an investigation, after the British Ministry... more

Science and technologyExperimental flight with GTL-fuelled Airbus succeeded
Toulouse, France - Landed without problems in Toulouse
In the context of the Alternative Fuel Test programme, a successful experimental flight was carried out today with an A-380 Airbus partially fuelled by a liquid synfuel derived from natural gas, named... more

Science and technologyOrigami in outer space
Tokyo, Japan - Astronautr Koichi Wakata will launch a paper airplane from the ISS
Curiosities from Japan. Aeronautical engineers from the university of Tokyo, led by professor Shinji Suzuki, as heirs of the ancient tradition of origami, will build a paper airplane that will try an experiment... more

Science and technologyCockroaches grow faster if given birth in the cosmos
Moscow, Russia - An experiment of the Institute of Biomedical Problems
Cockroaches conceived in the cosmos onboard the Russian Foton-M bio satellite have developed faster than terrestrial ones. The research team has been monitoring the cockroaches since they were born... more

Science and technologyBoeing launches telecommunication satellite Thuraya-3
El Segundo, Usa - The operativeness is forecast for the next Spring
Thuraya-3 telecommunication satellite developed by the Boeing Satellite Systems Company of El Segundo, California, was launched through a Zenit-3SL carrier and from the Sea Launch platform in the Pacific... more

Science and technologyIn one month the first test commercial biofuel flight
London, United Kingdom - By Virgin Atlantic from London to Amsterdam
The experimenting with the use of veg-derived-fuels for air transportation goes on. The British airline Virgin Atlantic announced that next month will be carried out the first test commercial flight with... more

Science and technologyA hope for Campania and Alitalia? Voilà the garbage-fuelled airplane
London, United Kingdom - The experiment of two English eco-adventurers
And what if the garbage would suddenly transform itself into a valuable energy-supply source? Italy, which in these months looks with horror at its Region Campania flooded by uncollected waste, would discover... more

Science and technologyELECTRA, the electric-powered aircraft in flight over the Alps
Aspres Sur Buëch, France - 50 km in 48 minutes
The last extraordinary project of APAME, the French Association promoting electric-powered engine airships, was the flight over the Alps on December 23rd, 2007, with an electric airplane. ELECTRA F-WMDJ... more

Science and technologyThe UAV that flaps its wings
Paris, France - From Leonardo Da Vinci to orthopters
French scientists of the "Pierre and Marie Curie" university of Paris have created an algorithm reproducing the study of birds evolution and have built a flying machine prototype. The research, carried... more

Science and technologyFulbright-Finmeccanica scholarship is launched
Rome, Italy - The initiative coincides with the 60th anniversary of both the "Finanziaria Meccanica" foundation
Finmeccanica is sponsoring a scholarship award together with the prestigious "Fulbright Commission" aimed at graduates in science and technology. The official announcement has been made last Friday at... more

Science and technologyThe futuristic Solar Impulse to take off in a short time
Subendorf, Switzerland - An European project worth 95 million Euro
The Solar Impulse is a European project worth 95 million Euro that was born with the goal to reduce the Co2 emissions of civil flights (today they represent 3% of all greenhouse gases). The futuristic... more

Science and technologyAlready in 2008 the maiden flight of the Solar Impulse
Duebendorf, Switzerland - The world tour is awaited for 2011
The 49-year-old Swiss psychiatrist and aeronaut Bertrand Piccard has launched the challenge: in 2011 he aims at making the tour of the world with the second prototype of the Solar Impulse, aircraft exclusively... more

Science and technologyHeliplat flies for the first time
Turin, Italy - It has had a cost of € 800-1000 per flight hour
The Polytechnic of Turin is supporting an important and international project aimed to design a new type of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) plane, the so called Heliplat, an innovative solar-powered aircraft,... more

Science and technologyPrototypes: Bertrand Piccard presents the "Solar Impulse" aircraft
Dübendorf, Switzerland - The first experimental flight is forecast for 2009
The first prototype of the "Solar Impulse" solar energy-powered aircraft was presented today at the airport of Dübendorf, Switzerland. The initiative of Bertrand Piccard is absolutely compliant with the... more

Science and technologyLISA Airplanes innovations (2) - Hy-Bird
Paris, France - For an aircraft that makes the public more aware of the use and benefits for the environment of clean transportation
The second noteworthy project is called Hy-Bird, an electric aircraft plans to fly around the world with a 100% clean electric airplane powered only by renewable energies: solar energy and hydrogen. Indeed,... more

Science and technologyLISA Airplanes innovations - AKOYA
Paris, France - The new concept of microlight aircraft
The idea to create an ambitious enterprise in the field of leisure aviation, the vocation to become one of the major international manufacturers in the sector, providing top clients with safe, innovative... more

Science and technologyNew video-surveillance system coming from the U.S.
Washington , USA - Advanced technology for airport security currently tested
A new computer system coming from overseas could make many airport guards useless. The artificial vision technology that is at the moment being tested, should be clever enough to recognize, on the basis... more

Science and technologyCalculate the CO2 emissions of your flights through the mobile phone
London, Unted Kingdom - British student invents environmentalist technology
Carbon emissions, as known, are the great original sin of industrialization and fuel-driven transport means, including aircraft. One of the methods developed at the international level to reduce the emissions'... more

Science and technologyPolitecnico of Turin: tomorrow researchers will carry out tests on hydrogen in altitude
Turin, Italy - Used in the development of "Ecological" APU for aeronautics
"The expedition of researchers from Environment Park and Politecnico of Turin will leave tomorrow, Tuesday August 28th from Gressoney la Trinité (Aosta) to the 4556 mt. of Punta Gnifetti, on Monte Rose,... more

Science and technologyThe world's greates flying lab - the M-55 Geophysica aircraft
Rome, Italy - It will analyze the equatorial-tropical belt
A Soviet ex-spy aircraft, transformed for scientific purposes, is become the world's greatest flying lab for the study of the changes in climate. This stratospheric aircraft, called M-55 Geophysica,... more

Science and technologyAVIONEWS at Paris Air Show "Le Bourget" (4): RFID technology to the NAMSA
Paris, France - For the 26 nations of the NATO alliance and non-NATO nations of the Partnership for Peace initiative
The NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA) has established an “In Service Support” contract with Savi Technology, a Lockheed Martin company, for its Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)-based pro... more

Science and technologyAn airplane for personal use for silent flight that exploits green energy
Rome , Italy - A technology used by Nasa too
California's Personal Flight System (Pfs), one of the many Start-Up of Silicon Valley defined as "Commercial solution supplier", received the certification of the patent for a silent airplane for personal... more

Science and technologyPolytechnic of Turin: "ENFICA-FC" project and the hydrogen-power aircraft
Turin, Italy - A preventive cost equal to EUR 4,5 million
The 3 year "ENFICA-FC" project was launched on the 1st of October 2006, and led by Politecnico di Torino and comprising 11 partners has been selected for co-funding by the European Commission in the Aeronautics... more

Science and technologyHeliplat: a new project supported by Polytechnic of Turin
Turin, Italy - An UAV powered by solar panels and fuel cells
The Polytechnic of Turin is supporting an important and international project aimed to design a new type of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) plane, the so called Heliplat. This innovative aircraft has... more

Science and technologyWhen the information technology links to aerospace solutions
Washington, USA - An interesting innovation
VictorSystems, an American company specialized in the aerospace and military sector, has produced a new Mac mini using the technologies applied to aeronautic sector. The computer, in fact, is equipped... more

Science and technologyThe da Vinci code for flight will be soon on-line
Florence, Italy - All the codes of the famous scientist that was one of the first to think about the human flight
They will be readable on the web thanks to multimedia project, named E-Leo, sponsored by the European Community and it will allow through the web-page ( to vision also the famous... more

Science and technologyEsa's satellite Giove-A transmits first navigation message
Paris, France - The data received will allow Esa to calculate the exact positionf of the satellite
For the first time from the beginning of its mission the satellite Giove-A launched by Esa, the European space agency, sent navigation data that were necessary in order to analyze its position, since today... more

Science and technologyFinmeccanica re-opens selection process for its “FHINK” Masters Programme
Rome, Italy - The deadline for the filing of the application is next June 15th
After the success of the first master’s programme in International Business Engineering (FHINK), Finmeccanica has now started the enrolment process for 2007-2008. The objective of the programme is to f... more

Science and technologyThree-dimensional Sun
Washington, USA - Images published by NASA
Visiting the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Website, anyone can take a look at fantastic 3D Sun images, transmitted by the two probes involved in the “STEREO” (Solar Terrestrial Rel... more

Science and technologyAtlas Air reduces communication costs and drives employee efficiency using MobileAware
New York, USA - By providing flight crews with mobile access to constantly changing travel information
MobileAware, the world’s leading provider of Mobile Service Infrastructure (MSI), today announced that Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, Inc., a global provider of air cargo charter services, has reduced i... more

Science and technologyA new Icarus flies over Spain
Madrid , Spain - The legendary deeds of Yves Rossy
Yves Rossy, Swiss pilot and inventor, has flown over the Spanish sky using a pair of artificial wings. The new Icarus, in fact, who has designed and implemented a flight reaction system equipped with... more

Science and technologyThe on board usage of mobile phones does not take off
Washington , USA - FCC disagreement
According to "USA Today", FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is assessing again the possibility to allow the usage of mobile phones on board of aircraft. The proposal to let passenger use their... more

Science and technologyDeutsche Bank funds Piccard's solar plane
Berne, Switzerland - Always nearer the collection of the necessary 112 million Francs
Bertrand Piccard, inventor of "Solar Impulse", solar energy-powered airplane, seems to get nearer to the collection of the 112 million Francs necessary to implement the innovative aircraft (see AVIONEWS). The... more

Science and technologyBoeing to Help Caribbean Airlines Streamline Its Maintenance Operations
Seattle , USA - A new Web-based maintenance solution
"Caribbean Airlines has adopted Boeing's Web-based maintenance solution, 'Maintenance Performance Toolbox', to help improve the maintenance of its fleet of seven Next Generation 737/800s. Caribbean... more

Science and technologyThe European Space Agency (ESA) has introduced a new satellite receiver system for cars on the occasion of "Space Expo"
Amsterdam, Holland - After a three-year study, the prototype is ready
The European Space Agency (ESA) has introduced on the occasion of "Space Expo", Holland, the prototype of a satellite receiver system expected to be used as a next generation car radio. This system... more

Science and technologyThe Moon will colour in red
Rome, Italy - A chance of a lifetime. The next to be only in 2026
How many times we paused to see the Moon during the clear nights. How many times we turned our eyes to It, but also a thought... tomorrow night we have more than a reason to make it. A total eclipse... more

Science and technologyAn Italian Defense's research about a device sensitive to hazardous substances
Rome, Italy - Researchers of the Italian Defense perform an important experiment
Lucio Accardo, Chief of the Italian 5th Technological Research division of the Segretariato Generale della Difesa/Direzione nazionale Armamenti (Sgd/Dna), has given an interview to "RaiUtile" to introduce... more

Science and technologyThe laser-war is approaching
California, USA - Solid State Heat Capacity Laser (SSHL) ready within few months
Bob Yamamoto, Lawrence National Laboratory's Program Manager, California, has announced that Solid State Heat Capacity Laser (SSHCL) will be completely effective within few months. This device is expected... more

Science and technologyAn European joint-project on the creation of an aircraft with a lower environmental impact
Manchester, United Kingdom - It will last three years and cost about EUR 34 million
European Union is working to an experimental project. The object is the realization of a new lighter and smaller aircraft. This one might to transport from 10 to 50 passengers and it will have a lower... more

Science and technologyEurope: realized a model of transmission for a possible pandemic
Brussels, Belgium - The epidemic simulation on a worldwide never realized at global level
"Modelling the Worldwide Spread of Pandemic Influenza: Baseline Case and Containment Intervention" is the name of a study, financed in part by European Union, in part by American National Science Foundation... more

Science and technologyThe first prototype of the battery-power plane
Tokyo, Japan - An aircraft with a wingspan of 31 m and a weight of 44 kg
It is the first ultralight aircraft powered by conventional batteries. It was powered by 160 AA batteries, which are commonly used in portable CD players and cameras. Thanks to members of the Tokyo... more

Science and technologyNew opportunities for the crew suffering from anxious-depression disturbance
Washington, USA - Sertraline: an anti-depression drug that does not alter the psychomotor performance
According to ECA (Epidemiological Catchment Area) of United States, depression and anxiety are so spread that one citizen in five will suffer in own existence. Moreover, (Goodwin and Jamison, 1990), these... more

Science and technologyPD-10 and PD-20: revolution in the world of the lens with display
New York, USA - They might be employed also by the Civil Aviation's pilots
An Israeli company, dubbed Lumus-Optical, is looking to change all that by offering up a relatively normal looking set of spectacles with twin microdisplays and mini projectors. The firm's latest prototype... more

Science and technologyThe iPod on airplane
Washington, USA - An agreement between Apple and six airlines
Apple announced a cooperation with Air France, Continental, Delta, Emirates, KLM and United Airlines to provide the first perfect integration between iPod and in-flight entertainment systems. These... more

Science and technologyWill Connexion by Boeing survive?
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - SES Global is in talks with Panasonic
Satellite operator SES Global is in talks with Panasonic and with an airline to evaluate the eventual extension of the Connexion by Boeing service, which Boeing decided to close next December 31 because... more