AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency
101,127 news found

SecurityAirport and security. Approved bill to implement security checks at US airports
Washington, USA - The aim: improving the experience of travellers in airports across the Country and increase the efficiency of checkpoint
Bigger-logs at check-point and waiting time that has reached more than 90 minutes, this is what in the last period airport security reserve to American passengers, often forced to miss the flight because... more

AirportsCatania Airport (SAC): the new official APP presented; growth of air traffic in the first three months
Catania, Italy - New routes for the Summer season and departurre area in delivering at half of May
The new official APP of the airport, CTAairport, has been released from today in the digital stores of Android and Apple operating systems. So the airport continues its approaching path to the passengers... more

Science and technologyFAI: Solar Impulse 2 airplane took off to continue world circumnavigation and breaking records (2)
Lausanne, Switzerland - After months of repair the Si2 took off on 21 April 2016 at 6:15am Hawaiian time, 6.15pm Swiss time
Swiss pioneers and ambassadors for clean technology, Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg, left the Kakaeloa Airport in Hawaii at 6:15am Hawaiian time to continue their spectacular journey of the first... more

SecuritySecurity. Sub-separation between a drone and an airplane descending into Paris-“De Gaulle” airport
Paris, France - Federal Aviation Administration reports a total of 500 accidents in the last year caused by these machines
An accident was escaped at Paris-"Charles de Gaulle" Airport on Wednesday, the cause was a sub-separation between a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and an aircraft of an Irish company from Dublin which was... more

UAS-DronesFAA urges non-hobby Unmanned Aircraft Systems registration via new system
Washington, Usa - It became available to these owners March 30
What’s not to like about an automated government system that’s faster, simpler and more user-friendly than the paper-based system it supplements? In a Federal Register notice, the Federal Aviation Adm... more

DiscussionsTravelling by airplane: that's what happen when someone dies during the route
Rome, Italy - Some procedures adopted by airlines
Travelling is one of the the life's pleasures but what could happen if someone dies while we are on board? And we aren't talking about disasters, accidents or catastrophes but simply at all the natural... more

Fair and showsBalloons in Italy. Competition in Monza during the next week-end with the "Festival del volo"
Monza, Italy - An event rich of initiatives
During the extra week-end of April 25 in Villa Mirabello the Parco della Reggia in Monza will be animated from balloons engaged in the late morning of tomorrow (April 23) in a contest with the adhesion... more

ConferencesAircraft. FAA: UAS Symposium broadens dialogue on integration
Washington, Usa - Administrator <b>Huerta</b> will report on next steps during AUVSI’s XPONENTIAL in May
The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) held a UAS Symposium in conjunction with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University this week to broaden the dialogue with industry and the public on how to safely integrate... more

IndustryAirplanes. Finmeccanica demonstrates new Mode 5 Reverse-IFF system capability on Italian Typhoons
Rome, Italy - The technology development, integration and demonstration took place at Italy’s Official Test Center
Finmeccanica, with the Italian Defense General Staff, has demonstrated the successful integration of a Mode 5 Reverse-IFF (Identification Friend-Foe) system, providing air-toground IFF capabilities for... more

AirportsAirports and security. Kamikaze worked at Brussels-Zaventem Airport for 5 years
Brussels, Belgium - A Belgian 24 yo, author of March terrorist attacks, was also employed as a janitor at European Parliament
One of 22nd March bombers at Brussels-Zaventem Airport worked in the hub for 5 years, as Belgium’s “VTM” television reported today: Najim Laachraoui was recruited by a temp agency from 2007 until the e... more

IndustryAirplanes. Boeing selects supplier for 777X Full-Flight Simulator Suites
Seattle, Usa - The model has 320 orders and commitments from six customers worldwide
Boeing announced it has selected TRU Simulation+Training, a Textron company (TRU) as its supplier for the first 777X full-flight simulator suites for Boeing’s pro-forma campuses. Pro-forma training is o... more

SecurityAirplanes and security. Cologne-Bonn airport’s secret emergency plan was on internet for months
Cologne, Germany - The plan was removed after a German broadcaster reported the news
A confidential emergency plan for Cologne-Bonn airport has been on-line for months since November 2015, until the German broadcaster "ZDF" revealed the news this Wednesday. The inquiry highlighted many... more

SecurityAirplanes and security. A delegation from the US department of trasportation visits Egypt to investigate on procedures at Cairo International Airport
Cairo, Egypt - The inspection is part of the inquiry about Russian Airbus crash in Sinai on October 2015
A delegation from the US Department of Trasportation (DoT) visits Egypt to investigate on security procedures for passengers and luggage at Cairo International Airport. The team will inspect measures taken... more

Military aviationDefense. Russian aircraft for data recon on weapons test are examples of advanced military technology
Moscow, Russia - USA could be left behind in the field of electronic warfare
Russian Armed Forces seem to be declining according to a wrong widespread opinion, but few other Great Powers can rely on such big results in advanced military technology development. II-20 aircraft... more

DiscussionsForeign policy, aircraft and defence: the rearmameent in Gulf States, Iran and American supplies
Riyad, Saudi Arabia - More precarious the selling of 36 F-15 Boeing to Qatar and 24 F/A-18E/F Super Hornets to Kuwait
More special forces and naval cooperation with Gulf States to counter to Iran's "Destablishing activities" in the region. American Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has met his counterparts in Riyad in... more

Science and technologyAircraft and transport. Finmeccanica and the Politecnico of Milan join forces on technology and innovation
Milan, Italy - Special attention will also be paid to developing joint initiatives within major European programmes including Horizon 2020 to Clean Sky 2
Research, development, innovation and training are the focus of the “Innovation Hub” project framework agreement that Finmeccanica and the Politecnico of Milan have signed that defines a number of sha... more

PeopleAirplanes and roles. Aeroporti di Roma: President and managing director appointment
Rome, Italy - Monica Mondardini and Ugo de Carolis, respectively. Palenzona ended his mandate after nine years
Atlantia SpA informs that Monica Mondardini, a society board member, has been appointed President of Airports in Rome by the airport’s board meeting in force. The non-executive position was without prejudice u... more

ReportBaby girl dies in aircraft: the tragedy on board of a Cathay Pacific Airways' airplane
London, UK - Emergency landing in Pakistan, useless aids
She was travelling with mam and daddy in an aircraft when she begins to feel suddenly bad. It has occurred on a Cathay Pacific Airways airplane where a 4-month baby girl has died. The flight has taken... more

IndustryGaruda Indonesia (2). RR received order for engines to airplanes
London, UK - Model Trent 7000 and a TotalCare service support
Rolls-Royce has won an order worth $1.2 billion for Trent 7000 engines and TotalCare service support from Garuda Indonesia. The engines will power 14 A-330neo aircraft. The agreement was signed during... more

AirportsAtlantia aims for Nice Airport
Rome, Italy - The tender procedure to privatise the hub will end in July, the company joins with EDF Invest
Atlantia, the holding company of Autostrade per l'Italia and Aeroporti di Roma, will take part to the tender procedure to privatise Nice and Lyon Airports. The procedure began on 26th of March after the... more

IndustryEmbraer delivered its 1,000th business jet airplane
São José dos Campos, Brazil - It is a Legacy 500 to Flexjet
Embraer Executive Jets achieved a new milestone yesterday when Cleveland-based Flexjet took delivery of Embraer’s 1,000th business jet. This significant landmark occurs a little more than a decade after t... more

AirlinesWomen and airplanes: Turkish Airlines' turn for womankind
Istanbul, Turkey - More women pilots in airlines all over the world
More "Pink" airplanes, also in Turkey. Recently a Turkish Airlines' (TA) official said that Saudi women pilots are welcome in the carrier if they should not find a job in United Kingdom. Women should be... more

HelicoptersHelicopters. USAF and LM sign to replace aging UH-1N with Black Hawks
Washington , USA - House Armed Services Committee assumes that althought the opposition of Congress the substitution is urgent and necessary
The US Air Force wants to replace its aging UH-1N helicopters on sole-source contract with Sikorsky division of Lockheed Martin. UH-1N is a descendent of another aircraft known as “Huey”, very popular dur... more

IndustryGaruda Indonesia to receive 14 A-330neo airplanes
Toulouse, France - New aircraft will support company’s business expansion
Garuda Indonesia has confirmed an order with Airbus for the purchase of 14 A-330/900neo airplanes, the new re-engined version of the A-330 widebody airliner, to support the company’s growth and business e... more

Science and technologyAirplanes and components. Alcoa signs with Airbus contract for supply of 3D-Printed titanium fuselage and engine pylon parts
New York, USA - Employment of metal additive manufacturing (AM) is a big deal for productivity and materials assembly
Alcoa signs with Airbus contract for supply of 3D-Printed titanium Fuselage and Engine Pylon Parts for its commercial airplanes. The details about the agreeement have not been disclosured yet, but the... more

Civil aviationUS aircraft and passengers: proposal of refund for luggage problems at the exam
New York, USA - Airlines obliged to deposit 3 billions of dollars
Passengers refund in case of luggage in delay or if it has been lost: it's the law proposal - it's still under consideration- that should permit to FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), the American Transport... more

Fair and showsItalian "Frecce Tricolori" airplanes: the acrobatic season 2016
Rome, Italy - 29 appointments, between overflies and air shows, that will see the PAN engaged in Italy and abroad
The official calendar of the air shows 2016 by the PAN (Italian Acrobatic Group) has been presented in Rome in the last days during a three day particular promotional events organized by the Italian Air... more

DiscussionsInsiders suited to the job agree upon Passenger Name Record: flight assistants and aircraft pilots encourage the record, but there are always doubts about it
Rome, Italy - After 4 years of controversies, PNR has been approved and it still suggests important questions about the relationship between privacy policy and security. The duty of defining insuperable borders in collecting
PNR (Passenger Name Record) has been approved by European Parliamanet after 4 years of debates and controversies. Before getting into a deep analysis of the legitimacy of this new security tool, which... more

CargoCargo aircraft, Amazon should be interested to Frankfurt-Hahn's management
Frankfurt, Germany - No statement from the American giant
Amazon should be interested to join Frankfurt-Hahn's cargo hub managment, that is an area dedicated to the goods' sorting. Even if there isn't any statement from one of the bigger electronic trading companies,... more

Civil aviationAirplanes. Aci Europe: statement on Aviation Security at the Belgian airport
Brussels, Belgium - Prior to or since the terrorist attacks of 22 March
"ACI EUROPE deplores the media escalation in recent weeks concerning supposed security deficiencies at Brussels Airport prior to or since the terrorist attacks of 22 March. With a growing culture of misinformation... more

AirportsAircraft and transport. Kumamoto airport, Japan, reopens: after the earthquake the first flight landed this morning
Kumamoto, Japan - At 7:40am, today 19th of April, the first regional flight arrived from Tokyo. This determined a partial reactivation of the hub’s activities
Kumamoto airport is located in Mashiki, a little town in the south-western of Kyushu region, it reopened its services to the citizens on Saturday after the M 7.3 earthquake striked the area and forced... more

AirportsAirplanes. Dublin Airport as a regional hub inside and outside the country
Dublin, Ireland - Offical figures speak out, Irish and international passengers using it as a "Connection hub" to fly across Europe, USA and UK are increasing
The Air Passenger Duty (APD) is a UK tax which every passenger departing from a UK airport must pay. It comes in at £13 on short-haul economy class seats and £26 in other classes. This amount is crucial f... more

ConferencesAircraft and events. IATA: "Driving African economies through the power of aviation"
Abuja, Nigeria - In national economic planning, public-private partnerships and funding. The sector main focus of "Day Africa Conference agenda"
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced the theme for the "2016 Aviation Day Africa" (Abuja, Nigeria, May 23 - May 24, 2016): "Driving African Economies through the Power of Aviation". The... more

IndustryFinmeccanica denies information about its CEO and GM may take ministerial responsibilities
Rome, Italy - Reported by some media
Finmeccanica strongly denies the validity of some media reports about the possibility that the CEO and General Manager Mauro Moretti may take ministerial responsibilities within the Italian Government. "Following... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Italian UNICA union confirms strike on May 14
Rome, Italy - For four hours at national level
We receive and publish it, giving the same opportunities to possible replies: "The indipendent union participants have confirmed the four hour strike fixed on all Italian territory (isles included) for... more

SecurityAirplanes and safety. Kansai airport employs hawks and beagles to fight the bird-strike phenomena
Osaka, Japan - This new ecological choice is gonna have a great impact on the little terns flying around the hub
A bird-strike is strictly defined as a collision between a bird and an aircraft which is in flight or on a take off or landing runway. Even if the phenomena is underrated, one of the worst threaten to... more

HelicoptersThe H-215 helicopter begins its demo tour in Latin America
Buenos Aires, Argentina - The flights will begin tomorrow In Argentina and will then continue in Chile and Peru
The H-215 heavy helicopter, a member of the Super Puma family, will be demonstrating its multi-mission capabilities and performance for aerial work in high & hot conditions during a demo tour of Latin... more

ReportLondon, a drone crashed against British Airways airplane: only fear, no injured
London, UK - At Heathrow airport the accident
That was close to an air disaster last Sunday, at London-Heathrow airport, a British Airways airplane has collided against a drone in landing phase. The aircraft has taken off from Geneva airport. Only... more

AirportsAirplanes grounded. Mexico: Popocatepetl volcano erupts, Puebla airport closed -VIDEO
Puebla, Mexico - Population has been evacuated, area in yellow alert
A three meter's ash column has forced to evacuate Puebla area, at 80 km from Mexico City. At 2:30am local hour of last Sunday, Popocatepetl volcano has begun its activity, obligating the authorites closing... more

AirlinesAirplanes and carriers. Alitalia and airberlin extend commercial relationship
Rome, Italy - Businesses and holidaymakers to benefit from new Italy-Germany "Air- bridge"
Alitalia and airberlin today announced that they will strengthen their commercial relationship to build a new ‘air-bridge’ between Italy and Germany and bring benefits for businesses and holidaymakers. The... more

Finance and economyZurich sells its partecipation to Bangalore's airport
Zurich, Switzerland - The transition in the third quarter
With a 48,9 billion of dollars' operation Zurich airport has sold its participation of 5% in “Bangalore International Airport”, BIAL. The Swiss airport has said that this transition should be finish in... more

Fair and showsAirplanes and helicopters. Finmeccanica at "DSA" exhibition: opportunities in Malaysia and South East Asia
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - The opening in Malaysia of the fifteenth edition
Today sees the opening in Malaysia of the fifteenth edition of Defence Services Asia (DSA) 2016, one of the most important security and defence technologies exhibitions, held every two years in the capital.... more

Military aviationRussian Air Force: new 30 Yak-130 aircraft supply
Moscow, Russia - Airplanes will be addressed to aerospace division by 2018
It should be 30 the airplanes incoming for Russian Air Force: it has been signed a supply contract for new advanced trainers “Yakovlev Yak-130”. The Ministry of Defence enters with "Irkut Corporation" tha... more

PeopleAlitalia flew Pope Francis to Lesbos -VIDEO
Rome, Italy - The Holy Father, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and the Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Athens and All Greece met a group of refugees on the Greek island
Pope Francis took off from Rome on Saturday morning at 7am, for his Apostolic Journey to Lesbos (Greece), on Alitalia flight AZ4000. On the island, the Holy Father together with Bartholomew I, the Ecumenical... more

AirlinesAirplanes. Alitalia confirms high punctuality in March, despite Brussels and French strike
Rome, Italy - Reached 88.3%
Alitalia’s aircraft take-off records in March saw 88.3 per cent of its 16,800 operated flights depart on time, confirming the high punctuality standards recorded in previous months. This figure is particularly e... more

DiscussionsAirplanes and anniversary. American Airlines celebrates 90 years
Fort Worth, Usa - The aviator Charles A. Lindbergh stowed a bag of mail in his DH-4 biplane and took off from Chicago, headed to St. Louis
Today, American Airlines celebrates (AA) 90 years of leading the world of commercial aviation, connecting families, businesses and cultures around the globe. Its long, proud history began on the morning... more

Civil aviationAirplanes. DOT fined Air France, Lufthansa and British Airways for inadequate responses to disability complaints
Washington, Usa - USD 200,000 each for the first two airlines, and 150,000 for BA
The US Department of Transportation (DOT) yesterday fined Air France, Lufthansa, and British Airways for not adequately responding to complaints filed by passengers with disabilities. Air France and Lufthansa... more

Civil aviationFAA proposes civil penalty against Airbus Defence and Space for alleged HazMat violations
Washington, Usa - For USD 162,500
The US Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) proposes a $162,500 civil penalty against Airbus Defence and Space (DS) of Madrid, Spain, for allegedly violating the Hazardous M... more

ReportTerrorism and airports. Brussels: Galant, Belgian Transport Minister, gives up accusations and resigns
Brussels, Belgium - She denied to have received a report by EC that informed to reinforce the airport security
Jacqueline Galant, the Belgian transport minister, gave up this morning under the attacks by those who in the aftermath of the tragic attacks of last March 22, 2016 in Brussels, accused her to have neglected... more

Fair and showsVitrociset takes part in "Defense Services Asia (DSA) 2016" in Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - The event will take place from 18 to 21 April
From 18 to 21 April 2016, Vitrociset will be taking part in "Defence Services ASIA (DSA) 2016". The event will be held at PWTC in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The "Defence Services Asia Exhibition and Conference"... more